What is YOUR weather like today??

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Holy Hell Ron , I don't know what to say about either of your posts.....
It started misty this morning followed by rain which now seems to be clearing up slowly,so another day indoors for us.
It's afternoon now and no panic to rush out anywhere......
I really don't know what to say about them either Carol except that the health system is useless and the weather has become homicidal. We are expecting rain for the next week starting tomorrow. A couple of weeks ago one of the waitresses at my local cafe was complaining of unbearable pain in her joints. I told her to get to a doctor fast and get tested for Ross river fever. They all call me doctor Ron at the Cafe. On Monday her tests came back positive for Ross river fever which is a viral arthritis. She is on anti-inflammatories and feels better. They have been catching and testing mozzies and over 40% are showing Ross river. It will cause a major epidemic .I use bushmans repellant with Deet. It is the only one that repels and kills the little buggers. Ron
nothing as drastic here Ron , I honestly don't know how ye can live with these extremes , I suppose Aussies are just bred to be tough , hope you get your health conditions under control soon ,

all quiet here heavy mist with no wind to shift it , 11C
I wish I could share our weather with you Ron, its been the opposite here. Very quiet weather, a strange winter with no storms so far of any kind. I have been doing work normally done in fall or spring all winter so far; cutting wood, clearing brush, other neighbors are building and doing work that would be done in the summer months. Normally we are up past our thighs in snow, skiing, and tossing wood into our wood stoves to keep warm at sub zero temps. This season the snow is barely ankle deep, and I wear flip flops in town where there is no snow. -5C damp with a flurry.
I really don't know what to say about them either Carol except that the health system is useless and the weather has become homicidal. We are expecting rain for the next week starting tomorrow. A couple of weeks ago one of the waitresses at my local cafe was complaining of unbearable pain in her joints. I told her to get to a doctor fast and get tested for Ross river fever. They all call me doctor Ron at the Cafe. On Monday her tests came back positive for Ross river fever which is a viral arthritis. She is on anti-inflammatories and feels better. They have been catching and testing mozzies and over 40% are showing Ross river. It will cause a major epidemic .I use bushmans repellant with Deet. It is the only one that repels and kills the little buggers. Ron
Ron you've had to have heard the saying " Physician heal thy-self " well doc, don't you just wish ? How about a weekly surgery at the cafe ?
They have checked the Victorian fire ground. 25 homes have been lost and storms in northern Tasmania have sparked another bushfire near a town called Tomahawk. The low in north qld is dropping a heap of rain on already flooded ground. I don't think I will be practicing anytime soon Carol ,I am too honest. Ron.
FLIP FLOPS !!! are you having a laff ??? I don't even wear them in summer.....
Yes Flip Flops Carol, but with wearing socks of course. I walk down in snow boots to the truck, trade the boots for flip flops and off I go. I don't get hot stinky feet from walking inside the large stores, and can do without the heavy weight of boots. Having said that, I wear long pants and a heavy coat while some men can be seen wearing shorts. That would be too much, as I get cold easily.
I've got an appointment for stoma maintenance, and the flip flops are waiting. -8C with a flurry.
The final tally for the Victorian bushfire is 44 homes lost. The gulf country in Qld is once again under water from an intense low in the Gulf of Carpentaria. A lot more rain is expected as the low moves west thru the Northern territory and the Kimberly area of WA and may form as a cyclone off the Kimberly coast . It rained all night in my area with up to 100mm from storms in the Brisbane area. Ron.
dry with some sunshine 8c , waiting in a q for acdc tickets , got through a q of 35000 and system crashed and back to the back of the line for me @19000 now , will be up in the clouds even if i manage to get tickets
We have had well over 100mm of rain today, the Brisbane area copped over 200mm. There were fast water rescues and drowned cars every where. The weather bureau had forecast around 20 mm and Brisbane and Sunshine coast councils are not happy as they were unable to send out warning texts. I was out shopping and nearly got my car flooded in the underground carpark. Luckily they have a flood door on the northern side and it kept the creek from flooding into the carpark. Not much fun. Ron.
Hope you didn't have to bail out Ron .....that really would be the cherry on the cake.
Tony,I hope you get your tickets you old heavy metaler....If I have to Q for any thing these days I ask myself if I really need it and the answer is usually NO. !!!
12c here today and really nice.We had a nice walk down to the quay and struggled to get back up the bank as usual...I'm sure it's only a couple of years since I left school.....age creeps up and bites you on the bum when you don't expect it....as you know.
Hope your apt. went OK Buff....it's always better when it's over eh?
Its well worth the wait to go to see a classic band, I havn't been in years, mainly because the area I live in is very remote. I would have to fly to Toronto or go into Winnipeg. However, I have a very large collection of CDs and I play music each evening to unwind for a couple of hours. My stoma maintenance went well, and then I picked up supplies and chinese food for supper. Its a long weekend, usually there is a lot of snowmobiling and skiing going on, but people will be grounded for a lack of snow.
Not sure why I did not get any water in this time. It is possible that the constant leaks over the years have drawn liquid clay into some of the cracks and with the high temps this year the clay may have dried and sealed some of the leaks. Whatever is happening I will take it but I can't afford to be less vigilant. Hot and humid with regular showers for the rest of the week. Ron. I am glad your GI visit went well buff.Ron.
8c and grey but a calm day.so no complaints.Had a walk into town but my aching back spoils any enjoyment.Luckily there are plenty of seats for old fogeys,,,,I don't let aches and pains stop us from going out every day,thin edge of the wedge that,at least for now
12C but damp and misty , at least the temps are increasing , tomorrow looks good with 14c and sunshine ,we'll see , hey Carol , aching back is just part of my walking now as well , did 6k on the beach a few days ago and im still suffering , will probably go again tomorrow and just try and enjoy the surf and sand , might even bring the wetsuit
-22C light snow. The weather has been changeable and last night was a typical cold night for the time of year. This has my arthritis going with painful hands in the joints. Carpal tunnel in my right hand gets going too, but at least it doesn't bother me at night. I may go for a walk later, the cold dry air is like a tonic.
I have an INR appointment tomorrow and I suppose my GP and I will discuss my visit to the cardiac clinic. That will be interesting. Hot and humid with showers. Ron.
12C but damp and misty , at least the temps are increasing , tomorrow looks good with 14c and sunshine ,we'll see , hey Carol , aching back is just part of my walking now as well , did 6k on the beach a few days ago and im still suffering , will probably go again tomorrow and just try and enjoy the surf and sand , might even bring the wetsuit
At least you can do a star float Tony to take the pressure off
Gorgeous day with clear blue sky and warm....walked down to the market for a couple of "geordie" bar signs for Scott...one says "al welcome but gan yem wen ya telt " (go home when you're told)...I don't speak broad geordie mind but I do have an accent of sorts.
Didn't stay long,faaaar to many people about.........(Whinge Alert)....Nearly on my knees when we reached home.....I also have pain in my fingers and I drop everything all the time....
-11C blustery northwest wind. Its been quiet, the kids down the road were out on snowmobiles yesterday, but with the thin snow cover nobody else was out. The biggest event of the day was a walk down the road with the neighbor's dog following. I cooked up chicken and I'll make a chicken sandwich for lunch with the leftovers.
some severe storms on the menu for today. I hope they stick to the border ranges and don't come up this way. I am getting a bit tired of 80mm a day downpours. I bought some new pillows On the weekend. A constant overnight temp of 26c in my bedroom kills pillows pretty quickly even tho I cover them with a towel. Ron.
Another nice day....I even had the windows open for an hour. Les pottered out the back and I tidied cupboards.
Did you know that spray on carpet shampoo goes out of date ? I was looking to see if the can was recyclable and saw that it went out of date in 2005 ,almost 20yrs hahaha.I was just a child then. No crohns,no aches and pains and I went to fit classes three times a week. More important,I had a fit and healthy husband. I wish I hadn't found that bloody can....I'm. depressed !!!
Sydney copped massive storms yesterday. Four people are in hospital after being struck by lightning near the opera house. In Queensland a dry flood is heading towards lake Ayre and is expected to fill it. It is scary to watch rivers rise to flood level when you have had no rain. Nearly all of the water has come from the rain in the gulf country. We are expecting more storms and showers today. I went to my inr appointment yesterday but my doctor did not turn up. Useless. Ron.
-5C Sunny. Yesterday was a dandy, I went for a ski on the lake, met up with the neighbor's kids having a blast on the snowmobile and got some sun. The winter day was short lived as we are going to get warmer weather again. It will give me a chance to cut wood, but I'd rather be skiing. Typical spring weather albeit too early.
-5C Sunny. Yesterday was a dandy, I went for a ski on the lake, met up with the neighbor's kids having a blast on the snowmobile and got some sun. The winter day was short lived as we are going to get warmer weather again. It will give me a chance to cut wood, but I'd rather be skiing. Typical spring weather albeit too early.
Sounds like a great way to spend time .
another week of hot and humid weather with showers and storms in the mix. The cyclone that brought the last lot of rain to the gulf country has tracked right through the northern territory and the Kimberly in northern Wa and is reforming off the coast. It is forecast to cross the coast again in central WA and bring rain and cooler weather. Some areas of central and northern WA have been at 49c for weeks. Ron.
Scotts thermometer showed 49c yesterday Ron and he's suffering .OK in the wagon with the A.C. but he has to dismount sometimes,alas.
9c and wet here,but not as bad as they forecast. Looks like it's in for the day though
I am heartily tired of the heat and humidity. The girls came in to clean the flat yesterday and they were complaining about how hot and humid it is in my place. I try to get down to the shopping mall most days just to spend some time in the aircon. Same for the rest of the week. It never changes just gets hotter and more humid. Ron.
0C partly cloudy. I cut wood yesterday and plan to do more today. Not much else one can do in this weather, that skiing weather was pretty brief, Tony cross country skiing can be addictive, and with spring comes the withdrawls. If it keeps going like this the wood will be done early this year, and more time to sit out on the deck if weather/biting flies allows which is why winter is my favorite season.
The cyclone crossed the Kimberly coast as a low and quickly turned back into a cat 2 cyclone which is expected to cross back over the central WA coast sometime tomorrow. In the meantime fires are expected in the south of WA ,Victoria and eastern Tasmania. We have storms arriving this afternoon with hot and humid conditions. I checked the weather station I have on the wall near my front door before i went to bed at 10.30 last night. 30c and 80% humidity. Ron.
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a mild 7c with no wind,which helps.The sun showed up for a short while then it clouded over.Temp dropping to 3c over night.
Any news from the Doc who was a no-show for your apt. Ron ?
-2C Cloudy. The pharmacy called and told me that the lower dose proton inhibitor is not covered by the government prescription plan but the larger dose does. Trouble is one is not supposed to break the pills in half due to the time release coating. The rules make no sense, for this I have never liked these government run programs. I cut wood yesterday until I hit a rock and dulled the chainsaw but good. It will take some elbow grease to sharpen the thing.
No Carol no word from my GP. About what I have come to expect. Very hot and humid today. Homes lost to fires in Victoria. Cyclone Lincon due to recross the WA coast somewhere near Carnarvon some time in the next few days as cat 2 or 3. Fires in the SW of WA. Severe storms along the NSW coast this afternoon. We can expect rain for the next week. Some areas around Cairns had 300mm yesterday. I'm glad my health does not allow much activity because this year the weather has allowed almost no activity. Ron.
it's very worrying at our time of life, that we cannot be sure that we're going to be looked after, despite paying our dues
for 50+ years. They're forever saying that the "older" generation are taking up hospital beds and are getting help with this and that etc. they have been telling us for years to get plenty exercise,stop smoking,drinking and eat healthily.When we've done that so we can live longer they treat us like useless spongers.........Another nice day if a cool breezy 7c.....temp down to minus 1c tonight
I hear you Carol , its even worse here , if you go into nursing home , and you own your own home , they take a good percentage of the homes value to pay for it , so as you said you work and pay your taxes all your life , pay taxes on your home , car , food and then they treat you like crap when you need constant care ,
anyway 5C with a steady breeze , slight sunshine , will be going for a walk with the furbaby soon , so all is good

went for a walk along the cliffs at Ballycotton a few days ago ,it was uplifting

Its no better here either, I feel like I am being ignored by the system, we paid our dues, now they essentially abandon us and let us fend for ourselves alone. Basic care at a seniors home is north of $4,000 a month. Unless one has a house one can sell that kind of rent is out of reach for many. I have been waiting for over a year to have my rectum removed as its diagnosed as precancerous and there is no set date for surgery yet. The bleeding from it is disconcerting. Many meds are not covered by the government insurance system. Yet the government spends billions on frivolous things, going to international meetings on private jets and stay at lavish hotels paid by us. -20C brilliant sunshine.
On the weather note, we had a big swing of temperatures in one day. Yesterday was sunny +6 then overnight it dropped to -22C along with a dusting of snow. Its going to be brief as the spring weather will spring back by tomorrow.
Several homes were lost in Victorian bushfires yesterday. We have been warned to expect severe storms and large hail this afternoon with possible flash flooding. Not a day goes by without warning for severe weather in some part of Australia. It is getting to the point where people are becoming afraid to go on a holiday because they don't know what they will come home to find. Ron.
Very hard frost at dawn but once the sun came out it soon thawed and it's a really nice day at 9c and cloudless blue sky.Les even took off his coat while pottering out back,which is unheard of at any time of year for him never mind in February.The back of the house does face south though,but can be too hot in summer.
Mild and windy this morning -5C and damp. Yesterday was a clear calm day with that nice dry cold with the warm sun. I cannot compare dry cold to anything else, it stands on its own. I went for a walk down the trail and out on the lake bathed in warm sunshine. Usually I ski, but with the lack of snow it was like walking on a sidewalk. It was a one day wonder, now its back to the regular grind.
We had storms yesterday. They were not that severe but they lasted for a couple of hours. The Vic bushfires are still causing problems and with 40c on Wednesday they are expecting them to flare up. Hot and humid here , it was 27c overnight. Very hard to sleep. Ron.
4c damp and misty , a day for the high stool (have a drink in the pub ) , not worth going though as I don't(can't) drink anymore :cry:, all good here , just waiting for the football to start , sorry for you troubles Carol , hard trip back from London for the Magpies yesterday
Another lovely day.Really warm after a chilly dawn.We had a nice slow walk (are there any other these days? ) around the local streets,admiring peoples gardens,or not, and complaining about the traffic speeding down to the coast,as you do.

II awoke this morning determined to drink less ,eat healthy and exercise more
but that was 4 hours ago when I was young and full of hope.......
-2C mainly sunny and breezy. I puttered around, sharpened the chainsaw, I have not had such a doozy in a while, but I was cutting wood blindly snow covered and did not see the rock below the log. It took me awhile to get it sharpened, now I can go like a beaver again. I like a warm house, and that takes work, and a good cardio work out.
My heart has been complaining a lot over the last week and the pains have woken me up a couple of times. I had a little episode in the cafe yesterday and Tara the barista asked me if i was ok. I just said I have been through a few small earth quakes and when the ground starts shaking you wonder if this will be the big one , same deal with my heart. Showers ,hot and humid. Ron.
Aw Ron,I know it's tough for you but please try to look on the bright side.You've been through a lot with your health and you've a tough old boot. As long as you can get to the shops and the caff and the doctors (hahaha) you're doin' ok......and of course show up on here every day so that we don't worry.
Not a bad day but a bit chilly in the easterly breeze off the sea.Sunny with the odd threat of a shower.
Waiting for a phone consultation from the Gastro's minion.Have done a list of questions etc but might not ask them.I'm doing ok (today)!!!
I may say that you have a good outlook and have acceptance of the situation you are in Ron, I feel much the same way and take the heart events as they come, knowing the next one may close the book. There's not much else one can do and just carry on. May the best team win Tony, rooting for your win. Its snowing today, maybe there will be enough to get some skiing in. Blustery -5C.
-5C expecting snow. I have a dermatologist apt and chances are good it will be snowing. I don't like driving in a snowfall but its the norm around here. Nothing shuts down until the roads get blocked. They should shut things down as it would reduce accidents and help slow down the pace of living. Yesterday's snowfall wasn't much, a couple of cms. Your doctor should prescribe you oxygen Ron, but I recall there was an issue with getting an Rx for it.
Yes Buff there is only one Pharmacy in town that stocks the O2 cylinders and they are often out of stock. It is a big problem for me the fact that pharmacies are not doing their job. I worry about vertigo attacks because the chemist shops can no longer supply stemitil and yesterday they could not supply warfarin, it will be out of stock for over a month. Very hot in central Victoria with high winds and temps over 45c with catastrophic fire danger . Still hot and humid here. Ron.
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Today we are in a short term deep freeze, normally we get several weeks in a row, but this is an odd year out. -25C brilliant cobalt blue skies with 2cms of fresh snow. I'd rather go skiing this afternoon, but I have to go see the cardio clinic and pick up the holter monitor. Saw the dermatologist yesterday, and I didn't have the usual sun damage he usually freezes off on my forehead. This is due to the lack of skiing and being indoors more due to a lack of snow.
9c and dry but breezy. We took the bus to the next coastal town along as we're expecting heavy rain and wind tomorrow
and might not get out.,,,,bought a couple of books...I REALLY need help.It's getting to be an addiction now. But I suppose it's better than drugs,booze and gambling.......
-22C Clear skies. I'll take it while we have it before the clouds roll back in. I was expecting to carry a box with wires attached to me, but the new holter monitor is small and simply glued to my chest, nothing to get in my way or to tangle up in bed. Glad the two doctor apts are behind me, I don't like making the long drive twice in two days, and the costly fuel involved. I can stay put now for awhile.
I had my eye test , my vision has not deteriorated at all and I still do not need glasses for driving. Buff I had the old style holter monitor which ties to strangle you in the middle of the night. Still hot and humid , we have just set a new record for the longest run of night time temps over 20c.Ron.
I know that one Ron and I was expecting it. I turn like the wash during the night and the electrodes would pull off and tangle it all up, so this new unit was a pleasant surprise. I hope it is more sensitive. Its March, and I have never seen time move so slow for a February, but then all my favorite winter spots were unreachable due to a lack of snow. 0C Sunny, and back to the wood pile effort.
Not sure I understand that Tony. Happy wife? I've never had one of those! Autumn hasn't altered temps , still ranging between 20 and 32 c . I'm still having problems with my breathing at night . I have been using ventolin and a turbohaler but it has not made much difference except for my blood sugars. They go thru the roof when I use the steroid inhalers. Lifes a tightrope. Ron.
Glad its working for you Tony; A happy wife is an expensive wife and I could never afford that kind of lifestyle. Women are like cars, if one does not have the money, the health, or the energy to keep her happy she's going to give that silent treatment when one turns the key. To be fair, I am not an easy person to live with, so living alone with only the cat has been a way of life. In the late stage of life its been a big price to pay as living alone with poor health is very difficult. Honestly I believe living with a life long case of Chrons made things too difficult for a relationship work out.
2C partly cloudy.
Glad its working for you Tony; A happy wife is an expensive wife and I could never afford that kind of lifestyle. Women are like cars, if one does not have the money, the health, or the energy to keep her happy she's going to give that silent treatment when one turns the key. To be fair, I am not an easy person to live with, so living alone with only the cat has been a way of life. In the late stage of life its been a big price to pay as living alone with poor health is very difficult. Honestly I believe living with a life long case of Chrons made things too difficult for a relationship work out.
2C partly cloudy.
yeah crohns can be hard on a relationship , I went from a high paying job @$1000 a week 30 years ago to basic welfare , and she stuck with me through thick and thin ,and in those early years I was not easy to live with , had a few good breaks inheritance wise and are reasonable comfortable now ,
the main thing here in Ireland and Europe in general is that the healthcare is free .
I've been on my own now for over 20 years, for me that is the safest form of living. Between the cancer ,kidney failure digestive tract problems and long term residue from chemotherapy including heart problems I could never expect any partner to accept a very temporary relationship. It is still hot here,32c most days and hot humid nights with little chance of decent sleep.Ron.
Being the only female on this thread I will keep my my thoughts on the above subject to myself....for now hahaha
8c and a nice day so far but clouding over now. The traffic to the coast is mad and will only get worse as the weather gets better.
We both miss the car for some things but to be honest it's not worth the stress now.....Les can't drive with his dementia any how,only me,round the bend
With Chrons I just don't have the energy to keep up with a relationship, perhaps if I had a partner and she had a similar health problem it would work. Over time I simply became used to living alone, its getting more quiet each year as more people I know pass on. Back in my working days I had more than enough neighbors and friends, but now I am living a very solitary life, as many seniors do. Yesterday was a dandy spring day, got some wood cut and split, but today it's gray and windy raw from the east 0C.
Hot and stormy . We had storms last night and it is solid overcast this morning. I haven't been using my ventolin or turbohaler for the past few days and my blood sugars have dropped below five for the past two days. Just goes to show how much effect steroids have they are definitely the medication I dislike the most. Ron.
Steroids are the double edged sword of medicine, on one hand they work when everything else fails but on the other they can cause health issues well into the future , hope you get some relief soon Ron
I came to chat about the weather, and got more than I expected. ;) I'm sorry for the poor relationship experiences. I'm sure I'm not an easy woman to live with, but not all women are about nice cars or what-have-you. I'm definitely not into expensive cars and frills. To us, it's about all of us being together as a family and doing the best for each other that we can. :)

Today our high was 79* F, sunny and breezy. Was a lovely day, I only wish I wasn't flaring up today.
Hope you feel better soon Jade , we know that material things aren't the most important thing in life , the weather thread in general is just a way some of us check in with each other , and blow off a little steam if we need to ,
Sorry if our chat got a little heavy ,
2C with heavy rain for the next 24 hours ,but had a nice walk today along the cliffs near the beach and isn't life wonderful,
Welcome to the thread Jade....It was minus 2 when I left my bed at 6am but it's now a lovely 8c with a light breeze and clear blue the sky.
We walked along what we call " the bank top" which is about 100ft above the river and a paved street. Didn't fancy the walk down,which isn't a problem,it's the getting back up that's the problem nowadays. I can remember when I didn't even notice.
Welcome Jade, its always good when someone comes in to join the conversation here. It was a windy day yesterday, power went out in the evening so my generator got a run, not very long 3 hrs at most. The rain came overnight leaving very little snow from the short winter. Its a better day today, the sun is in and out of the cloud. 1C Maybe I will work on firewood later.
Do you cut the wood with an ax Bufford ? I always found cutting wood with an ax very satisfying, wood here is expensive so don't get the opportunity often 🙃
It is the first day in months that the temp has fallen below 30c (28c) though the overnight temp is still 23c with very high humidity . We were supposed to get a storm and around ten mm of rain last night. Instead we got storms all night and nearly 50 mm of rain. Up at Innisfail On the Daintree they received 248mm ,158mm in three hours of non stop torrential rain. It has been pouring right across the top end from the Gulf of Carpentaria right across the Northern territory and the Kimberly in WA. Storms and heavy rain are currently surrounding Kalgoorlie to the south and giving the semi desert country a soaking. You can't leave the house at the moment without an umbrella and even the mold is getting mold. They have not made any predictions for winter but I suspect more rain. Ron.
-8C Clear, more typical for the time of year, but winter will not be coming back except maybe a late season storm at some point. Tony, I go through about 5-6 bush cords of wood a year. It comes delivered in a large haul truck in lengths that I first cut up with a chainsaw. The saw I use is large, 70 cc engine Husqvarna , smaller saws would simply burn out. I'll cut it to stove wood length and then split the wood with an axe. I burn mainly birch, its the fuel wood of choice around here. I always split what I cut because if I leave it for a few days the ends dry making it harder to split.
I burn dry wood, meaning I cut wood a year ahead to give it time to dry and season. I have heated with wood all my life as fuel oil and propane is exceedingly expensive. Wood heat is also much warmer, I never layer up cloths or wear sweaters in the house and am in bare feet all the time.
During the winter I clean the chimney monthly by pushing a chimney brush from behind the wood furnace on rods to the top. Its better than going up on the roof risking one's life. I save well over 3 thousand dollars a year by burning wood, its like a part time job I do from home.
The weather bureau got it wrong again they claimed we only had 50mm of rain the other night. They released official figures last night and we actually received 140mm in Nambour . I knew when I went shopping yesterday that the figures were wrong as Petrie creek that runs thru town was running a banker and was close to flooding. Just to the north four people who had been camping had to be rescued by swift water crews . They lost two cars all of their camping gear and a farmer who tried to rescue them lost his end loader tractor. They were all rescued clinging to trees. We are expecting more storms today and there is still flooding rain falling in the Northern territory and Wa. Warm and humid here today. Ron.
-3C Sunny. I went for a walk but couldn't walk on the lake as it was like a skating rink too slippery to safely walk on and didn't want to risk a hip. I was thinking the same thing about those campers, they must have been desperate to go in that kind of weather.
The forecast was fine with the possibility of a late storm. As it turned out it was fine till late afternoon when a series of severe but small storm cells hit the area about 15 in all , it was a case of being in the right place at the wrong time. On the day they predicted a max of 10mm the area they were camping got 249mm in just over 3 hours. The weather bureau needs to lift their game a little.Ron.

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