Hey everyone!
So I am feeling soooo much better now, like Most of you I have been on every medication for Crohn's disease. I went from having digestive issue from when I was very young to being diagnosed at 22;( it was horrific, this journey we embark on every single day, would make anyone want to run away and hide from the world, I have arthritis, endometriosis migraines, you name it because I was so malnourished. I gained a crap load of weigh because I just ate anything that didn't make he throw up.which was never much. Yes I was on prednisone gained weight when I was on that for sure, but the remicade, humira, methotrexate, Imuran morphine, precs, ect they all made things way worse;( I was hostipalized for years all the time, I had no quality of life.
When my mom died 4 months after I had my first bowel resection I said no more.
I couldn't do it anymore I wanted to die. I had a colonoscopy and the sugary didn't work, so I was in sever pain for years and grieving my moms death, not a good combination.
I decided to take my own health into my own hands. I was acute at the time but determined!!! I started researching how to get nutrients in my body to help calm down the inflammation, I was hospitalized just for the psoriasis I couldn't walk for three weeks, in a wheel chair. Thanks remicade. I know this isn't the case for everyone but this was my experience. So knowing that the dr do not see a correlation between what we eat and how are bodies function, blows my mind but that's what happens when you only take 40 hours out of 7 years on nutrition;(
I started to see a fantastic holistic psychologist, a holistic nutritionist, I was walking doing very light therapeutic yoga, and after a while things started to change. I was able to leave the house I had a bit more energy, because I was getting nutrience I never had before. I was very carful , my gastronologist my family dr, where all on board. Instead of taking a ton of narcotics I smoke medicinal marijuana for pain/or anxiety but I rarely have to do that now. My depression has lifted my anxiety minimal, I have 0 psoriasis, my hair grew back, my nails, I have lost 70lbs naturally not from having to starve myself because I was sooo incredibly sick. I decided after seeing positive results to go back to school for culinary nutrition, I had to learn how to cook with all of these natural whole foods, it took time, it's all trial and error. I started taking a product that was just fruits and vegetables in these little capsules, they are giving me all the nutrience I need without having to eat raw kale everyday, although I do love it just cooked, lolI have incredible bowel movements now, I'm talking a foot and a half normal poops everyday. That alone is priceless, I have more energy and that sparkle that I had lost for 15 years is back

I just want all of you to know that there is always hope, we are not doomed, we are beautiful powerful people who just happen to have a really ****** disease.
With pain comes great strength!!!
If you ever want to talk message me, I love listening to people and there stories as well
Thank you for reading this post
