Stress through the roof

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Sep 23, 2009
It's so hard to know what's causing what with all these medications. I am so sick of being sick and tired of being tired. I feel like my life consists of going to the bathroom, taking pills and visiting doctors.

It's so stressful on a day to day basis never knowing what to expect next. I am a young guy I feel like I am being cheated out of life. I don't want to feel sorry for myself because I think of others who are worse off but the truth is why are we all being robbed of our livelihoods? It begs the age old question why do good people suffer? It seems like so many jerks have it all and the kind people go through hell on earth.

I wanna live life, make plans and be spontaneous. I pray to God for health!

Ok I'm done whining now :) just needed to rant a bit.
I don't have answers but wanted to send you a hug and let you know I feel for you. I hope you can somehow achieve remission and be able to be more spontaneous. Hang in there - hopefully better days are on their way!
I cant agree more, I feel exactly the same way at the moment.
It feels like someone somewhere is taking the piss. One thing after another...

Ohh well,
I hope you feel better soon buddy and things get better for you. :hug:
I totally get what you are saying. I mean I also find myself feeling bitter as well when I see all these people out there who abuse themselves( my neighbor is a huge alcoholic and she is never sick and is healthy) yet they walk around feeling fine while we are stuck being sick as hell. I eat so healthy, really always have. I don't abuse myself by drinking or smoking, yet here I am sick as hell with sooo many issues and suffering. I totally get where you are coming from. Try not to be so down on yourself. I know it is hard not to get depressed. who knows what the future holds for any of us. Maybe one day you will be healthy and living life again! Never give up hope...

It's so hard to know what's causing what with all these medications. I am so sick of being sick and tired of being tired. I feel like my life consists of going to the bathroom, taking pills and visiting doctors.

It's so stressful on a day to day basis never knowing what to expect next. I am a young guy I feel like I am being cheated out of life. I don't want to feel sorry for myself because I think of others who are worse off but the truth is why are we all being robbed of our livelihoods? It begs the age old question why do good people suffer? It seems like so many jerks have it all and the kind people go through hell on earth.

I wanna live life, make plans and be spontaneous. I pray to God for health!

Ok I'm done whining now :) just needed to rant a bit.
Thanks guys for your support. Today was hard too since I'm just so weak and fatigued. I broke down crying. It's just not fair. I see all these young healthy people downing alcohol and all kinds of food that's unhealthy and walking around full of energy with no health ailments. I see people my age and can't even relate to them since I feel like a 90 year old observing their behavior.
Know how you feel---going through similar episodes myself..
Always hoping it will all go away-----------
Seem to react to so many meds.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
NGNG, I see those oblivious young people too - I actually feel sorry for them though. I was one of them, once. Then just before I turned 30, my world turned upside down. I learned what it was to lose my health. Now I don't take things for granted, and I fight hard every day to maintain what health I've got and to try to get healthier. I'm stronger inside and out. Those oblivious people have NO idea - one day, some of them will find out, but most of them will stay oblivious. They won't become warriors like me, and for that I feel sorry for them. They don't have any idea how good they've got it because they don't know how bad it can get.
I know how you feel. I spent half the day crying and feeling sorry for myself too. Hope it gets better for you soon.
NgNg there is no shame in crying, it's a natural response to stress and pain, I cry quite often it's better to get it out than trying to bottle it up and that's what we are here for, to let you get it off your chest and to offer our support :). I believe that given the lives we have to lead it's perfectly understandable that we feel overwhelmed, it's not much fun watching everyone else having fun :( but I agree with Cat, that at somestage others will learn that life is hard and brings pain in different ways, some people will cope and others won't, such is life.

We are strong and will manage! Keep your chin up and keep venting when you need to, we will always be here to listen, take care. :ghug:

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