Delta gave some good advice. I think there are so many things to try. I should write a list of the supposed natural treatments! I tend to like the naturals stuff that is actually backed by medical trials. The NIH website has a ton. Here are the major things that are backed by medical science. There are more, but these seem pretty universal.
Vitamin D. Get tested. Get your levels up in the 70 range. 30 is the min, but new data is suggesting higher. 70 is pretty safe. Stay at 100 or below.
L glutamine in the morning on an empty stomach.
Wormwood. Lots of data out there on it. Works well for many.
Fish oil. lots of data on this as well.
On the food side of things. SCD diet, CDED diet, Paleo. Just give one a try. No less than two to three weeks on a diet. You can't cheat, if you cheat, start the clock over.
You can also try a bone broth fast. Nothing but bone broth for 2 days. Helps some people a lot.
I am a big believer in intermittent fasting. Any type of fasting will help most people. It just makes sense, give your stomach a break.
EEN. This is pretty much a liquid diet. Very effective for people.
Something I have been reading on lately is baking soda. I read about it in the past, but new research is starting to show some interesting things for all autoimmune disease.,promote an anti-inflammatory environment.
Seriously, there is a ton more "natural" fixes. Some help, some don't. I would try these 3 to start.
5000 iu vitamin D with MK3
5 grams of L glutamine every morning
wormwood, 500mg 3 times a day
2 grams of fish oil.
I am not a doctor, well I am, but not a medical doctor. I got those doses from reading online and what works well for me. You need to do the research. Speaking to holistic Dr would be good also.