Crohns and holding a job

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Dec 23, 2012
I've been sick since around March of 2012, diagnosed with Crohns in December. Just started treatment with Entocort and Imuran. Some things have been improving, less diarrhea, less abdominal pain, less sheer exhaustion, but nausea has increased to the point where I have been throwing up - only twice, once each day on Sunday and Monday. Woke up again today with extreme nausea so I called in to work. They basically told me they are disappointed with me as I have been calling in a lot, I'm full time, and I'm leaving them short staffed. I feel absolutely terrible, but I don't know what to do anymore. Has anyone been fired due to their Crohns? How do you get your workplace to understand that you are legitimately ill? I don't know where to go from here...
If you have been there more than 12 months, and they employ more than 15 people, you can get leave under the ADA, but that isn't paid. If you have some sort of paid short term disability, that might be your best bet. I am now back at work for about a year after being on short and long term disability due to a (seemingly neverending) flare. It is very hard for some employers to understand the nature of an illness that can wear you down as much as Crohn's can. Is it possible to work from home? Or even apply for an accommodation under the ADA to work from home? I now work from home most of the time, because otherwise, I'd have to call in sick too much.

I hope you can get something worked out. It is very hard.
Hi, DonnaSophia. :)

Have you tried any medications to help with the nausea / vomiting? If it's interfering with your daily life (as it is), your GI should be able to call something in for you. Phenergan worked really well for me.

I haven't been fired, but I had similar issues and had to switch to part time. Until I get my health problems taken care of, my body just isn't up to working full time. Could you financially handle going part time, and would your job permit it?

Are you taking anything to treat your Crohn's at the moment? Since you were recently diagnosed, I'm guessing you're not in remission yet and you've only recently started medication. The good news is that it gets better from this point. :)
Thanks for the replies. I can't work from home, I'm a nurse in a long term care facility. I wish part time was an option for me, but then I'd lose my insurance and with the Entocort being 1333.62 per month from my pharmacy, the Imuran 130 ish a month, antidepressant about 100/month - I really can't afford to go to part time. I can maybe see about going down from 100 percent to 80 percent - I'd still qualify for health insurance that way, I guess. I'll try to talk to them tomorrow about it. I did just start the Entocort about two weeks prior and Imuran a week ago from tomorrow. Not sure if I can tolerate the Imuran, but I'm waiting to hear back from the doctor on that still.
I'm sorry you are struggling getting to work. ADA states that they need to offer reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities.

What kind of job do you have? It sounds like they need physical staff which is a problem because that sounds like a main duty of the job. Can you talk with HR and document your disability?

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