Really bad night sweating

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Dec 8, 2011
Penryn, Cornwall UK
I get really hot and sweaty during the night, I wake up during the night due to being really hot and to find that it's so bad I make the bed sheets wet so I end up getting up to find some towels and cover my bed in them just to soak up sweat :( also I have too sleep with a thin sheet instead of my duvet :( does anyone else get this?? why does it happen??
It happened to me while I was flaring, and also while I'm on prednisone. Not sure why it happens, but you're not alone. Good luck. Hopefully it will just be a phase that is short-lived.
It happened to me while I was flaring, and also while I'm on prednisone. Not sure why it happens, but you're not alone. Good luck. Hopefully it will just be a phase that is short-lived.

Good to here I'm not alone :) but the strange thing is I get it most of the time even if I'm not flaring, when I'm in a flare it's really bad but when I'm not it's not so bad :confused: I've been in the same flare for 6 months now :(
Haven't had this for a while, but there was a period when I was flaring that if I didn't feel well going to bed I would sleep on towels as a precaution. Didn't know it was possible to sweat that much. Hope it settles down quickly for you.
I went through this too and it ended up being a duodenal ulcer it had me sweating like crazy and got all over and woke me up at the same time everynight the dr said once my dinner cleared and my stomach got empty is when the ulcer starting acting up
why does it happen??

TNF-alpha is able to induce fevers (which result in night sweats) by signaling the brain.

It's been studied extensively in TB:

Tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) is one of the peptide signalling molecules implicated intriggering night sweats. Monocytes (a type of white blood cell) are a significant source of TNF-α. Monocytes leave the blood stream and become migratory macrophages, homing in on the tuberculosis-causing mycobacteria. Although the macrophages may be unable to eradicate the bacteria completely, in an immunocompetent person the macrophages and other cells are able tosurround and contain the clusters of bacteria and prevent their further spread through the tissues.The excess TNF-α released during this immune response appears to be linked with the fevers,weakness, night sweats, necrosis, and progressive weight loss that are characteristic of tuberculosis (Tramontana et al, 1995)

Fever are a defense mechanism against microbes. Microbes are very unstable when temperatures rise, while the human body can remain stable during a fever, which makes it easier for the body to kill the microbe, our immune system is equipped to raise our body temperature whenever it wants to. If you have inflammation, it's often accompanied by a raise in body temperature of the immune system.
Every time I have a flare up I sweat at night. Every night. Sometimes it is so bad I have to change completely cause I'm soaked.
I get it too. I wake up soaking wet and freezing. I have to wash my sheets in the morning. It sucks. I find the Prednison causes that. Thats when it is the worst for me.
In my experience, night sweats always meant I had a fever earlier in the evening. And then it's breaking in the middle of the night, causing me to sweat all over the place. I noticed the sweats can even happen with just a low-grade fever, but it's more pronounced the higher your temp.

Now why you're having a fever can be due to a number of things. But the intermittent nature, again in my experience, means the beginning of a Crohn's flare. I would get in the habit of taking your temperature every night, maybe around 8 or 9pm, over the next week or so and see if you can find any patterns. Then report that to your doctor if you're not seeing any improvement.

For me, it was a matter of bumping up my methotrexate and that got my flare back under control.
Used to get absolutely horrendous night sweats when I had my first ever flare up. I was in agony, and had a liver abscess which was giving me a heavy fever in conjunction with prednisone after I was diagnosed - (They missed the liver abscess, believe it or not!)

I sweated in places I didn't realise I could sweat, it was very uncomfortable but they did pass eventually and calmed down. I've not had them since so it was a combination of fever and/or the pred I guess but that was just for my case, are your bloods okay mate?
I am 34yrs old but feel like I am in menopause (I'm not!) but I have been sweating every night for nearly two weeks. At first I thought my period was to blame but the sweating persisted. My thyroid and adrenals are out of whack so hopefully straightening that out will help. Beginning to take progesterone as my pregnancies effected my hormones. Nonetheless, I can sympathize with the night sweats. Can't hurt to get blood work checked as others mentioned. Best wishes.
I haven't had my bloods checked recently, the last time they checked my bloods was when they said that my potassium levels were high, but I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow so they might do my bloods then.

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