Methotrexate here we go...

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Hey Aura,

Stopped by to see how you are doing. Are you alright?

Sending heaps of :hug:

Thanks Dusty and Dexky for your support, I think I really need it at the moment. Dusty your cat is so beautiful and cute!!! A beautiful colour
Just make sure you have adequate amounts of Calcium and Vitamin D in your body. It can help with the nails too. I have tried two antispasmotics, they dont seem to help, the Buscopan didnt do anything and was like a sugar pill.

Hope you get some relief soon. You are about half way there. :hang:

I drink a lot of milk and I am on Vitamin D from the docs, maybe I should be on something else for the calcium?
Hey Aura,

I'm so sorry to hear that things are rough for you. :( Do you feel teary most days or do you think it is linked to when you have your shot. If you haven't already, is it worth speaking to your doc about?

:hang: and sending tons of :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

Thinking about you,

PS. Thanks for the compliments about the cat! I swear his only purpose in life is to drape himself over the lounges looking like some expensive household accessory!
Has it made you different in anyway personality wise? Have you had much ongoing chrons pain? When did you know if it was working for you?

No personality issues. Other than being grumpy on shot day. I just hate doing it.

In terms of health I feel great. I am also doing Humira every other week, and I am on 8mg a day of Pred (going down 1 mg a week).

The hard part is knowing what is working best for me, the Metho or the Humira? Plan for now is to stay the course until I reach the 1 year mark and then possibly try going down/off one of the two injections.
Do you feel teary most days or do you think it is linked to when you have your shot. If you haven't already, is it worth speaking to your doc about?

Hi Dusty,
I think my crybaby nature may be due to coping with changes of full time work and resting and getting through this long period of sickness. I think it will be important that I move on from thinking that I have been sick with symptoms since Jun 2009. I need to move my mind to the here and now and go one day at a time. Activities that increase my dopamine, seratonin and oxytocin are good for me, but I think my hubby may get tired:lol2:
No personality issues. Other than being grumpy on shot day. I just hate doing it.

In terms of health I feel great. I am also doing Humira every other week, and I am on 8mg a day of Pred (going down 1 mg a week).

The hard part is knowing what is working best for me, the Metho or the Humira? Plan for now is to stay the course until I reach the 1 year mark and then possibly try going down/off one of the two injections.

For the first time I got a bit of leakage from the injection site, do you get this. I am wondering if I removed the needle too quick?

You must have very good perservance and tolerance as it is such a long course of treatment. My GI does not want me on pred as I am a diabetic - and apparently they do not go together. Sometimes I wish I could buy patience over the counter, I didn't get it in my DNA
Hi Aura alot of lifestyles are the extra harder than those wont have these disease! Calcium d vitamin d and mangesium is eccential to healthy bone!

All of certain things caused problems. like Meds , stess and lack nutrints going out without digesting is gonna make thingworse down the road.Whichcause more promblems.hANG IN THERE OK
*** leaks...

Hi Aura,
I do put a small bandage over my injection site because often a drop of blood,
or a bit of yellow drug will leak out.
(best kept off my fav. shirts - which are good, if dubious, therapy)

I sincerely hope this treatment helps you Aura.
The only way to find out is to try.
wishing you good luck with Metho,

Yep, my injection site leaks a little red or yellow nearly every time.
Hope you get to feeling better,
For the first time I got a bit of leakage from the injection site, do you get this. I am wondering if I removed the needle too quick?

I get the same. Not every time. Seems to be if I don't let the pinched fat go down while I am doing the injection. Sort of squeezes like a pimple.

I did them in my thigh for awhile, then alternating sides of my stomach. I try not to do the same injection site every time.
Hey Aura, :bigwave:

Hope this finds you feeling a little better. So sorry to hear about the earthquake in Christchurch, I know you're not near it but upsetting just the same ay.

Look after yourself mate. Thinking about you and sending tons of hugs your way.....


Take care, :)
Dusty, we're on the same wavelength -- Aura, so sorry to hear about the earthquake.
Hi Dusty and Kelly

Thank you for your thoughts. I am in Wellington at the moment and I drive back home tonight. I used to live in Christchurch for 9 years and I have many friends there that are ok (thankfully) but they are in shock and cleaning up. I hope to hear from them again today. I am still trying to track down my Christchurch cousins, I should hear from them soon. Most of my friends have power back on but will have to wait a while for water. They are bringing tanks of water in.
Hey Aura,

I hope all your family and friends are safe and well. Just heard about all the aftershocks and now the expected strong winds! My thoughts and wishes are with you all............. :hug::hug::hug:

Are you going OK??

Thinking of you,
Hey K, where ya been? I'm glad to hear you are well. I hope all your family and friends are ok.
Hi all

Lot's seems to be going on here at the moment. Heaps of aftershocks for Christchurch. I have just read that they have over 350 aftershocks, that must be so unnerving. My friends and family are ok - mostly - still coming to terms with everything.

I am going ok with working fulltime, I do get tired and I am looking forward to working from home tomorrow. It's injection day and I will need to go to the hospital to get some more.

I had a great time in Wellington with my mates, mum and dad and a day of work at our national office. I am looking forward to a quiet weekend. The weather is crap so it will be good to be inside. The roof still leaks, but one day it will be fixed.:ybatty: In Wellington one of my mates daughters had being to MTHX for 6 months, she had personality changes - big mood swings and vivid dreams too - she had a lot of nausea, speaking of which i need to get some more anti nausea pills to go with the folic acid. Injection day tomorrow, another one down.
Hey Aura,

It's good to hear from you! I'm so relieved to know that your family and friends are safe.

I hope things are going OK with the Meth and the side effects don't plague you too much.

Thinking of you mate, :hug:

BTW, cool link!
I went to my GP today as I needed to have my blood pressure checked. It has been high for some time. I am already on inhabace plus but that is not enough. Today the diastolic was higher than 100, yet again. So I have added a new med to the collection. I've done the injection and had a nap, although the phone woke me up and now I have a doozie of a headache! I'm taking coke zero and panadol for it :ylol: My doc was very kind to me today. They have registered me for a careplus programme, he feels that I am coping very well and that I have a lot to cope with. I get cheaper visits to the doc and nurse which is good and soon I think I get my high health user card. He told me that emotional eruptions were quite a normal part of coping and that is ok not to be in control all of the time, and that I shouldnt be too hard on myself. So that is good. I got more MTHX from the hospital today but I keep forgetting to take my sharpie bin in, silly me. I did remember there chilly bins and ice packs so I took those back to them. Bring on a restful weekend.
Sounds like you had a positive visit at the docs so that's good. I hope the new medication brings your BP down, fingers and toes crossed!

Here's to a restful weekend - :cheerss:

Have a good one, :Flower:
I went to my GP today as I needed to have my blood pressure checked. It has been high for some time. I am already on inhabace plus but that is not enough. Today the diastolic was higher than 100, yet again. So I have added a new med to the collection. I've done the injection and had a nap, although the phone woke me up and now I have a doozie of a headache! I'm taking coke zero and panadol for it :ylol: My doc was very kind to me today. They have registered me for a careplus programme, he feels that I am coping very well and that I have a lot to cope with. I get cheaper visits to the doc and nurse which is good and soon I think I get my high health user card. He told me that emotional eruptions were quite a normal part of coping and that is ok not to be in control all of the time, and that I shouldnt be too hard on myself. So that is good. I got more MTHX from the hospital today but I keep forgetting to take my sharpie bin in, silly me. I did remember there chilly bins and ice packs so I took those back to them. Bring on a restful weekend.

Hi Aura, just catching up here. I had headaches and nausea pretty bad with Metho, and if you can get past 16 weeks and the lower dose it is supposed to be better and helps you feel less symptoms. Don't be hard on yourself... you know yesterday was the first time any doctor said to me "dont worry isn't your fault" just when I thought he was a hard nose... he is a good gp, it is just he tells it like is , no sugar coating. So I am saying to you it is not your fault and rest and enjoy your weekend, hugs. :hug:
Hi Dusty and Pen

Thanks for your support, I really do appreciate it. I am resting a lot, I went to pick silver beet from the garden and then I had a rest while it soaked is salty water. I have now blanced it and put it in freezer bags. Now I am resting again. Then I hope to go back some silverbeet and cheese muffins, after that I think I will need a sleep. I woke up feeling really good, but totally stuffed after picking silverbeet, such is life. I am watching live baseball braves v's cardinals, I never know who to go for I just like watching the gorgeous guys in tight tops hitting the ball and working up a sweat :ylol2:
Hey Dexky - but what about the Yankees and the Redsox or do the cardinals rule? Pity cos they just lost to the braves. Silverbeet it like a spinach but bigger and curlier, we get a few types of it over here. It's very good for feta and silverbeet muffins. Also great with a hollandaise sauce when it has been steamed. It has good iron it in. I had five plants going strong in the garden but two have just bolted so I took what I can off them. I will plant some more seeds tomorrow.
Okay, silverbeet sounds REALLY good. Then again, anything covered in Hollandaise sounds really good. Plan is salmon for supper, but now I want Eggs Bennie instead.

I don't think I've ever seen silverbeet before, whether in a plant catalogue or as a plant for sale. Will keep my eyes open.

Hope you're doing well this week!
Hi all

Just popping in to say a quick 'hi' My eyes are streaming as much as my nose is. I have caught a head cold from a colleague at work. I am hoping it wont last too long cos my nose is soooo swollen and my eyes hurt, bugger it. I had my *** yesterday and felt ok, in the evening I had some major bowel pain but I got through it. I am supposed to be driving to Auckland on Monday for work and coming back Tuesday so I am hoping that I can kick this soon. This is my first cold on the Mthx, so I dont know if they hang around or not. I also have hubby's birthday party next weekend and we have about 20 folks coming. Most of the baking is done and in the freezer, but I want to be well for it. I sort of wonder if I should be going to Auckland or not. Tips and advice are welcome - with me I would normally push myself to go to Auckland but I may get sicker and the cold may go to chest - I dont think I can risk that on the Methx.
Hey Aura, I wouldn't know about the cold with Methx thing but I'm glad you're still doing mostly well on it. Good to hear from you!!!

So you bake ahead of time and freeze....he's a lucky man!!
Hi Aura, I understand how you feel, being on Metho is risky enough on its own, and now that your body is weakened by a cold, you maybe better off pushing the trip off. I had to make that decision too. My hubby has a seminar in the states, Arizona, and I could of went but I would be mortified being ill in the states, we have coverage but for what dunno. It is really hot down there, and I hate the heat, and only 4 days and changing flights like underwear. So I opted out. If it were vacation and longer I would reconsider. Traveling this time of year here is risky with flu's and such.

Hope the cold goes away, I hate it when they linger....
Hi Aura: Nice to read your weekend update, but not so nice to hear you've got a cold to contend with right now. I hope you can make a decision about your work trip in good time and be comfortable with your choice. Whatever happens, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time at the birthday party next week! Something to look forward to. :)
Sorry to hear you've got a cold Aura, hopefully the pesky thing will bugger off soon haha. I'm glad to hear you're doing well with the injections otherwise :D
Thanks all. I have been taking panadol every four hours or close to it and otravine spray up my nose 4 times a day and it's working. I had lots of night sweats last night and the craziest whacked out dreams you could imagine. All I can remember is that my mum was a very short person and she turned in to a small dog and would turn back again. My dad could do it too. I remember being able to access an address via google and you would see it live and it would show you how to get there like you were acutally doing it. I put our home address in and next minute I was in Riccarton Christchurch, with my mum walking down the street. We went in to a shop to buy cat food and she turned in to a dog. I had to pick up her poop too!! Then we went in the car with dad to hot pools in a river with some friends and that was strange to. It was all so vivid so totally vivid. Anyone would think I am taking drugs or something.... :ylol2:
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Aura, you always make me laugh!!!

PS: I wouldn't mention this dream to your mother...I'm just sayin'!! Freud would have a field day!!!

Hope you are feeling better!!!
Thanks all. I have been taking panadol every four hours or close to it and otravine spray up my nose 4 times a day and it's working. I had lots of night sweats last night and the craziest whacked out dreams you could imagine. All I can remember is that my mum was a very short person and she turned in to a small dog and would turn back again. My dad could do it too. I remember being able to access an address via google and you would see it live and it would show you how to get there like you were acutally doing it. I put our home address in and next minute I was in Riccarton Christchurch, with my mum walking down the street. We went in to a shop to buy cat food and she turned in to a dog. I had to pick up her poop too!! Then we went in the car with dad to hot pools in a river with some friends and that was strange to. It was all so vivid so totally vivid. Anyone would think I am taking drugs or something.... :ylol2:

...or something :lol:. Some vivid dreams are best forgotten :ylol:
Hi ya the cold has gone - so fast - I am not sure I have ever kicked a cold so fast before - a big yay on that one. I have been to Auckland and now back home. Lots of branches on the road from trees in the big winds, a few road signs are bent too. I bloated after breakfast today and had pain during the workshops today - gosh knows why - I was doing 6 mths preggy for most of the day. I did not sleep well as I kept sliding down the bed and then the nasal drip would start and make me cough. At 3 am I went and slept on the sofa where I could sit up more. We share rooms when we go away for work and the singles beds are really skinny when I am used to a king size. It's good to be home for a night. Have a good rest of the week, I am off to learn how to make cocktails for hubby's birthday - or vodka jellies. I think you can do vodka jet planes too, but I am not too sure.
Injection #11 is now gone, only 5 more to go until I get to half the dose. I still get nausesa often and my nails keep on breaking. I go to the nurse on Friday for my first careplus programme, get more meds and check out my blood pressure, take my bloods etc. I hope that the new meds I have been taking are bringing it down. I still blow up like a balloon with my belly after some meals. I can't seem to identify a specific trigger other than solid food. It gets uncomfortable but is manageable.

The party went well and I cooked up a storm!! My sushi turned out real good!!! As fast as they could drink I was shoving food at them. Hubby was very happy and I drove the last of the diehards home at 4 am, they lived 45 minutes away too, the buggers. The house is all tidy, they had fun playing poker and pool, they drunk lots of shots and beer and sung happy birthday many times. It was quite funny being the sober one. Vodka, Glava and Ameretto (sp) are all gone (but there is more in the cupboard). Our grog cupboard has always been a bit like the loaves and fishes story, no matter how much you drink, you open the cupboard and there is still more there. It has been like that for years.

I am looking forward to the next weekend and it's only Monday. I hope you are all ok, and and doing well. I've been missing coming on line and playing here, I hope to play more on the weekend. Take care everyone :ghug:
Hey Aura,

Thanks so much for the update. Haha sounds like the party was a blast, you obviously did a fab job! YAY, good on you!

Loads of luck with your appointment and I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that the meds are doing the right thing!


Take care, :)
You deserve a medal Aura!!! You drove your hubbie's drunk friends home at 4 am!!! 90 minute round trip!!! You should have told them to sleep on the floor! :)

I hope the metho continues to go well for you!!
Hi ya. Had the injection yesterday, but felt to much nausea to come on and say Hi. i get tired of that sea sick feeling or the queasiness I get. I have it for most of the day on Friday and Saturday. I have had the 12th one now. I had two naps today and one yesterday, so just call me sleep-alot. My belly is going in an out like a balloon at the moment. Two cups of tea and I'm blowing up again! I'm having one of these 'I just want to be healthy" moments, I'm tired on being sickly, I want energy. Spring is here and I want to be in the garden planting the beans and other veges that I have grown from seed. Being realistic - hubby will dig all the holes and I will sit on cushions planting and then resting in between planting. I know I should be happy with this, at least I will be outside for a change. But I just want to be full of energy. I promise next time I come on I will find something positive to say.:wink:
I hope you are feeling better Aura!! How's the nativity scene coming along?? Will it be ready for Christmas??? I'm still having a hard time picturing Santa in bermuda shorts and flip flops riding on a surf board!!!
Hey Aura: Missed your update last week, so now there are two to comment on. Tough day for you -- am thinking about you and sending warm wishes to feel better soon. I hope the nausea eventually lessens as you continue with the Metho shots. And as for the party -- wow -- you are a true Superwoman to host, cook, feed, and then drive them all home! Hurray for a successful event!
I hope you are feeling better Aura!! How's the nativity scene coming along?? Will it be ready for Christmas??? I'm still having a hard time picturing Santa in bermuda shorts and flip flops riding on a surf board!!!

Santa looks great on a surfboard and cooking on the barby :ylol: I have made stuff all progress on the wise man. I just need to sew him up for the second one. I may do that tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be crap tomorrow.
Wow, the week just goes so fast. Today I had my appointment with the nurse for a catch up chat. Get more meds, do my bloods and BP and check how I am coping emotionally. To be honest today I feel so shagged, it aint funny. I wasn't sure I even woke up I seemed to have spent most of the day in a dizzy haze.My BP was the lowest it has been for 8 months so that is good news it was 130/86. Last time it was 130/110. My nurse is going to go through my hard file and scan in all the letters from my previous specialists (Urologist, Neurologist, Gyno) they have already scanned my gastro. Then we can hopefully keep track of all issues I have not just the one that screams the loudest (so to speak). After I saw the nurse I went to the pharmacy and bit the bullet and purchased a 7 day pill box x two so that I can fit my 30 odd pills I take each day and plan it weekly instead of doing it everyday. I have been getting a bit slack lately in taking my meds - I just want a break from them, but I know I should not do that.

Anyway after that i drove to the hospital pharmacy and this time i remembered to take my sharps bin - finally!!! So i got a new bin, more drugs, more needles and a box of prep wipe thingys.

I came home via the supermarket and then rested until *** time and then I slept for a couple of hours, I had a bit of dinner and now I am like fat albert!!

Hubby says to me - you just keep getting bigger and bigger - aint that the truth tonight.
Hey Aura: Sounds like quite the productive day for you! Hope you're enjoying your post-dinner relax time. I am glad to hear that your files are being put together so you can have some consistency in care. Congratulations on the improved blood pressure! That must feel good, having something showing a positive change.

How's work going this week?

ps: Dexky will laugh if he notices I'm posting at 2 a.m. ... I recall mentioning getting myself back onto a normal sleep schedule for work. Can I blame the Pred, Mark? 5 hours till it's wake-up time -- hmmm, better try again to grab a little sleep. :)
Hi Kelly,

Yes, try and grab that sleep. Blame anything you like re the being awake at 2.

I feel like I am getting tested at work by some, and that everything I stuff up it noted. But such is life I always take responsibility for boo boos. It will settle down next year. How is your work going?
Hrm, a running tally is no fun to be faced with. There's a difference between taking responsibility for slips and others defining you by those things for ages to come -- I hope that your colleagues can see the difference.

My classes are acing their midterms and I'm very proud of them. I had to leave off some material on one midterm, though, because I blew the lecture -- it was Day 3 of a clear fluids fast and I managed to get far too confused about the material! We watched a video and had great discussion after the midterm, and next week I will be back on track with my teaching.

Off to bed! Enjoy the rest of your day!
How are you Aura? This was *** 13 right? 3 more to the magic number!! I hope it is for you...the med you've been looking for!! You deserve a very long break from all of it. Sorry you are being overly scrutinized at work!! I'd guess it's to be expected since you got a job that many of your peers probably wanted!!

@Kelly...haha, no sleep and no wonder you got confused!!
Hi Aura,

I am new to the forum but not to Crohn's (9 yrs and counting).

I also have quite a bit of experience with MTX (7 years with 1 *** a week = way too many jabs)

Read your progress with MTX and just want to reassure you in the beginning its rough (i used to throw up every time lol) but it can be awesome. I have been in remission (more or less for all those 7 years).

So just keep going and stay strong :)

oh and i have always found something sweet right after helps with the nausea but i doubt that is clinically proven:p
Hi Aura,

(7 years with 1 *** a week = way too many jabs)

Read your progress with MTX and just want to reassure you in the beginning its rough (i used to throw up every time lol) but it can be awesome. I have been in remission (more or less for all those 7 years).

So just keep going and stay strong :)

oh and i have always found something sweet right after helps with the nausea but i doubt that is clinically proven:p

HI Kanata

Thank you so much for your comments and encouragment. Wow it's amazing that you have had weekly jabs for 7 years. The mere thought of that makes my tummy go round in circles. Do you also inject in your thighs? I have been wondering about doing that, to give the belly a break.

Yesterday the *** hurt, but I have caught another infection or something. I now have a fever, sore throat and bad sinus. I have been sleeping lots and lying on the sofa which is all I seem to do on Saturdays anyway. I did manage one activity I went and picked herbs from my garden and got them in the dehydrator. After that I needed a rest.

Work is fun at the moment. There are four lecturers in our team. One will not start work until 2011; one is on leave for 5 weeks; the other's mother has critically ill in hospital; and not surprisingly I have a fever. My manager had to travel down to take class on Thursday as I was not going to pull a double, nor allowed to either. My next class is Wednesday, so i hope I am well for that one.

Spring is here, the weather is warm, the garden is growing and the grass looks like its on steriods.:ybiggrin:
I had to leave off some material on one midterm, though, because I blew the lecture -- it was Day 3 of a clear fluids fast
Kelly why were you doing a clear fluids fast? You ok? I am please that the students are acing their mid-terms - that is good news.

How you managing the work v's health balance?
Hey Aura: How is the fever doing now? Are you starting to see any relief, or tucking in for a weekend in bed? You poor thing. Spring weather sounds lovely, though, and I imagine spending even small amounts of time in your garden must bring such an uplift.

The fast was for a double balloon colonoscopy. Possibly because my intestines are "loopy and floppy," a regular routine does not do the trick, so instead I fasted for 3 days, did Pico Salax two days before the procedure, and then Go-Lightly the day before (and prep still wasn't complete, oh well!). GI found 15 cms current inflammation in small intestine (first evidence of this) and extensive damage from past inflammation, so I'm tapering off Prednisone in anticipation of changing meds at my next appointment. Happily, I'm experiencing a break from the severe pain this week -- no rhyme nor reason as to why, but it is a relief to be sure, especially as the fatigue has been returning as my Pred dose decreases, which has meant an added challenge. Work/health balance has been easy this semester because of my 3 day work week, which leaves me easily available for GI appointments -- not to mention, I get to sleep in several days/week! Very spoiled, very happy. Next semester will be the greater challenge, with a 5 day work week (all early mornings) and a new course prep. Maybe the new meds will get me back up to speed by then. :)

Feel better soon!!
I have just had a real hard day. I went to the doc and I have a sinus, throat and chest infection. I have the week off work, and anitbiotics to take. But the worse thing was that my cat of 15 years died yesterday. I loved him so much, he was a great cat - played fetch with his toys, and would put them in his food bowl when he had finished playing with them. He was a talker and would always reply to you. I love him and I will so miss him. Hubby had to take him to the vet when I was at docs and they put him to sleep. Hubby was sooooo upset too he was crying down the phone when he told me, then he came back and we spent the day together - it was a sad sad day. We can't have kids but we do love our cats.:(:depressed:

So sorry for your loss! I had a kitty named Spudly who was a talker,too; he was so much comfort to me.

I hope you find comfort in knowing you gave him a happy life full of love, and in the end loved him enough to let him go peacefully.I'm sending you and your Hubby big hugs! :hug:
Oh no Aura, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat, that is so sad for you both. Sending loads of squishy hugs your way and I hope the antibiotics kick in soon and at least give you some relief on that front...............................


Thinking of you, :ghug:
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts Dusty, Jeannette and Kelly, they are much appreciated. So are the thoughts about the antibiotics kicking in I am a touch better but my head hurts each time I cough and blow my nose. The google goldfish eyes from crying did not help the swelling in my sinus. The time for drugs to kick in is now! I hope.
Sorry about your cat Aura!! And the sinus and chest infection and all of it!! Hope you get some relief soon!!
Sorry for the late reply (mid-terms have started:mad:)

Sorry to hear about your bad day. I also have a cat and know that they can be great companions:)

As for where I inject... I actually still go into the clinic every wednesday to get a nurse to do it for me. I know its been 7 years but I still find it weird to inject myself. I do plan on learning this year how to do it tho to gain some independence.

Take care of yourself and rest lots:)
I'm terribly sorry for your loss. We had to put one of our dogs down about a month ago as well. We had Lily for 11 years, she was a pup of my dog Daisy. Daisy saved my life during a home invasion about 12 years ago. She passed shortly after giving birth from a botched spade operation. She was very special to me. Lily was alot like her mother, very protective. She had many skin issues over the years, and finally developed Lymphoma. She was suffering a great deal at the end. I got to be there with her when they put her down. It was both very sad, yet comforting, as she passed peacefully. The vet clinic we use is extremely sensitize to this issue. They have a special room that is very homelike. Alot of compassion involved. They also sent a couple of sympathy cards afterward. It was definitely treated like the loss of a family member, which it was. Like many, our pets are very much members of the family. Even though they tend to shed alot more than my two other children. I love them dearly.
Hey Aura, :bigwave:

Awwww, you just can't seem to take a trick at the moment. :(

Wow.......good luck with the what sounds like will be the guest from hell, :eek::eek::eek: She must come as a pigeon pair or something so I guess that's why you don't much choice in the matter.

I so hope you start feeling better from your infections soon and the next *** goes okay.

Thinking of you always, :hug:
Hey Dusty you were right about being part of a pigeon pair. They are on their way here right now, oh joy.

Dexky - Hubby will cook one of his amazing breaksfasts tomorrow and I have made museli as well. Hopefully Saturday night will be fish and chips from the local chippie and tonight they will eat tea on their way up. So hopefully I have managed so that I will not be racing around after anyone.

Infections are fading and drugs have finally kicked in :yrolleyes: LOL

Take care and wish me lots of patience and tolerance for the next two days.
Om, om, om, om, om, om, om....................sending loads of patience and tolerance (((((((((((((vibes))))))))))))) your way...........good luck!!!

Thinking of you, :hug:
All I can say is HELP ME! OMG it is truly testing me in some many ways. I have not clocked anyone yet but i want too - real bad.
Oh crap..................deep breaths!!!

Can you get out of the house for a little while by yourself or just tell them you are not well and go to bed??

Tell hubby that if you don't get away from the guest from hell you will not be responsible for your actions!!!

Yikes!!!! Sending you wishes for patience. Nah, make that wishes for a houseguest who leaves...quick hurry now!
your bad news made me sad...

Hi Aura,
I have not been around here much...
too sick to talk much sense...
and tired of talking about it.

I am really sorry that you lost your kitty.
I know he was so important to you and your home.
I hope you hang on to those good memories of him.
My sympathy on your loss.

I have had my setbacks, but persist with Remi and also weekly Metho jabs to my vulnerable belly.
No matter how I try to mind-over-matter it,
Metho knocks me for a couple drag@ss slow sleepy days every time.

Hang in there friend,
I just gotta believe better days are ahead of us,
fingers crossed,

ps your bad news made me sad, as I never got over losing my own 12 year old kitty
- he was my flagbearer and life has never been quite the same -
He was my faithful companion through difficult years of lonely illness before Dx.
Hi Walt, Kelly, Dusty and Dexky

Great to hear from you. I have picked up Satchmo's ashes now and he is on the mantle piece above the fire.

We went out for dinner last night to celebrate the fact that we coped with that attention seeking woman. We had a nice meal.

I have had wk 16 now so I need to get more Mthx and I will find out if I am lowering my dose. I hope so as I am really tired of being queasy on Friday and Saturday. On Saturday I slept till 1 pm - I was guttered as I had wasted half the day. In the afternoon all I could manage was making gingernut biscuits. Hubby played golf and I got lonely towards the end of it and peeved that I have so little energy.

Now its Sunday and I have another busy week ahead. I am still on anitbiotics as my throat infection has come back.

Take care y'all
Hi Aura, :bigwave:

Good to hear from you again!

I remember when Roo was really sick and our cat, smokey, had a tussle with a tiger snake. Unfortunately he killed the tiger snake and the tiger snake killed him. Anyway when we were about to leave the vet's he asked if we wanted him cremated and to have his ashes.......I had no idea you could get your pets ashes!

Great to hear you survived the house guest from hell and duly rewarded yourselves! Good for you!

I hope you can get back on top of things soon and get off the antibiotics. Good luck with the Metho, keeping my fingers and toes crossed that you get the lower dose.

Look after yourself, :hug:
Hiya: Three cheers for surviving difficult company!

I had never heard of obtaining a pet's ashes, either, but think it is a lovely way to mark the time that you spent together.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that your dose is lowered soon. You're a real trooper, through and through.
Hey Aura, I guess as the vet's husband, I'm the only one who knew you can get your pet cremated. I'm looking at a little box with a corgy statuette and the word Shelby on it right now. She lived 16 spoiled years, went through under-grad and vet school with my wife.

Good luck on lowering the metho. Hey, you made it this far with it. That was a huge "if" when this all started!! Sorry...I mean, glad you didn't resort to violence with the houseguest from hell!!

When will you know if the dose is being lowered?
Hi sorry I have not been on for a while. Good news I am on half a dose. Bad news the syringe is skinnier and it looks like I am taking triple the dose. But overall it's good news.

Nana is in hospital and is dying at the moment. She is on palliative care now so it should not be too long before she passes and is at peace. So Dusty you know how you were saying I couldn't catch a trick at the moment - it sure feels like that now.

Take care all
Oh Aura what a sad time for you all. I hope and pray your Nana has a peaceful passing and I will be thinking about you and your family.............


So good to hear that you are on your reduced dose, YAY!!!

Take care hun at this difficult time, :ghug:
Hey Aura, I'm sorry to hear about your Nana!!

How much difference is the half-dose making as far as how you feel? I hope you're at last beginning to get some relief!! You deserve it!!
Hi Aura, sorry you are going through a rough time.

I was on Metho for a while although luckily I had to go to the hospital for my once weekly injections and then once they worked, I was allowed to just take the tablets.

It worked amazingly for me but then my liver nearly died and I was taking off it and still waiting for it to fully recover. Just remember to make sure you get those regular blood tests! Hope you have better luck with it than me. I miss it!
Thank you for your kind thoughts, I means so much to have some support. Something to read to brighten my day. I will be phoning my nurse as I have enough medication to last till Sunday, but I forgot to bring the methx with me. Also I will most likely be here till next Wed.

Nana had a 'death transfer' this afternoon. That's what the call sending Nana back to her resthome for the hospice to come to her while she dies. Mum is on the mornings and I am on the afternoons with Nana so that we can both get some rest and some breaks. We start this tomorrow which will be good as I am so weary and tired at the moment. My hubby has been a great help, and enabled me to get the chores done for ma and pa.

The half dose went ok, it did hurt. Still queasy - but that could be pychosomatic. I have shifted my GI appointment from this Friday since I wont be able to make it.

I have been working on creating a PowerPoint show for Nana's funeral it will have some nice music to it. So that is keeping me busy too.

Once again, thank you very much for you kind thoughts and support. It seriously means a lot to me.

Misty-eyed I have blood tests once a month of the liver, CBC and kidneys - I hope that is frequent enough. I do chart them all on an excel spreadsheet as well so i can look for trends.

Thanks, thank you all so very much
Thinking about you Aura. I hope you have some special time with your Nana and she resting comfortably and peacefully.

Take care hun, :hug:
Hi there

I was in Wellington for two weeks. Nana was strong in life and stronger in her death. It was really hard for both mum and me as nana relived in her last days her abuse that she experienced and also how she used to punish mum. It was a bit nasty at times thanks to the morphine.

I am pleased to be back home, but it is hard trying to get on with work as I am so very tired. I have been having a lot more pain in my left side of my belly under my ribs and a lot more bowel cramps of late which take my breath away. I see my GI on Dec 17 and can also tell him my nasal drip and coughing are back.

I look forward to my students doing their drama assessments next week, it should be a fun day.

My garden is growing really good, the brocolli went bonkers, and I am about to find out if my brocoflower will heart. This weekend I should be mounding the potatoes.

Ouch, I just had a small fly on my eye, I smacked it but forgot I was wearing my glasses - it hurt! :)

I hope you are all well and chugging along
Hey K, glad you're back!! I'm sorry for your Nana and the unpleasantness of it all.

I hope the GI can get you back on track!! Maybe the metho needs an adjustment.

You're talking about gardens and here they are talking about snow!! I hope two weeks away didn't leave you with too many weeds to pull!!
Hi Aura,

I haven't been around the forum much in the last month but I haven't seen you around, is everything okay???

Thinking of you, :hug:
OMG I am back!! So sorry I have been away so long. It has been full on trying to cope with Nana's death, Christmas, Work with new students starting and of course the mthx, drugs and more extensive reflux disease.

I had an appointment with an ears nose and throat specialist last week. My gastro referred me as he was not happy with my reflux issues and wanted to rule out allergies and allergic rhinitis. After a lovely long scope went down the back of my nose and tickled my throat till I gagged he told me that I have LERD as well as GERD/GORD.

He also thought if we had an automimmune specialist in the country I should go and see them, but we don't. He said I was quite complex and with the number of medications I am on he does not feel that they are managing me well. The closest we have in NZ is a rheumatologist. I am going to the UK this year and I wonder if there is such a specialist over there? I could easily go to Oz to find visit one. I am sure that my collection of ologists would refer me.

It's lovely to be back I should be on more often now.::Karl:

Cheers and lots of love
You're back! Have so missed you! I (just barely) kept myself from writing and pestering as I was sure you had loads on your plate and would back when you were able. So sorry to hear about a difficult January for you.

But, yeah, hi! :ysmile:
OMG Aura, I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering how you were getting on!

So sorry to hear about about the difficulties you have been having both personally and medically. :(

Matt has just been Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney and they have a Department of Clinical Immunology there. Found it on the floor above where Matt was in one of our many sanity saving forays away from the ward. :ylol: So if ever you were in Sydney might be worth a visit.

It's so good to have you back! Take care mate. :hug:

Dusty. :)
Thanks all

It's good to hear from you all. makes me smile.

At work I now work with 3 x 65+ year olds and 2 x 55+ year olds and I will be 40 this year - the age gap is noticeable.

Today I ended up shifting 30 desks and chairs by myself with no help from the oldies. I am afraid I may become ageist as I crave younger company at times:ylol

I notice that I am getting frequent sharp pain on the lower left side below my rib cage that I am not that happy about. Sometimes I get sharp pains in the lower left of my back as well, it doesnt feel that great.

Hey Happy Valentines Day to you all :rosette2::rosette2::rosette2:

Lots of love
You always end up doing all the work K!! Give yourself a break and just pull your share of the load for a while. If it all goes to hell, it won't be your fault!!
Cheers for that Dexky - I have been talking with my colleagues that I am taking on too much and that we need to share the work. So we will see how that goes.

I say my GI today as I had a bit of spell earlier in the week. He has ordered some tests to check on crohns and to check for infection so that is good news.

On the reflux front he said it is time to bite the bullet and ordered the ph study which will set a baseline and see if my esophagus is up for the surgery. If it is then it is time to talk to the surgeons - and then if all goes well I will be able to stop gagging, reaching and choking - and then sleep lying down!!!

He will also refer me to an immunologist in Auckland so that is good news too. He things my immune system is too active,

Big Yahoo for my GI - he listens so well and then makes things happen. Big yahoos all round.
Go to the boss too K!! Tell 'em you're going to do your part and for them to pay attention. If it does go to hell, it's not you that let it.

I hope these new ologists can get you moving in the right direction!! Good luck:)
Gosh I am so shattered - I am still recovering after our graduation ceremony. It all went well so that is good. I am anemic at the moment, I have got some iron tablets to take. My appointment for the ph study is in August 10 - which at this points seems like a long way away.

My husband, who is great, said to me last night that he doesnt think I am getting any better, rather than I am getting used to being sick. It unsettled me, I always like to think I am getting things under control.

One of my good mates reckons I should go to the gym and meet new people - but I have no energy for that at the moment. It is hard enough to cope with working. I've never been a gym person. I am not even sure how I feel about his advice.

Today I have done 3 loads of washing and hung them out. I have done the dishes - and that is all. I am tired, so I have been resting and watching tv and playing on the computer. I'm happy I did the dishes and the washing. I am hoping that I rest enough so that I can cope with the next week at work. I hope to work from home on Wednesday and Friday so that I can chill out a bit.

I think I am feeling like this at the moment :yrolleyes:
find time to chillax...

Hi K,
Glad to see you around the forum. :D
Sorry to hear of your personal energy crisis.
I've been marching uphill too!

I too often feel that I am 'getting a handle' on all of this.
Trying to improve, chasing wellness and planting seeds for better things ahead.
I'd rather feel a little hope, than feel off-balance and stumbling.
All of this can seem too hard, but we can't dare lose hope and good cheer.
"You've got nothin' left to lose, if you only lose your mind!"
(yep, that's an Aerosmith lyric for those keeping score)

feel as well as you can,
don't be such a stranger :p


ps I'm pushing hard to get some workshop time.
When are you gonna teach me to turn?
:D Hi Walt :D

So great to hear from you.

I'm trying to be more regular on the forum :poo: and in the loo too!! :D

On the weekend I swear on was on my hands and knees crawling up the mountain. I feel better, I decided I do not need to go to the gym and meet new people, I have my friends here - I need to spend more time here and I can exercise using the 'found' approach until I have energy and a bit more health. I'll get my bloods right first.:mario2:

I agree with you Walt on the hope - we must have hope and your message has given me that and a smile too:D not quite as wide as this green man but a genuine smile.

I lost my mind a long time ago :headbang: - all my students think I am the crazy one. Well the will tomorrow when I get them singing an action song about a big whale, an enormous pig, and a large horse. I love teaching teachers in early childhood - it's fun

How great to hear that you are pushing hard to get some workshop time, that is so great.

So you have a lathe, a chuck, a bowl gouge, a skew. Get a round make a spigot whack on the chuck, tighten it :) use a large bowl gouge and take create the curve you want

Genuine and simple curve shapes are ideal, so keep your eye on the curve.

Have fun - and so great to hear from you. :mademyday:
K, I can't imagine you in a wood shop!! And you still have all your fingers?? :) I'm glad to read this post! You sound more upbeat...good for you!!
Hi Dexky

I so remember my first wood turning class - I was shocked and surprised that I went home covered in wood shavings - they get everywhere!! It was great fun, and when a bowl came flying off the lathe and went through a window - it wasn't mine - that was even better.

I love wood turning - its so rewarding and the smell of the wood is great.

I have also spent years doing lead lighting, moasic and pottery.

I used to go to three night classes a week after work, and swim on the other two nights

At work we are trying to learn the following song to perform at staff hui (conference) in three weeks time

Check it out - it requires coordination!!
Dexky - Nah wont be wearing the outfits!!

Last night was a bugger - I think I only have myself to blame. I just about passed out with pain - bowel cramps. I seem to process food soooo slow in my system. I ended up going without a poo for 5 days. My fault for not taking the lactulose. So I took some last night and it was hell getting pass the marble stage and then the rest. I vomitted so much - I did not go to work today. Hubby wanted to take me to the hospital, but we worked through it at home. My guts feel like they have been in a washing machine.

I'm being naughty at the moment - I am taking my pills but I am not taking my steriod sprays for my asthma and nose, I am also not taking the lactulose. I Have dropped my pills my 8 per day so now I only take 22 plus the weekly mthx injection. So I probably need a kick up the bum to get my routines sorted out so I can be sort of healthy. It just seems a lot of effort some days.
Take care of yourself K! But wow, that's a lot of pills! Are they all prescription pills? Sorry for your pain! I know you're fed up with it all, especially not feeling well enough to miss work. That's not like you so it must be bad:(
Hey Mark

Yep they are all prescription meds. Just taken the mthx and back on the lactulose - yuck:eek: *** hurt like buggery today. Yeah I hate missing work - and somehow I have to accept and not push myself so hard. If someone knows the secret to that and relaxing and not feeling gulity please let me know.
Joan/Astra...she knows the secret! It's %&$& em!! Easier said than done though! Take care of you first K!!

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