Will the pain EVER go away?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 26, 2011
Hi. This is my first post here. I'm 34 and have had crohns for years, but just got a name about 3 years ago. I'm on humera and try to follow a healthy unprocessed diet. I have a perianal fistula that recently (black Friday) became abscessed. After a week of calling the doc I finally got in and it was lanced/ opened. But not enough so I went back a week later for another try. This has been the worse thing I've ever gone thru. They put me on flagel and it distroyed me. Lost 6 lbs. off it now... Still have wicked runs to the bathroom. New issuer is now when I go it feels like shards of glass in my anus area. I have swollen skin tags too. I do 2 sitz baths a day. Taking loratab and still can't care for my kids. My husband must be sick of it. I don't know what else to do. I'm taking vitiamans , probiotics, fish oil and D and B. just need a break from the pain. Please help! I miss food and feel like I'm waisting away. Hard to stay positive when ur always in pain.

Thanks for listening...
One thing that may help alleviate some pain is to use a squirt or spray bottle and keep it by the toilet. Use that after each movement or urination, so it keeps the area clean and then daub with toilet paper.

Focus on what you are eating and drinking and perhaps you will find common ingredients. Green tea causes diarrhea and cramping for me, so I can not use that. Carbonation can also cause cramping. Warm ginger tea will help alleviate cramping and soothe the belly.

Begin doing belly rubs every day, as much as possible, to bring circulation to the area and alleviate the cramping. feel better!
Hi there. Welcome to the forum. I'm so sorry to hear of the troubles you've been having. How long have you been on Humira? Did you have the fistula when you started on it? Please come over and have a look on our subforum. There are a lot of people who are dealing with similar issues.
Hi also and welcome....the pain is most probably from the fistula - as grumbletum asked - how long have you been on Humira? Have you been on Remicade? That can be VERY helpful dealing with fistulas - it healed mine up after dealing with them for over 2 years.
I've had the fistula since about 2003. It was misdiagnosed as a pulled muscle then an in-grown hair (where they gave me shots of cortisone!) before my obgyn send me to an GI doc who knew what it was. At that time I had finally become pregnant with my first child, so they said to come back after that. I was just getting testing done when I found out I was preggo with #2. So I didn't start the humera until January of 2009. My fistula has been in remission till now.

I really don't think the pain is from the fistula. I still have some pain there, but the "glass" seems to be from the "out" area where all the skin tags are. Like a paper cut. I'm actually going to the GI tomorrow so we'll see what she says.

Micky: Thank you for the spray bottle idea. That sounds great. I'll try the belly rubs too. Yoga twists have always helped me too as has a heating pad.

Thank you so much for being there. I can't talk to anyone about this.

Has anyone had success with specific diets? I'm currently trying the SCD diet.
If you do yoga, look up the Bikram yoga pose of "Wind Removing Pose" - if you do that a few times daily you can eliminate some pain and help movements along. Feel better!
Dear wannabhealthy,I know it's a short response and probably obvious but it took me over ten years of having crohns to work out that tomatoes and tomatoe sauces (for pasta etc) would cause flare ups as would eating nuts (i know i know - obvious) but why does it have to be the food we love?!! good luck
Sounds suspiciously like a fissure to me. Definitely you should get that checked out. Hope you get to feel better soon.

Costas x

You were right! They gave steroids, lidocaine and another pill I have to take twice a day. Just took my first 6 pills (6 day cycle) and scard. I'm going on vacation in two weeks and want so much to be better...

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