Juulez, I loved your heating pad pic.
and yes, it's frustrating when the losing things, etc. starts, but I can't say much, I do it all the time myself. :frown: The other day in my rush to get things ready, I apparently put an empty can of dog food in the fridge with a foil "lid." I'm starting to wonder if I have dementia myself, eeek!
My appointment today was not the heart monitor, but getting set up with an overnight oxymetry test, the heart monitor gets put on tomorrow, I got discombobulated. Well, at least I showed up at the right time!
Cat, it is one of the well known signs of Alzheimer's and dementia, being obsessed with time and date because it is so hard for these patients to keep track of it. My mom kept asking what day it was from the moment she got up, as usual. My sis packed her meds in a med sorter (wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy smaller than mine, I'm jealous) along with names and pictures of each med, and mom asked several times if she took her meds then would compare the day of week against her pill sorter. She is trying so hard to hang on to her memory. But she asked this several times, usually about 3-5 minutes apart in the morning until she could really remember. She's definitely aware she has memory problems, but doesn't realize the extent of it. She also keeps telling me she hears better than most people her age (NOT) and won't wear her hearing aids, then gets frustrated with me when she thinks I don't hear something right, but it was
her not hearing it right in the first place. At least she didn't wet her pants today, and showered without a problem. Actually, a much smoother day. My mom also has been losing words more, but not making faces yet. She used to value her alone time but has been sticking to me like glue, I think she is afraid to be alone because she gets lost. (Also why she doesn't wander.) We have to leave a light on in the bathroom so she doesn't try to wander in one of the other rooms looking for the bathroom. But a much better day. Yay!