Probiotics - how long until you noticed a difference?

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Jan 8, 2011
For those of you taking probiotics, how long did you take them before you noticed a difference?

A week ago I started taking Align and eating yogurt (Activia and greek yogurt) in hopes of helping with constipation. I know that most people on here take probiotics to decrease the number of times you have to go to the bathroom, but my system seems to have swung the other way thanks to medication (cyclosporine and 6mp). Between the Align and the yogurt (I'm lactose intolerant) I was hoping to see more of an effect, but no difference so far.

Thanks for any input/advice!

I was taking a pro biotic in the form of Kefir and didn't notice any difference. My GI told me to stay off of it due to little research done on it when dealing with IBD. Some say they have dramatic improvement. Like the disease, its going to affect each person differently.
When I had constipation issues a few years ago, I did the activia probiotic and it helped me in a matter of days, I didn't even need the full two weeks. I really don't like yogurt though, so it was really hard to stick to. When I tried the pill route a couple months ago (accuflora) it never made a difference.
Hey jfb,

I took Align daily for an entire summer and honestly didn't notice any change or difference. I was really disappointed as I was really looking forward to some sort of change. And exactly like tek, my GI steered me away saying ok, you tried it for a summer, lets be done with them. She also added that she hadn't heard a lot of research on them too. I hope they make a difference in your health!

Best of luck!
I have noticed a difference, but I think it is from a) eating less starchy/carby foods (like one piece of bread or a few pretzels per day) and b)the yogurt, because I am lactose intolerant. I'm going to stick with it for the rest of the month, but I think eating mostly fruits/cooked veggies/protein/yogurt is what is making more of a difference. I actually like the yogurt - I love yogurt, ice cream, cheese, all dairy - but dairy doesn't love me. Thanks for all your help! Glad I'm not the only one who thinks it may not be for me, since I keep hearing such good things about probiotics.
I have easy-yo yogurt which I find does help a bit, its a powder which u mix with water. It's also lactose free
I've notice the difference the same day. The more medication you're on, the less help you'll get from Probiotics. Its like Getting iron but consuming loads of calcium which decreases absorption of iron.
My doctor told me not to take any supplements because it hasn't been tested with IBD. But none ever will so I still continue to test it myself like food. I took others that did nothing or took 2, 3 weeks to notice a difference.

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