Stoma very large

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Dec 6, 2015
Northwestern Ontario
I've had a stoma for 15 years now, and over the years the thing is getting bigger and have had to go up in sizing the hole for the flange. I'm at the maximum size according to Hollister at 57 mm or 2 1/4 inches. I cannot go any larger on my flange and they are sending me some new products to try.

There is no room between the stoma and the opening of the flange and I have leakage issues that have caused rashes, and these are hard to get under control. I was doing okay for the past several weeks, but now I have a nasty rash again.

I am wondering what products from other manufacturers have worked for you. I have been thinking about Convatec products once again. I have used them in the past but don't trust the clip they use on the drain which is why I chose Hollister.
I've been having similar issues due to a tiny dip that appeared at the bottom of my Stoma right where it joins the skin.
I'm trying various seals and paste combinations, not much luck yet, I'm waiting on some Hollister and Dansac seals arriving, I think I've tried all the others.
Currently using Coloplast Mio one piece and Salts aloe Vera seal, have used Convatec Esteem which I might try again if these two seals don't work.
Salts do a very good Manuka honey seal, maybe that would be an option for you ?.
I had to replace the flange after only two days, it was burning so bad I couldn't stand it anymore. Just in those two days I have an ulcerated hole again. I took the chance and cut the hole just a tad larger than the warning line on the flange, and so far so good. I am afraid to engage in physical activity but I have to shovel snow today, and bring in more wood into the house for the wood furnace.

Does convatec or colloplast offer appliances that accommodate a larger stoma than hollister? Interesting, I have the same complaint of a little dip beside the stoma too, and that is the problem area for leaks I have been dealing with of late for the past year.
I have tried the convex wafer, but found that with the flange pressing down on it the glue separates from the skin as the waffer pushes up the flange. Am I doing something wrong?
I am going to ask about the megacolon wafer. I am on day two since the last flange change, so far so good, but it feels like it might only last another day. These become very expensive when they don't last.
I had that problem with Hollister convex wafers because the convexity was too aggressive in depth. When I switched to Coloplast's much shallower convex wafer, the problem disappeared. You may not need the more aggressive convexity of some of the wafers....namely Hollister's.

The thing about Hollister that is causing too many to have skin deterioration is that they have outsourced the manufacturing of their products, and the standards have depreciated. I have heard so many stories of the same context, 'my skin is erupting', 'Hollister burns', 'the burning and itching drives me crazy and my skin looks like it's been peeled with a vegetable peeler', etc etc. Some people will not have an allergic response to their products, but since they are not manufactured under our guidelines anymore....anything can be in there. Yuck.

When I had most of my skin removed from what I thought was drainage from leaks, it actually turned out to be an allergic reaction the the wafer I was using. Once I changed from Hollister to Coloplast, within 24 hours my skin miraculously began to heal. The allergen was gone. After the first use, you could barely tell I ever had a problem. You may want to try another company and see if it makes a difference. I was shocked at the improvement after just one change.

Do you have an ostomy nurse available to you? They can be a great resource.
What you describe sounds right. For many years Hollister did me well, sometimes I could go a full week before changing. Then about a couple of years ago I have had nothing but complaints for Hollister. They offer me different products to try, but nothing lasts. Definitely time for me to try out other manufacturers.
Just a thought but if your stoma continues to growbit may end up prolapsing. If you're struggling with the management of it due to its size it might be an idea to let yoyr surgeon take a quick look. Stoma revisions are simple, day cases now so it's better to nip it in the bud now. Good luck.
I bought a set of Convatec flanges and bags and will see how these go. I have managed to last 3 days between changes. My doctor thinks it might have been part of the bad reaction to Remicade. The sore is just short of becoming infected, but has improved some in the past couple of weeks. We sure have to wait a long time to see ET nurses, but I have a appointment in a months time.
Its been awhile and I have things under control with the rash healed up. I get four days on these Convatec flanges ref # 401577 that are one big glue pad instead of the paper tape that will not last or stick properly.
Good thing I found something that works as the ET nursing out fit sent me another letter notice of yet another delay for two more weeks moving my appointment time from the afternoon to the morning. Morning appointments are out, I need to be near the bathroom at that time of day not on the road.
Today is day 5. Its a bit loose so I am going to go big on the firewood effort today before changing it. It is with relief that I finally got a system that can last. It gets very inconvenient and expensive when these don't work.
Hi so glad you have found a better system and that it is making life easier for you.
Hope they continue to work well for you. ☺
Take care 💕

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