Update on Dusty's Matt

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Thanks Amanda, Michele, Stinky, Dex, littlemissh and Julie!!!

The countdown is on and this time next week we should have a plan of action YAY!!! Not before time too I think, yesterday was the first time in three months that Matt has actually said anything negative to me. I have seen the disappointment in his face many a time but he never really says anything (he is a man of few words, hmmmmm must take after me).........he is sick of feeling so tired all the time and he is well and truly fed up with the drain. Hell I reckon he's done well, I would most likely have been whingeing ages ago! (Disclaimer: Shut up Dex :ylol:).

Counting down......7,6,5,4,3,2,1.....blastoff!
Dusty. :)
I still don't think whinging is a real word....but at least I can spell it!! Maybe there will be a silver lining to Matt's drawn out intro to crohns. Perhaps he'll be more likely to take care of himself in the future.

Wow, it has been 3 months, hasn't it!!!
Three months. Long time to be in limbo.

Okay, whinging (or whatever) can be a word if two people agree on it's meaning. Language moves & grows with us, it is never a static thing. Ha! Come back from that one Dex!

Michele :biggrin:
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We've been through this before Dex. :yrolleyes:

Whingeing is a word, I know it's hard for a redneck to believe but it is and not only that but it is spelt whingeing. :lol2:

Thank you for defending my honour Michele! :)

Dusty. :)
Believe it or not, Dusty & Dex, you're both right. :) I'm addicted to the Dictionary.com app on my phone. It says. The base word is Whinge - conjugated is whinged, whinging. :)

Not that you needed me to referree! :wink::wink::wink::wink:
Fantastic news Dusty. Glad to hear thing's are at last heading in the right direction.
Sending lots of good vibes and best wishes xx
Ahahahahaha........you say whinging and I say whingeing. Yeah they're both right but hey I can't miss the opportunity to bag out on Dex! :rof:

I can't thank you guys enough the support and laughs.

I know why the docs held off doing anything sooner and I guess as the appointment date gets closer you sort of start getting a bit antsy with things. Just keeping my fingers crossed that the plan has worked this time!

Dusty. :)
I would never say whingeing or whinging, because my red-neck buddies would immediately beat the sh&( out of me!! Then I'd tell them to stop whining!!

Well, we've made it to March!! One more week!
I'm still sending prayers your way. Mom needs them just as much as her child.
Thanks Dex, Pen and Andi.......:hug:

Another successful trip to the docs, Woohoo!!!

The mass is smaller and less solid, WCC 5.4 and CRP coming down again, now 30. Hasn't gained weight but isn't losing either.

Off to Sydney on Sunday for review by the colorectal surgeon and gastroenterologist on Monday. I am about 90% sure he will say come back in 3 weeks, or there abouts, for his op but after nothing going to plan since diagnosis I'm not dismissing that he will keep us down there. I'm in two minds about this. One part of me doesn't want an unexpected stay in Sydney right now but the other part is saying...........he is doing well clinically so lets just get in now and get the drain and the crappy bit of bowel out!!!

I guess my fear in waiting another 3 weeks is Matt is already pissed off about the drain and I will be like a cat on a hot tin roof looking for any sign that he is on the downward slide again. ARGH!!!!! I hate feeling like this.

Pondering what Monday will hold. :)
It is so hard to be 17 & sick. I just feel for Matt so much because I was so young when I got sick (19). The time of life we want to be go, go, going & do, do, doing! I think getting angry is normal. And getting angry & grumpy toward the person closest (and that we know we can count on 1000%) is inevitable.
You are such a wonderful, supportive mother. Matt knows he is always safe with you and will always be safe with you. Okay, enough pop psychology 101!
I hate the "which way do I turn now" feelings too.
Remember to take care of you too!
Oh Dusty - thinking of y'all.......

You know that song......."Waiting is the hardest part...." Couldn't be more true could it? You are a spectacular mother and I have no doubt you'll get Matt what he needs when he needs it.


Yep, I just awarded ya!

Awww thanks Michele and Julie............:blush:

Sunday morning here and I'll be off to Sydney soon. Take care guys and I'll let you know what happens.

Bye, :bigwave:
I like this song..."come Monday, it'll be alright"...

I'll be thinking about you and Matt:)
Hi Dusty

Is it Monday there now?
Hope you have a successful outcome and Matt can get rid of his drain.
I can't imagine what you're going thro, my Jordan is the same age as Matt and I don't know if I could cope. You're so strong, and doing a fab job Dusty.
Big hug your way, take care
Oh wow! Thanks for all the well wishes guys.............:hug:

We have a plan of action anf first up the surgeon does not want to operate right now.

We saw the gastroenterologist first, we hadn't met this guy before and he is a Crohns specialist. After a lot of history taking, chatting and examining Matt he was in no doubt that surgery is Matt's only option in rectifying his current problems. Even to the point that if the surgeon didn't agree he was going to contact him. It's alwyas good to know that others are of the same opinion.

Then we saw the surgeon. He is very happy with Matt's current status and how he looks and said he is exactly where he wants him to be. He has set down the 7th of April as the surgery date. At this point he doesn't think he will be able to do the surgery laparoscopically so open surgery seems to be the method, he will have a progress scan in a couple of weeks to determine the affected area. Drain remains insitu until surgery and he will also stay on Flagyl but stop the Augmentin when supplies run out.

So that's it. Matt seems happy enough but it is hard to tell in someone who says very little. He only asked one question the whole day and that was if he was still going to have a drain when he left hospital. When the surgeon said no a little smile crept onto his face and with Matt that speaks volumes, believe you me!

Thanks for being here guys. It makes so much difference having you here to voice my thoughts and fears to. I can never thank you enough.

Dusty. :hug:
Okay well that is a plan. I hate that you have to wait until 4/7 but at least all are in agreement and you are moving forward. My son is "one of those" kids that a little smile would speak volumes. I'm glad you saw a glimmer - bless his heart.........

Thinking of you all!!!!

Excellent! Plan in place, Matt seems okay with it, mum is now able to sleep (somewhat!). Glad the GI seems like a keeper. Keep rolling with the flow, girl!
That's excellent news Dusty!
My Jordan is the silent type too, a little smile would've answered all my questions too!
April 7th, bring it on!
Try and chillax now, have some Dusty time!
More good news Dusty- you really are on a roll now!!
Hope Matt continues to do well until the 7th, you both deserve a break. Soo pleased for you both.
Sending a big hug xx
Thank you so much everyone, I appreciate all the thoughts, prayers and well wishes more than anything. :hug::hug::hug:

Matt has returned to his usual routine of bloods Thursday and docs Friday. I have been having my own private pity party :ylol: since I saw Matt's GP last evening. He was chatting with me about Matt and then said "I don't imagine you want to hear his CRP is 131". Damn right I don't!!! UGH!!! He didn't have the WCC at that point.

Anyway we went to see him today and his WCC and neutrophils are raised from last week but still within normal limits. Matt told him he feels well and he does look quite good at present and to me is less fatigued than he has been. At least the last few days when I get home from work he isn't asleep on the lounge, man it breaks my heart to see that. So we will keep with the wait and see at this point. I am hoping this is just a glitch that will be gone by next week..............(clicking my ruby slippers together 3 times!)

Click, Click, Click.

Hugs to all, :hug:
Stop picking on my deformities Dex!!!

And will you please write the date properly! That is the 4th of July!!!

Dusty. :)
OMG! Your wife needs a medal for putting up with you! I imagine you have been together for at least one life sentence so how many more are you going to subject her to!

Dusty. :)
ha ha ha you two, what ARE you like!

I still can't get my head round how you write your dates, 4/7 is 4th of July to me too!

Anyhoo, roll on 7/4, can't come soon enough!
Take care Dusty luv
Keeping all of you in my thoughts. Glad Matt feels better, even if his blood hasn't caught up yet!

Reading the posts between you & Mark makes me giggle. Thanks for that!

all I can say is WOW! and DITTO!
Dusty, you are one incredible and strong and loving momma ! I can feel every second, every syllable of every word and sentiment you have expressed in this post deep into my soul.
I hate that we share such similar stories. I have cried so many tears reading these last 8 pages of Matt's struggles, and yours. I can not believe how similar our stories are!
I just want you to know my thoughts are with you....we CAN do this for our beloved and precious children. Stay strong !

"Worry, worry, worry, worry, maybe I should change my name to WorryKat! Haha the skills you develop to look at your kids without really looking at them!"
I loved how you said this !
<<<gigantic hugs coming your way>>>
Hey Dustykat, I haven't been on the forum for a loooong time but read back a bit and am so sorry that you and your lil guy have been through so very much difficulties and hellish times. I want you to know that even though i have not been around, you are always in my prayers and thoughts. Sending you strength and hope from all the way over in Mass. Hold strong dear, your angels are watching and you will all be through it soon.
@ Joan, thanks hun and that whole date thing is a real bugger ay! :lol:

@ Michele, thanks mate. I'm hoping more than anything his blood does catch up! Nothing better than a good laugh, especially at Dex's expense..........:ylol2:

@ Tracy, it breaks my heart that you can relate so closely to this BUT it is wonderful to have you here......:hug:

@ Jerman, thanks for dropping by buddy. I am so happy that things have been going well in your personal life, may it last a lifetime. :)

Don't wanna jinx myself (touching wood :eek2:), but Matt has been chuggin' along pretty well this week. Good colour, good obs and less fatigued, appetite a bit meh but it's not too bad all things considered. Hoping, hoping, hoping that his Thursday bloods reflect all that or I will be mightily p@#$*d off! :ylol:

Loads a love, :hug:

I'm still sending you (((hugs))) and prayers for you and your little one. You are always making me smile...... :) And I can tell you are a GREAT Mom, you're children are lucky and so are we to have you.
Thanks for the smiles and hugs you bring!!!

Hey Linda!

Awww thanks, :blush:.

I have been wondering where you have been! I hope you are having a speedy recovery and all is well. :hug:

Dusty. :)
@ Jerman, thanks for dropping by buddy. I am so happy that things have been going well in your personal life, may it last a lifetime. :)

Thanks very much Dusty, that means a great deal to me. :)
I have been wondering where you have been! I hope you are having a speedy recovery and all is well. :hug:

My recovery has been good! I wish I could do whatever I want right now, but I'm feeling better every day!

^^^^ Me doing a happy dance and it ain't pretty! :ylol:

Woohoo the bloods are good, WCC unchanged at 9.7 and CRP back down to 30. I am so happy 'cause I have seen shades of Matt this week that I haven't seen in I don't how long and I would have been so disappointed if his bloods didn't reflect that. :):):)

He's skinny as a stick though and has lost more weight, now 41.7kg, I hope he doesn't loose any more before surgery. Progress CT Scan booked for the 28th March and I have everything crossed that the inflammation has retreated right back to the 100mm it was originally, oh well at least close to it anyway.

Thanks for being here guys, it means the world to me. :hug:
Yeah Dusty!!!!!
I am sitting outside @ the Mayo clinic and saw the email that you had updated so I just HAD to check! Lol I am on my phone hehe. This is great news !

We just received the all clear for Gabs surgery as all her blood work came back great ! (her WBC is also at 9.7! First time in 4 months there is no sign of infection!!)
I got a copy(finally) of her MR enterography also so I will share that with you later and we can dig through that "grey matter" ;)

I am so very happy for Matt and you !
Kinda puts a little ease to your worries going into the surgery (at least I hope !):hang:
Oh Dusty - that's ALL GOOD! I'm so glad for you both. Exhale now, worrying mama, exhale. :thumright:

Big hug,
Thanks so much Dex, Linda, T, J and D! :wub:

Hey T, that is fab news about Gab's! What a relief, phew, and how good is it that her WCC is normal going into the op! :emot-dance::emot-dance::emot-dance:

Dusty. :Karl:
Aw, I'm always late to the party, but I'm dancing, honest!!

Excellent news for Matt & Gab!
Here's to both kids, I wish them lotsa happiness!
Well Matt had his weekly bloods yesterday and it's a bummer 'cause they are starting to go off again.:(

I can't say I'm surprised as he has started to hit the wall psychologically this week. He has no appetite, no energy, has insomnia and is generally fed up. He came to me the other morning and said he is dropping 2 of the 3 university units he enrolled in this semester. :( It breaks my heart to think how difficult that decision was for him to make. Couple that with a few days of low grade to mid range temperatures and, well I'm not surprised.

His WCC is 12.8 and CRP is 110. The GP is concerned about his condition and his likely further deterioration over the next 2 weeks. He feels that even a week of TPN prior to surgery would be beneficial in not only resting the bowel but getting some calories into him. I have thought about this and am not against it if the surgeon feels it is also warranted. He is going to try and get onto the Prof and discuss it with him today, but being Friday who knows. He will pursue it again on Monday if he is unable to make contact today.

He does have his progress CT Scan booked for first thing Monday morning so here's hoping the inflammation has done the Harold Holt (bolt) and retreated back to what it was, or at least close to it, when he was diagnosed. Fingers and evertything else crossed!

Dusty. :)
Wow Dusty - you and your family have been through the ringer. What an incredibly strong family you have!!
Poor Matt... :( Sorry he had to drop courses at university. If he can do all of this while being this sick, I cant imagine how he would do when he is well. He will kick butt!!! and if I were an employer, he would be the kind of person I would want to hire as he sounds so resilient or I don't really have the right words but sounds like he has an amazing work ethic.. or maybe ambitious is the right word. After all of this I am surprised he is only hitting the wall now... all of those variables would make anyone feel depressed :( I hope Matt is able to get ahold of the prof today.
I have everything crossed over here for you and Matt Dusty! I am thinking of you and Matt and sending you positive vibes. You guys will get through this :)
Thanks for updating us
Awe man Dusty .. I really hate to hear this !! Your children have had enough already !!! Damn it !

I am sending my bestest wishes your way !! It's Matt's turn to get and stay healthy now!! Just two more weeks and it's his time !
I hope he doesn't have to do the TPN, but if that is what is going to help him have a more successful surgery, or lesson the inflammation until then, then I suppose I would agree to it as well.

I wish you all nothing but the best !! :kiss::kiss:

Much love !
HiDusty,so sorry to hear the grotty news.Nothing I say will make it go away but I will pray it all goes well for Matt you and your family.Will this thing never give us any peace?Take care and will be thinking of you all with everything crossed.xxxGeri
Oh man, I know you are both ready to get off this roller coaster!! I hope this is the last trough and he can start a steady climb til the surgery! I'm so crossed up I can't walk!!
Gosh Dusty. I HATE that. I'm with Dex - let's get going and get off this stupid bad amusement park ride!

Love, hugs & prayers - all coming at ya!

Dusty, I am so sorry about what you guys are going through. Cancelling University courses is a tough call to make. But Matt will get through this and start doing much better. Your family has been through the ringer on this stupid disease. I'll be praying for you guys.
I'm sorry he's slowly getting worse again, Dusty. I think about you guys and hope that things turn quickly for the better for Matt. Sending you hugs from the states :) Hang in there Dusty!!!
Hi Dusty ! :rosette1:

Just checking in to see how Matt is doing ?? AND YOU ??
I am still all too familiar with the "pre surgery" jitters !!

Is Matt getting any rest ? He goes for a follow-up CT tomorrow right ?
May I ask...why do they want to do the CT, and radiate a young man again, right before his surgery ?
Has it been definitely decided about the TPN? Do you have to fly out to Sydney early for that ?

OH MY....me and my questions for you!! :ywow:
I am just concerned for you both!

And by the way....how is Sarah doing knowing this has now attacked her brother?

Ill stop now! Maybe...


Big Giant Hugs coming your way !!! :hug::hug::hug:
I've caught up just now with your news and dang namit, it really is a roller coaster ride for you all. I hope the scan goes well Monday and the results are good.
Love and hugs to you and Matt and your family. You are all in my thoughts and prayers for great things to happen.
@Wendy, Thanks so much for your support hun, it means the world to me. :hug:

@Geri, I really appreciate your kind words and prayers. I reckon we are using up our fair share at the moment! :hug:

@Dex, Well what can I say Dex. Thanks for being here for me mate just doesn't seem enough. :)

@J, Thanks mate for your love and friendship. You have a lot on your plate right now as well and I'm sending love, hugs and prayers right back at ya! :hug:

@Doug, Thanks for dropping by mate and I'll take all the prayers I can get! I'm thinking of you and hoping and praying that you can get your own issues sorted pronto! :hug:

@Manzy, Thanks hun, I reckon I can feel those hugs right now! How are you and bubs? It must be getting close now and I can't wait! :kiss:

@Welshy, Awww mate, thanks for popping in when you have so much going on yourself right now. Thinking of you too buddy. :wub:

@Sara, Thank heaps hun. I have been thinking about you and hoping that you are alright. I know you have had a lot to deal with recently, are you okay? :hug:


Is Matt getting any rest ? He goes for a follow-up CT tomorrow right ?
May I ask...why do they want to do the CT, and radiate a young man again, right before his surgery ?
Has it been definitely decided about the TPN? Do you have to fly out to Sydney early for that ?

OH MY....me and my questions for you!!
I am just concerned for you both!

And by the way....how is Sarah doing knowing this has now attacked her brother?

Haha, ask away mate! I know you are doing it because you care and for that I am forever grateful! :wub:

Unfortunately Matt is really struggling at present. I know he is worried and stressed because he is becoming quite snappy, :(. What isn't helping is as much as he and Sarah get on I think when she is home for a few days he gets a bit overwhelmed, it really is the extreme of extrovert meets introvert! :eek2:

The CT he is having today is the one the surgeon will use to basically determine what he will do in the op. He wants to know how the inflammation has settled now that he has moved from an acute to a chronic phase.

The GP will speak with the surgeon today so I should know this afternoon. If the surgeon does want TPN then I would imagine that we will have to fly down sometime this week, maybe Wednesday or Thursday?

Sarah has handled it well and it has certainly brought them closer, she has been a wonderful support to him, but having said that I know it has scared her seeing what he has gone through in the last 3 months. I hate that she has relived her own pain and suffering at times since Matt was diagnosed. :(

Wow! Thanks guys for being here for us, words cannot express what it means to have you all here. I will let you know what happens today with the surgeon and keep you updated on the CT results.

Loads of love, :ghug:
Hmmmmmm.........I think, hell I know, I am more worried about the CT results than anything right now. Sorta like looking into a crystal ball! :eek:

Dusty. :)
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Hey Dusty!!

Nice to hear from you!
I am also having a CT after surgery. How are they doing Matts? Not to freak you out but I was told I need an NG tube in so they can push dye through.. I cant remember where Matts Crohn's is so maybe it is different...and hopefully they can just scan him. My MRI's are coming back abnormal but the pictures are too blurry. He is risking radiation with a CT because he wants answers as well and because he said he will monitor really well - sort of a deal...I agree to be radiated...they monitor well afterwards. He also said it is also the most reliable and would show every nuance. It is best to know in the long run....right?
I hope Matts inflammation has decreased so he is cleared for surgery.
as always thinking of you Matt and Sarah :D


P.S - pain meds makes people really crusty..lol... I find I snap at people also (mostly in my head) and I think it is the dilaudid.. Im usually really laid back...
Hey Dusty,

My prayers are with you and your family... What an amazing person you are - welcoming me and taking the time to answer my questions (if I'd only do more research I could find - but some does say, "Save time - Ask Dusty!" while going through you own personal trials with your son...

Thank you - and God bless!
@Wendy, Matt's CT was IV contrast only. Should have the results this afternoon. Oh man Wendy, I so hope the inflammation is reduced! Thanks for being here mate. :hug:

@Shelly, Don't listen to Dexky!!! :ylol:. Thanks so much for the well wishes and prayers hun. :hug:

Man, oh man, oh man...........

Matt's weight is now down to 40.2 kgs. I should have the CT results this afternoon. The GP has just rung me and he has spoken with the surgeon, the surgeon still doesn't want him down there until next week BUT.......he told the GP there is still a high chance of Matt having a temporary ileostomy! Godammit I thought we had a really good chance of being past that. I'm not going to be stupid about it and I know why it may need to be done but they will bloody well have to prove it to me! I only say that because Matt isn't coping with the drain very well at all, how the hell is he going to cope with the stoma! Hell I'm just thinking out loud here, I know he will cope in some form or other but I'm just bloody to sick to death of him getting kicked in the guts! Hmmmmm...........think I'll leave off now. :(

Thanks guys, :hug:
Hey Dusty

One day at a time my friend :D I hope Matt's inflammation is also reduced a great deal. Amazing how all of this started with no symptoms - just wacky blood work!!!! (if I remember correctly). Please let us know how the CT had worked out. I am glad it was contrast only.

Hang in Dusty and Matt.
Oh man Dusty :(

You know, I know, how very hard this is on you right now. The anticipation may be the worst part of it ! And, I didn't even have a doc telling me Gab had a possibility of a stoma....he said NOPE!

Hang in there! I was devastated when Gab came out of surgery with the ileostomy, I didn't see a way that it could possibly be ok. Her entire life flashed through my mind, and heart. I just wanted to take it all away for her (and still do !)

However, she had it for one week today. Is she happy about it ? NO. But, her attitude is so much better today then it was last week. She makes jokes, talks to it, insults it, the works. I believe in her mind she has just reserved herself to the fact that there is absolutely nothing she can do about it except deal.

These kids are so strong and can overcome anything that is thrown their way. And in watching them do so, it makes us stronger mommy's. If they can do it then we can too! If Matt does end up with the bag, then you know its for the best and for his best health. It SUCKS. I KNOW. I TRULY DO !
But it will be ok, I promise. Just hang on to those words of "temporary" and "reversal" and keep remembering that...then watch Matt get better and better and better !! You CAN do it !!

I'm so sorry for your pain Dusty....I wish I could give you big big hugs personally !! :hug::hug::hug:
Hang in there hun...and vent away if you need to !

much love and respect,
Dusty, I feel so awful for you and Matt. Just keep fighting through this and make the best of the situation. You guys will find stable ground eventually and then whatever that looks like, Matt with your help, will make the most of it and I'm sure find some peace and happiness. I wish this burden could be lifted off your shoulders. As bad as things get always look for God in your day, he's there with you Dusty. Hang in there
@Geri, Thanks for being here hun......:hug:

@Wendy, That's right! Next to no symptoms and wacky inflammatory markers, that's about it. I can't believe what has happened in the last few months!......:eek2:......:hug:

@T, Awwww thanks hun......:wub:. I asked Sarah today how she thought Matt would handle a stoma and she said; "He'll be fine, it's Matt he's weird!"......:lol:

@Stinky, Hey Stinky! Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful words, they really mean the world to me......:hug:

Well I have the preliminary report of the CT results and they look pretty good to me but then I'm no radiologist or surgeon!

In summary (my words)......

- The upper abdomen, including organs, is normal.

- There are no bony abnormalities.

- The large colon is normal.

- There has been some improvement in the appearance of the distal small bowel loops, which are now of more normal calibre with less fluid in them.

- The right ureter and collecting system are now within normal limits - previously borderline dilated.

- The pigtail drain remains insitu (woohoo! the retaining suture hasn't been in place for ages) and the abscess remains drained.

- There is a collection of fluid behind the bladder that is significantly larger than identified on the scan of the 15th Feb. I wonder if this is the abscess they suspected back in January but was too small to drain and the mass the GP is feeling and suspected was a abscess all along. I know it is the same area that the GP is palpating mass in. Interestingly the drain has become very active over the last few days and especially last night. ALERT TMI, I smelt the dressing and it is not offensive but smells of pus as opposed to faecal matter. I wonder if this collection of fluid has connected up with the original abscess cavity as I think the second abscess did sit behind the first. Matt has been spiking fevers over the last week as well. His temperature tonight was 38.3 and he is starting to get soreness again but not like the pain he had that precipitated his last two hospital visits.

Summary comment from report..........
Changes of known Crohn's disease of distal ileum have improved and the right iliac fossa collection remains fully drained, but a fluid collection has developed in the pelvic peritoneal cavity to the right of midline, and is of uncertain significance - ?simple fluid ?inflammatory fluid.

Hmmm......I wonder what the surgeon will think!

Hangin' in there by my fingertips! :)
:eek2::eek2::eek2: Don't want to get my hopes up Dex! Plus that is essentially my interpretation of things 'cause it hasn't had the final rubber stamp and I haven't spoken with the doc.

Dusty. :)
We are all thinking of you and Matt Dusty and willing things to get better for you all :) I'm 24 and not diagnosed yet but I would say it's CD. I decided if it ever came to a temporary "bag" (i'm not up yet with the correct terms!) I would make a giant wall chart with all the days I had to have it and cross them off day by day so I could see myself getting near the end. And for every week that I had it I would have a huge treat!

This may sound like a stupid question, but if there IS another abscess behind the bladder, would they need to "move" the drain and re-drain? or will that same one, placed where it is, be able to take care of the second one ?

One of the abscesses Gab had when the surgeon went in there was in or around the same area as Matt's, and directly in her blood line he said.
When we were first going over the results of her MRE he had stated that "if" there was an abscess then they would have to drain first before surgery.
I'm sure you remember my instincts saying there was indeed an abscess even tho the test results showed differently.
So in my mind ( as nutty as it is! LOL) the fact that the inflammation is less is wonderful news. And, that they found a possible second abscess can also be great news. That little sucker could be drained and the inflammation go down even more...along with getting rid of that fever it is causing !

I could be way off...who knows ! Your reports of the CT scan sound rather promising for Matt to me !!

Keep hanging in there momma !! Big hugs !!
Hey Dusty,

I've decided you can let go - and I'll hold on tight for you! I am certain that someday (later rather than sooner) I'll need the same help and you'll be there for me... Funny what we can gather in a few short posts, eh?

TONS and TONS and TONS of prayers and positive thoughts coming your way!!
@StarGirrrrl, Haha good idea about the wall chart and the treat! I hope you get answers soon, knowing what you have can be difficult but not knowing is worse......:hug:

@T, The drain that is in wouldn't do the job with the new abscess, not direct enough. I don't know what they will do with this information but I guess I will find out at the pre op work up next Tuesday, :eek2:. I don't reckon your way off T! Hope all is going well in your camp hun, are you home??......:hug:

@Shell, Woohoo time to flex my fingers! :lol:. Yep, we'll be here for ya hun, thanks so much for all the prayers and positive thoughts!......:ghug:

Dusty. :)
Haha Welshy I reckon we were answering each others posts. Hmmmm.......great minds think alike and small ones seldom differ?? I'll take the former! :lol:.

Thanks hun and right back at ya!

Dusty. :wub:
Hey Dusty!! Those results don't sound too bad! Looking forward to hearing what the docs say about the results :) Thinking of you and Matt!
Big hugs to you and Matt, hope things turn around for him. Scary to see kids be ill. Keep us posted! :hug:
Hi, Dusty

Appreciated reading this update from you. I have been thinking about you and Matt. Keep taking it day by day. Hugs to you!
:eek2::eek2::eek2: Don't want to get my hopes up Dex! Plus that is essentially my interpretation of things 'cause it hasn't had the final rubber stamp and I haven't spoken with the doc.

Dusty. :)

Did you ever get confirmation??
@Amanda, They look good to me too! I hope the surgeon thinks that! :lol:. Thanks hun, thinking of you and Sadie as well......:hug:

@Pen, thanks mate, I sure as hell am scared! :eek2:......:hug:

@Entch, Haha gotta get use to the new name! Thanks so much for your thoughts and hugs......:ghug:

@Dex and Andi, Not yet. I haven't worried about the final confirmation as I imagine it won't be terribly different, if at all. We're still on the bloods Thursday, GP Friday regime so I will be seeing him in the morning. I will update then. Thanks guys for checking in......:kiss:

Dusty. :)
Hey T! Awww, thinking of you guys as well......:hug:

Well things are better again this week! Godammit this is one helluva ride. :eek2:

Matt's CRP is 58, so half of what it was last week, WCC is back to normal at 9.4. Even his Hb is on the lowest value of normal! I can't remember the last time it didn't have an astericks next to it. His regular GP was back today and he can still feel the mass of course but didn't seem to think it was any bigger than when he last saw him 4 weeks ago. Matt still has very little appetite and looks like has just been released from a POW camp but other than a bit of soreness around his right hip nothing has changed.

I hope this all bodes well in the surgeons eye and mind. Fingers and every other body part crossed!

Thanks guys for your continued and unwavering love and support, :).
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
thats great news Dusty :D
I hope the good news stays that way !!!
Still thinking of you guys and I hope Matts appetite returns.
I cant imagine how exhausted you must be. I hope you are remembering to take good care of you :D
Thanks hun......:hug: Good luck with your surgery on Tuesday mate, I will be thinking of you!......


I think I am living off my nerves and adrenalin! Hopefully I don't crash and burn...:eek2:...:ylol:

I have a busy weekend and then flying to Sydney Monday morning. If I don't get back on before then I want to thank everyone for their love, help and support through all this, it has been invaluable to me and words can't do justice to the way I feel about you all.

Not sure when I will be able update BUT I will do my utmost to keep you posted.

Haha, changed my avatar so you would all know who the hell I have rambling on about over the past few months!

Much love to all, :wub:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Love ya, sister. We'll be waiting for great news!!!!




I can already tell I'm going to have to bug Roo again:). Do the best ya can sis!! Remember, there's a lot of people here pulling for you and Matt. We'll miss ya!!

....now I'm going to go win that stupid last post game!!!!
Hi Dusty -It's been ages since I popped on your thread and I apologize for not comin' round sooner.

Sounds like things are touch and go with your Matt, but holding steady? I do hope he starts to get an appetite soon and put on some weight. Moms are always happiest to see their kiddies eating, right?

Hang in there Dusty. You are so strong and going thru so much. You must just feel like collapsing at times. We'll all be here to pick ya up!

xo xo - Ames
@J, Thanks hun! :hug:

@Dex, Leave Roo alone!!! Oh and you will never win!!! Thanks mate. :hug:

@Ames, Thanks buddy. Haha I'm as happy as a pig in S*** whenever Matt has an appetite and he has regained a good appetite in the last few days! Woohoo!......:hug:

@Doug, thanks mate for popping by, I more than appreciate the prayers!......:hug:

Well we are in Sydney now. The flight down was glorious, a beautiful bright crisp Autumn day and Sydney harbour was a picture! An hour and a bit on the plane sure beats a 7hr car ride.

Pre op tomorrow so no doubt we will have a better idea of what is going to happen Thursday. Fingers crossed it all be very quick and boring!

Dusty. :)
Boring and routine...that's what I'm praying for!!! Good to hear Matt is doing well:)
Love the avatar pic of Matt and the cat! You are an amazing mom, I wished I had a mom like you when I was a teen and going through hell. At my time there was no computers then so help was not available and being ill just after my daughter was born, it took a toll on me and wished my mom was more compassionate. 30 some odd years later she is supportive but my hubby is my bigger supporter and is my hero. Matt and Roo are lucky to have you!!! I hope YOU are ok and hanging in there, much love to you all!

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