Thanks for the info. I have family members who have been dealing with the SSI and al the BS. It is a great deal harder than most Doctors even realize.
For me, I would love to be a writer. I have the skill, and I have done freeance writing for clients. I am working on a novel (well more than one) to publish on kindle, but it takes a long time. I am around 10K words right now on my current project, and aiming for 90-100K.
My wife is three months from completing her degree. Going to cost us about 600 bucks to get her back to class and do her externship ...all she needs is just an externship, she already pased all her classes, but we cannot find the 600 bucks to do it.
If wecan, then when we move, if we move, I am going to have her finish her externship and she will be the bread winner. ..and I will be the home daddy and the writer and push myself to spend as much time writing as I would have at a normal job.
I was good at my job too. Making bonus every month and more. I missed almost the entire last two days of work, though. THe prednisone killed me with migrained this morning. I could not see straight and by the time I felt up to going into work, I was already called in. However, the prednisone, aside from side effects, is AWESOME and has totally stopped all the diarrhea and most of the pain. I know it is just a bandaid and a false remission for me, but I am enjoying it while I can. Its the first time in over 6 months I have felt normal.
I want to go on the disability leave from work, which will cover me for the next two years at 50% of my normal income, enough to get by, while my wife finishes her school and gets a job and we can stabilize.
I lost our family's apartment because my disability checks were over amonth late or so having to appeal. I flooded the bathroom from spending hours on the toilet and in the shower trying to clean myself up after defecating on myself or having lon bouts of diarrhea, so I accidentally damaged the floors and the landlord wouldn't work with us, even though I offered to pay for the damages..
Now we live with my mom, for a few months, while we prep to move.
I have two wonderful boys and the best wife anyone could ask for, and all I want is job that gives me the income and stability to provide for them. I do not care ot be rich. I dont care if I work til I die. I just want to make sure they are covered, and while it may seem irrational, I feel like a failure if I don't. I am not all heman and macho and think that only men should work...quite the contrary...its not my obligation to work and be the bread winner and make the most is my responsibilty as husband and father to make sure the bills are paid and needs met and food on the table so that my wife can pursue her career and my kids can do what they want. It makes me happy.
However, working for over 6 1/2 years someplace, and I feel like they could care less about the issues here. I cannot get a clear diagnosis, and all I know is that I get 24/7 severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, and all sorts of fun stuff. and only lomotil and prednisone have helped at all. Imodium, and many other otc and prescription drugs did nothing or actually made it worse.
oving to kentucky is going to be hard enough. Where we are moving, there are very few jobs, and most of them are retail or jobs where I cant get the accommodation I would need.
I am praying that I can just go on a permanent LOA, get long term diability (which I completely qualify for..being that my work's disability pay only requires you to be unable to perform 20% of your material duties or miss 20% of your earnings and hours to qualify..and I miss about 40-50%) All they said was holding me back from getting disability pay was having a definitive diagnosis of my symptoms. If I can get the LOA and disabilty pay, then go to kentucky, get my wife through school, and get her a good job, then I can stay at home and write and be a dad.
My prayers out for everyone struggling with this, because I know I am not the most hard off. I may be homesless and hoping on a gofundme campaign that has only one donor in three months to fund gas money and cost to move, but at least I have my wife and kids and I would take that over being healthy and being single