Yep, stay safe, Ron. Far better to ignore the madding crowd. Our cases are at least 100,000 per day at the moment and the military is helping out on the hospital wards etc. Thank God your weather is settling down a bit. You always get the wild stuff down under.
My cats were always all over my laptop, T-bone. I was also keys missing. Honestly, they don't make computers like they used to. In fact nothing is made like it was. Must say, i don't think clearly at all these days, but i think i now understand the chemo fried brain and the fog. I can't see my way forwards clearly. I'm disorganised too.
Chris, i have to admit, it's hard at the moment. The entire world has been sent into an unknown chaos and our lives are being made to the point of discontent. Unfortunately it's been this way a little while, especially over here in the UK. We seem to have no stability in our lives, everyone is protesting one thing or another and doing damage along with it. Terrible place, planet earth. I wish i was an animal. I don't think they know much apart from their owners are a tad changed lately. Try and keep your chin up, however, if need be a quick visit to gp for some temp relief. Unless of course, you don't take vit D3 with K2 and some zinc. There are also super stress B vitamins by swanson. These might help. thinking of you.
Buff, i hope you get a full few hours of skiing in soon.
It's 3C out there and my neighbour has a bunch of snowdrops coming up. I love seeing the first flowers. Sunny at the moment. Days still getting longer, whoopee.