Need info : refined sugar and IBD

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Mar 22, 2010
need info : refined sugar and IBD

anyone have any articles on refined sugar and IBD? I am getting really tired of people saying the reason why people have IBD is because of the amount of sugar they eat and that is the cause. I have tried to explain that they don't know what causes IBD but they dont listen. When I try to explain that infants are born with IBD they say it is the mothers ..and their diet that causes it. Im tired of it because I USE to be a really healthy eater and I am getting tired of the individual being blamed for the problem. It is the same as saying "you need to eat more fibre"...

okay..rant over..

if you have any articles or suggestions on how to get people to understand please chime in..
I think the better question would be; why do so many people see significant improvement when they switch over to a diet like the Specific Carb, where grains and sugars are eliminated?

Perhaps sugars and grains don't cause IBDs, but they sure seem to exacerbate an already fragile digestive system...

Also, the fact that IBDs occur at exponentially higher rates in wealthy countries like ours (that can afford luxuries like the consumption of buckets of sugar every day) again makes one question if there might indeed be a dietetic component.

I didn't find a study exactly, but the University of Maryland's med center seems to think one of the risk factors for Crohn's anyway, is indeed eating a diet high in sugar.
hmm see and i have worked with a lot of homeless individuals and I have heard that b/c pancakes and syrup and other crappy food is cheap...that is what they eat. I know people who couldn't afford to eat so they have bought and lived on chocolate bars or the like...because it is cheap. They are a far cry from wealthy - they dont have IBD.
I dont know... it is like saying all of cases of cancer is due to smoking which isn't the case.
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I think that refined foods with sugar are bad because they feed the "bad" bacteria and yeast in your gut. I don't think that they cause IBD, but certainly make it worse (at least for me).
hmm see and i have worked with a lot of homeless individuals and I have heard that b/c pancakes and syrup and other crappy food is cheap...that is what they eat. I know people who couldn't afford to eat so they have bought and lived on chocolate bars or the like...because it is cheap. They are a far cry from wealthy - they dont have IBD.
I dont know... it is like saying all of cases of cancer is due to smoking which isn't the case.

Well of course.
Just as in cancer, you have to have the genetic pre-disposition.
But, if you have the genetic pre-disposition, it stands to reason that you probably improve your odds immensely by not inhaling known carcinogens, right? And if you don't know if you're genetically predisposed, you might be better off not inhaling carcinogens just as a matter of course...

BTW, here's a large collection of studies on the evils of sugar in general, but it also has specific references for immune system, autoimmune diseases, as well as IBDs.

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