Raw Milk

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Does anyone drink it? Apparently it has beneficial effects that regular, pasteurized milk doesn't. Like digestive enzymes, vitamins, and other minerals that get killed off when the milk goes through the pasteurization process. So, I'd like to know if anyone drinks it and what effect it has had on them? And also, if the milk is coming from a grass fed, hormone free, free range cow would you drink it? I've also heard people that thought that they were lactose intolerant could drink raw milk with no problems when they tried to.
Have you heard of the possible link between milk and and Crohn's??? Some people speculate that a bacterium named Mycobacterium Avium Paratuberculosis (MAP) is responsble for Johne's disease in cows. Johne's disease is like a bovine form of Crohn's disease. Anyway, I don't know if it's true but here is a link. I am a little gun shy about milk because of this finding.

The Johnes Disease <---> MAP isn't in question, but the links between Johnes, MAP and Crohn's still hotly debated, at least that's what I last read. There are still many theories swirling about the Crohn's and MAP linkage, like for example, that Crohn's is actually, presently, really just several diseases we just know as "Crohn's Disease", and that MAP instigates another disease that for now is being classed as Crohn's Disease because it appears identical in pathology, etc... the theories go on and on. One day the answers should be there, don't know if we still will be, though.
This is the first theory I read when I was first diagnosed and had never heard of Crohns...I agree with BWS1982 - one day we may know, hopefully in our lifetime...
I've been drinking the raw milk for about 2 or so months and I can say that my Crohn's is much better. That familiar ache on my left side is totally gone.
I will NOT go so far as to say the milk is a cure, nor will I say just everyone should drink it.
Anyone considering it should research it. I really love it and it does feel soothing to my gut.

One think I am concerned about is that I had high triglycerides in my non-fasting blood test last week. I'm not sure if it was due to the milk. I'll have my fasting blood drawn next week.
I don't eat fast food, and am very careful about my fat intake. However, my 83 year old mom lives with me now and I fry a little more often than I used to.
Though I seldom sit down, I don't have a consistent exercise routine. Shame on me!

Just wanted to share this info.
I have heard from people who are into raw milk that if you have a weaken immune system. This is not a good idea. So if you are on Humira or remicade or MTX... this is a big no no.
I drank raw milk as a child - both cow and goat......I already had the diagnosis of Colitis though....I think my Mom bought the milk to help fatten me up!
I have heard that there are a lot of good benefits to Raw Milk. My sister does drink it. I cannot get my hands on it around my area. Make sure if you do it comes from a certified organic farmer.
I told my Crohn's doc about it and he didn't feel there was a concern. There are several certified dairies around me here in North Texas.

I think checking with your doctor is a good idea. My doctor also said he had heard good things about coconut oil, a proven anti inflammatory.
I've ran a lot of diet concerns past my doctor and he really seems rather irritated by me asking and unknowledgable about diet and Crohns. He just says "low residue" and then discusses medicine options. Lets face it, Doctors do not get much nutritional education during med school at all.

I've heard bad things about casein protein being an irritant. I dont know how well the research is backed, but you can google it. There are gluten/casein free diets floating around out there. Raw milk is probably good stuff and I'd love to drink it, but it's still cow's milk with lactose, whey and casein in it, so i've got to avoid it. With that said, ive been drinking kefir for a few days and it doesnt seem to be messing me up. Im a hypocrite.

Just my $0.02!

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I have ran into the same things with my doctors about diet. I have been actually told that diet has nothing to do with this and I just need the medications to help me. Which they never found a medication to work and I had horrible side effects from them. I do a lot of things naturally, yes I had a major set back but it was something they were going to do five years ago and they never approached it again. I am very thankful for the surgeons that saved my life but the medications have not given me relief and diet is not a question that I have been real educated about from my medical doctors. I am not saying doctors do not have a purpose because they sure do. Some are very lucky to get the right advice that fits them but not everyone. Educating yourself and doing your own research and trying multiple things is your best option. When you find something that works go with it. You won't know until you try.

Best of luck to everyone!! Keep asking questions and trying things on your own.
Agreed. It is hard to find a doctor that can help with anything except meds, and the side effects are worse than the Crohns. I've found energy work is helpful, probably more for stress relief than anything.
Raw milk is much higher in fat than any store-bought milk, so if you are able to tolerate it, it might help with weight gain, if that is a problem. However, because it doesn't go through a pasteurization process, there is the risk of being exposed to bacteria and other contaminants that could make you sick, especially with an immuno-compromised condition. It does have lactose in it, so those who are lactose-intolerant or sensitive will still have problems with it, as they would with any dairy milk.