When Chrohns is cured will it get rid of intolerences?

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Aug 29, 2009
I was wondering if/when someone finds a cure for Chrohns and I/we are cured (GOD may that day come soon) will it mean we can all eat everything or is intolerences to foods not conntected to Chrohns.
I use to be able to eat almost anything 12 years ago (I was diagnosed about 25 years ago) but now my list of foods i cant eat is massive. I dont know if getting cured means i can go back to eating those lovely foods. Spicy foods (curry and black bean sauce), tomato based foods (bolognese sauces and italian dishes), fried foods (KFC and big macs), nearly all Iranian dishes i loved as a youngster that I can eat now as an adult (they all kill me and its really sad not to be able to eat your mums cooking that you love).

I am just really not enjoying food like i use to and I love food.
If they find a true cure for crohn's than ideally we would have no disease in our intestines and can eat normally. I suppose it depends on the extent of the treatment and if you already had too much disease prior to the cure making it impossible.
I think it would depend on the severity of the disease when it is cured. I would assume if someone's disease is extensive, while a cure would remove the active inflammation and prevent it from recurring there would still be some residual effects from the disease when active. Some absorption issues and food intolerances would still exist due to the damage done when the disease was still present. It would make sense that it would be similar to an injury, I was in a car accident over a decade go, while the injuries have long been healed, some things just haven't been the same since.
As others have said even if cured if you've got narrowing then that won't disappear I'd have thought. So it would be a massive decision if you wanted to go ahead & have scarring etc removed knowing full well that there are risks & adhesions in the aftermath.
Echo sashaz's comments, the day cant come quick enough though.
I think if your caught or found early you have a chance( I think that may have been my case)..... or if you can rebuild your balance --bacteria / yeast..after your repair.. you can maybe... ( me I did this early in getting the problem and changed my gut make up ..upped my good bacteria, lowered my bad and lowered my yeast.. BUT if theres tons of scaring i dont think so...

I have been able in less then a year to be able to eat tons of stuff I couldnt eat. My goal was to change my gut flora.. from testing , and i have from my results.. I dont know if anyone else could do it but its worth a try...
I had many food intolerances... gluten and starches killed me -- any sugar as well ...milk grains, starches..all digest as sugar.. When my stomach was a mess..... my nose would bleed eating potatos ... my hemmorhoids would get bad eating alot of foods...
not now... but i changed my gut make up ....
EdcolumbiaMD, I'm glad to hear you were successful in changing your gut flora. How did you start re-introducing foods that had previously been bothering you? Was there any particular test that clued you in?
sorry for the long message and I rant ...but my view

First let me say Im a engineer (network) there are 7 layers to the OSI network layer.. when something breaks you start at the bottom and work your way it. Ive found with this nasty disease, people are all over the place looking and try to fix things.. Docs are doing all these studies, etc DNA etc instead of focusing on the basics first... (good bacteria and yeast levels) to me all these studies etc are useless. We all are sick the meds just turn things off, and mask what you have. Its not working as we are all still sick...and more people get it each day... I choose a different way. In the network work we have a saying--- all the server people always say its the network..The network so called is always the problem... We laugh and say its the network until proven Innocent.. 90 percent of the time its the server.

So for me Im sure someone will bash what I have to say as I have a didnt look and spin on this.. And its worked for me.. NO DOC could tell me crap.. other then what meds to take drugs, to suppress my immune system.,, what drugs to bring down inflammation. To me I started at the bottom.. yeah you have all these problems.. if you look everyone seems to get worse over time or have to change to another med... even with the meds look all over here .. SINUS, migraines , SKIN rashes.. hemorrhoids..depression etc etc.. Many will say ahhhh what does that have to do with crohns.. Your sinus and gut are connected who ever doesnt want to believe that so be it.. Bacteria, yeast live in you NOSE,,, your skin EARS , SINUS and GUT.. Your sinus is your first line of defense in your breathing area.. Your mouth second.. gut third - bacteria and yeast can get out of wack in any of these.

If you have nasal drip... iyou have a problem if these bad bacteria or yeast in it just re infecting your self.. Docs focus on bacteria here and NEVER fungus.. with the MAYO clinic stating that over 90 percent of sinus related problems are due to FUNGUS... yet when you go to the ENT they NEVER look or treat that way... Talk to a holistic doc they have the opposite approach.. yeast then bacteria..at times... Ive been going to the ENT since 6 years old im 41... ive had steroids.... in haler s told to take sinus meds... spring allergy pills etc .. I got the migraines , sinus head aches etc my whole life... never any answers takes these pills..

All these pills NSAIDS - ibuprofen cause yeast to over grow,,, mess up your stomach lining.. but help you... they mask the symptoms. Same with steroids-- they shrink inflammation but make yeast worse... I looked into my whole body over two years ago.. I jumped on the FORUM and also studied what everyone chatted about all there problems... symptoms there meds... what supplements -- I got some great tips.. But I researched every little thing.. Im an ass.. i know that.. For me there was alot of basics over looked. Until my stomach failed and ASS fistula etc infection I dug deep..I also crossed checked the candida forum..arthritus( we know arthriuts is bacteria or maybe yeast in the body-- the body attacks itself giving you the problems ..they just dont know which ones..theres trillions.. etc.. many have similar things

I researched all these tests the docs do on crohns.. I then also researched intolerance's allergies etc. I found almost no one reacts at the allergy office..( this place is used for at best instant allergy) Most come back here with nothing reactive yet they know deep down they dont feel right eating something or they flare when they do.. yet the allergy doc says oh im so sorry... we didnt find anything make a food journal... which to me was a bunch of bullsh*t.

I looked into food gluten , digestion ...sugars starches... all very hard to digest. and if your lining is gone or you have leaky gut... Which any doc you ask will laugh in your face... One they cant tell or see if you have no lining... all they can do is see inflammation and infection..they dont know you have leaky gut unless they find a hole.. ..and treat for that with meds to turn off the body from attacking the area or give you stuff to lower the inflammation..or repair it..Does it work hell yeah... do people feel better YEAH yes.. but it doesnt address the problem..

SO you eat a food you dont know bothers you... you get inflammation , but your pill lowers inflammation..You eat a food that causes a problem your taken a pill to turn off that reaction... The basics we know is that your colon is infected due to bacteria getting in.. Sure that happens.. I know for my self I had HIGH clostridia bacteria ( theres many strains) you may not know but lactobacillus GG eats away at this type.. But I also had high makers for yeast/fungus... Your balance should be 80 percent bacteria a mix and soup mainly good bacteria , and some bad we all have them living in us.. the rest should be 20 percent yeast.. Yeast is a hidden marker NO doc looks at .. Ask your doc about it. they will laugh in your face.. Or say --ONLY a immune compromised person has yeast over growth.. BULL SH*T....DO the research.. I did my self.. Every person with ADHD, mental problems, immune diseases(theres many) , and what we have-al of us on here.. is one has HIGH yeast and high clostrida strains mainly..

So back to your food intolerance thing bacteria and YEAST-- no one wants to talk about what influences your gut.. many of the meds in crohns make yeast grow like crazy.. Yeast live in the tract just like bacteria.. they live along the lining.. they can go bad or pathogenic and root like a tree.. bacteria can get in.. same with food and food proteins.. you can google this.. No doc will tell you this or say this.. The colon test cant show this its all microscopic

Food , bacteria , yeast... The first thing I did was decided to look here. I decided to document my life in testing... My first base was using the best lab in the USA http://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/home/eng/full_oat.asp (OAT TEST) which looks at the by products that bad bacteria release in the urine as well as yeast.... look at the sample report on there SITE... this showed for me MASSIVE yeast problems and HIGH clostridia strains) yes a bacteria problem
I also did there COMP STOOL test....This test is a thousands times better then any hospital test.. or local lab test.. At Your hospital..they only look for a handfull of BAD bacteria , and parisites.. this one---looks at 92 strains of bacteria, 48 yeast ( no doc or hospital does) 22 parasites http://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/home/eng/stool.asp
I Got my base here.....this test also tells you if your good bacteria is low... and if your producing FATTY chain acids,,, looks at your PH.. If you dont have good bacteria you cant produce fatty chain acids which protect you...
My ph was off.. chain fatty acids low...Bad bacteria nd yeast love and love in a bad PH ... and good bacteria can not live in this... tthis labs also has have inflammation results etc.. MIne were high....YEAST high.. some markers for bad bacteria..yes bacteria and LOW good bacteria

At the same time I did this .....I researched all the crohns tests ,, colitis , IBS , gluten celiac.. I found you can be intolerant to gluten and no doc can tell you this...if you test negative for celiac... I found you have to genetic test for HLA DQ... I did ( 4 genes for me) gluten protein can look like to the body canidda as the protein is similar..if your immune system is a wreck it cant tell...

I found that almost EVERY person is reactive to ASCA or AMCA both yeasts.... more people with crohns are ACSA.. ASCA is = bakers brewers yeast.... AMCA is candida yeast..
both yeast can grow out of control in your body....leave out your bread...if you dont have good bacteria.. it cant block this action... there was even an article on YAHOO this year where a man who never drank went to the hospital felt bad and had symptoms he was drunk..the hospital laughed at him until he came back... after running advanced tests they found he had yeast fermenting his gut making alcohol.

For me this test I found almost every doc does not run(LABCORP IBD EXPANDED PANEL)... and when they do they dont do much with it (IBD EXPANDED PANEL) google it LABCROP TEST tests 5 antibodies each mean something.. FOR me I was AMCA.. AMCA = candida I WAS HIGH well my markers from the great plans test also showed this....NO GI looked for this and they dont.. they will laugh in your face. I also had ALCA another antibody this is SUGAR... sugars are MILK GRAINS, STARCHES they all digest as sugar...

I looked at what feeds bad bacteria SUGARS... same with yeast... SUGARS so I removed almost ALL.. for 6 months.. I retested and my levels went down ... ?????

I then addressed whats the deal with my food... I never reacted at the allergy office.. most people look and find cheap IGG testing when they go further..this testing is a joke... .. i read and found this is not good.. So i found the best testing ELSIA/ACT bio they test IGG IGM IGA tcell and immune complex all at the same time they test.... I had potato come back, milk ,butter, bacteria in all milk products, yogurt /cheese. Buckwheat collard green and strange APPLE.. I removed all these...But I had already done that.. AS I removed milk , grains, starches from my diet they are sugars..

I then read in research you can have many different reaction Blood reactions with many different antibodies IGA , IGE ,IGM etc like above but they all mean something , past infection current infection , instant allergy etc. I also learned you can have to types of reaction no doc will tell you....a blood reaction and a gut reaction..... So I did the www.entrolab.com fecal testing I did them all
My gut was a mess , I reacted to SOY, GRAINS ,gluten, rice corn, potatos, milk some nuts. I said dam what can I eat .. sh*t nothing... ah low starch veggies , meats fish, chicken duck... low starch--- peppers califlower , bok choy, asparagus , celery ,salad , onions garlic etc etc google low starch veggies.
I read good bacteria eat these... there like fertilizer.. well First I had no good bacteria.. so i flooded my body with it.. RENEW LIFE 50 billion free of milk grains starch , soy rice potato etc... I eat all these foods I felt better... but all of a sudden flare flare flare... I felt like crap , my system was dumping globs of mucus.. I felt bad ...migraines then my eye turned read ,, then itched... skin rash on fingers.. I siad what the hell...It was like someone was dumping a glass of water out my ass. many of these foods were antifungal and also when BACTRIA die or yeast die your system flushes.. my kidneys hurt and my system was oveloaded and dumping everthing my stool changed to green then yellow then normal again

I stuck with it and looked up which of the foods were more low starch fiber and bulking ones..to help the water POOs... I stuck with it.... slowly got better.. I started getting head aches from hell..muscle craps... sure low magnesium.. added that in.. I thought my head was going to explode.. I began dumping lots of mucus.. over time it lessened.. I re tested the IBD EXPANDED panel.... my numbers lowered more.. I said wow...I read that when bacteria nd yeast die they release mycotoxins and give you all these muscle pain.. migraines etc etc

As time went on ,,,, I talked with the lab at great plans they were great they told me from my report and explained everything .. they said I needed to up my protective bacteria...kill several bad strains and lower yeast.. they said what your doing is good...not many stick to it like that... The report told me what killed with with a natural product and or antibiotics.. they lady basically with out telling me told me go for the natural ones.. I did.. as time went on I got better... I ate these foods for breakfast lunch and dinner... I took glutamine( helps gut lining) ...I tossed all my supplements and bought ones that were free of all these foods vit d3, soy free.. b complex krill oil and flax oil..
I began to retest the IBD EXPANDED PANEL every 4 to 6 months.... every time I went the numbers got better and better its now 2 years...my numbers are great.... I retested the great plains lab.... my good bacteria is double... I now produce fatty chian acids my ph is normal... and NO yeast.. in stool... some markers are still in urine.. I continue to work on it...clostrida strains(bacteria) are under control now

I plan to retest the ELISA act with in the next two months...and then the enterolab,, At the same time I have changed my gut bacteria make up... it is all different now... CLOSTRIDA strains are lower good strains are HIGH... I can eat all the fiber want and no problems..

I also did the america gut project ....6 months ago I got my results and I have LOW bacteria - in strains that cause inflammation now.. I also have a stain that deals with eating mucus HIGHER then the avg person... it is also a strain that protects the barrier of your gut shown in research the avg person has 3 to 5 percent.. *****immune disease people have a low level.. I have 13 percent... to me Ive done something successful ..... I feel great I have no issues and all my heath problems started to slowly go away back pain , side pain migraines , sinus problems nasal drip and hemorrhoids.. bye bye

I also did alot with spraying antifungals in my nose while doing this..as I stated above that if you have stuff in your sinus you can re infect your self.. today my sinus are clear..

I feel good etc....maybe Im a bad example ... but I looked at the basics first - instead of meds..at times you have no choice i understnad that...maybe i got to mine early before it got deep... maybe... I understand this may not work for all , but you may want to look into it..
*****my analogy is like this.... if you have a room with roaches... and you close the door.. and you tape the door... you then pull the circuit breaker on the power... and dont use the room.. You still have roaches.
to me that is the treatment we get.. turning off the immune system , anti inflammatory pills are the tape...

to me address the basics first its not easy for everyone.. another ****analogy is like this for me.... WW2 you storm the beach in Normandy the germans are the bad bacteria and yeast.. you send waves and waves of troops ... probiotics (USA troops ) many die... you dont give up... at some point you break the lines ... and kill the germans( yeast and troops)sad you loose alot of good guys(probiotics the germans are all still across Europe-- over time you weed out and hunt and kill all the germans( bacteria and yeast)you break there defenses and supply lines... youll get all most all of them over time.. ( the pathogenic- yeast and bacteria ( left over the poplulation finally come around and get under control... and everything is back to normal.. Life is good.. you let your guard down... Eating bad lots of sugars etc you start to have problems.( you dont treat the people well(bacteria) they begin to up rise

As well why not nuke eveyone take them out ??? to me thats antibiotics.. you nuke you kill everyone ... good troops and bad troops.. whats left.. the weeds(yeast) and sick populations of people( good bacteria) the yeast will win and the populations limp on... they live but cant over come. they have kids ( new bacteria ) but there born with defects... You need to clean the area... and bring in a new people... seeds(people-probitics) and grow a new population.. and maybe you can start over years down the road..It takes time for the population to come back....

and some times you need to do it NUKe them all...

Thats just my take.... and so far is working for me.....
Oh and I read from the elisa act/bio there site http://www.elisaact.com/nonhc/the-immune-systems-role.asp over time the immune system can heal and RE-SET

I feel that has happen to me.. but to me the reset is due to different bacteria being in me.. as they like to eat different foods now..I dont want the cakes etc.. I go nuts like an addict for colored peppers, grilled onions and german sauerkraut.. its strange. the bacteria i use is renew life has 10 strains of bacteria in it..
It took over a year to populate... at the same time killing off the yeast to allow them to grow and lowering the clostrida strains(bad bacteria) read what bad bacteria eat... I had one flare during this part and know it was from a bacteria i added in .. I added in lactobacillus GG as the lab told me to...to lower my clostrida... with in 1 day I flared for a week I also took this pill ... my diet was the same foods for months... the lab told me this was normal..and happen from the GG strian... as this bacteria KILLS clostrida .. I stopped taking it as it messed me up... The lab told me that most likely CULTURE 10 billion was to strong.. so i found a way smaller brand 2 billion and took that.. no problems and that lowered my clostrida.. It is known this kills it.. and you will flare when something dies.. bacteria are like cats and dogs some are the same therre cat... you put two cats in a room they dont like each other...

anyway foods -- if you research the immune system a baby has to learn to eat things for the first time.. you see they get the ***** etc when they first learn to eat things no different here.. you have to give a tiny bit.. and build up to it.. Ive tried this from what elisa act said.. they also want you to retest.. as you may never be able to eat something.. they say you should re test after 7 months or so.,...

I now can eat many of the things that bugged me.. I havent tried every single one.. but many ...havent had any problems... I mainly stick to a PALEO diet - low starch for now..
I test my self here and there but not regularly( other foods) as i want to right a book ... I dont want to change the results of my testing as I test every 4 to 6 months the IBD expanded panel...
Im 41 years old this has been a two year test... heres an example I went to Atlanta for a boyz weekend away from the wife... to see friends we all partied , I drank 7 beers friday night , 8 beers sat.. and one beer at the airport.... I dont drink beer at all now i use too. before my 2 year test and study Ive done on my self... I had zero problems .. I think all my friends had the ***** the next day but me ..I was fine other than a headache.. ask a crohns person to do that.....deadly

I also learned you lining villi grow every four days... so If I go to a party and cheat , I make sure not to eat grains etc more then one day in a week or two..but really never eat..but i have no problems But I dont cheat or havnet done anything for two years to heal my gut repopulate it... fix yeast and bacteria..

I really think...DIET plays a large role... this is all caused from EATING to much sugar/ grains.. ( sugar = and digests as grains milk starches and drinking to much beer/ wine.. and antibotics add to it killing your good bacteria which never come back. The first thing we do is take NSAIDs after drinking which kill your lining... the beer wine kill your good bacteria as well as the antibiotics...over time... we dont eat probiotic foods to put back bacteria killed.. all these above make yeast happy and allow them to grow... and we add more yest in bread beer and wine as we like to have fun..
Gluten is a known lining killer... we all loose are lining maybe less or more depending on are genes to gluten intolerances .. but all the killing of bacteria starts it..bacteria regulates the immune system and makes the products to protect you.... steroids and inhalers also boast yeast

I know what ive done my whole life .. had fun... and Ive paid. I look back I know I had problem from the start (age 6 now that i added the knowledge and research-- all the little things I had... .. you also pass bacteria and yeast from your parents when your born if there over ran so will you... if they feed you like crap you will be too.. Look at all the ADHD , immune diseases in the USA there all up in the last 30 years..... look at the amount of sugar kids eat.. today... if you start out bad hot dogs chicken nuggets cereals tons of grains breads... your not doing well.. then you get sick parents want an instant fix the docs give antibiotics -- your just killed there good bacteria... the cycle goes on.... on top of that you eat something bad.. at the restaurant or food shop... since you dont have that good bacteria.. you are screwed..as your immune system cant up regulate and take control of it your missing good bacteria... you breathe in that mold/ fungus that doesnt help... and your ent gives you inhalers and steriods to mask the problem..makes you feel better then antibiotics --- your just temp fixing the issue.. and now re infecting your self... with nasal drip...

thats my story im sticking to it..... I broke the cycle no more NSAIDs.. for me.. I now dont suffer from allergies... will see in MD in another month but last year I was fine.. No more nasla drip , random migraines , side pain the ***** and thank god no crohns symptoms... I cant say im cured as I get bashed for that ... DAM DO I FEEL GOOD....breathe good and .i POO good..

I maybe crazy bash me But i see it from testing on my self...
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Hi Ed, I think its important to remember what works for you may not work for others. I've tried good bacteria in the form of VSL#3. Billions & billions twice daily. Didn't really do anything for me sadly.
Pleased that you're doing so well though, brilliant stuff.
I realize that and stated that.....but my point is..you can never fix your bacteria good ones with fixing yeast as well.... you can take all the probiotic s you want...they wont take unless you lower yeast...not looked at or know what you have bacteria wise certain strain dont leave or lower with out help

I know we are all different ....this great plans test 2 of them oat and comp stool is a must to learn where to start and what you have in you
thanks Grant... I feel for everyone on here as I know how bad it can be.... why I try to say what say ...maybe it can help someone

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