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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 26, 2012
Hi, I'm a 33 year old mum of 3 who found out just before Christmas that I have Crohn's. It wasn't a great surprise, but I went for a colonoscopy yesterday, and the results of that were! It looked truly awful, my poor tummy. I am on steroids at the mo, but they don't appear to be doing much so the next step is injections of some sort. Have any of you had them? If so, what side affects can they cause? Crohn's isn't the nicest condition in the world to have, but my childhood best friend died 3 years ago at the age of 30 from cancer, so as long as it isn't going to kill me I feel pretty lucky in a lot of respects. looking forward to hearing from you, over and out.

Hmm, not too sure what the injections are called, but they are to suppress the immune system. I'm just waiting for my blood results to see if I'm ok to start taking them. Woah, I see you've had a busy time with your Crohn's!!
Hello and welcome to the forum :bigwave: The diagnosis isn't great but the key is not to let is rule you. Has anything been mentioned to you about diet at all? I would always say that this needs to be looked at even when you are taking meds, they will be fighting am uphill battle if you are still eating things your tummy does not like. The onyl meds I can think of at the top of my head that require a jab of some kind is either Humira, Infliximab or Methotrexate - any of this ring a bell?
Hi angrybird. No, I didn't take the name as I had literally just had the camera removed when the consultant was telling me all this! I had wanted to ask about diet, but will have to wait until I see him at my next appointment. I can't help but think that I could be doing lots to help myself.
Have a good look around our diet and treatment forums, have a notepad and write down all the things that pop into your head question wise. When you go and see the doc get this list out and don't leave until all questions have been answered and you feel happy with the plan of action treatment wise. Do not feel that you cannot question the doc or disagree with him if you are not happy about any med he wants to try, perhaps ask for a referral to a dietician so they can help you go through your diet and give you suggestions on what to try etc. Did they give an indication yesterday on how far the appt will be? They may have taken biopsies so I assume they will tie the appt in with getting the results from these.
Ah, thanks for that, I will have a look. My appt will be pretty quick, I have to say my consultant has been fab so far, I only saw him for the first time last thurs, and he got me shoved in for my colonoscopy yesterday which he himself did as he knew I'd had trouble with a sigmoidoscopy in the summer. I know he took biopsies and bloods so will be waiting for those results. I hope he's prepared for the ever growing catalogue of questions I have for him!!

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