Swollen lymph node and on remicade?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 8, 2018
I have been on remicade for about 2-3 years now and I have a swollen lymph node on the side of my neck. I have had it for about 2 years. I went to my doctor at the time and she said it was a swollen lymph node but did not seem to worried about it. i noticed that i still have the swollen lymph node and about 2 inches apart from it I have a pea sized lump that is painless. Is there a high possibility it can be cancer? should i be worried? I have the pea sized bump on both sides of my neck so maybe it is meant to be there.Anybody experience this? I guess I am really considered because I am on remicade.
I would ask your doctor about it. Try not to worry. You have support from the forum.

Thank you. I am trying to avoid the doctors at all cost unless it is something very serious because i don't want to say i have something and it be nothing. weird, i know.
Thank you. I am trying to avoid the doctors at all cost unless it is something very serious because i don't want to say i have something and it be nothing. weird, i know.

You are far better off to say you have something and have it turn out to be nothing than the other way around.

Go to the doctor for your own peace of mind if nothing else.
Both my my daughters have had the same and it turned out to be nothing but you should definitely mention the new ones to your doctor so it could be checked out.