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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. emmaaaargh

    Iron infusion - what to expect

    I had my first iron infusion in October, and it wasn't bad at all! Mine was only 15 minutes (it took longer to get the IV secured than it did to actually do the infusion!) and then I could go straight home. The next day I DID feel really flu-like, but it passed quite quickly and within maybe a...
  2. emmaaaargh

    Anaemia - what's severe?

    I had a haemoglobin of less than 8 (I say less than because I saw the results of a test done months before they recommended me for an infusion!) and a ferritin of 4 and got a Ferinject infusion after a month and a half. :) I don't know anyone else that had one over here but that's what I had :P
  3. emmaaaargh

    Wearing a corset with a stoma?

    Absolutely no experience with stomas whatsoever here but I just wanted to pop in to say that I'm so glad you can wear it because it looks great!! Also, I followed your blog haha 8). I've always wanted to wear a corset but I've never had enough confidence *_*
  4. emmaaaargh

    Teens with Ulcertive Colitis or Crohn's Support Group

    Welcome to both of you!!! :D
  5. emmaaaargh

    What happens before a small bowel resection?

    Fast? I fasted from midnight onwards - my operation was somewhere around 8am. Bowel prep, if so when do they give you this? I was given two enemas, one at midnight and one at 6am. Do any nurses/doctors/specialists see you before the op? I was visited by the surgeon to explain the procedure...
  6. emmaaaargh

    Surgery in two days-nervous!

    I don't have much more support to offer - all that's been said is really brilliant, here! - but I wanted to wish you good luck and offer some sympathy about the date being changed. It's awful! :( When I had my resection when I was 11, on the day of the surgery (we were on our way driving to the...
  7. emmaaaargh

    How old are you?

    I'm 15, and I was diagnosed shortly after my 9th birthday.
  8. emmaaaargh

    Surgery soon :D discussion with surgeon

    I don't have any advice for the MRI pain - I have to say, I didn't have to lie like that when I had mine! - but I wanted to wish you luck with the talk! I had a stricture when I was 11, and they put me in for surgery. 30cm of my ileum was removed via keyhole surgery and it managed to put me in...
  9. emmaaaargh

    Multiple Issues, Not Sure if Crohn's Related

    The tightness/breathlessness sounds like it could be caused by anaemia. Has he had his iron checked recently? I went on a hiking trip in June and I was severely anaemic. It was pretty physically intensive and whenever I went up hill I started wheezing to the point of sounding like a wounded...
  10. emmaaaargh

    New and need some help

    I've had two colonoscopies + endoscopies and a pillcam so I hope I can put your mind at rest with the tests :) I would say that a couple of days is a fairly regular time for some people to not have a BM when they're well, so considering you had a cleanout beforehand I wouldn't start to worry...
  11. emmaaaargh

    Crohns problem

    Hiya Amie - welcome to the forum, but sorry you have to be here. Don't worry about asking too many questions - if I'd known about this place when I was first diagnosed I probably would've asked tons (: One thing that stands out to me is the migraines. As mentioned lots of your symptoms can be...
  12. emmaaaargh

    Crohn's and PE!

    I live in the UK so we don't have anything concrete like the 504 - but for the most part my school have been fairly accommodating. I say 'fairly' because it was still really hard for me - I could either go to lessons or sit with teachers and do homework, and I decided to go to the lessons and do...
  13. emmaaaargh

    Colonoscopy question?

    I had some Picolax for my last colonoscopy - started at noon and finished about 12 hours later, but that was probably because I reaaaaaaaally didn't want to drink it. It was sort of brownish/yellow, not totally clear, but they were able to do the scope and all went well. Hope your colonoscopy...
  14. emmaaaargh

    How many Crohn's related surgeries have you had?

    One. Lost about a foot of my small bowel in a resection in 2009. :tongue:
  15. emmaaaargh

    Ensure only Nightmare

    Oh, you poor thing :( I remember being on EEN one time - and flat out refused to do it ever again, lol. I used to find, though, that sometimes even smelling or cooking the food I was craving helped. I know it sounds really counterintuitive, but I made my family an apple pie while I was on EEN...
  16. emmaaaargh

    Dealing with a 10 yr old granddaughter with crohns

    Hello and welcome to the forum! :) I'm sorry your granddaughter was diagnosed so young. I was 9 when I was diagnosed and pretty much all I remember was how busy everything seemed! You sound to me like you're doing a fantastic job, especially as far as diet is concerned. I know how it feels like...
  17. emmaaaargh

    Another question

    It does for me. When I get stomach ache during flares I get hot for a few minutes and then cool down again.
  18. emmaaaargh

    Old friend saying horrible things

    That is utterly disgusting. I've had Crohn's since I was 9 and I've never experienced quite THAT level of animosity! IMO, (although this may sound harsh) you should cut him off, at least for a little while. Yes, he may be an old friend, and it might hurt, but he needs to understand how he's hurt...
  19. emmaaaargh

    HPV vaccine for kids with crohn's

    I had the HPV vaccine at school when I was 12. No reactions occurred, and having so much experience with needles I faced it better than most of the other girls in my year! Didn't do a thing to my Crohn's, and I'm glad I had it. However, this was before I was started on any immunosuppressants, so...
  20. emmaaaargh

    Iron infusions!

    Thank you everyone! I think Ferinject is reasonably new, it's ferric carboxymaltose. I'm getting 1g of it and I read that it didn't take very long - about half an hour - but I just wanted to check, since I'm doing all of my GCSEs this year it's pretty important that I don't miss a lot of school...