Surgery and Scared

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Dec 22, 2011
Hi, my name is Shannon and I was diagnosed with Crohn's this last March. I have had years of tummy issues and just thought this was normal for me. Until it was so bad that I was in constant pain and dropped about 35 pounds in a 4 month time frame. When I had my first Colonoscopy I had such severe disease my doctor was unable to get through my small intestine. I have been taking a number of drugs including Remicade. I'm still was feeling they way my doctor wouldn't expect. So I just had another Colonoscopy and the "Good" new is that my Crhon's looks better, but the area that was so diseased is severily narrowed and I have to have a resection. I am terribly scared. Can anyone tell me what I might expect as far as time spent in the hospital and recovery time before returning to work. Please if anyone can give me any informatiom, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank You,
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I've had 4 sugerys. 2 Resections, 1 stricureplasty and 1 appendix . They were all simular in recovery. In a nut shell, about 8 days in the hospital, 6 weeks to full recovery. Depending on the the type of your work, you may be able to work in 2 weeks after sugery. Day 3,4,5 in the Hospital are the worst because the bowel is still tramatized and needs to wake up again. In the mean time your stomach will produce bile and this needs to go somewhere. NG tube worked good for me. It is not a pleasant thing but is a better alternative than feeling sick to the stomach and vomiting. After your Hospital stay, you will feel better, eat well again and gain your weight back, Which makes the short term pain of surgery well worth it. Stay positive and you will be fine.
Hope that helps. Good luck: ysmile:
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Hi Shannon and welcome to the forum. :hug:

I'm so sorry that you have all this pain still. Surgery sounds scary to even the bravest of us. I really hope that it goes well and pays off.

I saw that you also posted in the Surgery sub-forum. I'm sure you'll get great advice from posting there.

Good luck to you hun. :hug:

Keep us posted on how things go for you.
I haven't had surgery for Crohn's yet (numerous others, though), but I wanted to welcome you to the forum and wish you luck. I know surgery can be scary, but I think the benefits will greatly outweigh the risks. Many forum members have done so well after a resection, some even enjoying years of blissful remission. Hope this will be the case for you.

Good luck, Shannon!
Hi Shannon and welcome,

Do you know what part of your intestine they plan to remove and how much? This information is pretty important in determining how your life is going to be affected going forward.

We're here for you any time. There's lots of people who can related here :)

All my best to you!
Thank you all, it is nice to be able to talk with people that can relate to all of what is going on with me. Here is alittle update on things. I am scheduled to have surgery the first week of Febuary. They will be taking out the first part of the Large intestine that connects with my small and then about 8" of my small he thinks anyways. I guess he won't know exactly until he gets in there. I have to say I am really nervous about all this. I haven't had really big surgery, biggest thing was giving birth. I know this is a huge light at the end of the tunnel but this just going to be a ruff bit not only for me but my family. I pray it will all work out. Thanks again.
That means they're removing part of your terminal ileum. This is ok but I strongly suggest you open a dialogue with your doctor about monitoring, at the very least, your vitamin B12 levels as that is where B12 is absorbed. I'd also suggest all the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), folate, and magnesium as well if your doctor is so inclined.

It's understandable that you're nervous, but I have no doubt you're going to come through just fine!

Good luck and keep us updated!