Wife of Chronie (with my own health challenges)
I'm too sensitive is all. Always was and wish I could change...:angry-banghead:
I'm sensitive too, as if anybody didn't know. I think Cheryl is, well, sensible with a side of sensitive.
I'm too sensitive is all. Always was and wish I could change...:angry-banghead:
Hi Cheryl, didn't know you were here. Are you sensitive? Or a toughie?
How rude are you - not reading Sandy's post!
Hi Teresa, how are you?
Naturelover needs lots of hugs and support. She told me specifically no shock buttons, Robert. She got a concussion Sunday from the awning of her trailer and can't keep her one eye, especially, open without a lot of pain. She is having a lot of problems with that. Also, they found another blood clot in the area of her subclavian. She is seeing her neuro today who called her back in after her CT scan. Send her well wishes and prayers, although she can't get on the forum so well right now. No, Robert, you did not scare her off.
Cheryl Ha ha ha
She is as sensitive as a brick through a window!
HEY!!! It's true. Prove otherwise, you scoundrel!
HEY!!! It's true. Prove otherwise, you scoundrel!
I'm okay, just trying to cancel a foster agency meeting because I'm playing on the forum too much. They won't answer me though. I think they know all my tricks.
Cheryl, why won't you post a picture of ur face so I can see u?
When is the meeting?
I have 2 pics posted on my page, Teresa. And by the way, I ALWAYS say negative things about myself, lol, that way I beat everyone else to it!
Actually she is pretty gorgeous - but then I don't speak to ugly women (tin hats at the ready)
And don't say anything negative about yourself!!!
I have 2 pics posted on my page, Teresa. And by the way, I ALWAYS say negative things about myself, lol, that way I beat everyone else to it!
Blonde on the left end in the one of us in formals, almost on the same end in the other.
im doing ok, wouldnt say no to a bit more energy tho. by the time i get on here im too tired to think and cant type.
Collecting my Win! Just finnished cleaning the house so that alone is allready a win.. now just to get some dinner on my plate. How is everyone today?
Good sanni, how are you? What was for dinner?
Nope ! Too late now!
Robert, Only a couple more hrs.? Isn't it only morning there?
I am shocked and appalled ! Do you remember the chart I made giving the details of hour many hours we were ahead / behind each other?
It is 7.30 pm here.
Hi Teresa! And Robert!
Ever get that way?:lol::tongue:I have you down as 4 hours behind me!!!!! oops again! Slow day mentally.:ybatty:
This is just a hit and run win. The whip is cracking and I've got to get back to work.
Hello Cheryl - hope all your Customer Service training went well - is that because you kept being rude to customers?
Trev, our fridge went out in our trailer and they told us it would cost more to repair/replace than our trailer is worth. they sure do go down in value fast, even when everything else is kept up. We enjoy it though. We also have a built in ice chest so can survive on that with how we use ours (wilderness camping). I want to make a new cupboard where the fridge was (we are short on cupboard space).
How are you, Teresa, besides tired?
Teresa, we've got to quit trading headaches. It is amazing how much of a headache a neck can hold, isn't it? Have you ever tried moist heat on your neck? That seems to help my headaches (even frontal headaches) when I do that. Luv ya, friend!
i win because i just finished fitting my new fridge, connected the gas, and it doesn't leak.
For migraine headaches I place a cold compress on my forehead and a heating pad behind my neck then sit in the recliner in a darkened room.I find it really helps.
I'm always winning----
Sandy that sounds horrible, poor thing! I feel so bad for her. I wish I knew her address, I'd send her a card. If you talk to her, please tell her I am praying for her, ok?Glori aka Naturelover said to say hi to everyone. She misses all of you. :ghug:Because of her concussion, she is extremely light sensitive and can't really get on the forum. Between her concussion and her blood clot, her previously planned surgery (hysterectomy, bladder lift and exploratory) that was scheduled for the first has been postponed.:stinks:
(Sorry, I can't even come close to re-creating her style.) She also had to postpone her colonoscopy. The awning that hit her, if I remember correctly, was between 100 to 200 pounds. She is not supposed to propel herself in the wheelchair she just got. Basically, she is in a neckbrace, laying down and living on her couch. She was told her concussion could take up to six months to heal. I asked her what she did for entertainment, and she said she twirls her IV tubing and plays jump rope with an invisible friend. (ha, ha).