Methotrexate here we go...

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Hey Mark

Yep they are all prescription meds. Just taken the mthx and back on the lactulose - yuck:eek: Jab hurt like buggery today. Yeah I hate missing work - and somehow I have to accept and not push myself so hard. If someone knows the secret to that and relaxing and not feeling gulity please let me know.
Joan/Astra...she knows the secret! It's %&$& em!! Easier said than done though! Take care of you first K!!
right to the point

:eek: Jab hurt like buggery today.

Hi K,
Ohh boy... when I read that I got a shooting sharp pain right to my injection zone.
Most are tolerable.
But some of these jabs really surprise you!
I remember a few really ouchy belly jabs.
Heck, I wish I could forget!!
thanks for the chuckle
Hi y'all

How are you all? We have recently shifted house and yes I still drive 1.5 hrs to work :ybiggrin: Now we live in a great new house that is less than four years old and it looks out on farm land and forest. It is dry and it does not leak - we gave up on our previous landlords.

I notice the difference in the new house with my health as it is so much drier.

I have met a neuro-pscyhologist and will see her every now and then to help with my work situation. She so get's my health issues as well and is following up on my neurology side, she will refer me to the local one here.

I keep getting nasty headaches on my back right side of the head and shooting up in to the middle of the head. My moods are a bit unpredicatable and I tend to flash normal to anger to upset.

My platelet count is always higher than normal it should be 150-400 i have been 454, 411, 422. I have asked the nurse to follow this up with the doctor.

I'm tired and weary which seems to have been a pattern for me of late.

Work is still the same. I am verbally attacked and bullied now and then. I report it to management and my bosses boss. Hence the pscyhologist. I need to be emotional stronger so I don't get hurt by the comments and don't take it in. Management also need to do something - but I am not confident that they will.

I miss you guys - but we have got internet back on - our kitten wolf contributed to the frying of our modem by eating through the cables.

But I am here and I hope you are all well, what have I missed?:D
Hey K, good to see you buddy!! I can't imagine what it must be like to work with such ******** but at least you're trying to deal with it. Stick around!!...would ya???
It's good to have the internet back on - I so missed it. I need to cat proof the cords so that Wolf doesn't make a habit of eating them.

It's good to be back - I do miss contact with you all when I am not on - you keep me sane and help me put work in to perspective - thanks for that.

Take care all

Are you and the metho still sorta/kinda getting along? I know it's hardly been a miracle for you but have things improved any?
In terms of the crohns I think it has stablised - I just wish the rest of my body would :voodoo: I still swear my body is out to get me :). At least with the crohns good and the house being drier my asthma is good and I am sleeping better at night - not coughing so much - this is great news for me.
Sounds like you're moving in the right direction for a change!! Are you actually sleeping in the prone position??

Was your summer gardening productive? Will you have a garden spot next year?
Dexky, i have heard of many positions (te he he) what's prone? Is it liying on stomach, one arm up and one leg bent?

the garden was great - my 45 tomato plants did very well. I have harvested a lot and frozen some as well. I made good plum chutney, green tomato pickly, tomato sauce, sweet chilli jam, cucumber relish and bread and butter pickle.

Yes we will be able to have a garden here - I think we will do raised beds, with wind shelter
I did say sleeping K!!!:) Prone, as in lying down as opposed to having to be propped up as you were sleeping with the GERD??

How do you make plum chutney? Sounds good!!
Hi ya

I have tried just recently to lower the number of pillows that I am using, but it did not last long. I have to still sleep propped up. I threw up this morning after waking up it was just to clear the liquid that pools in the back of my nose and throat - yucky! I feel good, just weak and I have a temperature today. I am trying to motivate myself to make some home made museli - but I will get the washing done first.

Do you get dark red fleshy plums? They are the ones I use to make the plum chutney.
Yeah, from the store! I have 3 plum trees in my backyard but I've never got the 1st plum off them in 10+ years. This year one of them is loaded with little green ones so we'll see!!

You always manage to keep going somehow K! I hope things keep getting better!
plum chutney

6 lb plums, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 desert spn cayenne pepper, 3 large cooking apples; 1/2 oz cloves; 3 lb brown sugar; 3 pints vinegar; 3 large onions; 1/2 oz all spice 1/2 oz bruised ginger

Stone plums, chop onions, peel and cored apples. Mix all ingredients together. boil 1.5 hours. Strain and bottle.

Sometimes if it is too liquid I will thicken it with cornflour

I hope you get to make it. This is awesome with chesse and crackers. Also good on rice.

Dexky, I try my best to get through it all. I am just tired of being sick and the thought of facing another illness does my head in.
Hey Dexky

I can it - or we say bottle it - I pour the liquid that has been strained and then reheated and thicken with cornflour/starch and then pour it in to sterilised jars and seal with sterilised lids.

You could put it all through the blender and place the spices in a muslin bag or cheese cloth bag. This would make it chunkier and still great on meat and crackers and cheese.

Today we had a team building event at work. We hired a previa car and drove to Te Akau - lots of gravel and dirt roads. I drove. At one point we found the walking track through a farmers paddock and walked to the coast. The sand was black ironsand, big waves, some big pieces of pumice. We walked through swamp, reeds and flax to get to the coast - plus a heap of sand and of course sodden paddocks full of cow ****. It was a good day out of the office - no telephones or emails in sight :)
Hey K, sounds beautiful! Glad you felt well enough to do all that! Your swamps must be different than ours!! Did you at least get your feet wet?
Yeah - my feet got wet and my legs - it was muddy and ****** too with all the cow dung, at least I did not slip in it.
The team building exercise is where we go on 6 day trips to learn a song and we video ourselves doing the actions in location and make it in to a movie. It is a review excerise, a bit of research and hopefully the time we spend together we will learn how to work and respect each other. It may make a difference we will have to see - I will not hold my breath though
advice please...


this is my first time here, so please bare with me....)
guys - i need your advice please.

i was diagnosed (finally) 18 months ago after the stupid gastroentrologist decided that I have IBS... long story short : I was on steroids, but they really aggravated my depression,s o I was on azathioprine which caused pancreatitis and drug induced lupus (nearly died). now I have the pleasure of being on methotrexate.
i was on 25mg injections for the last 4 months, and now the gastroentrologist (a new one) reduced it to 10mg. everything that was acheived by the higher dose went away, and my pain is back, and the arthritis (lower back and knees) got so bad that i can bearly walk on some days. My GP decided to take the dose up again, but i am not a happy bunny:-(
The MTX gets me soooooo sick. i vomit, have headaches, sleep most of the time. I am not a human for 4 days after. I hate it! I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to keep going on it, and it is not a drug to take at such doses for too long, but I can't take steroids and i need something taht will also sort the arthritis.

please - any advice?
Hey Galmaier

What dose of mthx are you on now? Are you back up to 25? My maintenance dose is 15mg, I wonder if you could try that when you are stable on the 25 instead of dropping to 10? It would be good if your gastro monitored your dose of mthx rather that gp. Mthx is good for arthritis - so maybe it is just that 10 was too low. On 15 I am okish - I am still queasy, but no vomiting, I rest all Fri evening and Sat and pick up a bit on Sun. It is a lot better than how I was on the 25mg. Talk to your gastro

It does my head in to take mthx to be well on so many different levels. I can not take steriods or aza due to my diabetes. Some other people here take remicade or humira - you want to check out those threads. By the way I have not got my glasses on at the moment so I am hoping my text is ok :ylol:
Neurologist time

Last Friday I sent my notes from previous neurologists to my neuro pschy. She has emailed me today to say that she has referred me to him and that I can phone for an appointment next week. Then I should be able to go on a journey to get an answer re ms; mixed connective tissue disease; lupus or demensia - oh what joy awaits :ylol: I get to add more to my collection - but on the good side the management of my symptoms should improve.:thumleft:
Hi Aura

Your text was fine:)

The GP took my up to 20mg, but it was too much. I felt just like after every dose of 25mg. Maybe 15mg will be better, but for now - i have stopped taking it. i canot imagine having another dose:-(
i am seeing my GP next week (to sign me back to work) and will ask her about biologics.
the GI is a nightmare, i much prefer to keep things with the GP if all possible. at least she knows me. last time i saw the GI, the recent leters were not filed and he didn't know what meds i am on. he thought i was on liquid diet....

thanks so much for your response!

will do!

i have been reading my previous posts - God - so many spelling mistakes... i wrote them half a sleep without glasses - please don't think of me as an idiot....
It may make a difference we will have to see - I will not hold my breath though

Haha, I'm with you there! I personally find those sort of things a little freaky.

Last Friday I sent my notes from previous neurologists to my neuro pschy. She has emailed me today to say that she has referred me to him and that I can phone for an appointment next week. Then I should be able to go on a journey to get an answer re ms; mixed connective tissue disease; lupus or demensia - oh what joy awaits I get to add more to my collection - but on the good side the management of my symptoms should improve.

Holy haberdashery batman! What a choice! But as you say at least an answer should give you relief. Good luck hun and I hope it isn't too serious, lord knows you don't need anything else!

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
I'll keep ya posted. My passport came today - yahoo!!! I can go to the UK - it only took them a week to process it and get it back to me - that was fast.

G - try 15mg good that you have a medical person that you can trust, my GP is a bit slow to react.

Dexky and DustyKat, thanks mates for your support I appreciate it :rosette2::rosette2::thumright:
Neurologists visit and results

I phoned the neuro for a visit and they said they had an opening at 10 that morning. So I grabbed all my meds and scan and shot off in the car.

He was really interested in me, in that I am a collector of some many conditions. He thought I would be great for his class as I am complicated. On the good note no ms or demensia which is great news. Yes to the fact that I will keep accumulating disesases and will be in with the MTCD crowd. He said I also have chronic migranes and need medication for this and my bladder. He wants my thyroid tested as well in case of hyperthyroidism. My blood pressure is still out of whack 145/100 - His main advice was that I need to reassess how much I am working and that I should be working part time rather than full time and reducing stress. He is pleased I am on the mthx as this will be good for arthritis and MTCD as well.

I am a worker, I love to work I am not sure how I feel about this. I have such a strong drive and motivation to want to work. I find it hard to slow down and relax. I do not do this at all well. I'll post this in my mthx thread as well.
This is your methx thread:) I know I could Google, but what is MTCD?

Is working part time a possibility?
Well thank goodness for no MS and dementia!

Is that mean't to be MCTD Aura, Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder?

Hmmm, the work thing may be something you will have to compromise on. Perhaps it is better to cut down now so that you still have the choice of some work, rather than the choice being taken away and being told you can't work at all. Hell Aura, I'm so sorry you are going through all this.

Thinking of you, :hug:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Hi ya

It's the weekend and I have slept alot today. Hubby plays golf on Saturdays I went back to bed and woke up at 2 pm. I have had a good chat with Hubby and he wants to keep moving up with his job. In doing so we should be able to pay off out debts and when we do that then I will be able to work parttime. It may mean that we shift back to Wellington.

I got the letter from the nuero I loved the way he said in medical terms that I am fat (increased BMI) and lazy (physically deconditioned). In non-medical terms he was a posh ******.

I went to the nurse on Friday and got my bloods done for mthx as well as ferriten and tsh. I asked if her and my gp could do a summary sheet of my specific illness so that when I go to specialists they don't start to question sotomaform disorders, as this neuro was considering in his letter he wrote. Just as well he did not say that to my face, I would have called him worse than a posh ******.

What I am not happy about is that he spoke to my GI specifically about me later that day with out asking me. I consider it rude and a breach of ethics.

I'm having a headache day today and am stuffed, day after jab and all. Tomorrow I look forward to baking pumkin and feta pies for lunches. I then freeze them. I also need to polish a lot of shoes and do some work. Next week is a busy week at work. I might as well make the most of it.... It sort of sounds like a bit of denial, doesnt it??:ybiggrin:

Take care all
Hey Aura,

The plan that you and your hubby are considering sounds promising, how do you feel about moving back to Wellington?

Hmph....bloody egotistical, know all doctors! (Yikes, better put a disclaimer in for the ones that hang out here!).

Mmmmmmm, those pies sure sound scrumdiddlyumptious! Okay, I'll be the mug...why do you have a lot of shoes to polish? Probably not the right question from someone who is in serious shoe polish denial!

Denial, whose in denial? Not me, are you Aura?!

Much love mate, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Did the pw neuro have your medical history on hand?? What a crass ass!!

Moving...again!! That would wear anyone thin! Good luck, whatever you all choose!
as the oak turns...

Hi K,
I've been away from here a while...
sounds like you've been away too?

I was knocked down, but am I back up and swingin' my fists now!

How 'bout an update, please?

ps A neighbour gave me an oak log this week.
I am trying to get well enough to take it to my workshop and see how it spins! (wink wink)
I think you know what I mean.......
Hey Aura,

The plan that you and your hubby are considering sounds promising, how do you feel about moving back to Wellington?

Okay, I'll be the mug...why do you have a lot of shoes to polish? Probably not the right question from someone who is in serious shoe polish denial!

Dusty. xxxxxxxx

Sweetie - I live in denial :rof: I am ok about mmoving back to Wellington. My friends and family are mostly there. I am lazy that's why I had to polish all my shoes I should have done them ages ok.
And she's gone again:(.......Thinking about you K! How are you? HB btw:)

Hi ya - I went away to work hard, sleep lots try not to get washed out and then my friends came on the weekend to celebrate my 40th :ghug: - its was great to see them made me very happy
Hi K,
How 'bout an update, please?

ps A neighbour gave me an oak log this week.
I am trying to get well enough to take it to my workshop and see how it spins! (wink wink)
I think you know what I mean.......

I'm okish - still getting more headaches than not of late. I am wiped out and coming to terms with making decisions around working part - full time and in what sort of role. Crohns is managed, mthx sucks last one gave me a bruise. Off to the UK soon for 4 weeks and then one week in Thailand - I am scared travelling with so many meds and the mthx as well. My hubbys father has terminal cancer and this is our last trip to see him. Work is good and and nasty at the same time - thanks to people that are set in their ways and are keen to express anger. Of course I am so tired all the time and I love to sleep.

How wet is the log? Will you be able to put it through the bandsaw and get a bowl - or is it a plate size round? I should imagine it would be heavy, hard and wet. Make sure your tools are sharp and that it does not spin off - cos that is such a bugger. I saw a bowl go through the window in one of my classes - I was so pleased it wasnt me.

Glad you are back Walt, I missed ya :thumleft:


Hope you had a fab day!!!

Awww mate, that will be a difficult trip for you both, sending my best wishes to you for a safe trip and and a peaceful time with your FIL...:hug:

Well you're a better woman than me, I just don't polish my shoes! :eek2:

Good to hear that the Crohns is sort of behaving itself but work, well...I hear ya mate!

Keep on keeping on hun,..:hug:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Good to see your update K!! I wish you could come on and talk about how wonderful things are going for you. It's good to hear mthx is keeping crohns at bay but I wish you could solve the lack of energy!! I know you are not naturally a lazy person. On the bright side though, perhaps this lack of energy is keeping you from another of your famous "tramping" accidents:)! Nah, I know you'd rather be out there making memories! I hope you feel better soon K!!

PS-sorry to hear about your FIL. I hope he is comfortable and you all can enjoy your visit.
Dexky, having my friends here from Wellington and Christchurch and Hamilton was the best. I talked until early hours of the morning, I drunk bourbon, even though I shouldn't and we nearly finished a bottle. I won a bet with my mate when I bet him at backgammon. Together he and I created a twin trunk bonsai tree for his birthday present to me. It was a real special weekend for me.

I want to bottle it - and every now and then stick my head in the bottle - that probably doesnt sound quite right - but hey.

Dusty - thanks for your b'day balloons - how cool - I am now a naughty 40 - I should fit in really well
Oh wow Aura, it is fab to read that your birthday was so very special. You truly deserve it to be so mate...:):):)

Oooooooo, naughty forty...watchout! :ylo:

Thinking of you hun...:hug:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Don't the weeks just fly by? Had to go to work on Sat as we got broken in to on Friday night and my office was ransacked. They stole money and medicines and made a wee mess - but left all the expensive ICT stuff. Tomorrow the fingerprint people will be there. Mum and dad come to stay this week. Not long now till we fly to uk. I hope the ash cloud does not play a part. I will see my doc this week and get all my meds for the trip. I got all my mthx from the hospital. They would like me to dispose of my sharps in the uk so I will try and take to a pharmacy or hospital pharmacy before I go. I have a feel that 3/4 if not more of my carry on luggage will be medications.

I am starting to get excited about the trip. First week I will be in Wales, then mostly in a small village near Swindon. Then we go to a place near Canterybury where hubby will go to the golf with friends and I will go to a dayspa place and read and hang out etc. Most of our time will be with Hubby's Dad and Mum. His dad has terminal prostate cancer and has had it for about two years now. He has a colostmy bag already due to bowel cancer - so it will be a happy time and sad at times as well.

The break from work will do me good. Hope you are all good. I'm doing ok, a bit of pain with injections and also some bowel pain on right side - it seems to be coming back for a bit. I hope it goes again too.

take care
Nice to hear from you K! I hope you have a great time!! Maybe some more memories in your bottle!!! Lay off the bourbon though:)
Today was my first injection!

So... I finally started methotrexate today. The idea has been kicked around for a littlw while, but since I was 'out of other options' other than clinical trials... methotrexate here I come!! My doctor doesn't seem to thrilled about me starting it, but it is what it is I guess. I've been reading other people's posts that are on this med and it seems to be not so bad... I hope. The actual injection was actually great! Well as great as shoving a needle of cell destroying medicine into my gut can be I suppose. But seriously, it did not sting at all like the cimzia or humira did, and went in very easily. I was very pleased. I injected about 12 hours ago, and so far I have just been fatigued, hot flashes, slight headache and off and on a little dizzy... but nothing too bad. The only "side effect" that has me concerned it a slight off and on chest pain. It comes and goes, and is not very severe. I called the doc on call just to be safe and he said as long as its not a persistent heavy pain that I 'should be fine'. All things considered I feel fine, but a little like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak.
To those of you out there that have also taken methotrexate have you ever experienced slight chest pain the day of an injection? Also,so you find you progressively feel better, or the 2nd day is worse? I'm wondering if I can make 4th of july plans :) Last, any one have any methotrexate- related advice? (I am taking folic acid, but thats the only tip I've picked up).
Thanks all!
Hi Rachel

Fab that it went well, that's good to hear. The side effects are similar to what I get as well. My second day is the worst for being oh so tired and drained and weak. I get pain in my guts at times with the injection - but I have not had the chest pain. Maybe you could keep a diary so that you can track the nature of the side effects that you get?
Severe Infection

Hey all

I need help. I am now in the UK, well Wales to be exact. I had to do my mthx jab in transit at Singapore. I also caught an infection from the first flight. I have had two trips to a hospital here all ready and have a severe infection (nose; tonsils; larynx; and chest). I am taking 8 antibiotics a day 250mg x 2 4 times a day. Erothomicin tablets. The hospital staff have been great - but I have been so sick with this infection. It is the first one I have had on mthx. Has anyone else had severe infections? What do you do? My asthma went bad but they don't put me on steriods cause of my diabetes. I have been resting and if I walk for more than 10 minutes I am stuffed. Not good when you are on holiday.

What are the risks of severe infections? Do I still take my next jab on Friday I caught this really early and I am so sick with it. I would hate to think what would happen if I had left it until Monday. My first hospital trip was Saturday.

I will also post this on a new thread in the hope that I may capture more mthx users. By the way the seagulls in Wales sound like cats fighting?? go figure
I hope you find good advice, Sweetie (am sure you will)...and get this infection cleared ASAP.
I think I have just found out how bad it can be having crohns; asthma and diabetes when on mthx and you get a severe infection. IT becomes a good juggling act; the asthma peak flows plummet; the sugar leves skyrocket; and my body responds extra slow to the antibiotics. I only have two days left and feel that I am still carrying the infection.

I and having fun reading, resting and getting out when I can. But I am careful not to overdo it at the moment.
He's really happy to see us. It's good to spend time with him and create some positive memories. He is not strong anymore and can't walk far. It's good to be here Dexky and spend time with him :ysmile:
Hi ya
The infection has almost all gone now!! I am so happy. I am still left with coughing up mucus, frequent bad headaches and taking lots of naps - but I feel so much better! In Birmingham at the moment for a couple of days away. One thing I have noticed over here is that there is a lot of talking on the tv programmes; news type programmes; and all the aunties, uncles and cousins seem to talk a lot. I am making the most of the quiet times at the moment :ybiggrin:. I went to a big big shopping mall in Merry Hill, I was pleased that they had lots of places to sit so you could rest a bit before hitting more shops! I have already bought some Yorkshire tea to take home (ours is so weak); Sizzling faijata packs in different flavours that we cant get at home. Tomorrow we head back to the village where my FIL lives - they have a big air tattoo this weekend. ASDA and FatFace are my favourite shops:biggrin: I am looking forward to going to some outlet villages soon I think we are going to Bicester (sounds like Bista). It's so funny everyone thinks I have such a 'twang' in my speech. :p really it's the other way around:p. Time for jab again tomorrow :(
Nonsense, you both twang. :)
At today's Street Performer's Festival I saw a show by a man from Sydney (he comes to the festival every year and is a personal favourite). He fits himself through a squash racket and juggles with a chainsaw. And he has a lovely twang.

Happy to hear that you are seeing a level of improvement, although I wish that you had good health for your vacation time. Enjoy the air tattoo!!!!
Oh Aura, it is fab to hear that things are looking up for you again! :):):) Have fun at the air tattoo and Dex, I'm ashamed and embarrassed for you! An air tattoo is a military air show!

At today's Street Performer's Festival I saw a show by a man from Sydney (he comes to the festival every year and is a personal favourite). He fits himself through a squash racket and juggles with a chainsaw. And he has a lovely twang.

A twang? A twang? We don't have an accent of any description! It's all you lot that are twanging away! :ylol2:

I hope the rest of your trip is fun and trouble free mate! :ybiggrin:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
What the hell's an air tattoo??

Dusty is right - as always!! :thumleft: It's a show of airplanes. This one has 160 different planes - held at Fairford - it used to be an American air base here. When we last went they had about 200+. Everyone in the village knows types and models of aircraft like you would'nt believe - its amazing.
Thanks Dusty - the shopping here is so much cheaper than at home and our dollar is doing so good at the moment. Today I am going to an outlet village in Bicester (but you say it Bista, not bi-cest-er, like I was doing). Just like Slough is said (slao not slough). Isn't english a funny language.:thumright:
Well obviously not a redneck. What do you call it...

Dex Cletus ..."We is goin' ta watch them things that fly but they's don't flap tha wings".

Dusty. :)
We call them air shows...hahahahaha, I almost literally lol'ed! Ya old beeeeooooottch!!
Y'aaaall make me laugh with them there thoughts.

The fighter jets are very very loud you here a craack where they fly past. The red arrows were great, the fly in a good formation with red,white and blue exhaust.

Had my jab y'day - hurt a nit and now slept a lot this morning feeling a bit blah today, just tired. No chance of sleeping this avo due to F1's and other jets.

Take care all
Back Home

Hi y'all
I'm back home again. The trip was a great family fun time. I got back at Midnight Monday and drove back to Bay of Plenty Tuesday. On Wednesday I had my swallowing test and ph test on my esophagus. I felt so sorry for the guy - I kept vomitting on him while he was trying to get the tube down. It was funny like a total face explosion, nose streaming, eyes weeping and mouth frothing. A totally pretty sight I am sure. He kept asking if I wanted him to take it out and I kept telling him 'No!' . In the end I got the tube down. He thought I was a very determined woman. I said that and stubborn too!! He said I had the most sensitive gag reflex he had met. I made sure he knew that I need to stop coughing, having bile, and acid, gagging and all that, as well as start sleeping lying down. It's been happening since 2009 and I have so had enough. I think he believed me. Now I wait for the results.
Hey Aura!

It's so fab to hear from you...:) and great to hear that trip was fun! YAY! Although some sadness there too.

Oh my, you poor thing! how awful, but I bet if you ever see that guy again he'll suit up when he sees you coming! :eek2:

Ugh, waiting. :( I sure hope you get solid answers hun and some much needed relief!

Dusty. :heart:
Glad you're home K, but geez! what a welcome back story!! I hope you find something to help with that bloody GERD!! Um, I don't think that Woodford Reserve is gonna do it though:)
I love the taste of Woodford Reserve - its yummy. 86.4% proof!! Swallow that and I would forget the GERD I probably wouldnt have an esophagus left either!!:lol2:

I have a job interview in an hours time via phone, for a lecturer in whakatane.

Guess what?? It's snowing over most of our little country at the moment. check it out :yrolleyes:
Catching up on your news and I see here that you have an interview! Right now! Thinking about you and sending good luck (not luck, confidence!) vibes.
Thanks, it went well. I can just hope now that they decide in my favour. It would be nice and less stressful. Whakatane is a beautiful place, near the beach, great weather. The team are great too. So I need all good vibes to go to the appointments panel and me :)

How's your work going?
Not again

Hi ya

I went to the doc today, such a good man. I went cos when I was at hospital in the UK the doc there asked me about my heart murmer and I said "wot heart murmer?" I got told to get it checked out when I got home. So I did. Now I get to add another ologist to the collection as I am being reffered to a cardiologist just to get it checked out.

No word on the job yet. I found out 3 others applied and if they have a Masters then I wont get the job.

It stopped snowing here now which is good, not that we got much here.

Next GI appointment is 16 September and that is when we will discuss my results from the testing.
Hiya: Sending many, many good vibes, for job and heart both. Would you and hubby move if you took this new position, or would you be able to commute from your home with the lovely garden?

I turned in final grades for my summer course today and will start 4 (!) courses in September. Happily, 3 of the courses are all the same, and it's a course that I have taught ~15 times before, so I can focus my efforts on the new course. I will be working at 3 different institutions. I am laughing at myself for making this decision! Will see how I'm holding up come, oh, the third week of September!!
Wow you are going to be soooo busy how many in each class? Do you have to do all the marking as well? No we wont have to move I will still travel about 1.5 hrs but along the coast, with no big hills.

Still no word on job, probably be towards the end of next week.
Fingers crossed for you K!!

And K(Entchen), are all three schools you are working at near you?
Yikes! A murmur as well!

Good luck with the job and your next GI appointment hun...:goodluck:

Any word on when you will see Cardiologist?

Dusty. :heart:
Thanks Dusty and Dexky, my doc was writing the letter on Friday so I should get a call next week to make an appointment time. He was thinking it would be good to get it sorted before and if I can have the fundoplication surgery.
Sounds like a good idea! I hope you don't have much of a waiting time. Good luck mate!

Dusty. :heart:
I got a surprise call from the GI office today, they have a cancelled apt and they can fit me in on Friday at 9am. They have the results of one of my tests and they will get the second result before the appointment so that is good news. I just have to change my blood test appointment till later but that will be ok. Yahoo I dont have to wait until 16 sept now :lol2:
That' awesome K! I hope it goes well! Maybe the end of this week will bring you two pieces of good news:)
I have had such a crap day today. Firstly I tried to raise an issue with a colleague about giving me 30 mins notice that she was not going to lecturer was not ok - and she lost the plot and shouted and yelled etc at me. I also told her that not replying to my attempts to get her to make a decision about being sick were not helpful. She refused to listen to me and kept overiding my attempts to communicate. In the end I said "I don't like the way you are speaking to me, I will need to refer this to our manager" She kept going right off. At least another colleague heard it.

Then I got a phone call to say I did not get the job I wanted.

I have since placed two more job applications.

Then I hosted one of our senior management from national office, that was fun.

On the way home I coughed and that triggered a vomitting session while driving that was not helpful, nor pretty.

My manager is phoning me at 7.30 am tomorrow and then I have my GI apt at 9.

I am sooooo tired of old people not behaving professionally in the workplace.

I feel like I have been through the wringer :shifty: :ywow: :shifty:
Or maybe not! Sorry K!

I hope something comes from your job search. More and more it sounds like your colleagues are a bunch of 2 yr olds!! I hope things look up soon!
Argh! Your colleague sounds like a right ****** and no mistake!

I'm sorry to hear about the job mate. Good luck with the other applications!

I so hope things pick up for you hun...:hug:

Dusty. :heart:
I had a good visit to the GI today. He had my results from the ph test and yes I do have significant reflux. I also think the 16 times that I regurigated while driving today is enough evidence for me. So my GI is writing a letter to the surgeon and I will be having a fundoplication, as the PPI's since 2009 have not worked enough.

I have an echocardiogram next tuesday and the following tuesday an appointment with the cardiologst so we should get the murmor understood before the surgery.


Also talked with my boss re the outburst and she will come and sort it on the 5 sept.
Hiya: Is it good news about the surgery, or are you concerned about it? I will send an extra dose of positive thoughts while you get this all worked out. Maybe you will see a clear improvement in quality of life afterward; I know that the reflux has been such a burden for you.

Re. the colleague...words cannot express. Fingers crossed for good management from the manager. You can't prepare to lecture with 30 mins notice. And throwing a fit? Classy.

Sounds like a good day all round mate, so happy for you. :ybiggrin:

Good luck for Tuesday, I hope it's only a middling (as in nothing) thing!...:goodluck:

Dusty. :heart:
I don't know about PPI's or fundiplication but I doubt you needed your GI to tell you you had significant reflux problems. Especially since you've been sleeping vertically for, how long now? I'm glad something's being done finally!! Good luck K!!
I am happy about the surgery option, I was so hoping it was the option I could have, as I am just getting worse with the reflux, and if its not sorted soon it would not surprise me if I had a crohns flare in my esophagus. So very happy with surgery. There is a very good chance that it will stop my gagging, vomiting, coughing and heartburn and acid symptoms. Last night I couldnt even keep tea down, came back up at 10.30, so did my cup of coffee this morning. I coughed so much in the night that my ribs ache. So today is a quiet day on the sofa watching baseball.

On another good note I have applied to Otago Uni to do 2 Masters papers in 2012
Hey K, leave that damn bourbon least 'til after the surgery!! It just gets better with age anyway:)

What subjects will the papers be on?
Hey Dexky

I haven't touched it yet still just admiring the bottle on the bench!!!

One paper will be on the internet teaching and learning, the other paper is on research methods. Should be a bit of fun, esp the internet one. I also want to do one on eteaching, ementoring and elearing as well

I just made a triple batch of chocolate chippie cookies - yummy yummy I wish you could smell them from there, they smell as taste great!!!:ybiggrin::thumright:
Yea - I have another job interview on Friday - but as for today its the echocardiogram time :smile: I do wonder if the bra stays on or not :confused2:- guess I will find out soon enough :ylol:
Gosh what an eventful life I lead. Today on my way to work I got hit from behind by a four wheel drive machine. :ybatty: I have been to the doctor for whiplash and a spine strain. I will go to physio - hopefully tomorrow -

Tomorrow will be good physio and haircut - they should be safe options
Oh, hope you're ok K!! I really do think you'd live longer if you just stayed home but I guess you won't! Good could use some:)
Bring on tomorrow, I have cardiologist then physio - yahoo!!

I also got a second interview for the centre manager job, makes me happy. I'll let you know how I get on.

And yes I should live in a bubble or a zorb - that would be pretty fun
Hi Aura, I know about the plastic bubble...just one thing after another, hope you are ok, and hopefully you get a hunky physio guy lol ;).
I decided I like the cardologists scales better than my GI they said I was 2 kilos lighter :ysmile: My heart is fit for surgery :dance: it is very noisy, thickening in one valve and something wierd somewhere else but basically ok. He is happy with my management of my BP and cholestoral which is good to hear. He will write a letter to my surgeon an anethetist so that is good news.

The physio has taken the spasms out of my neck, shoulder and rib region today. I do have some gut pain, probably as a result of the physio working on those areas. Next is my back and lower back and then I should be right as rain after the accident.

My second interview is tomorrow, wish me well :D