Hi somnath, there is nothing to be afraid about abscess. Let me tell you my story but I may have been a lucky one. I was perfectly healthy until I was 16 when I noticed I had regular constipation. Then one day, I bled when having a BM. I went to the doctor and was told that I have haemorrhoids. Then after a week, I has a sharp pain when sitting so I went back to the doctor. They concluded this was an abscess and asked me to get admitted but since I had exams that week, I decided not to.
After 2 weeks, I went back to the doctor and got admitted since it was my summer break. I was admitted for 3 days where I had constant fever but whenever the doctor tried to collect the pus from my lump, there would be no pus. They decided to not operate and the lump eventually became a fistula - They still didn't want to operate. I was simply given some solution to mix with water and have those sltz bath. I have white discharge for a few months from the fistula and eventually it healed. I still have the scar tissues though.
I hope you do well!