Getting stressed out and depressed here. Can't believe the govt want to lock us vulnerables down. Just the two socials for me since July 19 when my cancerous nodes swelled up my body. Having heard NED i am desperate to go out and be normal before the ovarian returns, which, apparently it always does, but this is just depressing, humiliating and i wish i could go and escape somewhere different with my elderly cat. Our numbers are rising fast now.
No badger last night, but he is digging deeper and deeper holes in my front lawn, the little sod. No hedgepigs since spring and no birds either apart from a couple of jackdaws. No rain yet, but cold out and yes, the trees are looking grand before the leaves really fall.
Hope you get that rat, Chris. One of my cats tried bringing me a live one through the back door. Thank God i spotted it in her mouth and shut the door on her. I wasn't having a rat in my place, omg, the thought.
Good little ditty that Carol. Made me laugh. I swear our govt and NHS are one rung lower than north korea! So pathetic with silly rules, nobody can follow them they are so ridiculous now. Looks like we need to protect our nhs again, but they could use the covid hospitals set up. But, no, they are filling all the normal hospitals with covid patients again. Makes me so sick that govt and nhs are helping very few other than covids. That's all they care about. I sincerely hope your hubby is getting proper treatment, Carol. He deserves it.