New to ileitis

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Sep 13, 2011
new to ileitis

diagnosed with Ileitis two-years be honest, I didnt pay attention with the steps he told me to make me better.....

well, now its flared up and I need guidance. Im looking for someone who can truly help me with nutrition, diet, etc. I am read yo to continue to move forward in a positive direction.

Im tired of being tired. AND SORE!

Live in Virginia Beach.
Welcome, Ducky. I'm new to the forum here also and what I can tell you from only being here 1 day and reading posts from others is that there's an incredible amount of support and wisdom within these pages. Wonderful stuff.

Food diaries are a great place to start when we have flare ups and are wondering what to eat that can agree with us. Then you can start noticing what helps and what hurts.

I often go to liquid diets when I'm in flare ups because that gives the intestines a chance to rest without having to digest stuff and push fiber through. I usually do it with fresh juice. Others on the forum I've seen use Ensure. So you can research a little bit more about that.

I know it's tiring and hard to be in's great that you're in a space of readiness to take care of yourself now. Celebrate this new awareness and keep moving forward. You can feel better!
Hi and welcome! Diet is different for each person. My safe foods may not be safe for you at all. As CaliChi suggested, a food diary is helpful in figuring out what foods are safe for YOU and what foods need to be avoided. Each day, I record everthing I eat, BM's, and symptoms. It can take some time, but you will eventually see patterns and will be able to determine what you can and cannot eat. Good luck!
Welcome to the forum ducky0003!

We have a whole forum dedicated to diet so that would be my recommendation for you in terms of places to start.

I hope the forum can help you learn more about diet and nutrition!

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