Right side chest pain....

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Staff member
Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
Ok - since hubby isn't around to talk to (in another town working)....all morning I've had some discomfort/pain on the right sde, seems to be centering under my armpit.......:voodoo::voodoo:

I'm one of those stubborn ones, who doesn't call the doc until I'm REALLY in bad shape (usually).....

I'm thinking it may be gallbladder related? Not sure if/when I should call the doc about it - I'm at work right now, GP is a good 30 minutes from here, GI is about 5 (and at the hospital).....both are really good about returning calls, I just hate to 'bother' them!
Paso, this is when you really hope its gas pains, but know it isnt!?

Still having the pains? Have you called the Dr???? Hmmmm?? You know you should!!!
Paso, yes, it could be your gallbladder - or it could be your liver, or your lung, or it could be referred pain from somewhere else, any number of things. Best to call the doc if you haven't already! And of course go to the ER if it gets worse or if it changes or if you get new symptoms! I'm sure you've heard all that before, but better safe than sorry, especially when it's a "new" pain like this. Feel better soon and keep us posted!

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