Comprehensive DNA stool test results, Please help!!

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Mar 16, 2012
United States
Hi everyone.

I have been having increasing intestinal issues for the last 2 months now. I thought maybe it was due to a medication I was taking for my bladder IC ( uribel). It contains an aspirin type medication. I stopped that medication 2 months ago though and I am still not right. As I mentioned in a previous post, I recently had a fecal calprotectin test that was elevated ( normal is anything under 162, mine was 384). My GI doctor did not seem overly concerned and kept saying it was likely my IBS. He believes it is iBS because my colonoscopy I had 2 years ago was completely normal. I also had a normal MRE 3 years ago. However I was not having actual bowel changes back then, I was just having pain and cramping. Now my stool is always on the softer side and is always light in color and messy( color of coffee with cream in it and takes a lot of wiping to get clean).

I decided to order a comprehensive DNA PCR stool test. It checks for lots of different pathogens( bacteria, parasites and fungus) and inflammatory markers. I got the results today. I was wondering if anyone could explain what a couple of these things mean.

I was positive for Candida ( normal is 0-5000, I was 8,730). I also still had elevated calprotectin( normal was 0-50, I was 113.8). I also have elevated SIgA 1 ( normal is 0-1000, mine was >5,000) and my SIgA 2( normal is 0-1000 and mine was 3271.73.

So basically what I am getting is that I have overgrowth of Candida for sure. I am still trying to figure out the elevated SIgA levels. I am guessing this indicates inflammation? Could it be the candida overgrowth that is causing all this? I am not so sure. I don't even think my GI doc would understand these results. I don't think Western medicine doctors know much about the PRC DNA stool tests so I am not sure he would even know about this. Does anyone on here have any opinions or info on these tests results or what they may mean? Are SIgA levels normally elevated in Crohns disease? Also, what are your thoughts on the Candida overgrowth? I know there are diets that can help( no sugar, low carb), but the way my gut is now I am having a hard time eating most veggies. The Candida diet is Basically only meats and veggies. Just not sure what to do at this point. Any ideas or advice is greatly appreciated.
i somehow believe in the candida overgrowth hypothesis. I no longer eat all forms of culinary sugars and cut down on many very sweet fruits.
I sometimes consider taking Diflucan pills (anti-candida) given by the pharmacist (for vaginal yeast infection) to lower my ''possible'' elevated systemic candida.
when I was younger I was very prone to vaginal candida infections compared to my friends.
could you provide me the link to this test you ordered, I am intrigued by it. thx!
Hi Lady Organic.

I unfortunately cannot tolerate diflucan at all so that is out for me. I also have IC of the bladder and the diet for this is super strict as well. Having these intestinal issues pop up has even altered my diet more( and not in a good way). Before when my intestines were not as bad, I was trying very much not to eat too many grains at all. Now in the last 2 months I have been forced to eat white rice which I am not happy about as it only will add to my yeast issue since it is a carb. I just am having a hard time tolerating many foods now with this gut issue. I would have to seriously change what I am eating. I usually eat banana for breakfast, but that would be out on a yeast free diet. I also eat a Gluten free almond pancake for breakfast and that would be out. I do not tolerate eggs to well so I have no clue what else I could eat. I already eat less than 1000 calories a day I am sure.

I got my test at DRG Labs. They do their stool testing by PCR DNA which is supposed to be the most accurate. I attached a link. It was kind of expensive though( $375) as I ordered it myself. Most doctors do not order these comprehensive tests. I am still trying to figure out what could be causing high elevation of SIgA in me. I wonder if it is the yeast. Then there is the raised calprotectin as well. I cannot really go to my GI doctor about the yeast thing, he is western medicine and will say everyone has yeast in them. I remember one Gastro doctor telling me that if everyone got tested for it( even healthy people) that more than half would probably show up with high yeast overgrowth. So I cannot even go to him for help, he will more than likely poo-poo it.

I got the GI pathogens Plus panel. If you go to their website, you would click on the patient button to order your own test. Like I said, it is expensive, but I am just tired of being sick and know there is a reason I am sick and want to figure this out.

i somehow believe in the candida overgrowth hypothesis. I no longer eat all forms of culinary sugars and cut down on many very sweet fruits.
I sometimes consider taking Diflucan pills (anti-candida) given by the pharmacist (for vaginal yeast infection) to lower my ''possible'' elevated systemic candida.
when I was younger I was very prone to vaginal candida infections compared to my friends.
could you provide me the link to this test you ordered, I am intrigued by it. thx!
Hi Ihurt,

I'm not familiar with increased IgA but I heard that IgA being too low can lead to increased mucosal permeability, which normally happens in Crohn's. Maybe it's the opposite when IgA is too high, so there is not enough permeability? That's just an idea. Maybe you should consult the lab or your doctor as well if you have the chance.

Thanks for the response. I am trying to learn about this stuff too. From what I am reading, Candida overgrowth maybe can cause elevated levels if SIgA in the stool. I guess it is the immune response to it. From what I have read it basically means the intestines are inflamed( from either parasite, bacteria, fungi, etc...) and this is the intestines defense mechanism. It is all so very confusing. I am seeing a functional doctor later this week and am going to ask her about it. I do not think Western medicine will know that much about this as it is very complex. Thank for the reply.

QUOTE=Charlotte.;886761]Hi Ihurt,

I'm not familiar with increased IgA but I heard that IgA being too low can lead to increased mucosal permeability, which normally happens in Crohn's. Maybe it's the opposite when IgA is too high, so there is not enough permeability? That's just an idea. Maybe you should consult the lab or your doctor as well if you have the chance.[/QUOTE]
You are right about western med not recognizing candida.
Diet is the best way to control it. At least try to avoid sugar and alcohol
Probiotics including good yogurt are extremely helpful as are garlic supplements and pau d'arco tea.
If you can tolerate yogurt get an organic or Russian/Bulgarian variety whole milk plain and eat it 2-3 times day. Kefir also.

Thanks for the recommendation. I use to eat plain unsweetened yogurt daily up until a couple months ago when my gut issues got worse. I stopped all dairy since then as it seemed to bother my intestines more. I may try it again. I do take lots of probiotics( have been for years now). I take one by Renew Life called 50 billion, 1 culturelle daily, 1 align daily, and 1 acidophilus capsule daily. I also started taking Florastor again which is a healthy yeast that is supposed to help with Candida overgrowth. I am going to start incorporating coconut oil again as well. I will have to go slowly with it though as I seem to be sensitive to it. Thanks for the suggestions.