Question about anal fissure???

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Mar 16, 2012
United States
As some of you already know, I am undiagnosed as of yet. I went to see my gastro about this tiny lump I have under my skin near my anal area, but not on the anus. He did a anal exam and felt around up there. He also looked at the lump and said it did Not look like an abscess, more like an ingrown hair or maybe a blocked oil gland( he did not seem worried). Well I also told him of the pain I was getting in my anal canal. He felt around and did not seem to excited. I went to the ER three weeks ago due to having awful lower pelvic pain. Well when I was there they could not find out why I was in pain , but they gave me IV zofran. Well it constipated the HELL out of me so when I went to have a BM two days after that it was like pooping out a watermelon( at least that is what it felt like!). Well now ever since I have this pain in the lower end of my anal canal. The gastro doc said it is possible I have a tiny fissure from that bout of constipation. He gave me a script for xylocaine to put up there in the end of the anal canal. HE said it would help with the pain..

If there is a small fissure or sore in there, is there anything else I can put there?? I mean Wouldn't a smalll fissure have healed by now???? Anyone else use xylocaine up there and if so does it help?? I keep having this pain that comes and goes and it seems like on the left side inside my anal canal. Any ideas or advice on what to do if this is a small crack in there??
Sitz baths with epsom salt have helped my son, as well as putting some penaten cream on afterwards. He also found drinking a bit (1/4-1/2 cup) of prune juice helped soften his stools.
So far my stools are ok, not hard but I still have pain in there, I mean even when I am not going to the bathroom. I cant do any type os sitz bath because I am very prone to getting UTI's, so I am not allowed to take baths at all, only showers:(

What is petaten cream? Can you get it over the counter or do you need a prescription? Also, my irritation( fissure) is in my anal area, you cant really see if from the outside. My doctor gave me xylocaine, but I dont know how that would even heal it. Is it safe to use cortisone cream like that preperation H stuff??

Sitz baths with epsom salt have helped my son, as well as putting some penaten cream on afterwards. He also found drinking a bit (1/4-1/2 cup) of prune juice helped soften his stools.
i have suspected a connection between mineral deficiencies and anal fissures from drier mucus membranes/constipation. if you have any degree of dry mouth, that will often occur together. drier bms/dry mouth.

make sure you are getting enough minerals or are not taking anything that might be interfering with the absorption of minerals from food,like things that chelate minerals etc, some medications have side effects that lead to dry mouth and constipation, possibly through interfering with mineral absorption.

it could simply have been related to the medication they gave you, and will just go away after you discontinue its use.
Hi Wildbill,

I am not on any medication that would cause it. I mean when I went to the ER three weeks ago they gave me zofran, but I only took it once and that caused the bout of constipation, but that was three weeks ago.

I am not sure about the mineral deficiency. I may have one. what would I take, like what kind of supplement would help with that??

i have suspected a connection between mineral deficiencies and anal fissures from drier mucus membranes/constipation. if you have any degree of dry mouth, that will often occur together. drier bms/dry mouth.

make sure you are getting enough minerals or are not taking anything that might be interfering with the absorption of minerals from food,like things that chelate minerals etc, some medications have side effects that lead to dry mouth and constipation, possibly through interfering with mineral absorption.

it could simply have been related to the medication they gave you, and will just go away after you discontinue its use.
I'm not sure if a sitz bath would interfere with UTIs but it is like a bowl that sits in your toilet, you fill it with warm water and some epsom salt and just sit on it. But, like I said,not sure if that could affect UTIs. If you google sitz baths, you'll find lots of pictures. You can buy a sitz bath at most drugstores.

As well, you can buy penaten cream at drug stores, often in the baby aisle - it's used for diaper rash, other rashes, burns, irritations, etc.
Thanks Tesscorm for the info. Yeah, I mean I was told not to even submerge my genital area in any water ( I guess it can cause women UTI's, especially ones who are prone to them). The cream you mentioned, can it go inside the anal area?? I mean If this is a fissure I have( the gastro doc said it likley is), well you cannot see it as it is not on the outer area, it is a bit inside. is it ok to put that cream just a bit inside??? It is wierd, I keep getting these fleeting burny pains( probably spasms). It is really irritating and annoyingly painful! :(
I don't know for certain but it is used on babies for diaper rash so I would think it's fairly safe if a bit goes inside but I'm sure its 'not intended for internal use'. I just read on another thread that someone else has used vaseline (but again, not sure about internal use)...
Ihurt, if you have a fissure you really need some GTN ointment. It will give you a headache but it will get rid of an outer fissure quickly. It increases the blood flow & aids healing. It won't stop you getting them but it does work.
Its also used on people with Angina as a way of helping blood flow in their chest.
Good luck
Thanks for the replies,

Grant: YEah, my gastro mentioned that nitroglycerin stuff but said it can also effect the heart and blood pressure( I have a tendency to get low BP as it is) so he did not feel he wanted to give that to me.. He just gave me that xylocaine stuff. I may try and use that xylocaine stuff for a couple days and if it does not help it I will call his office back and ask for the nitro cream. Oh, also, does that work for a fissure that is just inside the anus of just an outer anal one?? Mine is like just inside the anal area which is why I doubt a sitz bath would do anything....and I cant do sitz baths due to my risk of UTI's. :(
Yes they do help a lot on internal fissure's as well, obviously if you can control the number of BM's the better as well.
A mild cortisone cream would help with an internal fissure but you don't want to use too much or for too long as it will thin the skin and therefore maybe make you prone to more problems. i imagine the same would apply to prep H. If you have some it may be worth a try for a couple of days. The fissure is probably being reirritated by any bowel motions particularly if they are hard, firm or "scratchy" if you know what I mean. My husband and I have both had a lot of luck with the nitro one but it does give you an awful headache so use as little as possible. Hope it sorts out soon,
Thanks for the advice Annawatto, starsandbucks, and Grant. I will try out some of the over the counter stuff and if that does not help I will call the GI and ask him for some of that nitro ointment... Thanks again, all your help is greatly appreciated!!
When I had 3 fissures, xylocaine was the only thing that kept me from dying from pain when pooping. It was a lifesaver. After I got diagnosed but before they were totally healed, I also used nitroglycerin cream which I think helped too. And they injected Botox into the fissures which helped a ton.

But the xylocaine was a godsend, I hope it works for you and I hope you feel better soon.

ETA: My fissures were inside the anus, and the xylocaine I had was in little mini-syringe type things. What I did was I lied down, literally squirted some up there, lied there for a little bit so it had time to work, and then go to the bathroom.