Burning pain from my rectum all the way up to my tailbone

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Jan 30, 2010
:redface: I have had skin tags and one very small fistula at the rectum for about 7 years, occasionally annoying but nothing more, nothing steroid foam and Calmoseptine couldn't fix.

Two nights ago I awakened to a terrible burning pain from my rectum all the way up to my tailbone. I was draining some sort of clear fluid that burned like fire wherever it touched from a place closer to my tailbone than the rectum. I made my long suffering husband take a look and he could see a large skin tag with a sore and compared it to what looks like cracks he gets on his fingertips when his hands are chapped. He said the larger crack looked open and everything is red.

In addition to this I have constant nausea and low back pain. I emailed my doctor but he's taking forever, so please guys what do you think it is? Any advise or similar experiences?
It almost sounds like you could have popped out a fistula....When I had mine break out, it was agonizing....didn't realize what it was at first...everything burned coming out too!

I would try calling the Dr instead of emailiing - or at least follow up with another email.....
Oouch, sweetheart! That sounds incredibly painful! :( I've never had anything like that, and can't really help you on this one, but like pasobuff said you should insist on talking to your doctor in order to get some help! It doesn't sound like you should wait this one out, especially considering that you have nausea and lower back pain as well. *hugs* By the way, Astra (Joan) is also having nausea and lower back pains right now. Sounds like you two are going through some similar symptoms right now. :(

I'm glad you have your husband with you to comfort you, Mountaingem... He sounds like a gem too! :)

Really hope you get better soon!

Thanks guys-yeah, I called the doctor again and we're playing phone tag. Poor Astra! Of all the things to have in common...:stinks:
Hey Mountaingem , I have not idea what you are going through but any pain or discomfort down there is aweful. I had skintags after the birth of my daughter...was a bugger to get rid of. Hope you hear from your doctor soon. Let us know when you do ok?

Sending feel better hugs and "c'mon, doc, stop the phone tag" wishes.
:redface: I have had skin tags and one very small fistula at the rectum for about 7 years, occasionally annoying but nothing more, nothing steroid foam and Calmoseptine couldn't fix.

Two nights ago I awakened to a terrible burning pain from my rectum all the way up to my tailbone. I was draining some sort of clear fluid that burned like fire wherever it touched from a place closer to my tailbone than the rectum. I made my long suffering husband take a look and he could see a large skin tag with a sore and compared it to what looks like cracks he gets on his fingertips when his hands are chapped. He said the larger crack looked open and everything is red.

In addition to this I have constant nausea and low back pain. I emailed my doctor but he's taking forever, so please guys what do you think it is? Any advise or similar experiences?

hmmm im pretty sure i have had a similar thing, though it wasnt quite as intense and as large an area as yours seems to be.
for a while when my butt was just a total wreck i would get sores almost like.....well almost at the top of my butt crack hahaha. its like the skin would split right there and god it was terrible. OH you know when your bottom lip cracks? its really dry out or whatever and you smile and your bottom lip just splits?
it was like that but at the top of my butt...kinda right under my tailbone...these splits would open up and hurt like &$&@#&!@&#@^. i dont really remember them draining anything, but burning like fire, oh yes they did.

the fact that the fluid is CLEAR....i dunno it makes me feel like its more of a wound seepage type thing and not like the drainage of a fistula or abcess, i feel like THAT fluid would be more pus like or at least some type of thickness you know?

have you had any fevers? even if you havent.....i worry that an abcess *could* be brewing in there in your rectal area but internally. that could def cause lower back pains and infection can sure cause nausea.
ever had a pelvic MRI or anything likle that? idk see what your doc says i guess but IMO that would be really good to look and see that there is nothing more sinister going on in there.

and if you need any further triva and fun facts about butts, gimme a ring! god i am just looking at this and realizing how much i know and think about butts....

haha good luck, i hope you can get in touch with your doc today!
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:mademyday:Thanks Kello, I appreciated your info, and you were right, it's a fistula. I'm already on Remicade, Flagyl, and now I'm gonna start Cipro...Monday I'm going in for a pelvic ultrasound.

Thanks to everybody-I probably wouldn't have pushed my doctor for this if it wasn't for you guys!
Jeannette, so sorry to hear it's a fistula. Good that you knew when to push, though.
Hi Mountain Gem, so sorry that you are going through such a rough spot but am glad you were able to advocate for yourself and get in early, I had some of the bumps at the top of my bum and they hurt like hell. Hope you are feeling much better really soon. :)
Ouch! That sounds really painful. I think I have had small fistulas in the past, possibly. But clearly it was never as bad as you have experienced. I hope you heal very quickly!
