Allie, I saw your FB post this morning too - so, SO very happy and relieved for you that it's an infection and not stones or kidney failure! An infection still isn't great, but like you said, it's the best-case scenario. I hope the antibiotics take care of it quickly! I've had a zillion UTIs and I think one did go into my kidney at one point and I remember being pretty miserable at the time, but the antibiotics they gave me cleared it up quickly, so hopefully that's the case for you too. And you're right, it is very unusual for an infection to start in the kidney without being a UTI first, that's definitely not something that happens in "normal" people so I would also guess that your MCTD/Lupus probably played a part in facilitating the infection. If it were me, I'd get regular kidney function blood tests (creatinine, etc) to keep an eye on how things are doing in your kidneys. Anyway, I'm probably rambling again - so relieved to hear the news though and I hope you feel lots better very soon!
ABC, thank you for the info. I'm hoping you can provide more info? For example, does intestinal TB always present with inflammation? In my case, I get LRQ pain but my doctors have never been able to find any inflammation and I don't have a hard spot nor thickening anywhere in my intestines either. I'm assuming then that intestinal TB would be essentially ruled out for me? Also, I've tried several IBD treatments (prednisone, Entocort, and Asacol) and all have worked well for me - your "My Story" post made it sound as though IBD treatments won't work for intestinal TB, so I'm assuming that since IBD meds did work for me, that also essentially rules out intestinal TB for me? Does intestinal TB usually follow the same pattern or can it vary the way that IBD can?
Sonicfox, welcome to the forum and the club. As difficult as it might be, please try not to stress too much. Stress can make our symptoms even worse as you've probably come to realize. Have a read around the forums here, there is a LOT of info on this site and hopefully some of it will ease your worries. If you do have something like Crohn's, it can be treated and you can feel a lot better and get your life back. I wish you lots of luck with the scope - make sure to let them know that you want a lot of biopsies taken (sometimes if they don't see anything out of the ordinary, they won't take any or will only take a few - sometimes the illness can only be seen on a microscopic level and can be patchy, so it's definitely best to make sure they take lots of biopsies regardless of what they see visually!). Also, you might want to request that they stain the biopsies for mast cells, as not a lot of doctors do that. Good luck! And feel free to ask any questions, if we can't answer them here in the club, we can at least point you in the right direction. Hang in there and I hope your scope gets you some answers!
Star, I hope the cortisol test clears things up for you. I think we've already talked about this awhile ago, but have they ruled out Cushing's for you? I know that high cortisol and weight gain/inability to lose weight are two of the hallmarks of Cushing's and it sounds like you've experienced both, although of course weight gain with something like Crohn's isn't uncommon either. Anyway, I hope you can either confirm or rule things out at the very least with these test results. And, my goodness, having to take steroid tablets at midnight!! Steroids make me wired, I doubt I would sleep at all if I had to take steroids at bedtime! For the short time I was on pred, I took it first thing in the morning, like at 6 AM, and even so I would still be pretty jazzed by bedtime and would have a very hard time falling asleep and staying asleep. (Pred made me feel so good that I didn't really care though!). And more recently, when I was taking that steroid suppository for hemorrhoids, I did have to take that at night. Even though it was a mild steroid and not systemic, I still would have a terrible time falling & staying asleep (and unlike pred, this time I did care and was fairly miserable!). I hope you get a good result from that test and don't have to re-do it. Steroids at night time, yuck!!
Nathan, I'm not familiar with plyometrics, I will google it and learn more. Honestly, I really love weight lifting and have to pretty much force myself to do cardio, so adding more cardio in to my regimen is going to be tough regardless. I can run 1/2 mile without having to stop, but can't do any more than that just yet. So I feel like a cardio wimp, ha ha. I did just get a new bike and have been trying to ride that as much as I can as that's a little more fun than running. I wish I could run with my dog as that sounds fun, but she's kind of overweight and not in great cardio shape either so we both peter out pretty quickly! Ha ha. (My dog is a corgi and they're not known for being great runners anyway so even if she weighed less and were in better shape, I don't think she'd be able to run with me for very long.)
Anyway, this is way too long. How's everyone else doing? I'm good! I probably won't be around the forum much this week as I'm taking a few days off to go on a mini road trip with my mother. I'll check in when I can. Not sure if I'll have internet access where we're going or not. Anyway, hope everyone else is well!