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Aw mandy do you have something to take for that? Ron i am so sorry you still struggle. So i have follow up the 20th with GI now wonder whats he going to say if im still in flare coz tomorrow im tapering down again with pred
Im on painkillers all the time for all my joint pains. Usually its a very dull ache all the time. Just last few days hips been really quite painfull. I have a painrelief gell to apply on skin as i cant take ibruprofen,as it can upset my tummy 😕 hoping it calms down again soon ☺ Hope the taper goes ok hun 💕
Mandy i also cant drink anything with codein in it , hope that gell works dont you have any pain meds like tramadol or something? Joint pain can be horrible. Yes tapering going well first week 6 pills then after 7 days 4pills then from tomorrow are 2 for 28 days. Im still comstipated and sore and i dont know what to expect in 2weeks with my GI he also stopped one of my meds for now
Ye i have tramadol paracetamol n co codemol. They take the edge off most of the time.
Glad its going well so far hun. Fingers crossed it continues. Hope Gi has some help for you when you go. Going to see mine in march so il tell how it is n see what he says... hugs 💕
hugs mandy i will you keep you updated. Happy the painkillers take some of the edge off. Prayers and support your way hugs
Mandy im happy that the pain settled down a bit. Im very tired and still sore , tapered down to two tabs of pred yesterday but all is weird since im on it and doesnt seem to help much i now wonder if surgery will have to do since it already spread and i still cant seem to shake of this symptoms
Hi hun ye surgery may be an option. Speak with your Gi n tell him everything and ask what options are inc surgery. Its was a last resort for me, as it should be really. wishing you well hun. Take care 💕
Thanks ron and mandy. I will be talking to him on the 20th have allot of questions and concerns and new things that came up recently. Hugs to all
Iv just thought this thread seems to have turned into the Ron,Christi n Mandy show lol😆 only us 3 posting of late.
Hope your both ok today. Love n hugs 💋💞
Oh eck Ron im going to come over n have serioys words with your diarrhea mate. ☺ im not sure some times if your say type in a something like it puts a line under it n you can then click on it and it takes you to the site. If thats the kund of link you mean. The line dosent always show till you sumbit the post you put it in . Im not the best person to ask lol. I do what i manage to do more by luck than management lol. 💕
lol yes this is mandy, ron , christi show now lol seems we are the only ones on here lol laughing since i think about it that way lol. Im doing well mandy just the usual lol hope you are also well? Ron did you get some sleep?
Haha ye we've took over the world 😆 well this tiny one on this thread lol. I was looking back on posts n duh panda was last one other than us 3 on the 29th dec lol.Glad your doing ok hun.☺
ye im not too bad just now, hip pain has nearly gone now just the odd twinge 😊. Take care hun 💕💋
Not enough but yes I did get a little sleep. I called my GI and they found some active inflammation in my intestines. I have to go on Entocort and see a specialist on the 24th of February.
Hi christi im posting this here to see if it helps refresh ur posts hun as its been a couple of days since last one posted accordding to my fone. 💕
Cool glad its back on track hun. No worries christi . I no sometimes i want to check back a few days incase iv missed someone or something so im glad it ok now hun. 💕 n hugs
Mandy not yet only seeing my doc next week and this week its therapy. Im now writing everything down for next week. Hugs to you my friend
Ah ok hun. Yep good plan dont leave anything out. Hit them with both barrels n tell them how it is ...dont let them fob you off hun. Love n hugs to you my friend. I pray you get the help you need. 🙏💕💋
Thanks mandy i will speaking allot next week and im going to ask about surgery to. I will let you know how it goes. Hope your joints are feeling better
Thanks christi. Ye they are not to bad at the mo . Less painful thank goodness☺. Ye check out all options inc surgery n see what they say. Best wishes hun .:hug:💕
Ta hun tho im afraid to say they killing me now. Spent 2hrs waiting for a bus back from work in freezing cold n rain,due to many car accidents caused by black ice thro the day b4 rain came. Been home an hour n just thawing out lol. ☺💕💋
I took 5 things already and nothing its really bad stabbing throbbing pain its in my neck now and only getting worse
Sorry to hear you are having such a terrible day. It will get better.

When I'm having good days I remind myself that bad days are round the corner and to enjoy it whilst I lasts.

On the bad days I console myself that good days are on the way.

Take care and feel better soon.
Yes im in bed now waiting to fall asleep i hope this goes over. Thanks for the support mandy hugs to you :) what else could go wrong lol
Still have a headache and been sleeping the whole day and off to bed again im so very tired. Ron i hope your stomach settles down , thank you mandy. Prayers
So, so excited - finally with a Crohn's Colitis clinic and a GI that works on my level. Running tests to follow-up on everything that was screwy a year ago and hasn't been monitored well without a local GI willing to take me on till now. MRI and colonoscopy oh joy! Blood work came back in my more normal range - elevated white blood cell, decrease red blood cell, high inflammation but nutritional stuff like B12, Vit. C and Vit. D are all as they should be for the first time in ages! Plus, the doc is open to adjusting MTX dose to see if we can't keep the benefits without the weekly migraines. 2016 has been off to a productive start which is a nice place to get back into. Today, specifically, I'm bummed to be missing a great friend's wedding but hell, can't dance anyways so will just be celebrating from a distance.
Hi Duh panda, so pleased that things are looking up for you 😀here's to continued improvement :drink:
Also glad you have got a good Gi now hun 💖:hug:
Sorry im being so quite but im not feeling to great , i hope everyones well. Hugs to all my friends:) im off to bed again
Haven't had pain like this since just before I was diagnosed last February. Just started 6mp 1.5 weeks ago on top of the humira. I am experiencing major joint pain (more than usual) and yesterday started with this severe cramping. Sitting here crying and rocking like I used to do and not liking it. Tried my hot bath, just took some acetaminophen in hopes that it might take the edge off. Don't know what else I am supposed to do as this is the first time I have such pain again in almost a year. Guess I will call my GP tomorrow if no better.
Does anyone take fiber supplements? I have for years, but ran out unexpectedly ( I never used to be so disorganized!) and was wondering if it might have anything to do with the pain? I doubt it, but grasping at straws I guess.
Anyways, off to the heating pad I guess.
Haven't had pain like this since just before I was diagnosed last February. Just started 6mp 1.5 weeks ago on top of the humira. I am experiencing major joint pain (more than usual) and yesterday started with this severe cramping. Sitting here crying and rocking like I used to do and not liking it. Tried my hot bath, just took some acetaminophen in hopes that it might take the edge off. Don't know what else I am supposed to do as this is the first time I have such pain again in almost a year. Guess I will call my GP tomorrow if no better.
Does anyone take fiber supplements? I have for years, but ran out unexpectedly ( I never used to be so disorganized!) and was wondering if it might have anything to do with the pain? I doubt it, but grasping at straws I guess.
Anyways, off to the heating pad I guess.
So sorry that you are feeling poorly. I agree with ringing your doctor if you don't improve very soon. It may be that the med is not suiting you or just that you are having a flare for no other reason than your having one 😕. Let us know how you get on, take care n best wishes 💕
Haven't had pain like this since just before I was diagnosed last February. Just started 6mp 1.5 weeks ago on top of the humira. I am experiencing major joint pain (more than usual) and yesterday started with this severe cramping. Sitting here crying and rocking like I used to do and not liking it. Tried my hot bath, just took some acetaminophen in hopes that it might take the edge off. Don't know what else I am supposed to do as this is the first time I have such pain again in almost a year. Guess I will call my GP tomorrow if no better.
Does anyone take fiber supplements? I have for years, but ran out unexpectedly ( I never used to be so disorganized!) and was wondering if it might have anything to do with the pain? I doubt it, but grasping at straws I guess.
Anyways, off to the heating pad I guess.
Hope you feel better soon.
Haven't had pain like this since just before I was diagnosed last February. Just started 6mp 1.5 weeks ago on top of the humira. I am experiencing major joint pain (more than usual) and yesterday started with this severe cramping. Sitting here crying and rocking like I used to do and not liking it. Tried my hot bath, just took some acetaminophen in hopes that it might take the edge off. Don't know what else I am supposed to do as this is the first time I have such pain again in almost a year. Guess I will call my GP tomorrow if no better.
Does anyone take fiber supplements? I have for years, but ran out unexpectedly ( I never used to be so disorganized!) and was wondering if it might have anything to do with the pain? I doubt it, but grasping at straws I guess.
Anyways, off to the heating pad I guess.

Moco, hope things improve quickly for you.

It's not much but try finding something to distract you from the pain and not be focused on how much work it is to manage it right now. Your doc will be able to better help you figure out whether or not fiber supplements are helpful or if it's a side-effect of 6-MP as it builds up in the system.

For me, a couple distractions that help keep me calm when pain hits hard apart from heating pad - music (classical, piano for me), using a pillow or stuffed animal to squeeze/ punch do whatever to in order to physically exert the frustrations over being in pain, practicing my breathing - usually I find just counting and trying to keep breaths even is more helpful then following a meditation or something similar. Engage others in helping - just a light back-rub or hand on my back usually helps keep me settled and from letting the pain rule. Chamomile tea usually help relax tense muscles a bit. Nothing to really take it away, but maybe help face it as needed until it passes.
Still no treatment plan just being put on antibiotics and finishing my pred , i had so many questions and things bothering me and i still cant get nothing sorted , had to see another doc as mine wasnt there
I had been on the same antibiotics before ill see how it goes i need to see my doc. Im not feeling well my body cant handle it
Thanks mandy i cant urinate dont know why i feel the urge to go bit nothing i have to strain to get something out and takes aboit half an hour . hugs
Im also wondering what fat stranding are? My ct showed active crohns and fat stranding. Sorry for my spelling my yes are blurry coz im so tired and been sleeping allot
I think fat stranding has something to do with the inflamation process . Im not sure , so maybe google it n check it out hun. Have you possibly got a urinary infection ,it can cause that feeling of wanting to go. Dont worry on the spelling chic. 💕💋
Drank a beer and a glass of wine last night, stupid. Feel awful today. I haven't been having issues and have had that before with no issues. Don't know why I feel so bad this time. Frustrated.
Looks like it's been some time since anyone's posted on this thread so I thought I'd stir things up a bit.

Today I am feeling overheated. I had grown so used to the pacific northwest and the lack of sun/ heat that 55 degree weather is now TOO hot in February. Recouping from a colonoscopy - easily the best one in years. I keep looking at my pictures like *damn, that's one fine looking colon all pink like in its healthiness". Small bowel is being a bit slower in responding but is also looking much improved from a year ago.

Hope everyone has a lovely Valentine's day this weekend and shares the love with those in their life! :) <3
I went for therapy yesterday and also saw my psyciatrist, they took blood to test for everything from my kidneys to vitamins as they want to start me on new and stronger meds as these are not working, changed the meds for sleeping also. My tummy are not to well and vomoting now.
I went for therapy yesterday and also saw my psyciatrist, they took blood to test for everything from my kidneys to vitamins as they want to start me on new and stronger meds as these are not working, changed the meds for sleeping also. My tummy are not to well and vomoting now.
I am so sorry , Christi.
Christi & Ron,

Sorry to hear things are a bit screwy at the moment.

Hope the guts see better days, Ron. There are far better places to see and be then cooped up in the bathroom... hopefully you've got some good puzzle books or entertainment material to help keep ya sane.

Also hope med changes settle soon for you Christi and level out. I know med changes in my world means upheaval on all fronts and it's always a turbulent, stress-filled time.
Duh_panda-Glad to hear you've got a good looking colon! It's always good to get positive results after a colonoscopy

Christi-I hope whatever new meds they put you on helps and helps fast!

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