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Hey Ron,

Unless something seems odd, just be sure to use a different password for any of your other online accounts and you should be good. I also might avoid your Instagram account for a couple days to give them time to fix the glitch that is allowing the hackers access. Usually they trick you into clicking on something that looks like it is legit and then the trouble starts. If you are expecting something it is probably safe, especially if you have an antivirus program.
Happy Belated Birthday Mandy. Happy Anniversary Cat. Hope all is well with loved ones in Mother Nature's destructive path. Have relatives on the Florida coast myself so I'll be trying to catch the weather updates as I can.

Oh yeah...Winning.
Mandy, yes, history can be so cool and interesting! I found this article about the restaurant that we went to which explains a bit about the history of the place.

Sadly, hubby and I didn't see any ghosts while we were there. We did get a table on the 2nd floor though right near the fireplace where the original owner is rumored to be buried. Actually, there were 2 fireplaces on the 2nd floor and we were seated in between them! I've never seen 2 fireplaces in the same room before. :p It definitely seemed odd, one was right above the first floor fireplace so the placement of that one made sense, but the other fireplace was in an odd spot and seemed very out of place. I'm guessing that was added in later, maybe around the time that the original owner went missing.
Cmack, I wanted the scallops but they were out! :( So I had shrimp instead. I'm still in a scallops mood so shortly I'm going to a local seafood market to buy some scallops. Hubby had a steak which looked delicious, but I can't do beef. I really wanted scallops, so I'm having them tonight.

It is a neat looking place - it's very old timey on the inside as well, all the original wood has been restored, it has low ceilings like you see in older buildings, etc. It's not far at all from my house, I've passed by it many times. At first I'd pass by it and it was like, ha ha, look at that funny little brick building, it doesn't fit in at all with the other buildings around it! So after awhile of that, we finally looked up the menu, and it was sooo pricey (let's just say we paid over $100 for dinner for the two of us last night, yikes!). So we didn't go for a long time because we couldn't afford it. But then more recently, I found out about the history of the place. I'm a sucker for cool history, especially if it involves gangsters or criminals from the 1930s - I'm slightly obsessed with Dillinger, and supposedly Dillinger had dined there. So that sealed the deal, we had to go there at least once! :p I'll apparently follow Dillinger anywhere, ha ha. I've been to Little Bohemia where he had a shootout with the FBI, and I've been to the Crown Pointe jail where he broke out of using a wooden gun.
Great articles Cat. I would have loved to have been alive in those days, sometimes I feel I was born into the wrong generation. I find the days of the old, "wild west" so fascinating.
Cmac...hello and thank you for all the helpful information
It is better to go to an Apple centre for them to help me.
I did take a few steps and changed passwords but don't know if that is enough.
I could do a reinstall but would prefer their advice.
The hacker appears to be Russian but who knows..
He intercepted my email to Facebook...they own Instagram ..... but I was able to use alternative means to contact Facebook and they acknowledged my report.
Hopefully he has been dealt with but how can I be sure...
I have removed Instagram from my iPad and do not intend to reconnect ever again.
All this happened when I installed it...
If only I had avoided the download in the first place.....but then life is full of if onlies.....
Thanks again for the help and links.
That's not true CMack......I heard you loud and clear
I just don't have the nerve,verve or energy to pursue computer problems
Having wasted two days now trying to put things together I will reluctantly let go.

I hope this has worked as im rubbish at this computer malarky. But this should be a picture of a pub in York that has a reputation of being haunted and an interesting history. If it hasnt worked. Please look up the golden fleece in york uk. That is if you want to of course ☺
Love to you all 💞💝
Hi, I've just finished working. I was in Thames which is st the base of the Coromandel. I also went to Matamata which is Hobbit country. Tomorrow I have my sleep study. The last lot of antibiotics worked well. I'm going to rest Sunday and Monday. I need to catch up on paper work this week. Mums colonoscopy is on 20/9 with my gastro.
Steve is snoring gentle so best I try and get some sleep. Big hugs to you all.

I hope this has worked as im rubbish at this computer malarky. But this should be a picture of a pub in York that has a reputation of being haunted and an interesting history. If it hasnt worked. Please look up the golden fleece in york uk. That is if you want to of course ☺

Love to you all [emoji179][emoji307]


Is that it Mandy ?
I want scallops in a non-haunted historical place, lol. Off (in many ways :ytongue:) for our weekly fishing (a day late and a dollar short:ybatty:)
Good to see you Kirsty. Sorry you are having security issues with Instagram, etc. Trysha. I have an Instagram account but like Ron, seldom use it. Makes me wonder .... hmmmm....
And yes, Chris, you are heard loud and clear. :hug:
Tony, thanks for posting that pic that Mandy tried to post. Those are all interesting places, I love history too.
The Utes play tonight, but we will have to watch a recorded game. :( At least we will get to see it! :) We play our big time rival, BYU, but I'm not worried at all about who will win. :cheers:
Carol, where are you?
Cmack you will be pleased to hear that your advice was far superior to Apple and much more helpful.
I had a very tiring and jam packed highway all the way to Toronto and all,for nothing.
I waited two hours for my appointment with an Apple tech who said this isn't an Apple problem it's Instagram..actually he was not a technician but a floor helper.He told me to delete my email address and make a new one.In doing this I would also lose valuable material...The help was over in five minutes...then I had a long and weary journey back on the express bus.
Now I am leaving it all till Monday...
Thank you Everyone for your sympathetic is much appreciated.
CMack you will be pleased to hear that your advice was far superior to Apple and much more helpful.
I had a very tiring and jam packed highway all the way to Toronto and all,for nothing.
I waited two hours for my appointment with an Apple tech who said this isn't an Apple problem it's Instagram..actually he was not a technician but a floor helper.He told me to delete my email address and make a new one.In doing this I would also lose valuable material...The help was over in five minutes...then I had a long and weary journey back on the express bus.
Now I am leaving it all till Monday...
Thank you Everyone for your sympathetic is much appreciated.
Sorry it posted twice..
Mandy at least you tried looks a great place
Tony ..lovely picture...well done good to see you back and feeling better
Sandy.. it is the first time I ever downloaded it...never again.It has been hacked worldwide
and they should have taken it off the air they must have known it was hacked.
CAROL.....WHERE ARE YOU?…….........
My grandson Isaac was born Saturday morning at 6:38 am. 7lbs 11oz and 21" long. Mom and baby doing well.

Thoughts and prayers continue for Texas and Florida.
Baby Isaac...sorry about the size. I'm not sure how to resize it.


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Congratulations Shanen....what a beautiful baby
We also have a new grandchild born today.a baby boy weight 5lbs 2oz.....mum and babe are doing well
Mum has gestational diabetes and they induced three weeks ahead of the due date since there were some problems.Everything is going smoothly now
Congratulations Shanen....what a beautiful baby
We also have a new grandchild born today.a baby boy weight 5lbs 2oz.....mum and babe are doing well
Mum has gestational diabetes and they induced three weeks ahead of the due date since there were some problems.Everything is going smoothly now
Aw Shanen... how cute is Issac ,how proud you must be. He is a little darling 😇 Glad mum n baby doing well ☺

Trysha congrats on the new arrival in your family. Im sure he is a cutie too. All these lovely babies that arrived in the last year or so. My we are a lucky bunch here ☺

Love n best wishes to all. .. to all stay safe. 💞💕💝

Omg iv some how managed to up load a pic. Yeah :drink:
Heres the latest of Jaxon...


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Why is Crohns disease
Called a disease when its not catching ???

Heard on the radio this morning that apparantly they are dropping the word disease from parkinsons disease because its not cacthing. Now the word disease does not represent something thats catching just something that affects the body long or short term. So i dont get them changing it :ybatty:

By the way dont expect loads of photos from me now... tho i kinda remember how i did it. I cant seem to acess all my photos just a couple of pics it let me access from whats app. So far cant find a way to access pics from google phots which is were most of mine are 🤔.
Hi, just resting today after sleep study. I got diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. I now trialling cpap machine for a month. My oxygen went below 60 at 2 am from 1:30 to 2:30 am I was consistently below 80 and went as low as 59. I have no idea what's going on then with my body.
Hi, just resting today after sleep study. I got diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. I now trialling cpap machine for a month. My oxygen went below 60 at 2 am from 1:30 to 2:30 am I was consistently below 80 and went as low as 59. I have no idea what's going on then with my body.

Hoping the best for you.
Oh my Kirsty! I can't believe you are still alive with oxygen levels that low! I'm not trying to scare you, I am just concerned. But maybe oxygen levels are measured differently in New Zealand? I somehow don't think so... Food for thought, though, I'm sure your oxygen levels also contributes to other health problems. Hopefully being on the CPAP makes everything a lot better. The CPAP takes some getting adjusted to, but although you will find the face mask annoying (assuming you use the face mask, and not the nasal cannula or nose pillows), it will help you feel more energetic in the day, with less brain fog. And how is your mother doing?
Trysha, did you get your electronic problems resolved? I'm considering (considering again) deleting my Facebook and Instagram account permanently because of such potential security issues and because I waste so much time on Facebook. The only problem is that Facebook is the only way I have to keep in touch with some people who are important to me. On other notes, congratulations on your new addition! Such exciting times. Also congratulations to Shannon, that is indeed a beautiful baby. (And Madhu, hang in there!) Mandy, I can't believe how grown-up Jaxon is now. He is such a cutie patootie! Also, congratulations on getting that picture posted. I also can't figure out how to post from Google photos which is where most of my photos are also, for personal photos I have to post photos to an album here in the Crohn's forum then use those to post in LOW. I know there has to be an easier way.
Today is just a nice peaceful day. For a change I am not stressed about any deadline. Our fishing trip Saturday was great fishing for Doug, I was mostly frustrated trying to get tangles out of lines, etc., but looking back it was a great day overall. I did manage to get one rainbow trout submitted to our September fishing tourney, but Doug caught about 12 trout if I remember correctly. He was on fire!
picture.php have not had permission to be AWOL... WE ARE WORRIED HUN. Hope you are ok xx

Sandy i know its a big jump in size since you saw pics of the wee man.. he has grown such a lot im sure they put him in fertilizer at night 😉😉😆😆

Love to all n best wishes 💞💝
Hi CMack......I am having a few bad days myself.....we are all entitled especially on LOW
It's a crohnie thing...
I returned to the gym today......very careful with the exercise since I am getting a few
unwanted symptoms...don't we all...
It seems that this happens to me in September ..October time.....can't think why unless it has to do with food.
I have an appointment tomorrow at the beauty salon to have my hair beautified....that'll fix everything....
Have to accentuate the positives.....
It's ok to be worried Sandy re oxygen levels. I am as well. I have a nose pillow. I managed 4 hours with it last night. I see the specialist 26 September. I just figure every day I wake up it's a miracle [emoji16]
Aura...sorry to hear of you going through all this and hope you will soon be better.
Breathing problems have to be the worst...
It seems a long time to your next appointment though.....
Can you not get a date sooner...
My complaints pale in significance to your problems.
Feel better soon..
Aw Shanen... how cute is Issac ,how proud you must be. He is a little darling [emoji56] Glad mum n baby doing well ☺

Trysha congrats on the new arrival in your family. Im sure he is a cutie too. All these lovely babies that arrived in the last year or so. My we are a lucky bunch here ☺

Love n best wishes to all. .. to all stay safe. [emoji179][emoji177][emoji307]

Omg iv some how managed to up load a pic. Yeah :drink:
Heres the latest of Jaxon...
Omg what a big boy! How cute is he! [emoji7][emoji7] he is growing up way too fast :)
It's ok to be worried Sandy re oxygen levels. I am as well. I have a nose pillow. I managed 4 hours with it last night. I see the specialist 26 September. I just figure every day I wake up it's a miracle [emoji16]
That's scary. I hope you feel better soon, Kirsty.
I forgot to say I love all the baby pictures, totally awesome!

With the low oxygen, the main thing now it to get used to the mask. When I use that there is no desaturation. I phoned the sleep clinic this morning. I can see them earlier if I need to. They think my day time airway blockages should go too.

Sandy I'm on 9 measures of oxygen I have no idea if that's a little or a lot. Can you help me understand this aspect?
Sandy, let me know if you figure out another way of posting photos on here. I tried your method, I tried adding a photo of Lily to a photo album on the forum. I had already re-sized the photo to make it smaller and a smaller file size, but the forum gave me an error message saying my photo exceeds the allowed file size. Hmph! So I need to figure something else out, too.
I'll be back later to answer questions Kirsty and Cat, very nauseous right now, hoping it goes away quickly. Hugs to all. :ghug:
Kirsty i really hope the oxygen helps you hunnie...its about time you got to feel better. Hows our baby Jammer doing and the chucks ??
Ye Jaxon is sprouting up like a weed 😁
He is a cutie pie tho..has his moments but in general is a really good kid. He is so comical at times has us in stitches laughing.:rof:
You take care best wishes to you and hubby 💞

Sandy hope you feel better soon to my darling. You like Kirsty deserve a break too. :hug:

Madhu hopefuly we will see baby photos from you to (if i remember rightly). Wishing you all the best of luck n happiness 💝

Ron,Chris,Cat and Trysha sending you all love hugs n best wishes also.:hug:💞

Anyone iv missed sorry but love hugs n best wishes to you too :hug: 💝
Oh dear Ron...welcome to my world..rare i get notifications, tho that said seem to be getting them more since i change my phone.. maybe just a coincidence 🤔💞
Bad flare today. Also, feel like I am getting arthritis in my left hand

Ron i feel iv have it both hands ..they ache n my fingers on left hand are going misshapen. I also drop things alot as i just lose grip n dont even feel my grip loosen. Darn athritis :voodoo:
Hope the flare goes quickly old chum :getwell:
Ron your welcome...i guess we are all grateful for each other on this site. We have a great family network going in here... brothers n sisters in the battle of crohns... together we are strong.🏋💞
Ron, feel better! I know I have arthritis in both hips, not sure about my hands. Sometimes my hands cramp up terribly, and they're often quite cold. I crochet a lot so hopefully that's helping to stave off any arthritis? I don't know.

Mandy, the misshapen fingers seems to be a hallmark sign of arthritis. My grandma has pretty bad arthritis in her hands, and her fingers are quite misshapen. Although she's 85 so maybe that's just part of getting that old!

Carol, where are you???
Ron, my right hand especially has fingers I can no longer straighten. My mother had rheumatoid arthritis. With having Crohn's, I think the arthritis may only be a matter of time.

Today has been a more crohny day than most. I feel the Entyvio is doing an OK job at maintaining my disease, but overall I think Humira had a little better control, before it started the slippery slide of failing to work. Next month I need to schedule an appointment for my 6 month followup.

We went kayak fishing last Saturday. I would post the pictures of my fish that I took for the tournament we are in, but I caught a dozen fish and I am sure they would be boring pictures to look at. We had a good day on the water. It was fun!
Hey Mandy, Jammer is good. We go to new entrants dog training and he did well at the last class. He was asleep on the carpet so I put him to bed and now he's saying I'm not sleepy, yawn, yawn! The cats are also on the bed sleeping. The chicks are laying again now we have more hours of daylight. NZ playing U.K. At netball right now. Tomorrow I see the dental hygienist and the endocrinologist. I'll also call in on mum. Her colonoscopy is next week.
Glad Jammer n the chucks are well. Just you to get well now hunnie. Fingers crossed for you. 💞
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Hey peeps, remember me?

It's been about 3 months since I last visited, and that was because of some very important examinations that I had to study for. Today, I just finished my last paper, so I thought I'll just swing by and say hello :)

So yeah, hi, what's up, and how have y'all been?

I'll try to condense my last 3 months worth of health experiences here in a few words:
1) Still in clinical remission, been having symptoms every now and then,
2) Still on weekly subcutaneous MTX, the GI doc doesn't want to switch to oral (though I've discussed this with him on 3 separate occasions already)
3) Been in hospital twice for heart related problems that my cardiologist thinks is a result of MTX, but the GI doc denies any relation of this and thinks that I should increase my dose of Atenolol. LOL (it's a bad pun, I know) XD
4) Burning through appointment cards left, right and centre. I've told the receptionist to stop writing down the dates when I have to get the injections and just write the dates where I've got a doctor's appointment because I'M PRACTICALLY AT THE HOSPITAL EVERY WEEK
5) Diet has been mostly bread and some wheat-based products, haven't been trying anything new lately, but who needs more variety when you've got bread amirite? :D

I think that's all from me for now, would like to know how have you guys been doing too :)

Good to see you, CYY. I am going through a flare but the doctor has not been able to pin anything down from the colonoscopy or mri. Just celebrated an anniversary with my wife.
Good to see you, CYY. I am going through a flare but the doctor has not been able to pin anything down from the colonoscopy or mri. Just celebrated an anniversary with my wife.

Aww, I hope the doctor manages to find out what's wrong and your flare subsides down really soon. Sending support your way :hug:

Also, I hope I'm not too late, but happy anniversary! ^^
Happy Anniversary Ron thats so awesome now a days and especially with people with medical conditions.
Hey CYY nice to see you back ,
hey Ron good on the sutures
sorry you are still flaring
thats very true Jane about how good it is to see people staying with a marriage esp with the stress of a long term illness
CYY, welcome back! I'm glad to hear that you're doing okay. The short update for me is, my dog got diagnosed with terminal cancer. So it's been a rough summer, sad and stressful. For the moment my dog is doing reasonably okay, though.

Jane, that's very true about relationships and chronic illness! Goodness knows it took a toll on my marriage at first. The first year I was sick, my hubby was not exactly supportive. He'd make comments to the effect of, nobody can be sick all the time - like he didn't believe me that I was sick or thought I was trying to get attention or something. Nope. Well, after a year of that I was about ready to be done with my marriage, I was literally googling apartments and thinking about finding a lawyer. But right then hubby got kidney stones, and his doctors took a "wait and see" approach to see if they'd pass, but it turned out that after 6 months they were huge and impacted and not going anywhere. So he had 6 months of pain, agony, vomiting, having to cancel plans at the last minute, spending a lot of time in the bathroom, going to the ER and the doctor frequently, etc. Sound familiar? After that experience, he was suddenly so much more understanding and supportive. It taught him the hard way that yes, it is possible to be ill/in pain all the time, and it showed him what a sucky experience I was living. Kidney stones saved our marriage. :p Strange but true!
Just in case anybody's missed me,I'm back.Too frazzled to write much and I will have to catch up with all the posts but it will have to wait until tomorrow.Hope you've all been well.
Missed you Carol... i have been nigh on frantic!!! Glad to see you back hen.
Now!! What have you been up to to be frazzled. Something good i hope my darling x
CYY.. so good to see you back. I hope your exam results will be all you hope for. Try and get some chill time now. You have worked hard and coped with this crohns devil. So time out now please. Recharge your batteries as we Brits say. 💕
Cat i love that story of hubbys kidney stones. I have heard it b4 but i still love it...whats that they say about karma 😉 💞
Mandy, I love that story too. :) Hubby doesn't like it so much, ha ha. He has told me several times that he thinks I put some sort of "voodoo curse" on him so that he'd get sick and become more understanding. Nope, I wish I had magic powers of that magnitude though! Can you imagine? Every person who stupidly says things to me like, "I wish I had an illness like yours that would make me lose weight" would suddenly not be feeling so well. ;)

Carol, yes we missed you! I hope everything is okay with you!
Cat I bet he doesn't.. I totally agree with you on the voodoo bit.. Gaining weight for me has been a nightmare. Though I am happy to report I now weigh 8 stone so have put just under half a stone on over last month.. :dusty:I pray that I can keep going up for a change and get to 9 stone or over if I can.:highfive:

I have been to Conwy the castle in Wales today with my friend. Had a great day, the castle is medieval in origin. Absolutely lovely. We went right up to the top of the turret towers. Superb view around the bay which lies very close to the base of the castle. Took some really good photos. If I can I'll try to post some.
Love n hugs to you all :ghug:
Mmm not sure if this is going to work for me. So if no pictures show up... Sorry :frown:

Edit.. Guess I was right that :stinks: it should be easier to get pictures on here ie go to advanced click on attachment go to your photos click on photo and it uploads straight to here. Simple to do it that way.
CYY, welcome back! I'm glad to hear that you're doing okay. The short update for me is, my dog got diagnosed with terminal cancer. So it's been a rough summer, sad and stressful. For the moment my dog is doing reasonably okay, though.

Hope the summer only gets better for both you and your dog!

CYY.. so good to see you back. I hope your exam results will be all you hope for. Try and get some chill time now. You have worked hard and coped with this crohns devil. So time out now please. Recharge your batteries as we Brits say. 💕

Thanks, I hope I can do decently well for my exams too :')

As for the Crohn's devil, I'm not so sure if it has given up on me yet though. Been feeling a bit bloated and having some diarrhoea yesterday; didn't give much thought about it since such things happen every now and again. Today, the cramps and the diarrhoea are back in full swing, and I don't think it's going to go away anytime soon. Been on the couch pretty much the whole day, surviving on a bit of sleep, some YouTube and lots of Debridat. Drank nothing but a few scoops of Modulen; feeling hungry but in too much pain to eat. I've got an appointment with the GI, plus a liver function and an ESR test this coming Wednesday, hopefully it's just bad symptoms and I'm not out of remission yet :/
Aw cyy.i hope it calms down very soon. Big hugs ❤

Thanks, but I don't think it's gonna calm down soon because the pain was quite unbearable at around 12am this morning, so I had to call for an ambulance. When I got there, the ER doctors said a bunch of stuff, and I caught 2 words, "2cm distended" and "obstruction". Neither sounds good to me :/

Got warded at around 3 this morning, not sure which is worse, the abdominal pain or the pain of having Paracetamol infused into your veins for the next 5 hours. Blood test results are not out yet, but I won't be too surprised if I'm out of remission because of this. The doctors were saying that they might want to schedule me for an X-ray sometime soon. Really hope that the pain goes away and I won't have to undergo surgery ;_;
I asked my darling husband "does this skirt make my bum look big"?

Without looking up from his paper he replied "don't blame the skirt"

He will be home from hospital in a day or two....... no !! I pray you feel better soon. Lets us know how you are doing please with updates when you can. Take care . Big hugs 💕
Bloodwork came back all normal except for the white blood cell count and ESR which were slightly elevated.
X-Ray showed that my small intestine is larger than my large intestine (pretty ironic eh?).
Doctors confirmed that it's a stricture, but as to whether it's due to inflammation or scar tissue they can't really tell for certain; still waiting to go for a CT scan.
The doctors have me on NPO, drugging me on as much painkillers as they can, and are adopting a "just wait and see" attitude.
Bloodwork came back all normal except for the white blood cell count and ESR which were slightly elevated.
X-Ray showed that my small intestine is larger than my large intestine (pretty ironic eh?).
Doctors confirmed that it's a stricture, but as to whether it's due to inflammation or scar tissue they can't really tell for certain; still waiting to go for a CT scan.
The doctors have me on NPO, drugging me on as much painkillers as they can, and are adopting a "just wait and see" attitude.

Hoping you are better soon.
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