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CYY....are you still incarcerated ? I think you must be or I would have heard the celebrations from here.
I haven't noticed any other external anomalies since I've had pus coming out of some sort of boil from my behind a few months ago. That one has long healed by itself. You mentioned an internal fistula. Was it causing much pain when it was there?
For my husband, the fistula looked like a boil at first. The Dr thought it's an abscess. But it never leaked pus or blood. All of a sudden one day it started giving him extreme pain. Sadly, nobody diagnosed it a fistula until the specialist did an MRI. An MRI is the best way, it will give you a clear picture of what's going on. For him, the fistula had one opening inside and the other end outside the body. So they put bands around it and then it started draining outside. Did you get an MRI done yet? I'm sure you're on top of it, but do NOT delay. Don't wait until the pain starts because it's terrible after that. I hope they sort you out soon, cyy.
Carol, she is home for the moment - I'm pasting her post below. Hopefully you're having a good birthday, CYY! :)

Haha I see what you did there, Trysha ;)

Anyways, jokes aside, I wasn't discharged yesterday unfortunately, but rather, I was granted home leave until Monday (more explanation below). Thanks for your concern though ^^

Preliminary results of the MRE suggests a stricture in my small intestine, but also shows some warning signs of a fistula in my large intestine. Because the MRE wasn't able to take a clear picture of it, I have to go back to the hospital on Monday for an MRI of the lower portion of my large intestines. The endoscopy has been put on hold.

I'm not sure what's gonna happen next, but I'm just taking it a day at a time. In the meantime, it's good to be home anyways :')

May all who are not feeling too well get well soon, and all who are feeling well continue to stay that way :ghug:
I haven't noticed any other external anomalies since I've had pus coming out of some sort of boil from my behind a few months ago. That one has long healed by itself. You mentioned an internal fistula. Was it causing much pain when it was there?

It was found at the same time as my bowel obstruction, so I have no idea how much pain was from the fistula. My bowels were a huge mess at that time. I hope things start going better for you soon!
The last two nights I've had dizzy spells ? While getting up to the bathroom and it even wakes me when turning over in bed.It wears off when I'm up and about and I did 10mls on little blackie yesterday.Meds haven't changed and BP slightly high.Any thoughs ?

Could be ear infection. I get vetigo a lot but as many times as I've cracked my head open and multiple head injuries it no wonder. If not ear infection the doctor can do a procedure call cranial manipulation where he holds your head and some turning and sitting up fast it realigns the hair follicles in your ear cannel.

Wish you luck.
Happy (late) birthday CYY!
Just thought this was worth a mention....I now have four neighbours,all within a 2min walking distance,who have IBD,and me makes it five.Two dx'd in the last 6mnths,one 4 yrs ago and a new guy in his 20s who has had it since a child.And me dx'd 11yrs ago.Now I never discuss IBD and all of these neighbours have just come out and told me without any encouragement from me.Maybe I have a sign on my forehead that flashes Crohnie when I'm within touching distance of a fellow sufferer.?
Just thought this was worth a mention....I now have four neighbours,all within a 2min walking distance,who have IBD,and me makes it five.Two dx'd in the last 6mnths,one 4 yrs ago and a new guy in his 20s who has had it since a child.And me dx'd 11yrs ago.Now I never discuss IBD and all of these neighbours have just come out and told me without any encouragement from me.Maybe I have a sign on my forehead that flashes Crohnie when I'm within touching distance of a fellow sufferer.?
It's sad how many among us are affected by this disease. Wish they would find a cure for it in our lifetime.

Also Carol, people always identify us as Indians by looking at our faces. During our last vacation, the restaurant waiter guessed we are also vegetarians. We were shell shocked. Now Indian is easy to guess, how the heck did he know what we eat? Lol
Madhu, are a lot of Indians vegetarians? If so, maybe that was why? Or maybe the waiter has Indian friends who are vegetarian so they associated the two together? I don't know. For me, when most non-IBD people hear that I have digestive issues, they assume that I can't have gluten, which is incorrect. Gluten is safe for me although I do have a lot of other trigger foods.

Carol, I've read about clusters of IBD happening, so that is a thing that happens, but they still don't know why it happens. Is it the water, local air quality, local viruses/bacteria, the typical diet in the region? They can't seem to figure it out, but it is a documented thing that happens. For me, I don't know of any of my neighbors who have IBD, but the more I talk openly about my symptoms and issues, the more people in turn open up to me to tell me that they have similar symptoms and issues. Many former co-workers, former classmates, etc seem to have IBD or IBD-like symptoms or other similar difficulties such as gastroparesis.
Several people I grew up with had crohn's, sadly most are no longer with us or have since moved away. It would be nice to have a friend here locally who totally understood, that's just one of the many reasons you folks are so great to have as friends. I happen to really like everybody's different personalities and the common goals of good health and a little humor along the way. There is such a sense of understanding amidst us. I'm sure glad I found this forum. :)

Carol, that is kind of a crazy coincidence about your neighbors having similar issues, it seems rather puzzling. There must be something to it.

Madhu, that is totally weird that someone could pick you out of a crowd as a vegetarian. I get the fact that they could tell that you were of Indian heritage but the rest is a real mind bender. Maybe the waiter had extrasensory perception? I bet you will never forget that experience at any rate.
No Cat, a lot of Indians eat meat too. Though many from the north are vegetarians. This happened in Hawaii and we probably stood out at the buffet as the only vegetarians when everyone was busy with pig and beef. Like Chris said, we would never forget it. Both of us were stunned [emoji23]
Happy weekend everybody! :)

Have you finished the porch Chris ? I always fancied a typical old west style porch but we don't live in that type of home or even area.The neighbours would think I'd lost the plot if I built one onto our upstairs apartment.We do have a veranda/balcony though,so that will have to surfice.
That’s a scathingly brilliant idea Carol and we all get to see the new porch Chris has made.
We are enjoying beautiful weather right now..sunny and temperatures comfortable now...becoming more seasonal instead of last weeks exceptional heatwave.
It is now the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.
Hope everyone is improving health wise....
I can see clearly more misty fog with black blobs floating by.
Wonderful effects of modern medicine and knowledgeable skillful doctors and surgeons.
It makes me feel very humble and so grateful to be seeing the world again.
The storms are quite horrifying in so many parts of the world and so difficult to get the right help to them in timely fashion.
Not sure how I would cope in those circumstances would be best foot forward and keep going...
For now I will settle for a nice walk in the sunshine once more.....
Alex is a service dog for my wife. There are ladies in our town that walk or run him three times a week for us. This morning, he prevented one of the ladies from accidentally stepping out in traffic. 😊
It's raining today so I can't coat the wood, I'm catching up on laundry instead. Just about done the porch though. Tomorrow I have to drain all the outside water hoses and sprinklers because it's supposed to be -4c Monday AM.

Good dog Alex! 🐕
Brrrr that is abit nippy ⛄Chris no sitting out on the porch for you then my friend. 💞

Oh well done Alex 🐶 what a clever boy. Belly rub from me...

Madhu Trysha Carol and everyone.
I love you all. Wishing you all the very best and sending hugs n support your way. 💝💕💞 :ghug:
It is interesting seeing the goings on and the different effects life has on everyone here. I also agree, I appreciate each and everyone here! And ditto to the good boy Alex!
We went from a heat wave for a couple weeks, to snow storm last weekend, to typical fall weather now. It was a beautiful day to get another kayak trip in yesterday, but at a lower elevation desert reservoir called Lost Creek Reservoir. We both caught fish, Doug more than me, and kept two for diner tonight.

P.S. I can hardly wait for the Christmas party! It should habe a beautiful snow fall to be seen from Chris's porch!
Good job Alex! Ron, give him some petting from me.

Chris, I think you need to build a few outhouses next to your new porch if all of us are coming over for xmas. :p
Good job Alex! Ron, give him some petting from me.

Chris, I think you need to build a few outhouses next to your new porch if all of us are coming over for xmas. :p

Outhouses! No way! Cat, we need a separate building with "flushies" built (as I have called them since a little girl going on camping trips looking for the "flushies." :ylol2:) We know Chris has the skills... :):):)
Thanks Chris. Most of Utah is beautiful, but I know I'm prejudiced.:ycool:
I'm learning a lot about fishing this year too. :)
Eek! I just realized that shrinking my collage destroyed the clarity, you can't tell from the "identifiers" (used for the Sept. Utah kayak fishing tourney) only one of the fish was mine, the other was Doug's. I only got a pic of one fish altogether, though got another to the hawg trough (measuring board), but the slippery thing slipped under my hands and jumped back in the water. I had at least two others to the kayak (knocked one away with the net by accident) and several bites I couldn't keep hooked long. Sneaky fish. Doug was similar, but has pics of two. Doug had a funny story to tell though.
Funny fish tale. True variety!

I had just caught a fish and got it into the kayak. I removed the hook from this fish and then I threw the hook back into the water. I do this to get the hook out of my way when taking care of the fish. I got out the hawg trough (measuring board) and was about to take the fish out of the net when my fishing rod started dancing around. Yes, I had another fish on my line caught by a bare hook with no bait on it. I am not kidding. Because the first fish was still in my net, I could not net the second fish and lost it. Good thing. It would be difficult to take care of both fish at the same time on a kayak!
Well,by catching up on all your posts I've had a good smiley start to the day.Let's hope it lasts........Chris,apart from the obvious loos (trust a chronie to put THAT top of the list) could we (me) have a swing please ? and a stove ?. I promise not to pester you any more,I know you're busy but you do have 11 weeks before the celebrations. many sleeps is that ? I know you're counting the days to your early retirement.
Jane....I hope your daughters wedding went as you wanted it to.My dad used to say "you've only got your kids on loan then they loan you the grand-kids" many sleeps is that ? I know you're counting the days to your early retirement.

I have not really been counting, but on October 16th, it will be 90 days. That day is marked on my calendar because I can file the retirement papers on that day. They will not accept the application unless it is within 90 days of the retirement date on Jan 16th, 2016.
Nice one doug. .that date happens to be my mothers birthday. So il remember that you will only have 90 days left ☺💕
I have not really been counting, but on October 16th, it will be 90 days. That day is marked on my calendar because I can file the retirement papers on that day. They will not accept the application unless it is within 90 days of the retirement date on Jan 16th, 2016.

So not counting then....:ylol2:
According to a UK.Active poll us Brits. spend twice as long on the loo as they do exercising.
Adults clock up an average 3hrs 9mins (9mins ?) on the toilet each week (is that all ? we should be so lucky) but only 90mins being active......who did these people ask for goodness sake ? Not chronies that's for sure.
I include running to the bathroom as part of my exercise regime.:poo::dusty:
Waking up to news of another mass shooting. This time 50 dead in Las Vegas. We were there this time last year. It makes me sick to my stomach :(
On one of my trips to the bathroom aka loo in the middle of the night, I caught a glimpse of a news headline. Bottom line, the worst mass shooting in US history occurred last night in Las Vegas (Doug's brother and sister live in a suburb there). We just heard latest official update by police officials there, over 50 dead, 200 injured when a local resident fired automatic guns from 32nd floor of hotel into crowds at last of three day country music concert outside below him.
I feel heartsick. :eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2:
That's interesting, I thought of you too with your recent trip there. [emoji169]
I was just telling my husband about that. Before our trip last year, I was worried about the exact same thing happening because Vegas is one of the hot spots. I think we went right after the Orlando shooting happened. I remember walking near Mandalay bay at 3 am, and there was always so much crowd there
Las Vegas is one continuous crowd, day and night. I'm just glad you weren't there last night. About my least favorite place I have ever been. This world is getting too dangerous ...
I don't look forward to being any where near there when we have to pick up Doug's brother in about three weeks. It will be nice to see Doug's sister though.
Not all the supplies were delivered for my Entyvio injection so I have to reschedule for Thursday.
It's really bad news concerning L.A. I saw online that there are 400 injured as well the dead.There's been another attack in France too,and Canada.It doesn't seem to matter where you are these days the possibility of not getting home again is getting higher.
I've just found out I'm colour blind. The diagnosis came completely out of the purple.

Kirsty,Dave.Trysha,CYY,Trev.........come on guys,where are you all ?:rosette2:
I’m here Carol...thank you for asking...just finished the Monday washing.....I don’t believe
in Monday’s for washing since everyone else in the building seems to be there.
It is a huge well equipped laundry room but several people occupied three washers each..and twice as many driers...can’t understand people that do that.
Mind you there were still plenty left for others but in less convenient areas which left me staggering with my finished washing to a drier far far away....all done now though.
That’s the last time I go on a Monday.
So another week starts with worldwide tragedies some of which we hear little about.
Now I’m off to Physiotherapy and to enjoy the sunshine...?
Such sad news today. I pray this trend of violence stops, for everyone's sake. I simply cannot comprehend what must go through someones head to justify doing such things, so senseless!
My sister's family lives in Henderson, NV, a suburb of Las Vegas. I know they have occasionally gone to events on the strip. It was a big relief to hear from her this morning on facebook, saying she and her family were OK. They did not go to this concert. Personally good news.
My sister's family lives in Henderson, NV, a suburb of Las Vegas. I know they have occasionally gone to events on the strip. It was a big relief to hear from her this morning on facebook, saying she and her family were OK. They did not go to this concert. Personally good news.
That is great.
My sister's family lives in Henderson, NV, a suburb of Las Vegas. I know they have occasionally gone to events on the strip. It was a big relief to hear from her this morning on facebook, saying she and her family were OK. They did not go to this concert. Personally good news.

That would have been a huge relief to me as well. I'm sure glad they weren't there. Stay safe you guys, there seems to be an awful lot of crazies lately.
I really think that recognizing and treating mental health problems is something that needs major improvement around the world. Guns by themselves don't kill people, people do. I think if we were to identify and tackle the mental health situations of the population, we would be far better off.
Let there be peace on earth..and let it begin with me
Let there be peace on earth... the peace that was meant to be
With God as Our Father..brothers all are we
Let me live with my brother in perfect harmony
Let peace begin with me..let this be the moment now
With every step I take ...let this be my solemn vow
To take each moment..and live each moment with peace eternally
Let there be peace on earth..and let it begin with me.

Jill Jackson- Miller and Sy Miller 1955.
Jill Jackson Miller who despaired after a failed marriage wrote the song after discovering what she called the life saving joy of Gods peace and unconditional love.
Sandy, i was watching Monday night football and they mentioned the Utah Utes and I thought of you and Doug.
Anybody seen CYY? I hope she is okay.:ghug:

Kirsty,Dave.Trysha,CYY,Trev.........come on guys,where are you all ?:rosette2:

Here I am! Was enjoying home leave, probably too much ^^;

Anyways, came back on Monday, did all the paperwork, drew another 6 tubes of blood, couple of failed IV attempts, babies crying all night, went for a 2-hour long MRI this afternoon that was only supposed to take 30 minutes, now lying dead beat on the bed.

Preliminary results of the MRI will be available tomorrow. If there isn't a need for immediate medical attention, I should be able to be discharged by the end of the week and come back to the hospital as an outpatient to discuss with my GI doc on how to proceed. The ward doctors want to hold off surgery for as long as they can, explaining that surgery can cause inflammation to develop in other areas of my intestines that are previously not affected.

Hope that everyone here has been doing well. My condolences to the families of the victims in Las Vegas.

Heading off to bed now, goodnight everyone (・ω・)ノ
Here I am! Was enjoying home leave, probably too much ^^;

Anyways, came back on Monday, did all the paperwork, drew another 6 tubes of blood, couple of failed IV attempts, babies crying all night, went for a 2-hour long MRI this afternoon that was only supposed to take 30 minutes, now lying dead beat on the bed.

Preliminary results of the MRI will be available tomorrow. If there isn't a need for immediate medical attention, I should be able to be discharged by the end of the week and come back to the hospital as an outpatient to discuss with my GI doc on how to proceed. The ward doctors want to hold off surgery for as long as they can, explaining that surgery can cause inflammation to develop in other areas of my intestines that are previously not affected.

Hope that everyone here has been doing well. My condolences to the families of the victims in Las Vegas.

Heading off to bed now, goodnight everyone (・ω・)ノ
Hope the best for you .
Such awful news about vegas ... my heart goes out to those involved and their families. The world is going to hell in a handcart!!! What the chuffing heck is happening with these people ???
You may have a good point Chris more should be done re mental health.

Cyy hope things are soon better for you and you get to go home very soon.

Sandy n Doug glad your family are ok...

Everyone keep safe :ghug:
Hugs to all, not staying (too much to do, maybe later), just want all to know I'm thinking of all of you. Good luck with everything CYY. :ghug:
Hi just having infusion now. I'm getting used to cpap machine. I do well on full face mask. World turned upside down early Monday morning when my niece in Thailand was victim of hit and run. She in hospital with broken pelvis, femur, multiple breaks in ankle and leg with damage to arteries in foot. She is having second operation today. She has temporary colostomy bag.
Good to see you K., but so very sorry to hear your families bad news.I hope she get's better soon.It must have been such a shock.
I hope she feels better soon, Kirsty. That must have been horrible for all of you
The most impossible item to flush down a toilet is a ping-pong ball.

(but obviously the researchers have never tried an elephant)
Carol, the hubby and I recently installed a new toilet. A lot of display toilets in the stores now advertise that you can flush "a bucket of golf balls" down them and they won't clog. It's such an odd thing to advertise, though! I mean, I get that they're saying that you can in actuality flush a lot of poo/toilet paper and it won't clog, the golf balls are I guess a stand-in since they didn't want to outright say poo. But really, golf balls? It just seems so odd to me! It's like, quick, I need to get rid of 50 golf balls, what can I do? *looks at toilet* A-ha! :p
Carol, the hubby and I recently installed a new toilet. A lot of display toilets in the stores now advertise that you can flush "a bucket of golf balls" down them and they won't clog. It's such an odd thing to advertise, though! I mean, I get that they're saying that you can in actuality flush a lot of poo/toilet paper and it won't clog, the golf balls are I guess a stand-in since they didn't want to outright say poo. But really, golf balls? It just seems so odd to me! It's like, quick, I need to get rid of 50 golf balls, what can I do? *looks at toilet* A-ha! :p

Ah, but you didn't have my former foster daughter living with you. We had to call a plumber once for a clogged toilet and he found all sorts of things flushed down it, hair accessories, batteries, etc. She was quite the gal.:lol::rof:
Sandy, you sure have got some stories about fostering! I'm just not a kid person, but I think that someday after my dog passes away, I might foster a dog. (Lily's hanging in there, she still has a good appetite and seems to be in no pain, but her energy level has been dropping. She's got about 2 weeks left to live according to both vets' estimates - they both gave her about 3 months and it's been 2.5 months now. Cancer sucks.)

I know several ladies who work with rescue organizations and have fostered dogs themselves, so I know who to talk to when I'm ready. Lily's cancer has been such a sad and terrible time, that I don't think I want to jump right back into dog ownership again. I'm going to give myself plenty of time to grieve - I might even wait until my cat passes away (she's healthy, but she's 14, so I don't know if it's fair to her to introduce another animal into the household when she's already a senior cat). And then, when I'm ready, I'm going to foster first before I commit to having another dog of my own. And if the fostering goes well, then I will probably adopt the dog that I foster. So that's the plan. But I know I'm going to need time before I even get to that point.
Cat, I understand entirely all your thoughts above. Sometimes I miss Allie so terribly when I'm home alone that I think my little heart will break, but don't want the responsibility of another dog. I guess even that is a moot point since I realized that I was more allergic to dogs than I thought because my cough went immediately away after we didn't have Allie any more. Don't worry about the time frame the vets gave you, that is just the typical for her kind of case, and every case will be a little TO A LOT different. Just enjoy every day you have with her. The fostering dogs might be a good idea, but would you have to have that dog if you agree until a permanent home is found? would you be ok with that? Then, on the other hand, you might fall in love with a foster dog and decide to keep it. Just remember, no dog will be like your Lily, just like people, each has their own distinct personality, even in the same breed. But that is part of the fun of it, finding new things to like about each dog. Good luck with whatever you decide, and give Lily some scratches behind her ears and belly rubs for me.
(As to foster kids, the agency we dealt with, the foster kids were all intellectually and behaviorally "challenged." More like "challenging," lol. I was extremely burned out by the time we quit the full time fostering, but looking back still feel like we got out of it more than we put in. But it's not for everybody.)
Thank you Ron, I will. She seems happy, she's been getting lots of treats and food and pets and cuddles. But she didn't want to go for a walk the other day, which is obviously bad news. She's never not wanted to go walkies before. I will give her treats and cuddles on behalf of your family and especially Alex. :)

Sandy, I'm not sure exactly how fostering works, I haven't looked into it in detail yet, so I am not sure if there's a timeline for the animal staying with me or how that all works. There is a corgi rescue here in the midwest, so if I decide on another corgi, I could put in an application with them to foster and/or adopt. It looks like they have very stringent requirements for who they adopt out to and who they let foster, but they seem to give preference to people who have had a corgi before and/or people who have fenced-in yards. My yard isn't fenced, but there's a large dog park 1 block away (Lily's second home) and obviously I have about 7 years of experience as being a corgi owner with Lily - we got her as a rescue when she was 2, and she just turned 9. So I probably would be accepted by them if I do put in an application to foster or adopt.

I know what you mean about all animals having different personalities - I've met other corgis and it's sort of fun seeing the ways that Lily is similar and different to them (she doesn't bark as much and she's not as hyper, but she does have the herding instinct - all her toys have to be herded together into a pile, hah). I'm at the point right now where if I even entertain the thought of getting another dog, I have an immediate emotional reaction to it. My reaction is, I don't want another dog, I want Lily! It's a very strong and emotional reaction and there's no doubt whatsoever in it. So I know just based on that reaction alone that I am going to need plenty of time after she passes before I even put in an application to foster. I won't be ready for awhile. My hubby says I should put in an application now, but there's just no way. Maybe in 6 months or a year... or two years...

My goodness, I bet you were burned out after fostering challenged/challenging children! Heck, I feel burned out spending 15 minutes with my 5 rowdy nieces & nephews. :p My oldest niece is okay to spend one-on-one time with - she's very much like I was at her age. She's introverted and depressed. I was also the oldest so I had to be the responsible one and look after my younger sibling and set a good example, and that's how my niece is too. She just wants to be alone and read books all day. I can definitely relate to that! So I do try to spend time with her but not her siblings, when I can. Those other kids are brats anyway. :p (Hubby's sister had 5 kids in 10 years, and she is a bit overwhelmed at all times with them so she just sort of lets them run wild.) But yeah, get all 5 of them together and it's complete chaos and never-ending noise. Not exactly my thing! I like calm and quiet.
Oh, I forgot to add - Sandy, as for the timeframe - unfortunately, I was told that only 10% of dogs with hemangiosarcoma make it past 3 months. Almost all of them die in 3 months or less. It's a very aggressive, fast growing and fast spreading cancer that tends to cause internal bleeding. It's a really terrible form of canine cancer - the vet said that humans don't really get hemangiosarcoma, it's mainly only in dogs, so there's not a ton of research about it. They do know that it doesn't respond well to chemo, though. Chemo would have cost us about $5000 and maybe bought Lily an extra 3 months is what we were told - we couldn't afford that and didn't want to put her through chemo anyway. But yeah, 90% of dogs with hemangiosarcoma don't make it past 3 months, so I'm not optimistic.
Ah, but you didn't have my former foster daughter living with you. We had to call a plumber once for a clogged toilet and he found all sorts of things flushed down it, hair accessories, batteries, etc. She was quite the gal.:lol::rof:

I have to admit that when I was 4 or so, I flushed a giant rubber spider down the toilet, (somebody tried to scare me with it and it worked). I'm not sure if it got stuck or not, I never told my parents. Whew, it feels good to get that one off my chest!:ylol2:
Cmack, the difference is, our Foster Daughter was in her late teens when she did this. Very frustrating.
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