Why do I feel better on antibiotics?

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Mar 13, 2011
Hi All, I have crohns diagnosed 2011. took 2 years to get diagnosis. I was already on Remicade for psoriasis when diagnosed. So they continued to keep me on that as my treatment. 2 months ago I was in such pain in the abdomen, pressure and bloating. It started to move to low part of back and then left side of my ribcage area was the worst. I refused to eat as it would be so painfull after 2 bites. I was loosing weight and eating only soft foods. My Gastro had me take a SIBO test which was a 19 out of 20 so he put me on a 10 day antibiotic dose, taking 2 pills a day. I felt great by day 5 :). NO PAIN. I could eat, even had a bit of energy and fosus. Its been 1 week now since my last antibiotic and I am in "sloth" mode. Its my term for not just tired, but where you are weak, can't focus and Can't get out of bed. I even took a nap after taking providgal in the mornings (used for sleep for those with narcolepsy and insomnia) Providigial is like a wonder drug for me, better then adderal because it doesn't zap you then 5 hours later you crash. But for the first time in months I am back to taking naps.

Its been 9 weeks since remicade and I have no crohns symtoms. I journal because memory has become poor last two years. I noticed I was tired and still had pain after Remicade, never been in remission since diagnosed in 2011.
I have read that in the UK they treat crohns as a autoimmune response NOT and autoimmune disorder. Many people who do not live in the U.S. get treated with antibiotics to boost their body and are in remission for lengths at a time. I have tried EVERYTHING for treatment and now seeing a neuro and MRI on thursday cuz I am loosing my mind. I have become agoraphobic w crohnic anxiety, which I was always on the go and never experienced anxiety, let alone panic attacks. I have been ill so long its odd to be out and being social. Plus what do I talk about? I don't do anything but sleep, educate myself and see specialists and treatments, they dont understand either becaause they say you look better then ever (lost 50lbs) I am on low side of weight now. But my memory and foggy brain makes me feel stupid :confused2: and I am an educated woman. Then when I do have a good day about 1 or 2 days a month, alert and feeling good then another back to pain and sadness. I look bipolor. So I do whats safe and stay at home though I hate every moment of it. I am loosing myself and starting to wonder why is it I feel BETTER on antibiotics and worse on Remicade? Anyone else feel better after antibiotics? :ghug:

Ps. :tongue: Brintellix is a new anxiety drug and it works great no negative or anger and even when I am in bed I dont cry. Haven't has anxiety fear or tears since on it because I know many feel the same way emotionaly.
Lamictal is a mood stabilizer not normally given to treat anxiety.

It sounds like you are at least in part suffering from depression along with anxiety. The Lamictal may help treat the depression but your doctor may in fact suspect you have Bipolar II and be avoiding antidepressants for that reason. I would have a talk with your psychiatrist and ask point blank for a diagnosis and what your treatment plan is. If this is not being prescribed by a psychiatrist I would ask to see one before anyone else gives you psychotropic medications.

The antibiotics treated the bacterial overgrowth in your small intestine so of course you felt better. But that won't make the anxiety and depression go away so after a short period of feeling good those illnesses become more prominent again and you feel bad. Depression can make you feel physically ill - achy, stiff, tired, fuzzy-headed, etc. which is what it sounds like you are describing.

At least that's my take on your description.Try to go outside every day and go for a short walk or at least to sit in the yard. Find a therapist to talk to, preferably one who does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Find a support group for people struggling with depression or mental illness.

I hope you find some help soon.
I received antibiotics for a c.diff infection while my crohns was flaring. The week after I finished the antibiotics, I felt really good, like the antibiotics cleared up c.diff and helped me achieve brief remission from the crohns. The crohns came back after a week of feeling good, while the c.diff did not. I speculate that the antibiotics played a role in allowing my intestines to recover while I was taking them.
I've heard of long term abx treatment, like a year long, for other autoimmune issues. I felt better on abx too so I'm curious.

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