I wish you the bestHeard that buddy I never have eather until Friday when my gi told me that I would be on it. Sent me to the lab to see if I could metabolize it before he ordered it. We see what happens he told me they was no side effects that it was safer then taking blood...
Hey cmack buddy glad to hear from you buddy, yeah just got off the phone with my nurse. She was very excited about my blood work numbers from Monday, she said I have made leaps and bounds of progress from the 14 days in the hospital. Kinda made me happy buddy.
Have you contacted your doctor?Woke up today to horrible pain. Is this normal? I was fine before. I just had a rescue dose of remicade a week ago.. this shouldnt be happening.
man I hope this doesnt mean I've developed antibodies so soon.
You are welcome. Appreciate your comment on faith in God.Thanks Ron you and cmack has been by my side when I was in hard times with crohns flair up. Y'all two were like angels that helped me to save my life and lift my sprites. My faith in God helped also. Thanks for what y'all have done for me Ron...
Woke up today to horrible pain. Is this normal? I was fine before. I just had a rescue dose of remicade a week ago.. this shouldnt be happening.
man I hope this doesnt mean I've developed antibodies so soon.
I sure hope you feel better soon my friend. I'm wishing you the best.
Talk to me any time buddy. I enjoy talking with you. You can beat this thing!
Maybe you ate something that didn't agree? Or stress? I hope this pain will soon pass.
Your friend,
Hey cmack buddy glad to hear from you buddy, yeah just got off the phone with my nurse. She was very excited about my blood work numbers from Monday, she said I have made leaps and bounds of progress from the 14 days in the hospital. Kinda made me happy buddy.
Woke up today to horrible pain. Is this normal? I was fine before. I just had a rescue dose of remicade a week ago.. this shouldnt be happening.
man I hope this doesnt mean I've developed antibodies so soon.
Woke up today to horrible pain. Is this normal? I was fine before. I just had a rescue dose of remicade a week ago.. this shouldnt be happening.
man I hope this doesnt mean I've developed antibodies so soon.
Remicade hit me hard after 4 doses, gave me lupis couldn't even open a door handle or brush my hair. Hopefully just a fluke....did you do a lot yesterday? Remicade was an amazing drug until it wasn't for me.
Sending prayers.
Same hereSending a prayer your way GI Jane and CP.
Hope you are doing well today.Tried to log on yesterday but hughsnet don't work during a storm LOL.... Getting ready to get hammered again Awsome....
I take Gabapentin for neuropathy in my left leg.Yeah Ron I'm feeling ok today just had to take a pain meds to help. Are you doing good today ron? I have been physical therapy on legs where I had edema in both, where I was in moble for 2 and half months of no movement, hurts like hell bro that's why I take pain meds for..
Ya it's an oxycodone morning for sure.
The doctors didnt want to prescribe me any yesterday... is it because it's super addictive? :c I bet it helps. Feel better Jane :hug:
They ALMOST did though. But nope, no pain meds for me. Maybe one day. haha
Sending you support and prayers.Ya I've never been addicted I can go on and off for months....but hey ya I did quit smoking a long time ago so ha.But for some people they do because it's a kind of high I quess. It can also give you headaches in replacement so I have to take with tylenol which then makes me worry for my liver. So ya it's a aaaahhh I give up take an oxy kind of thing. Tramadol I take to take the edge off and gets me out of my wheelchair and to be able to walk without screaming. So that one I don't see quitting anytime soon. They are still trying to get me into a pain clinic they are so booked around here they wont even accept new patients.....grrr.
Ya I've never been addicted I can go on and off for months....but hey ya I did quit smoking a long time ago so ha.But for some people they do because it's a kind of high I quess. It can also give you headaches in replacement so I have to take with tylenol which then makes me worry for my liver. So ya it's a aaaahhh I give up take an oxy kind of thing. Tramadol I take to take the edge off and gets me out of my wheelchair and to be able to walk without screaming. So that one I don't see quitting anytime soon. They are still trying to get me into a pain clinic they are so booked around here they wont even accept new patients.....grrr.
I don't know. How long does it take for results from a barium swallow?
You know I never had that done before. I've ether have a CT scan with contrast or colonscopy. How does that barium swallow work?
Still just canes right now buddy went to sow a cover crop for origainc weed barrier. Cut it down right after bud break that will happen around 3rd week in April. If we have a hard freeze it could be a serious loss. How are you today cmack buddy?