Update on Dusty's Matt

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Great news ! ;)

Am I the only one In this group that gets a twinge of fright when I see this thread has been updated ?? Lol

So very happy he continues to do well!
That is great! thank you for sharing. I think it really helps everyone to see good news and lots of remission!

Take care,
Yikes! Didn't mean to scare ya! :yfaint:

He has just finished his intensive school at uni and starts first semester lectures tomorrow. He's excited! Doesn't get better than that! :biggrin:

Thanks for the well wishes guys, it is so appreciated! :hug:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Third for the good news. I confess though that I'm with T - twinges of fear.... Ha ha

Talk about jinx yourself!!! :eek2:

Damn, blast, curse and feck! :voodoo: Matt has been having monthly bloods for ages so after discussion with the doctor we decided that after his last lot, last Friday, we would finally go out to 2 monthly. I got his results yesterday and he has dropped below normal with WCC and neutrophils. Not by much mind and the GP and GI don't want to do anything just yet as these sort of "one off's" can happen to anyone. Soooooo we will repeat the bloods next week. I know at this point it is no biggie in the scheme of things and there would be many of you reading this thinking, I wish that was our only issue! and rightly so! But man oh man I hate seeing the disappointment in his face. :( (((sigh))).

Am I worrying? Of course not! :shifty-t:

Dusty. :heart:
Ummmm...well, I would NOT be one of the parents thinking I wish this was our only problem ! We don't get to pick and choose our emotions ~ and we certainly don't base them on "whose worse off" ! :hug:

Oh man, I know this has to be bugging you! I've got everything crossed that this is just a "fluke" and next week all will return to "normal"! Matt and Sarah are my success story heroes and very dear to my heart !! :ghug:
Sending lots of wishes as well that this is just a one-time issue!! Probably no real cause for concern yet but... it's just that nasty grey cloud hanging above for the next week! :mad2:

Dusty, I'm gonna risk sounding like a moron here (shut up) but in light of Sarah's annual back to school issues, do you think Matt's blood changes could be attributed to stress/excitement of beginning university? Whatever it is, I know you're gonna worry until proven otherwise so try to relax!!...if you can't I'd love a nice tightly knitted brown scarf to wear with my uniform. Just plain brown yarn please...no frills!!
Dusty, I know easier said than done, but try to relax. The bloods are not way out of line.Could just be a blip on the radar screen.
Aaaaaaaw CRAP! I'm praying for a blip on the radar screen too. But even superwoman has to worry some days........

Love u -

Well, damn dusty!!! Hopefully it is just a fluke and things will correct themselves.

Keeping my fingers crossed for Matt, dusty!! :) big hugs to you guys.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is just a fluke and hopefully the next set of labs will be fine!!!!
Hey Tess, :bigwave:

Matt seems perfectly fine mate.

He is going for his bloods today and funnily enough I am wishing so mightily hard that they are normal! :lol: He always leaves it to Friday which means, assuming there is nothing drastically wrong, I don't get to eyeball the results until Monday! Ugh! Nothing like putting Mum through the torture of waiting a couple of extra days...:ylol:

Dusty. xxx
I'm sure it will all be fine! But, WTH, why not worry an extra couple of days! :lol:
Aw I hope this is just a one off thingymebob too Dusty!
Try not to worry, (fallen on deaf ears I know)
You're a Mum, and it's what we do, it's a pain in the crack sometimes!
Sending you a big hug Dusty.
What a wonderful mum your children have though.
You are an inspiration to many people on here.
Will send lots of prayers your way.
Thanks guys...:hug:

I didn't get a call from the GP yesterday so either there is nothing drastically wrong OR he doesn't have the results yet. Roll on Monday! :)

Dusty. xxx
Monday is here, the results are in and I am doin' the happy dance!

In case you hadn't already guessed all is back within normal limits. :) I would have been so disappointed for all the obvious reasons but also because they would not have reflected what I am seeing in front of me.

Thanks for all the well wishes. It is so appreciated. :rosette1::rosette1::rosette1:
Dusty. xxx
So yah...now you gotta find something else to worry about! So happy for you and Matt. :congratualtions:

You are a star. I am so pleased both your children are feeling better.

Will keep my fingers crossed that you can get back to having some easier kind of normality in your life.

Take care :):):)
Surgery Anniversary. :)

Well it is 1 year ago today (7/4) that Matt had his ileocaecal resection...

In some ways it seems so long ago but in others just like yesterday. Matt has gone from a young man that was very underweight, in pain and developing a growing dislike to the percutaneous drain that had attached itself to him to now being pain free, healthy and full of life and vigour, he fair bounces around the place at times! :lol:

Am I stating the bleeding obvious in saying I don't ever want this to end!!! Long live remission!!!...:worthy:

Dusty. x:heart:x:heart:x
I just read all these posts here Dusty ... I feel bad I only dabbled on this forum at the time you were going through this with Matt and I did not support you. You give all of us so much support - even in the middle of your crisis you supported me, thank you. I am so happy everything has turned out very good for both Matt and Sarah. May it stay that way forever!
Good heavens Jeanne, you deserve a medal! :medal1: :lol:

No need to apologise hun I understand but thank you just the same. :hug:

And thank you sooooooooooo much everyone for the lovely words, thoughts and well wishes. You guys are the best!

Dusty. :heart:
Congrats! I'm sure this is only the beginning of a very, very, very long remission!!! :medal1: Way to go Matt & mom!! :ybiggrin:
Matt was due for bloods in the next couple of weeks and I thought he would be bound to procrastinate about the whole thing so picked up the request a couple of weeks early. Lo and behold he picked the form up off the table yesterday and went and had them done! :yfaint:

Still monitoring the B12, I picked up the results today and all were back except that one. They are all normal! :ybiggrin: I can now breathe a little easier for the next few weeks until the tension starts to build again. :eek2:

Great news, Dusty!!! :D Feels like a weight is lifted when you get those good results - all seems good in the world! :sun:

:lol: AND, he did them on his own initiative!!! WOOHOO!!!
Great news Dusty! And what a responsible young man...going on his own. Enjoy a week or two with no worry!
Wonderful, and what a great relief that they are looking good! Hoping the b12 comes back fine as well...hooray for Matt!!
That's great that the blood tests are coming back good! Long may it continue. Glad he's enjoying being well!
:bdayparty: Happy Birthday Matt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bdayparty:

Have a GREAT day!:lol2:
Well the 2 monthly bloods have been done and dusted this past week and all is good! All within normal limits :ybiggrin: Try wiping that grin off my face! :lol:

His B12 is in normal range but still on the lower end and I am not happy about it. His current GP will be retiring in a few of weeks so I will wait to the new chap starts and start moulding him to my way of thinking! :ylol:

Dusty. :boring: and luvin' it!
Great news re the blood tests!
As for "boring", I recall hearing there was an ancient (?Chinese) proverb.. "may you live in interesting times"!!
I'm a big fan of normal path results and boring :)

Oh my gosh! I was just thinking this morning how there are certain threads that when they get updated your heart skips a beat hoping that everything is O.K. and how this used to be one of those.

So happy the results are good and you go get that new doc Dusty!
Great news!!! Always so good to hear of our kids who are doing well!! Woohoo! :banana:
Well we met with the new GP today. Matt is due to have bloods done and since to doc is new he wanted to eyeball him before going to me just ringing and asking, fair enough. He seems a nice chap and was very accommodating. :)

I spoke about my concerns with Matt's nutritional status so he ordered all the usual...

Iron Studies
Vit D

He has added

Vit C

I am happy with the order but Matt isn't! :eek2: poor thing. The GP said the Vit C result may take up to two weeks to be returned. He wants to see Matt again in 3 weeks to discuss the results.

I spoke about my displeasure that his B12 is persistently in the low to mid 200's. He is happy to supplement so no doubt based on what these bloods return he will discuss at the next appointment. We talked about testing his Methylmalonic Acid and I told him if he starts umming and ahhing about supplementation then I will expect that he orders the test at the next visit.

So all in all a good consult.

Happy Dusty! :)