hi Vigi, An ileostomy was done b/c diet and medicine therapy failed at the time back in the 1980's. The surgeon had to remove my entire colon because it was badly inflamed and had 2 fistulas w/several more starting along w/several abscesses and polyps. A stoma (an opening) was created out of my small intestines for waste to empty into a plastic bag (aka ileostomy). Nobody knows that I have it unless I chose to tell them.
My being on the local morning show was b/c of a patient visitation. I was in the hospital due to a DVT in my right leg. I was on bed rest and the wound care RN came in and asked if I could talk to the young lady who was having problems coping w/her ilesotomy. I wasn't doing anything so I said sure. She came into see me and then she wrote to the tv host regarding the need for health topics such as Crohn's and ileostomy care and how I took the time to speak with her from my hospital bed. When I got the message on my answering machine I thought it was a joke at first but then when I returned the call it was for real. So to make a long story short, Mr. Kahl stated that he'd like me to come on the show AM Buffalo along w/Dr. Teitler to discuss Crohn's disease & living w/an ostomy and answer audience questions as well. My mom did my hair and bought me a new dress for the event. The president of CCFA taped the show to show it to new members as well as my folks to share it w/friends and family.
Looking back, I was nervous about doing it, but I'm glad I was able to reach others who never knew that CCFA has a local chapter to assist newly dxed IBD pts. and that there is a local ostomy support group for pts. as well as their family. The questions were very basic like what is an ostomy, what can you eat, should avoid, how do you put it on, does it hurt to wear one, and nobody knows you have one unless you choose to tell them, etc.
As for my stroke side effects, I can't multitask like I use to, my spelling/grammar skills aren't what they were, there are times I know what I want to say but I can only picture it, my math skills are shot, my short term memory isn't all there, and I have no feeling in my finger tips but I do practice my typing every day to keep up my skills.
Right now I'm collecting ostomy supplies that nobody else needs and I'm going to give them to my surgeon's office for his pts., a missionary who's going to the Dominican Republic for a clinic down there, and to another clinic down south that is in dire need of medical equipment. Thanks for answering back. I am praying that you are in a life long remission my friend. God bless you many times over!!