- Joined
- Apr 1, 2014
- Messages
- 75
hello all , I have spent two years reading this site looking over material and doing my own research and testing on my self.. I wanted to point out what I did and found and what has worked for me....please take the time to read my post I thank everyone who has added there info here as in some way it has helped me feel better..
First of my basic back ground..I am a network engineer.. I started to have stomach issues about 2 years ago.. then the pain problems and a good awful fistula. But I have to back up and exclude the fistula for now.
Over my whole life, Ive had sinus issues, some random nose bleeds , small side pain, some what I that migraines or sinus headaches..noticed one eye red at times... back pain nothing all over the counter meds didnt help. And the got awful hemorrhoids multiple surgeries for them. Constipation then loose stools back and forth from i know of 5 years old was the start.. Im 41 now. over the years Ive had many endoscopy and colon checks.... Then two years ago the bang,,, stomach a mess pain acid.. etc runs , etc CBC panel and metabolic panels minor stuff out of wack. I was forward to another gastro.. He was cocky and I had good insurance-- he ran every test under the sun billed the **** out of insurance......celiac , ibd panel , Ibd expanded panel , HLD diease ass etc etc.. It was found that my AMCA and ALCA levels were high and I had antibodies for these.. I was told meds from camera check ulcer colitis with crohns .. I said no thanks... I ll figure this out and was laughed at... at the same time I was constipated alot hemorrhoids were a mess. I also realized everyone who had problems died a slow death in my family adding on problem after problem when they got older and the meds didnt help...As i found many had stuff on my moms side
I began reading this site looking at everyones factors and reading medical studies reviews peer studies etc (out of counrty studies gerany isreal , UK usa, poland etc)and researching antibodies tests gluten , elisa act , enterolab, genetic testing , candida, gluten proteins, candida proteins , great plans lab , organic acid testing , there comp stool test and so on. I read about SCD diet , GAPS etc diabetes , crohns etc.
I began to research my family tree on both sides of my family.. Lucky someone else had done this already for both sides.. I dug in and found the problem starting back to late 1890 my great grand father with type 2 diabetes.. He had 6 kids some had diabetes some minor stomach issues. one died at 35 of type 2. there others had many kids and the problems seem to move down the line.. several had type 2 or stomach.. My grand mother colitis bad arthritis heart , my mom heart , arthritis many other things i wont get into.. several kids down the line also had crohns... Then all of the sudden I have a failure and syptoms like others did many between 35 and 45... me 38.
I reseached , I picked apart every test my gastro did. I looked at my HLA Dq asso. I then genetic tested my self... I carry 4 genes for gluten and 2 for type 2 diabetes.. made me look deeper. I dug into my IBD EXPANDED PANEL--GASTRO TEST... I researched each antibody and what they were.. I found if you broke out each , One was candida or mannon , one was bakers brewers yeast, one sugars and one shell fish... other things are in each but im talking basic right now. I then made a spread sheet and broke out every food and put it into each antibody it took months... At the same time I noticed that sugar was alca mine was up....and AMCA was candida in many advanced research papers and testing.. and that gi s dont look at yeast... just bacteria.
I began to modifiy my diet eating SCD... then my stomach went a mess POO POO runs etc kept eating this way.. I decided lets do something no one has done document your life in testing and eating... I went back to my GP and said the GI was a cocky ass... and your now my main guy..Im going to do an experiment and mess my self up or heal my self.. If it goes bad ill take the meds , but I want you to run tests for me and sign off on stuff...he did it...
So it began, I said theres a reason I have this and im going to find it and kill it.. he sat blank faced.. I said lets start by running these--- found on this side.. folic acid , iron iron store. b12 , zinc regular panels etc CRP , sed rate vit D etc and the IBD EXPANDED PANEL...I decided this was key to keep re running( the IBD EXPANDED PANEL) no doc does this--they do it one time only****.. things were low D=21 zinc a little low iron a mess... i began some supplements -fish oil , folic acid b12 iron , vit d I noticed my IBD panel went down but was still high... AMCA and ALCA.. I then signed up for enterolab testing , ELSIA act BIO iga igm igg tcell imune complex and great plans lab.. OAT oragnic acid testing and comp stool.
Things came back..... ELSIA act starches potatos, milk, butter, collard greens buck wheat, apples and others,,,, in my blood i also did IGE and caprst testing at the allergy office they laughed at me and saidd your good nothing... I removed these from my diet and laughed at the standard allergy office which seems to be a waste for crohns people....
Then enterolab came back.... rice corn ,potatoes, milk etc, soy gluten ..I said dam what can I eat.. I removed these... I ate SCD / paleo / low sugar-- I added in glutamine and zinc carnisone or what ever cant remember spelling and coconut oil- krill and flax
I did the great plans lab my good bacteria was low, clostridium was a little high and yeast was HIGH in gut as well markers in byproducts in urine...OAT test organic acid test.
I noticed that all the foods that came back BLOOD and gut reactive...matched my excel sheet I made on the antibodies for IBD EXPANDED PANEL... the 5 antibodies.. I drank beer a no no for crohns I removed it.... but the bakers brewers yeast antibody was low...but yeast candida feeds from it....
So I matched my diet to the IBD expanded panel and took probiotcs 50 billion renew life... free of all stuff. in them
I began to retest every 4 to 6 months the IBD expanded panel --the numbers slowly got better but the AMCA was still high so I dug deeper on AMCA ---and found candida -- I said lets remove all fruit from my diet --was chicken , fish , meats , low starch veggies all 3 meals a day..my system flushed and flushed....poo poo poo ... turned green ,, then yellow, had side pain etc ... I doubled up on probiotics 100 billion ,I then read more on canidida yeast and brewrs bakers and found anyone with crohns will have one of the two high.... I found docs dont believe in this or attack it... so I did
I read up on all foods that kill lower yeast and supplements... caplyric acid , olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract etc began to rotate them... i i was a mess....the worst migraines ever... one eye started to get blood shot( crohns thing) my hand got a rash... i took pics ....tons of mucus in my stool... then I got my IBD results again they dropped in half... AMCA i kept doing this... Then my hemroids were worse and hip hurt I got sick pain ...head aches went crazy... I went to the hospital and said something is wrong in my bowel I told them I was doing good and it felt like my system was flushing something... I ended up with a Fistula a and nightmare... couple rounds of antibiotics--but they didnt know I had a fistula.. ..They basically had no idea that I had one and i felt as they were killing me ...I dropped from 170 to 134 pds as they threw darts at a dart board...all cultures came back nothing round and rounds of antibotics ......I was poo ing and pooing and mucus and mucus..I was sick but they siad I need to flush my colon for a scope tomorrow,, i drank that stuff. poo poo poo then some blob came out...I showed the nurse she said I never seen anything like that.. Within an hr my energy jumped high... the next morning I was to have a colon scope I told the Gi and he laughed at me... I also told him what I was doing and was laughed at ...he did his check and found nothing... I gave up and said no more and walked out... My general surgeon siad see a rectal doc.. i did and with in two mins he side I had a fistula... I also explained my yeast story and all the tests great plans , enterolab elisa act etc he laughed at the yeast thing .. I told him since my diet I felt as if my system was flushing.. he just looked blank.. Said I needed surgery... I ended up with a fistula plug...it failed then they cut me wide open... a hell recovery but still followed my DIET...
testing over and over IBD panel came in lower and lower... I retested great plans lab my yeast GONE.... no by byproducts my good bacteria went up and only lower amounts of by products in my urine...My sinus ran for 6 months on one side , 12 months on the other my nose was a mess.. it took a year and my nose cleared out... today I have no signs of problems my nose is clear I havent had a headache in over a year.... no side pain no back pain , no nose bleeds and no recurring hemorrhoids... What I believe was my problem was yeast over growth.... from bad food choices , antibiotic use .... this caused my problem from over growth not looked at by science or gastro... the over growth then allowed along with low protective bacteria to let in bad bacteria into my blood stream along with the yeast... and food proteins. Once I killed and lower yeast,,,, by removing its food source and giving my stomach time to health my body aloud many of those foods back... I do eat some today but stick to a paleo / low sugar /low starch diet... and havent looked back........
At the same time Ive looked my cholesterol in the advanced NMR lipo profile I have 1300 particles but only 134 small dense..google the NMR lipo profile I think sugar is key if you have AMCA high replacing it for fat ...today I can eat a whole can of nuts no problem..and drink some beer if I choose Zero issues....the key lower yeast raise the good bacteria... close the gut kill any bad bacteria not easy with standard testing.... heres my results from the two years.. I would be happy to explain anything in far more detail.. At the same time my research shows that the protein in gluten looks like candida yeast so when your immune system is down your body doesnt know the difference. At the same time I did this all I researched vitamins.. If your taking vitamins and supplements Like i am you need to know whats in them.. and if your reactive to the things in them...over the 2 years I changed mine due to the great plans, enterolab and elisa results.. removing and findings sources that did not feed bad bacteria and yeast... you may get help from the vit but not the other fillers and sources in them they maybe feeding your problem.. The great plains LAB and ELISA act were a saver for me... I even adjusted my probiotics to add a strain of Lactobacillus to lower my clostridium and advised by the lab.... the lab tells you what you can use natural to kill lower yeast and or bacteria strains you have in your body . ONe tip...if your eating gluten free ..and feel better remember your just using potato starch , or rice flower in all those products so your not fixing the problem--- as most point to yeast
March 2012 over this is postive
ALCA 64 0-60
AMCA 204 0-100
gASCA 13 0-50
ACCA 58 0-90
pANCA tieter
________________________________________________________________Oct 2012
ALCA 40 0-60
AMCA 184 0-100
gASCA 14 0-50
ACCA 23 0-90
pANCA Negative
Feb 2013
ALCA 36 0-60
AMCA 99 0-100
gASCA 21 0-50
ACCA 16 0-90
pANCA Negative
May 2013
ALCA 35 0-60
AMCA 74 0-100
gASCA 13 0-50
ACCA 16 0-90
pANCA Negative
ALCA 23 0-60 Negative
AMCA 58 0-100 Negative
gASCA 11 0-50 Negative
ACCA 18 0-90 Negative
pANCA Negative
ALCA 37 0-60 Negative
AMCA 74 0-100 Negative
gASCA 11 0-50 Negative
ACCA 16 0-90 Negative
pANCA Negative
thanks EDDIE good luck healing this is no easy task!!!!!! Id be happy to share any details of my experience I know how each of you feel!!!!!
I l also add my cholerstrol was 142 total when I was sick... today its 228 .. and could care less I feel great and the LIPO profile says my LDL particles are only 134 small bad ones... i did a cardiac calcium score it was a 1 my vit d total is a 55 were it was 21 before ....my immune sstem is great , digestion is awsome and no sinus or snoring anymore
First of my basic back ground..I am a network engineer.. I started to have stomach issues about 2 years ago.. then the pain problems and a good awful fistula. But I have to back up and exclude the fistula for now.
Over my whole life, Ive had sinus issues, some random nose bleeds , small side pain, some what I that migraines or sinus headaches..noticed one eye red at times... back pain nothing all over the counter meds didnt help. And the got awful hemorrhoids multiple surgeries for them. Constipation then loose stools back and forth from i know of 5 years old was the start.. Im 41 now. over the years Ive had many endoscopy and colon checks.... Then two years ago the bang,,, stomach a mess pain acid.. etc runs , etc CBC panel and metabolic panels minor stuff out of wack. I was forward to another gastro.. He was cocky and I had good insurance-- he ran every test under the sun billed the **** out of insurance......celiac , ibd panel , Ibd expanded panel , HLD diease ass etc etc.. It was found that my AMCA and ALCA levels were high and I had antibodies for these.. I was told meds from camera check ulcer colitis with crohns .. I said no thanks... I ll figure this out and was laughed at... at the same time I was constipated alot hemorrhoids were a mess. I also realized everyone who had problems died a slow death in my family adding on problem after problem when they got older and the meds didnt help...As i found many had stuff on my moms side
I began reading this site looking at everyones factors and reading medical studies reviews peer studies etc (out of counrty studies gerany isreal , UK usa, poland etc)and researching antibodies tests gluten , elisa act , enterolab, genetic testing , candida, gluten proteins, candida proteins , great plans lab , organic acid testing , there comp stool test and so on. I read about SCD diet , GAPS etc diabetes , crohns etc.
I began to research my family tree on both sides of my family.. Lucky someone else had done this already for both sides.. I dug in and found the problem starting back to late 1890 my great grand father with type 2 diabetes.. He had 6 kids some had diabetes some minor stomach issues. one died at 35 of type 2. there others had many kids and the problems seem to move down the line.. several had type 2 or stomach.. My grand mother colitis bad arthritis heart , my mom heart , arthritis many other things i wont get into.. several kids down the line also had crohns... Then all of the sudden I have a failure and syptoms like others did many between 35 and 45... me 38.
I reseached , I picked apart every test my gastro did. I looked at my HLA Dq asso. I then genetic tested my self... I carry 4 genes for gluten and 2 for type 2 diabetes.. made me look deeper. I dug into my IBD EXPANDED PANEL--GASTRO TEST... I researched each antibody and what they were.. I found if you broke out each , One was candida or mannon , one was bakers brewers yeast, one sugars and one shell fish... other things are in each but im talking basic right now. I then made a spread sheet and broke out every food and put it into each antibody it took months... At the same time I noticed that sugar was alca mine was up....and AMCA was candida in many advanced research papers and testing.. and that gi s dont look at yeast... just bacteria.
I began to modifiy my diet eating SCD... then my stomach went a mess POO POO runs etc kept eating this way.. I decided lets do something no one has done document your life in testing and eating... I went back to my GP and said the GI was a cocky ass... and your now my main guy..Im going to do an experiment and mess my self up or heal my self.. If it goes bad ill take the meds , but I want you to run tests for me and sign off on stuff...he did it...
So it began, I said theres a reason I have this and im going to find it and kill it.. he sat blank faced.. I said lets start by running these--- found on this side.. folic acid , iron iron store. b12 , zinc regular panels etc CRP , sed rate vit D etc and the IBD EXPANDED PANEL...I decided this was key to keep re running( the IBD EXPANDED PANEL) no doc does this--they do it one time only****.. things were low D=21 zinc a little low iron a mess... i began some supplements -fish oil , folic acid b12 iron , vit d I noticed my IBD panel went down but was still high... AMCA and ALCA.. I then signed up for enterolab testing , ELSIA act BIO iga igm igg tcell imune complex and great plans lab.. OAT oragnic acid testing and comp stool.
Things came back..... ELSIA act starches potatos, milk, butter, collard greens buck wheat, apples and others,,,, in my blood i also did IGE and caprst testing at the allergy office they laughed at me and saidd your good nothing... I removed these from my diet and laughed at the standard allergy office which seems to be a waste for crohns people....
Then enterolab came back.... rice corn ,potatoes, milk etc, soy gluten ..I said dam what can I eat.. I removed these... I ate SCD / paleo / low sugar-- I added in glutamine and zinc carnisone or what ever cant remember spelling and coconut oil- krill and flax
I did the great plans lab my good bacteria was low, clostridium was a little high and yeast was HIGH in gut as well markers in byproducts in urine...OAT test organic acid test.
I noticed that all the foods that came back BLOOD and gut reactive...matched my excel sheet I made on the antibodies for IBD EXPANDED PANEL... the 5 antibodies.. I drank beer a no no for crohns I removed it.... but the bakers brewers yeast antibody was low...but yeast candida feeds from it....
So I matched my diet to the IBD expanded panel and took probiotcs 50 billion renew life... free of all stuff. in them
I began to retest every 4 to 6 months the IBD expanded panel --the numbers slowly got better but the AMCA was still high so I dug deeper on AMCA ---and found candida -- I said lets remove all fruit from my diet --was chicken , fish , meats , low starch veggies all 3 meals a day..my system flushed and flushed....poo poo poo ... turned green ,, then yellow, had side pain etc ... I doubled up on probiotics 100 billion ,I then read more on canidida yeast and brewrs bakers and found anyone with crohns will have one of the two high.... I found docs dont believe in this or attack it... so I did
I read up on all foods that kill lower yeast and supplements... caplyric acid , olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract etc began to rotate them... i i was a mess....the worst migraines ever... one eye started to get blood shot( crohns thing) my hand got a rash... i took pics ....tons of mucus in my stool... then I got my IBD results again they dropped in half... AMCA i kept doing this... Then my hemroids were worse and hip hurt I got sick pain ...head aches went crazy... I went to the hospital and said something is wrong in my bowel I told them I was doing good and it felt like my system was flushing something... I ended up with a Fistula a and nightmare... couple rounds of antibiotics--but they didnt know I had a fistula.. ..They basically had no idea that I had one and i felt as they were killing me ...I dropped from 170 to 134 pds as they threw darts at a dart board...all cultures came back nothing round and rounds of antibotics ......I was poo ing and pooing and mucus and mucus..I was sick but they siad I need to flush my colon for a scope tomorrow,, i drank that stuff. poo poo poo then some blob came out...I showed the nurse she said I never seen anything like that.. Within an hr my energy jumped high... the next morning I was to have a colon scope I told the Gi and he laughed at me... I also told him what I was doing and was laughed at ...he did his check and found nothing... I gave up and said no more and walked out... My general surgeon siad see a rectal doc.. i did and with in two mins he side I had a fistula... I also explained my yeast story and all the tests great plans , enterolab elisa act etc he laughed at the yeast thing .. I told him since my diet I felt as if my system was flushing.. he just looked blank.. Said I needed surgery... I ended up with a fistula plug...it failed then they cut me wide open... a hell recovery but still followed my DIET...
testing over and over IBD panel came in lower and lower... I retested great plans lab my yeast GONE.... no by byproducts my good bacteria went up and only lower amounts of by products in my urine...My sinus ran for 6 months on one side , 12 months on the other my nose was a mess.. it took a year and my nose cleared out... today I have no signs of problems my nose is clear I havent had a headache in over a year.... no side pain no back pain , no nose bleeds and no recurring hemorrhoids... What I believe was my problem was yeast over growth.... from bad food choices , antibiotic use .... this caused my problem from over growth not looked at by science or gastro... the over growth then allowed along with low protective bacteria to let in bad bacteria into my blood stream along with the yeast... and food proteins. Once I killed and lower yeast,,,, by removing its food source and giving my stomach time to health my body aloud many of those foods back... I do eat some today but stick to a paleo / low sugar /low starch diet... and havent looked back........
At the same time Ive looked my cholesterol in the advanced NMR lipo profile I have 1300 particles but only 134 small dense..google the NMR lipo profile I think sugar is key if you have AMCA high replacing it for fat ...today I can eat a whole can of nuts no problem..and drink some beer if I choose Zero issues....the key lower yeast raise the good bacteria... close the gut kill any bad bacteria not easy with standard testing.... heres my results from the two years.. I would be happy to explain anything in far more detail.. At the same time my research shows that the protein in gluten looks like candida yeast so when your immune system is down your body doesnt know the difference. At the same time I did this all I researched vitamins.. If your taking vitamins and supplements Like i am you need to know whats in them.. and if your reactive to the things in them...over the 2 years I changed mine due to the great plans, enterolab and elisa results.. removing and findings sources that did not feed bad bacteria and yeast... you may get help from the vit but not the other fillers and sources in them they maybe feeding your problem.. The great plains LAB and ELISA act were a saver for me... I even adjusted my probiotics to add a strain of Lactobacillus to lower my clostridium and advised by the lab.... the lab tells you what you can use natural to kill lower yeast and or bacteria strains you have in your body . ONe tip...if your eating gluten free ..and feel better remember your just using potato starch , or rice flower in all those products so your not fixing the problem--- as most point to yeast
March 2012 over this is postive
ALCA 64 0-60
AMCA 204 0-100
gASCA 13 0-50
ACCA 58 0-90
pANCA tieter
________________________________________________________________Oct 2012
ALCA 40 0-60
AMCA 184 0-100
gASCA 14 0-50
ACCA 23 0-90
pANCA Negative
Feb 2013
ALCA 36 0-60
AMCA 99 0-100
gASCA 21 0-50
ACCA 16 0-90
pANCA Negative
May 2013
ALCA 35 0-60
AMCA 74 0-100
gASCA 13 0-50
ACCA 16 0-90
pANCA Negative
ALCA 23 0-60 Negative
AMCA 58 0-100 Negative
gASCA 11 0-50 Negative
ACCA 18 0-90 Negative
pANCA Negative
ALCA 37 0-60 Negative
AMCA 74 0-100 Negative
gASCA 11 0-50 Negative
ACCA 16 0-90 Negative
pANCA Negative
thanks EDDIE good luck healing this is no easy task!!!!!! Id be happy to share any details of my experience I know how each of you feel!!!!!
I l also add my cholerstrol was 142 total when I was sick... today its 228 .. and could care less I feel great and the LIPO profile says my LDL particles are only 134 small bad ones... i did a cardiac calcium score it was a 1 my vit d total is a 55 were it was 21 before ....my immune sstem is great , digestion is awsome and no sinus or snoring anymore
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