Rapid Remicade infusion anyone?

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Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
I recently had to change the location of where I get my infusions (due to insurance requirements ugh)...and the new place offered me the option of rapid infusions (30 min-1 hour instead of 2 hours)...

Has anyone here heard about them? I see articles written, but no information on the actual Remicade site or in the paperwork...that all still says infuse over 2 hours....
Yes after over a year on Remicaide with no signs of allergic reaction doctor authorized rapid infusion. It's awesome! And I'm in remission with Remicade!
Thank you for the feedback! I've been on Remicade for over 15 years with pretty great success...don't want to rock the boat but am considering going to a faster infusion.....
I was told it has nothing to do with effectiveness. It's simply worry about allergic reactions. If there is no worry you should be eligible after a year or so they told me you should ask why you weren't recommended sooner.
I recently had to change infusion locations due to insurance requirements - the old hospital facility I went do doesn't due the rapid infusions....I now go to an infusion clinic which is where they offered the rapid infusion. I'm not sure I'm going to stay with this place - have to see if some things change with them as far as scheduling (they are only open 2 days a week right now).....
I agree with most posters here, I've been doing rapid for my last 4-5 infusions and no difference for me. The main factor was that never had any allergic reactions in the past, so switch was none issue. Try it and see how goes, you can always go back to normal infusion.