My GP suspected Crohns / UC and referred me for a colonoscopy which I had last Friday (Klean Prep - Urgh!!). The consultant said all looked normal and I am awaiting biopsy results. I am terrified they will find nothing and then what - I really cannot go on like this!
I started having symptoms when I got back from Egypt in June 2015 and they have not gone away since! I was tested for parasites and infections etc at the time and all that came back clear.
My symptoms are: -
Stabbing pain on the lower right side and then a constant dull ache.
Going to the bathroom 6 - 10 times a day - occasionally during the night but not always.
Blood in stool - some bright red on the TP and sometimes I have black stools!
Lots of mucous in stools (looks like transparent rice? - I don't eat rice so its not undigested rice).
Seem to have a lot of black flecks in my stool - like pepper flakes?
A serious amount of gas / bloating
A very loud gut - it gurgles and make noise and I can feel like a shifting sensation - not in my stomach but lower down.
Fatigue - I am struggling to get through work each day even if I sleep 10 hours! Seem to spend most of the weekend sleeping.
Have had every colour stool going - black, yellow, mostly a terracotta redish colour(?) one time it was black with a dark green tinge when I wiped!
Urgency - I nearly didn't make it to work this morning and very nearly ended up having an accident. Just made it in time!
Also it never feels like I am done - I can go to the BR several times a day and it always feels like there is some left and I cant get it out. It feels like there is something stuck there pretty much 24/7
And I just generally feel like utter rubbish!
So I really thought my colonoscopy would show something as it sure feels messed up in there!
I don't know what's going on and I am scared - I just want my life back!
I started having symptoms when I got back from Egypt in June 2015 and they have not gone away since! I was tested for parasites and infections etc at the time and all that came back clear.
My symptoms are: -
Stabbing pain on the lower right side and then a constant dull ache.
Going to the bathroom 6 - 10 times a day - occasionally during the night but not always.
Blood in stool - some bright red on the TP and sometimes I have black stools!
Lots of mucous in stools (looks like transparent rice? - I don't eat rice so its not undigested rice).
Seem to have a lot of black flecks in my stool - like pepper flakes?
A serious amount of gas / bloating
A very loud gut - it gurgles and make noise and I can feel like a shifting sensation - not in my stomach but lower down.
Fatigue - I am struggling to get through work each day even if I sleep 10 hours! Seem to spend most of the weekend sleeping.
Have had every colour stool going - black, yellow, mostly a terracotta redish colour(?) one time it was black with a dark green tinge when I wiped!
Urgency - I nearly didn't make it to work this morning and very nearly ended up having an accident. Just made it in time!
Also it never feels like I am done - I can go to the BR several times a day and it always feels like there is some left and I cant get it out. It feels like there is something stuck there pretty much 24/7
And I just generally feel like utter rubbish!
So I really thought my colonoscopy would show something as it sure feels messed up in there!
I don't know what's going on and I am scared - I just want my life back!