Farewell 2011- what's your best and worst moment of 2011???

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Jun 27, 2011
farewell 2011- what's your best and worst moment of 2011???

i know i'll be glad to see the back of this year! but i also have a lot to be thankful for as a result :)

worst: i had the worst flare up beginning in March, i developed a recto-vag fistula and was told i needed my colon removed and ileostomy done...the day before i found this out i was sacked from my job for poor attendence- but they say its because they couldnt afford to keep me on.
i cut ties with most of my family for a short while before my surgery as they felt so sorry for me and i hated the sympathy.

best: its not a 'best moment' as such. i've just changed the way i view things now. before i used to worry and obsess over such stupid trivial matter and now none of that matters, i'm just glad i have my health back, i now have a life and i'm loving every minute of it.
i used to HATE my tummy, used to think it was flabby, now i have a scar from under my bustline to my pubic line and have my ileostomy bag there- its made me realise that you just don't appreciate what you have. i like my body more now than i did then - probably just because 'it works' now.
i was told after surgery i wouldn't have survived another 4 weeks and that the rectum and colon 'came apart in his hands' as he was removing it.
i have so much to be grateful for....you realise who your true friends are and how amazing you family can be.

i'll be so glad to wave goodbye to 2011, but it has taught me some valuable lessons.

i can't wait for 2012 and what it will bring :)

hope everyone has a great new year!!! what has been your best and worst moment of the year??
Half an hour to go! :eek2:

Worst: January, Matt was recently diagnosed with CD and instead of things getting better they continued to go from bad to worse. There was a lengthy hospital stay, long trips to specialists and the following months just saw him slowly fading away, both physically and mentally. It all culminated in surgery. It was tough and it was heartbreaking. One child with Crohn's was bad enough but two, well it sucked big time and i spent many an hour, day, week wondering why and wondering if I would have the capacity to deal with it again. I had come within a whiskers breadth of losing one child 5 years before...I felt angry, frustrated, cheated, scared, worried, exhausted and helpless for so much of the year and I too will not be sorry to see the back end of it.

Best: Two children, two best moments. :) They are both in remission and living life to the full! I am so happy for them and proud of their achievements, who could ask for anything more. I don't ever want this to end!

Roll on 2012 and continued remission and good times!

Dusty. :heart:
Best - Crohn's nearly or in remission after 20 years of trying to kick my butt.
Worst - possibly developing akylosing spondilitis or RA, and not being able to feel like I am 18 again! Still feeling generally great.
Best - seeing one of my fave bands, Pulp, live on the one weekend of the year where I had no pain and no symptoms (thanks Pred! although short lived...)

Worst - having a flare for 12 months now and it still not being under control :-(

Fingers crossed for 2012!

happy new year everyone!

Worst: felling ill all year leading up to my first op in Sept followed by one of my worst flare ups in years in Dec.

Best: the month of Oct after the op, the best I have felt since my diagnosis.

Keeping hopeful that 2012 will give me a workng treatment plan for remission.
Worst: I had surgery in February and again in November for the same thing... :(

Best: The second surgery seems to have worked and I feel the best I have in 1 1/2 years... :)

I'm hoping the 2012 brings remission all year long, and at I find a job.

I also wish remission to everyone on the forum!!!
Nearly bleeding to death twice in the hospital. :stinks:


A reversal in diagnosis from CD to UC after removing my colon and receiving an ileostomy.

Shinnen omedetoo gozaimasu! (Happy new year)
Being ill for so long and still not getting it under control. Being allergic to everything they give me. Falling into a deep dark black hole known as depression.

My family, friends and of course finding you lot!! Trying to manage the depression without meds.

Wishing everyone a very Happy Healthy New Year.
just popped in to wish everyone a happy new year and all the best for 2012. Stay safe and healthy.

I'll think about best and worst for tomorrow as I can't really think of anything for just now.

As all is well, I'm off out shortly to a new year party and going to enjoy myself. To any other party-goers have fun.

catch up with everyone in 2012.

see you - :eek:utahere:
Worst: Friday 13th May. Going in for colonoscopy and being detained against my will for a week, cried the whole time as it was the first time my CD had been bad enough to keep me away from my children.

Best: Looking at my children christmas morning with peace in my heart and then watching in amazement as my baby got up and walked for the first time. Also finding this forum and meeting all of you.

Wishing you all a happy and hopefully a healthy 2012.

Love Gwen xxx
Oh enjoy yourself if your going out to a party and have a little drinky for me.
Worst: My worst flare started after arriving to my brother & sister-in-law's new home in New England. It was awful being so sick away from home. After the bathroom trips subsided a bit, we had to turn right around and drive 6 hours home.

Best: I enjoyed a week long Caribbean cruise and my Crohn's was overall pretty well behaved!
Best: lots of little stuff. One that sticks out is my husband running a bath for me after a really, really hard day, pouring a glass of wine the climbing in after me to rub my shoulders.
Worst: the telephone call from my FIL telling me my MIL was a quadrapalegic.
Not long now so - Happy New Year everyone :)

Worst : Flare from January till March , in Hospital on and off throughout, lots of meds, blood transfusions, c-diff - Not a good time.
Best : Getting Married in August , best day of my life not just the year , very happy day :)
Worst - Right before surgery.

Best - Getting surgery!

Hope 2012 is better than 2011 for me. And I hope 2011 is kind and full of health for all of you.
Worst? Being beaten up by 2 Doormen, Who in the process perforated my bowel which then left me in hospital for 4 months. Having 2 operations, 1 of those being after complications and leaving me with an ileostomy. The worst most painfull 4 months of my life going through countless "procedures" and tests, pic line insertions, blood tests, scans, not being allowed to eat!.. and something I hope I never come remotely close to going through again.

Best? The moment the doctors told me that I could finally go home. and turning up at the house and seeing my family and mydog again, and being in my own bed again after so long away was a special feeling.

Worst: being ill the day of my baccalaureat in economy (the most important one!!!); failing my driving test; all the failed medication.

Best: Results day! It was also my 18th birthday :D ; getting into the school I wanted; moving to England; all the fireworks I saw throughout the year (I love fireworks); the new friends I made in England; becomming slightly independant; buying my first computer; getting nice presents for Christmas; all the laughs I had with my best friend...

BIG NEW YEARS HUGS TO YOU ALL, reading your moments are touching- its clear to see you are all so brave and just make the most out of the days when the crohn's isn't totally ruling everything you do! we just have to grab them moments!

dusty, you must be incredibly strong! fingers crossed for long remissions!
ctrl z, well done on the fab results! its a great achievment!
jolene, congrats on your marriage!!! :)
martin, i never knew that! thats terrible! reli hpe u feel better soon and a break!!!

hope those of you in remission maintain it for a very long time!! and to those still struggling, hope you something works soon and you get a break!!!!!!!
Worst - Mid November - End of December - my wife having one seizure after another after another and the docs not being able to figure out what is going on with her. (Runner Up) December 1st, - 142 mph winds (per Davis County Animal Control in Fruit Heights) - ripping off 1/3rd of our roof, damaging our Honda Pilot, and many neighbors properites also being damaged.

Best - Friends and neighbors who have been so helpful in helping me take care of Sandy with this siezure episode. Our Utah IBD Group (- thanks Jessi and Josh!) who have been so supportive. It has been so good to meet people in real life who have been going through the same bowel issues I have. Finding near remission from Crohn's. And getting a new roof for a $500.00 deductible (there had to be a silver lining from the wind storm!)