Symptom Query

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May 9, 2014
Ok, so suspected colitis/Crohn's. Abdominal pain round large colon and now into smaller intestine. Radiates through to my back and feels as though at the front I have pulled muscles. Quite tender and what I call odd spots of more sharp pains also in some places . Is this normal. Certain movements and I'm like ''OUCH''! Also I am absolutely shattered. And awaiting consultants deciding upon what tests to do etc...I feel like I'm in limbo. Any way all this said, I will not let this beat me. My doc says if it is the aforementioned disease chances are it's been there for many years and has decided to flare up now. I'm 36. How have I not had a flare up before now? Confused/annoyed/anxious. Sorry for the vent, just I wake up most days in a tad pain and needed to vent is all lol. 914am Sunday here in the UK. Have a good day all:rosette1::Flower::headbang:
Hi, no need to apologise , we all understand what this is like.

Unfortunately, these diseases like to sneak up on us, and really can strike at any time, hopefully it won't be too much longer until you find some answers and get on the way to feeling better.

How long have you had the level of pain you are describing? If this is a new thing, I'd suggest calling the nhs direct line or 111 (depending on where you are, the nhs website can tell you which to call) or trying to get in with an out of hours GP. One of the dangers with these illnesses is an intestinal obstruction which can cause the pain you are describing and which needs medical attention as they can become very serious. If the pain gets worse, you get a fever or you start to vomit then please take yourself to hospital. I know it's the weekend and the hospital is horrible, but we want you to take care of yourself.
Valleyangel thank you so much for your reply. You're a star. My pain is not persistent, but not so nice when it is there. So feel I can cope for now. If I got fever or sickness I definitely would call 111. My pain started ever so bleak and mild a few weeks ago and has escalated slowly but surely into more areas. Thankfully no diarrhoea ((touch wood)). I will plod on cos I will be damned if I will give in to this easily but also aware I need to be sensible and take care also. Thank you for your ongoing support , it means a lot :))
Hmm.. definitely keep an eye on the pain.. If it keeps getting worse please go to the hospital, it could be an obstruction or even your appendix, both can be really nasty if not treated properly.
I have strictures and get sharp stabbing pains in addition to lower right hand quadrant pain. Pain on movement might suggest a mechanical issue.
Our bodies are so complex it's hard to know fully what goes on. It's the not knowing which gets to me. Once you know what you're dealing with then you can proceed to try and understand it and make it better in any which way possible. Guess it's a waiting game for many of us.
Welcome belle,you should go to the doctor if for no other reason for peace of mind,pain that's ongoing be it abdominal or any kind of persistent pain needs checked out by the professionals.all the best good luck.
I've been in agony today, upper and lower parts. Seeing nurse Wednesday, earliest I can get. Fingers crossed she gives me something half decent for the pain til I see the consultant in a couple of weeks time. Thanks for everyone's advice too :)
Hi Belle

I have similar sounding symptoms. I've had it for 4 years on and off!! Had loads of tests including ultrasounds and mri and all clear. Then out of the blue I mentioned the some on and off diarrheah to Gp. She said ibs but decided to do a stool test for inflammation and it's come back high. She is saying it's likely ibd and I've been referred to a consultant.

Can I ask what symptoms you have overall and also what tests your consultant has done to think it's ibd? Sorry of you said already and I've misread!x
It all started with a niggling pain in my left side and has escalated fast from there. Down the right side along the top and down the left side also. It gets so bad sometimes I go dizzy. It aint spasms as such although I do get those too but more sharpish pains. They go through to my back also. I feel nauseous too. Yesterday after eating I had one real nasty spasm also. More and more symptoms daily. Although no diarrhoea as a main symptom....I await this lol. My stool had extra proteins too. I'm awaiting seeing the consultant whom will know every detail so I can get the right treatment/diagnosis necessary. Hope you get info you need also :)
Hi Belle

Thanks for info. I'm 33 and I've always had tummy problems. I had campylobacter when I was 23 and it was awful. They did a sigmoidoscopy as after 6 months I was still passing blood and mucus and terrible cramps. The results said ibs! So all this time I've just 'dealt' with it.

But I've noticed in the past four years I've got the niggling ache in my right hand side and it goes through to my back too. My gp though gallstones and sent me for ultrasound which was clear. Then they found a cyst on my liver so had MRI and was assured benign. I asked consultant if this was cause of my stomach and back pain and he said definitely not as it's tiny. He said likely ulcer. So I went on omeprazole and I've been on and off it for past 4 years. I mentioned the diarrheah to gp. I only have it once per day and he said it was anxiety and ibs. This was 4 years ago. So off I went.

Then I was pregnant in 2012 and I noticed I had loose stools every morning. This continued until recently. I just thought certain foods were upsetting me. I have had the ache in my back under right ribs all these years. It's not painful so I never take painkillers etc. it's just an ache.

So that's when gp decided to do the calprotectin test . She was as shocked as me when it ce back high as she thought ibs too. It's only now I trace things back I realise it's been going in for years!

Also when I had my second baby last year I was so ill with anemia and then afterwards I was struggling to recover almost needed a blood transfusion despite losing an average amount if blood. Doctors kept asking me if I had any auto immune diseases like diabeties. I had all the tests all normal. It felt so ill I started worrying I had something sinister. I've seen liver specialists, endocrine consultant, haematologist, had bloods galore and then scans galore. Even had a bladder scan few weeks ago as I was worried the tummy problems were bladder or ovary related!!! I've felt ill for years had thyroid tests constantly always normal and I constantly catch viruses etc. mouth ulcers too. In face I have a huge one just beside my tonsil at the moment which is agony when swallowing!!

I can't believe I never thought for a minute it was connected to the bowels and my 'ibs'. I even had a slightly high ESR done in 2011 and repeated and was told it was just 'normal for me'!!!! I then had the ESR repeated last summer by the haematologist and although I never asked the exact number. I know it was slightly raised and they said 'it was normal for me and especially considering what I had been through' (I had a 3rd degree tear from the labour that then became infected and abscess which required surgery under general anesthetic).

Sorry for war and peace!!! Just can't believe how similar your symptoms sound and our ages etc!
I've had no problems related to this before to this degree anyway. Had difficult birth with my son, anaemia, under active thyroid etc... so my so called flare up is all new to me. I hope you get well soon. Sounds like you have had a real rough time over the years. Doctors often second guess and yes they're human also, but unless we ourselves keep pushing for answers etc we're all just a number in their directory of patients. My doctor is very lovely however. Although I do think all of them could be more informative. Hope you get yourself straightened out very soon. It's the not knowing part which gets to me the most personally. I hate being out of control. Best of luck to you. Feel free to PM me if you need to, I will always lend an ear :)
Quite tender and what I call odd spots of more sharp pains also in some places . Is this normal. Certain movements and I'm like ''OUCH''!

Hi, I'm completely new to this forum but have been having similar issues to what you posted above specifically- lots of abdominal tenderness (started out on upper left side and now is also on lower left side and lower right side) and sharp pains that come on suddenly, constipation, pain after eating, mucus in stool, etc. It's a long story- I might try to explain it all a bit later, but I've had this and other lower abdominal pains for the past 2 months with no relief or diagnosis yet. Beginning to suspect Crohn's.

So I'm curious- how are you doing now? Have you been diagnosed with IBD? I'm wishing you well and thanks for posting your symptoms- it's the closest list I've found so far to what I'm experiencing.

thanks -M

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