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Apr 6, 2016
hi i have been getting a small lump near my anal region a slight diagonal to my anal, the lump drains out itself n reoccur again filled with pus... although not painful at all but does itch sometimes and gets swollen up n within 24hrs it drains out itself (pus). i have never sighted any blood from the lump nor in my stools but it keeps coming back... can anyone help me what m i dealing with here?
It sounds like either an abscess or possibly the start of a fistula. You should see a doctor and have it looked at.
thank you lisa, but m scared as i have seen many stories of abscess turned to fistula.... its actually that m just starting my career on management field however the lump is quite small doesnt pain, its just that i hope it doent interfere in my studies or my career. although thanks for the information tomorrow i will have an appointment with a doctor, hope its not that major.
Hi somnath, there is nothing to be afraid about abscess. Let me tell you my story but I may have been a lucky one. I was perfectly healthy until I was 16 when I noticed I had regular constipation. Then one day, I bled when having a BM. I went to the doctor and was told that I have haemorrhoids. Then after a week, I has a sharp pain when sitting so I went back to the doctor. They concluded this was an abscess and asked me to get admitted but since I had exams that week, I decided not to.

After 2 weeks, I went back to the doctor and got admitted since it was my summer break. I was admitted for 3 days where I had constant fever but whenever the doctor tried to collect the pus from my lump, there would be no pus. They decided to not operate and the lump eventually became a fistula - They still didn't want to operate. I was simply given some solution to mix with water and have those sltz bath. I have white discharge for a few months from the fistula and eventually it healed. I still have the scar tissues though.

I hope you do well!
Ohh kancer that was a real booster to the confidence, i would also like to reveal that this swelling of pus generally comes back after 20-25 days without any problem occuring to me... I was curious to know about it when i found all the stories of fistulas surrounding m... I will b honest m dead scared also that these messages and suggestion both by you n lisa has helped me a lot. M looking forward for a checkup tomorrow lets see whats left for me.. And yes after its drained out the skin forms normal only a scar is left back the opening( tiny hole) heals immediately but like i said after nearly a month it comes back
What i feared the most... Doctor confirmed i have a fistula in ano... He said the only proceedure to heal it is surgery n adviced me to go for surgery. Sooner it is the better it gets... But the problem is he gave me two method one which is the general surgery and 2nd can opt for VAAFT ( video assistance anal fistula treatment ) this is a new technique thn the traditional one.. However after doing a bit of research in it all i found was this new technique has a better result than tradition option of general surgery. The success rates are high...
I am confused... They have told me to take sitz bath for now n several tests before going under the knife.

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