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Heard that buddy I never have eather until Friday when my gi told me that I would be on it. Sent me to the lab to see if I could metabolize it before he ordered it. We see what happens he told me they was no side effects that it was safer then taking blood...
Heard that buddy I never have eather until Friday when my gi told me that I would be on it. Sent me to the lab to see if I could metabolize it before he ordered it. We see what happens he told me they was no side effects that it was safer then taking blood...
I wish you the best
Yeah buddy I just hope that it don't back fire on me, I have tried humira and Cimzia with very bad reaction to them. So we see how it goes in the morning..
Hey cmack buddy glad to hear from you buddy, yeah just got off the phone with my nurse. She was very excited about my blood work numbers from Monday, she said I have made leaps and bounds of progress from the 14 days in the hospital. Kinda made me happy buddy.
Hey cmack buddy glad to hear from you buddy, yeah just got off the phone with my nurse. She was very excited about my blood work numbers from Monday, she said I have made leaps and bounds of progress from the 14 days in the hospital. Kinda made me happy buddy.

That is great news.
Thanks Ron you and cmack has been by my side when I was in hard times with crohns flair up. Y'all two were like angels that helped me to save my life and lift my sprites. My faith in God helped also. Thanks for what y'all have done for me Ron...
Woke up today to horrible pain. Is this normal? I was fine before. I just had a rescue dose of remicade a week ago.. this shouldnt be happening.

:( man I hope this doesnt mean I've developed antibodies so soon.
Thanks Ron you and cmack has been by my side when I was in hard times with crohns flair up. Y'all two were like angels that helped me to save my life and lift my sprites. My faith in God helped also. Thanks for what y'all have done for me Ron...
You are welcome. Appreciate your comment on faith in God.
Hello chronically positive,
I take remicade if I am a few days late after treatment I have pains after words. Is it horrible stabing pain or kinda hurts somewhat. But definitely if it keeps up contact your GI...
Woke up today to horrible pain. Is this normal? I was fine before. I just had a rescue dose of remicade a week ago.. this shouldnt be happening.

:( man I hope this doesnt mean I've developed antibodies so soon.


I sure hope you feel better soon my friend. I'm wishing you the best.
Talk to me any time buddy. I enjoy talking with you. You can beat this thing!
Maybe you ate something that didn't agree? Or stress? I hope this pain will soon pass.

Your friend,


If it doesn't go away soon you should get checked out or at least call the doc if you can and ask. I agree with the above comments. Toughing it out too long can backfire!

Your friend,


I sure hope you feel better soon my friend. I'm wishing you the best.
Talk to me any time buddy. I enjoy talking with you. You can beat this thing!
Maybe you ate something that didn't agree? Or stress? I hope this pain will soon pass.

Your friend,


Thanks cmack :frown: :heart:
I hope I ate something bad... I'll let you guys know if it goes away.

Take care of your self!
Hey cmack buddy glad to hear from you buddy, yeah just got off the phone with my nurse. She was very excited about my blood work numbers from Monday, she said I have made leaps and bounds of progress from the 14 days in the hospital. Kinda made me happy buddy.

So glad to hear how well you have done,long may it continue 💕💕
Woke up today to horrible pain. Is this normal? I was fine before. I just had a rescue dose of remicade a week ago.. this shouldnt be happening.

:( man I hope this doesnt mean I've developed antibodies so soon.

I really hope this is just a blip and you feel better soon. Aa the others have said do contact your doctor if you dont feel better in day or two. :hug:
They moved my humira injections to weekly so yesterday I had an eventful day of getting my injection and then a couple units of blood.Today I woke up feeling pretty crappy.
Yeah tubes I feel you on that today I was supposed to have remicade and new IV treatment immune modulator but my blood work this morning came back low on albumin so I had to get 100mg of so my Remicade and other iv treatment will happen this Friday
I think so, I have had it but I'm IBD. I'm really not sure. I think you have to keep it an hour or two away from other meds. Maybe look it up online. I go to drugs.com to check for interactions. They are a pretty decent site. Or maybe call the pharmacist.
Woke up today to horrible pain. Is this normal? I was fine before. I just had a rescue dose of remicade a week ago.. this shouldnt be happening.

:( man I hope this doesnt mean I've developed antibodies so soon.

Remicade hit me hard after 4 doses, gave me lupis couldn't even open a door handle or brush my hair. Hopefully just a fluke....did you do a lot yesterday? Remicade was an amazing drug until it wasn't for me.

Sending prayers.
Remicade hit me hard after 4 doses, gave me lupis couldn't even open a door handle or brush my hair. Hopefully just a fluke....did you do a lot yesterday? Remicade was an amazing drug until it wasn't for me.

Sending prayers.

Oh gee. :c Sorry to hear that.

Wellll turns out I had a semi obstruction/ compaction. Went to the hospital because i was throwing up. All good now.. just being really careful. I was being careful before though.. and the docs told me my stenosis did look a lot worse than last time. So I'll have to talk with my GI about a plan next time I see her.

On the bright side, had a nice nap once the morphine kicked in.
Those are good naps since sleep is hard a lot of the time. The doctors told me after my last colonoscopy I tried to climb off the table....no memory crazy. So now I have to be totally put out she said guess they are scared of the chase lol.

Hopefully the doctor will come up with a good plan. Mine is finally surgery but I've come to peace with that since it should take away all of the issues she said in the TI.
Tried to log on yesterday but hughsnet don't work during a storm LOL.... Getting ready to get hammered again Awsome....
Yeah Ron I'm feeling ok today just had to take a pain meds to help. Are you doing good today ron? I have been physical therapy on legs where I had edema in both, where I was in moble for 2 and half months of no movement, hurts like hell bro that's why I take pain meds for..
Yeah Ron I'm feeling ok today just had to take a pain meds to help. Are you doing good today ron? I have been physical therapy on legs where I had edema in both, where I was in moble for 2 and half months of no movement, hurts like hell bro that's why I take pain meds for..
I take Gabapentin for neuropathy in my left leg.

I wish that stuff agreed with me. It made my pain go away. I just kept losing memory and coordination and blacking out. I quit before I hit my head too hard thankfully. I sure don't need more brain damage.LOL I'm glad it helps you buddy.

How do we know if we don't try right?

I might try it's sister drug Lyrica, but very slowly and carefully.

All my very best, as always,

Cmack I wanted to hear from you today but we had some bad storms roll through late this afternoon so my hughs net don't work LOL.... So I will give you a yell tomarrow afternoon when I get back from my vineyard doing a little work...
The doctors didnt want to prescribe me any yesterday... is it because it's super addictive? :c I bet it helps. Feel better Jane :hug:

They ALMOST did though. But nope, no pain meds for me. Maybe one day. haha

Ya I've never been addicted I can go on and off for months....but hey ya I did quit smoking a long time ago so ha. :) But for some people they do because it's a kind of high I quess. It can also give you headaches in replacement so I have to take with tylenol which then makes me worry for my liver. So ya it's a aaaahhh I give up take an oxy kind of thing. Tramadol I take to take the edge off and gets me out of my wheelchair and to be able to walk without screaming. So that one I don't see quitting anytime soon. They are still trying to get me into a pain clinic they are so booked around here they wont even accept new patients.....grrr.
Ya I've never been addicted I can go on and off for months....but hey ya I did quit smoking a long time ago so ha. :) But for some people they do because it's a kind of high I quess. It can also give you headaches in replacement so I have to take with tylenol which then makes me worry for my liver. So ya it's a aaaahhh I give up take an oxy kind of thing. Tramadol I take to take the edge off and gets me out of my wheelchair and to be able to walk without screaming. So that one I don't see quitting anytime soon. They are still trying to get me into a pain clinic they are so booked around here they wont even accept new patients.....grrr.
Sending you support and prayers.
GI Jane,

There isn't a pain specialist at the VA hospital? Heck I had one at the public hospital. I would sure think there are soldiers that need pain relief specialists. They should fast track you military folks.

I hope you are doing OK today,

Ya I've never been addicted I can go on and off for months....but hey ya I did quit smoking a long time ago so ha. :) But for some people they do because it's a kind of high I quess. It can also give you headaches in replacement so I have to take with tylenol which then makes me worry for my liver. So ya it's a aaaahhh I give up take an oxy kind of thing. Tramadol I take to take the edge off and gets me out of my wheelchair and to be able to walk without screaming. So that one I don't see quitting anytime soon. They are still trying to get me into a pain clinic they are so booked around here they wont even accept new patients.....grrr.

Damn Tramadol did NOTHING for me. D:

I hope you get into a pain clinic Jane. That's really tough. Hang in there!
Thanks everyone. They have an acupuncturist there which I went to before my spinal cord injury. But with my spasticity I can't do that anymore unfortunately. Going to try hot stone massage with someone who can do people with spinal injuries.....hard to find.
Still just canes right now buddy went to sow a cover crop for origainc weed barrier. Cut it down right after bud break that will happen around 3rd week in April. If we have a hard freeze it could be a serious loss. How are you today cmack buddy?
I am doing a barium swallow on March 9th. Depending on what they find, they may do an endoscopy. The person who saw me is going to ask the doctor if he thinks it would be a good idea to switch me to Entyvio. When we talked about the barium swallow I think she might have wondered about a stricture.
Damn buddy they found a small stricture during my last colonscopy but my GI did this thing called a balloon dilation it worked very well so fare. Can they do the same for you?
You know I never had that done before. I've ether have a CT scan with contrast or colonscopy. How does that barium swallow work?
You know I never had that done before. I've ether have a CT scan with contrast or colonscopy. How does that barium swallow work?


The barium is ingested or instilled into the gastrointestinal tract, and X-rays are used to create radiographs of the regions of interest. The barium enhances the visibility of the relevant parts of the gastrointestinal tract by coating the inside wall of the tract and appearing white on the film.

Still just canes right now buddy went to sow a cover crop for origainc weed barrier. Cut it down right after bud break that will happen around 3rd week in April. If we have a hard freeze it could be a serious loss. How are you today cmack buddy?


I'm OK, just nervous a little about the doctors appointment on Monday. I really like my doctor but I guess after all I have been through, I have a fear of doctors and hospital type situations. I will have a valium before I go. lol

I'm happy to hear you got outside a bit. I am a gardener too. I love growing things. Mostly flowers and shrubs. I sure hope you don't have too much damage from the cold weather. Us gardener types never know what will or wont pop back up in spring hey! I will say a prayer for you and your vines dude!

Your bud,

Glad to hear, I love my GI to but sometimes I think he uses me as a guinea pig LOL... I have always loved growing things, but took a love to wine grapes but took it way far like learning to grafting on disease risistance root stock and so on. My legs is back to normal size, so my gi nurse told me I needed to work out my legs cause when I was malnourished my body was using my muscel to feed it self... so when I feel good I try and get outside..

Right on buddy! So glad your legs aren't all puffy anymore. I knew it would get better! I prayed for you bro! How are you feeling bud?

I'm so curious about growing grapes too. tell me more. My neighbor has a grape vine.

Hit me back!
Feeling good back on antibiotics cause of an uti, still have poop water coming from you know where so I kinda worried about that but have come to terms with maybe surgery to fix it but hey that's ok you know.. but what do you won't to know about growing grapes.. Ok all of my wine grapes have to be spur pruned late winter if you don't take of the old fruiting wood you won't have any grapes the following summer. They will skip that summer until the following summer. If you won't to take some clone from your neighbor's vine take 5 cutting with 3 buds on the bottom just stick them into a 2 gallon bucket with potting soil and leave them outside this spring they will root. Just make sure the canes is planted as they are grown on the vine if you plant them different direction they won't root or grow just rot...

That damn fistula! I'm here for support.

Thanks dude! I have cloned tomato plants before and it was super easy. It sounds similar. Maybe I could do that. You seem pretty darn smart at that stuff. I always appreciate gardening tips. I have a lot of crops that I grow too. We should stay in touch. I love gardening. If you ever wonder about plants or crops that you want to grow, talk to me. maybe I can help.

Oh yeah most definitely, I am not going no where buddy I'm here for y'all like y'all was for me buddy. I love growing stuff that must be the red neck in me LOL....
Hell yeah me to buddy the red neck crew sounds cool. I have met out of state people when I worked at a hotel in my area they would call use dumb red necks. Just stupid I guess...

Some people just don't appreciate a hard days work. Why do you think we get red necks?
We are out in the sun working hard all day. There is nothing wrong with that at all.

Just my thoughts,

Very well put buddy, I always thought the same When half of those people looked like they never seen a hard day's work in their life time...
Me two bro, I'll never change anything either.. man Halloween 2 never gets old that's what I'm watching now I think I wore my Halloween dvds out lol...
I love the Halloween Michael Myers movies! I think Halloween is my favorite day of the year. I also liked friday the 13th. I watched them all. Good fun. I love giving the kids a little scare and a treat too. :)
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Same to you hope your doing better since your last post. God bless... your friend crohn's4ever.
Me too...

When life is nothin' but dread,
pain forever in yur head.
Don't give up... change is ahead,
Now git out of bed & take yur meds.

Ok my silly one for the morning.
That's awesome cmack, beatboxer I wish I could do that myself. I have tried poetry not very good at it at all bro.
I like to keep my mind very versatile/ fast like a crocodile catchin prey on the nile/for all you folks that want to be dissin/ how could I be talkin this fast if my brain is missin?/ ya'll just better pucker up and start kissin.../ but, how long will it take you?/ just to figure out that my rhyme just ate you?/
That's tight bro, really dig your rhymes. I wish I could put rhymes together like that and make it sound cool. Awsome buddy..
Yes I do, but I let something's slip through the cracks that I liked. I used to be a very good cartoonist and animator but now since I haven't done it in like four years plus it's hard you know. My avatar for this site was the last cartoon sketch I did bro..So don't stop what you like doing, it's hard to get it back.

That is a really awesome sketch. Good work dude! I can't hardly draw a stick man! LOL

I haven't been coming up with rhymes for years. It is like kind of like walking, you may go a little slow or train to get faster, but you still know how! I believe in you. Yes you can! That's my mantra for today!