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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. xJillx

    Trying To Conceive (TTC) Support Group

    @Manders - I am glad your flare is coming to an end. Hoping you have a healthier 2012 with perhaps a little bundle on the way! @David - Congrats! I am laughing in my office over your Mario - he looks like he is ready for some action! LOL Hubby and I are planning to get the baby making ball...
  2. xJillx

    Surgery day

    Good luck!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be thinking of ya.
  3. xJillx

    Enemas for Flex Sig

    Thanks, guys! I have had a few flex sigs before, but each time it was in conjunction with another test and needed to do full bowel prep. This is the first time I am just doing a flex sig on its own, so I wasn't sure of the prep process. If I phoned my GI, I would never hear back in time...
  4. xJillx

    Enemas for Flex Sig

    I have a flex sig tomorrow morning, and I was told to take two enemas in the AM. Do I take them back to back or take one then wait an hour or two and take the second? My appointment is at 10:30am, and I'll need to be on the road by 9:45am. So, I was thinking about taking the second one...
  5. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    @Shan - A flex sig is a scope that can see the last 1/3 of your colon, unlike a colonoscopy, which can see your entire colon. My main issue is in my rectum, so a flex sig is helpful for me as I don't have to always do a full colonoscopy. @Sunshine - That would be awesome if you didn't ever...
  6. xJillx

    Confused about pain

    Hi and welcome! I am a bit concerned about the dark stools you mentioned. Do you think it could be blood? When bleeding from high up in the GI tract (stomach or small intestine), but is no longer bright red (this is a sign of bleeding in the rectum or last part of colon). If it keeps up, I...
  7. xJillx

    New to forum - my brief story and stricture problem

    Hi Luke and welcome! I am sorry you are facing surgery. I haven't had surgery for my IBD yet, but I know many members who have and are so happy they did. Many have experienced long remissions afterward. I hope this will be the case with you. Good luck!
  8. xJillx

    Highly recommend liquid diet

    Hi and welcome! I am glad a liquid diet helped stop a flare in its tracks for you, and you didn't need pred. Many suffer from its side effects, so I can understand why you wanted to avoid it. I hope you continue to feel well!
  9. xJillx

    Looking for suggestions

    Hi and welcome! Though your son may hate the shakes, it is the safest way for your son to get into remission. As Angrybird said, many take steroids to stop a flare. But there are so many bad side effects associated with steroids. It may be unpleasant, but the shakes are the safest way to get...
  10. xJillx

    Twelve months on

    I am so happy for you, Hannah! I hope you continue to feel so well and can soon enjoy baths whenever you want!
  11. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    @Cat - I did one with "twilight sedation" and another without anything, and this time I am having it without anything. It is uncomfortable, and I imagine it could really hurt if you are badly inflammed. But the procedure takes 10 minutes w/o drugs. With sedation, it turns into a 4 hour event...
  12. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Boy, back to work, and I am so busy! I was so spoiled with being off so much with the holidays. I don't feel too hot today, so I am going home to crash. My GI appointment & flex sig is on Friday. I don't know what I'll get out of it, but we'll have to wait and see. @Sunshine - I am glad...
  13. xJillx

    Sliding back downhill

    I am so sorry to hear this Stephanie. I sure hope Remicade will be the answer. How soon do you think you will be able to start treatment?
  14. xJillx

    Bowel Transplant

    @Jessi - I wonder if studies will be done. I am not confident transplants for Crohn's is high on the list as it is most likely only a temporary fix. @Dusty - You make very valid points. I think you make an interesting point that drugs that couldn't work because disease was so advanced may...
  15. xJillx

    Liz's Story

    Hi and welcome! I don't like the sound of these rashes. I would certainly phone your GI or GP. It's better safe than sorry. Do you have plans to start a maintenance drug in addition to Entocort? Though milder than pred, Entocort is a steroid and shouldn't be taken long term. It does a...
  16. xJillx

    World's oldest person with Crohn's Disease

    Hi Anne and welcome! I must say, I don't think I have welcomed a member older than 88 years old. However, it is so wonderful to hear from such a veteran Crohnie. I hope your grandson will be over soon. I'd love to hear about your experiences. What treatment have you been on? Have you had...
  17. xJillx

    Lucy's Story

    Hi Lucylou and welcome! I am glad your Crohn's is behaving lately. I hope it will stay that way, so you can finish your studies without any issue. I was a teacher, but I left the profession before my GI issues began. However, there are a several teachers on the forum. Working with active...
  18. xJillx


    Hi Eli and welcome! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis. If your GI is suggesting a biologic, you most likely have a good deal of inflammation that warrants the treatment. I know the side effects can sound pretty scary, but remember, allowing your IBD (Crohn's or UC) to run wild can be...
  19. xJillx

    Trying to get to grips with it all!

    Hi SallyO and welcome! Boy, ten years! I am glad you demanded a colonoscopy. I am sorry you haven't seen much of an improvement on your new treatment plan. However, it can take a few months for Aza to fully kick in. The pred should be keeping things under control until then, but it...
  20. xJillx

    Bowel Transplant

    David - I was hesitant to post on the subject, so I am happy to see someone else was curious about the topic. I agree with most. I feel a transplant would be most beneficial for those with significant loss due to surgery. However, it won't solve the issues as our problem is auto-immune...