Hi, I'm new here...desperate for help from someone who understands...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 10, 2012
Hi, I am suffering- have been unable to eat or drink much of anything since the beginning of January. I went to a GI 7 yrs ago (since moved 160 miles from my GI) and they treated me for colitis but suspected more because of my family history. They wanted to wait until my next flare to do colonoscopy. My Mom and Aunt both have Crohn's. Mom had multiple resections and most of her stomach removed. I just got insurance again, tried to get in to a Dr but they never called me back. I am so sick. I'm stuck in bed and only able to sip milk. Yesterday, every time I drank water I threw it back up. I go between freezing cold to clammy sweats. I have been taking D3 and probiotics (good ones- Mercola's). No food since Wednesday. It just makes me so sick- watery D, and gas pain for hours. I am at my wits end. I also have PTSD and have had a lot of stress in my life since Christmas- I'm sure that triggers it in me- the minute I stress- I start to shake and I'm running to the bathroom. I can't get it under control and I don't know what to do any more. Thank you for listening and my heart goes out to all of you who are suffering with this horrible disease. ~Andi
ps. I'm so glad I found this board. thank you.

I had to have a hysterectomy (sp?) a few years back- could this be related? thank you.
Hi Andi and welcome, I'm really glad you joined.

First off, if you get even one iota worse, I suggest you head to the emergency room. Or if you have a high fever, go. If you can't get any fluids down soon, go.

Get in to see a gastroenterologist ASAP. As in this coming week. Call around and make it happen.

Please keep us updated.

You sound pretty sick. You need to get into a Dr ASAP! I am not sure I would even wait it out through the weekend. The ER is no fun but it would get you some relief and also ensure that you would get set up with a GI quicker. I hope you get feeling better soon. Keep us informed. I will be thinking about you!
somrtimes the ER is the best place. They will draw blood- rehydrate- xray or ct scan if needed. Also- if a Dr sees you while its happening it helps. Dont let it get to bad before you go!
You sound like I did when I finally got diagnosed. Go to an ER! If you're not keeping anything down (including water) they will be able to give you an IV to re-hydrate you! I guarantee - once you have some fluids in you it will make you feel better very quickly. If all of the people saying so above didn't make up your mind - Go to the ER!
Hello Andi, I can only agree with the others, get to a doc ASAP, you do not sound well at all and you need to be looked at now.

Please keep us updated when you can on how you are doing hun :hug:

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