Urgent Care

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Jul 24, 2008
When would you decide to go to urgent care?

I have felt awful for days now. Increased cramping and diarrhea and last night got nauseous and threw up. Feel kinda weak and right now have a headache. Eating is difficult and even my Ensure shakes seem to hurt going down. My Dr. has jury duty so I can't get in to see him...should I go to urgent care? I feel like a nerd not knowing what to do.
That is always a difficult decision. Is there any other dr in his practice? If not I would go to urgent care as it sounds like you feel horrible. I hope you feel better soon.
His office said I should go to urgent care since I can't see him if I feel that bad. It is hard for me to make the decision...I guess maybe cuz it is also hard for me to ask for help at times. Going to urgent care makes me feel like I can't handle it on my own and that is hard.
I am going to go. They open at 8:30 am. I will keep you posted.

The vomiting is what got me last night. It is rare for me to even feel nauseous. I just can't make it in to work either...usually I just tough it out and drag myself through the day. I haven't been to work since Friday and even then I had come home early due to discomfort. Only yesterday did I have pain all day. Today so far it has been intermittent though really intense when it does happen (a 7 or so on my scale).
Yes, do take appropriate measures.

You're the one with the symptoms. Keep pestering them.
I am so glad that I went. They changed my meds to Entocort and Azulfidine. They consulted with the on call GI and he said that he didn't think the Asacol and Rowasa were working and to stop them immediately.

That is what I had suspected. I just kept feeling worse and worse.

Anyway...wish me luck with my new meds.
I guess the other one is a sulfa and a 5-asa combo that is broken down in the colon. Never heard of it before though.
Just got my ESR (SED rate) for today it was at 70...up from 58 just last week. (normal is 0-20)

Thank you all for the encouragement to go and bug them about not feeling good. I doubted myself, but just that one test proves to me that I was right...something was brewing inside.
YOU'RE the one wishing for a mini hippo! Jed just put one on here, on his 'songs of the week' thread. Just for YOU!
You already went there, but I was going to say - if you're calling in sick for 3 days or more I would recommend going to urgent care. My other suggestion was, only if you think they can do something for you. Urgent care seems so generalized, I didn't know if they would really know anything about Crohn's. I've never been for a Crohn's issue. Sounds like they did though. Good to know.
Hope you feel better real soon!
Teeny I am almost envious of your great urgent care. The only urgent care place that is covered by my insurance REALLY sucks. I went there first when I couldn't breath and he said it was allergies and go buy some Zyrtec. Then the next day, Monday, I got in to see the nurse practitioner at my doctor's office - in about 2 minutes of just talking she knew it was asthma.

I am so glad you found a place that was so caring and thoughtful, and I am glad you got the courage to go. I think we all have been there - not knowing if and when we should seek medical attention. It is hard to know what the right choice is.
Wow that truly sucks for both of you. I can't believe they sent you away like that!

So far so good on the meds. I was so happy to be able to sleep on my side last night. It's the little things that make a big difference sometimes. Much of my pain is gone and I just feel way better....starving all day though.
Hippos are very dangerous in the wild. Leading cause of wildlife death in Africa I believe, definitely above alligator and crocodile related deaths.
I think you should go. If you are having all that pain and other issues go. I have been deciding on going and not going because of my mind blowing pain i have been in for the past couple days. Seems nothing works and its there the whole day and spikes up. Its like a 6 all day but can get up to a 9 or 10 when its starts to love me a whole lot. lol

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