Please, what is wrong with me!

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Dec 16, 2015
Leeds, United Kingdom
My GP suspected Crohns / UC and referred me for a colonoscopy which I had last Friday (Klean Prep - Urgh!!). The consultant said all looked normal and I am awaiting biopsy results. I am terrified they will find nothing and then what - I really cannot go on like this!

I started having symptoms when I got back from Egypt in June 2015 and they have not gone away since! I was tested for parasites and infections etc at the time and all that came back clear.

My symptoms are: -

Stabbing pain on the lower right side and then a constant dull ache.
Going to the bathroom 6 - 10 times a day - occasionally during the night but not always.
Blood in stool - some bright red on the TP and sometimes I have black stools!
Lots of mucous in stools (looks like transparent rice? - I don't eat rice so its not undigested rice).
Seem to have a lot of black flecks in my stool - like pepper flakes?
A serious amount of gas / bloating
A very loud gut - it gurgles and make noise and I can feel like a shifting sensation - not in my stomach but lower down.
Fatigue - I am struggling to get through work each day even if I sleep 10 hours! Seem to spend most of the weekend sleeping.
Have had every colour stool going - black, yellow, mostly a terracotta redish colour(?) one time it was black with a dark green tinge when I wiped!
Urgency - I nearly didn't make it to work this morning and very nearly ended up having an accident. Just made it in time!
Also it never feels like I am done - I can go to the BR several times a day and it always feels like there is some left and I cant get it out. It feels like there is something stuck there pretty much 24/7

And I just generally feel like utter rubbish!

So I really thought my colonoscopy would show something as it sure feels messed up in there!

I don't know what's going on and I am scared - I just want my life back!
Gemma,please try not to stress out.Not easy,I know.Your results probably won't be back for a few weeks,and you will be sent an appt.with your GI.Listen to what he has to say,then give him the list you have made above.If you really fell you can't cope in the meanwhile,then talk to your GP or the IBD nurse at your hospital.If you feel really poorly you could go to A&E,but they will only be able to treat what you are presenting with.
I know it's scarey but we've all been there and most of us get through it ok.Like most things in life,it's fear of the unknown.We are all hear for you,anytime.:ghug:
Gemma,please try not to stress out.Not easy,I know.Your results probably won't be back for a few weeks,and you will be sent an appt.with your GI.Listen to what he has to say,then give him the list you have made above.If you really fell you can't cope in the meanwhile,then talk to your GP or the IBD nurse at your hospital.If you feel really poorly you could go to A&E,but they will only be able to treat what you are presenting with.
I know it's scarey but we've all been there and most of us get through it ok.Like most things in life,it's fear of the unknown.We are all hear for you,anytime.:ghug:
I am so sorry your having such a bad time right now!
Patience is certainly not my strong suit so I won't tell
you to be patient!!

I will recommend to log on anytime you are having a hard time, read, hard,
and absorb all you can. Reach out in a private message to someone who's
post you connect with and the people here will help you through the process!!

Good lick,

GemmaH im so sorry i could relate to that, i were in hosp for a month and went through allot of test and the pain o my the worst i would crawl from the toilet coz i were in so much pain i could not walk, sit or lie down screaming of pain. Gemma all i can tell you is this, try to be positive i know its not easy and think about this when they finally find whats wrong they can start treatment and you can feel better, just try and take it easy for now and dont overdo yourself. We are here for you if have questions or for support but i do hope they get you sorted soon
I'm sure they tested you for Cdiff and other bacteria? I know there are a lot that can mimic Crohns, like causing inflammation and such.

I always had the black dots and mucusy stool with cdiff. Actually all ofyour symptoms match when I had Cdiff. But I would think they would have checked for that
Hi GemmaH. So sorry you are suffering so badly. The waiting on results is so annoying but it has to be done 😠. I hate waiting im a i wana know right now kinda girl ☺. Hopefully soon they will give you a dx n get you started on some meds that will help. Hang in there hun. We are here for you anytime you need us so drop by whenever u want. Best wishes n hugs 💕
Gemma that sounds exactly just like my scenario just a few months ago. It's weird reading your symptom and thinking "yep, yep". Don't worry , take advice and try and do what feels right. Most importantly, don't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes it feels hopeless but it works out fine. xx
HI Gemma,
Good luck on getting some answers.

I believe Gas X will work for all that extra gas. It does for me.
Also have you been taking any anti-diarrhea meds, either prescription such as lomotil or over the counter such as immodium?

At least it would help a little bit for now. Maybe you can catch your breath.
I've not ever heard of Gas X - I assume that is something you get in the USA. I will have a look if there is something similar here in the UK.

The last time I took immodium I started vomiting - couldn't go one way so went the other - it also made my stomach pain a thousand times worse - so I stay away from that now.
I'd go to the emergency department if the pain gets too much. And be very clear how miserable you're feeling and stress that you have blood in your stool, referencing the black stool. They tend to take that more serious as it means there's a bleed in your gut. This will fast track things for you. It's hard, but only we can be our own advocates with our body.
What's your diet like these days? I'd cut out gluten and dairy to see if this helps ease your discomfort. I switched to protein smoothies I make myself with a vegan protein powder. I'm still in a active flair so these smoothies are my main source of nutrition and easier on my guts.
Hugs to you!!!