Red spots in mouth?

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Nov 16, 2012
Hi there,

Was wondering if anyone gets red spots/patches in their mouth?

They're not your typical ulcers with a white patch in the middle, just red spots/patches. I've had them before but they're usually little pin sized spots in my lower lip, but today have woken up with loads on the insides of my cheeks and at the back of my mouth, I've also got a red line amongst them!!

Have been v stressed lately and have had an increase in my crohns symptoms in the past 2 weeks, but nothing major. I'm wondering beginning of crohns flare or just a virus?

Any thoughts will be appreciated :)
I also get very small red spots in my mouth sometimes but not alot like you are talking about. I would call or see my Dr. It could be sighs of a flair.
@Jim(pops) nice to know i'm not the only one to get these!! Gonna see how they go in the next couple of days if they persist will go to the docs.

@Sarahbear they don't hurt at all, could just feel with my tongue things weren't so smooth, had a look and saw them all!!

Thanks for both responding :)
Oral thrush? generally white patches but can be red. see your doc would be your best bet.. hope things improve!
They've now gone and my stomach has settled too. Don't know if theres such a thing as a mini flare but thats sort of what it felt like!!

Thanks for all of your responses :)
Glad i found this post. I'm in a flare at the moment (been going on since April) and seen my dentist who said he though it was a symptom of my crohns (not oral thrush) Seen my GI about 3 weeks ago and im back on steroids. The red spots clear up when im on the but now that i'm tapering off there coming back (other crohns ysmptoms coming back slowley too) But it's good the hear i'm not the only one :)