Methotrexate here we go...

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Oh Aura, it is so good to hear the appointment went well...:thumleft:

Loads and loads of luck with the interview mate!...:goodluck:

Dusty. xxx
Dusty we should not surprised at all :rof:

For echocardiograms its off with an open front shirt to wear, why they bother with the shirt I do not know:eek2:

Today's interview was 2 hours - pretty draining. Fingers crossed that I hear something by next week.
Aura asked the question! I was just curious, that's all! A little more info for playing doctor with my wife. Yeah, next time, I'm gonna be a cardio:)

Good luck K!
Dexky you are full of surprises!!! :ylol:

They are phoning my referees on Tuesday - so maybe on Thursday I might here something.

I have just made chocolate zuchinni cupcakes with chocolate frosting - yummy. Also made some zuchinni soup. Starting to get the freezer ready with soups for after surgery. Next weekend I will make smoked tomato soup. :thumleft:

I meet with the surgeon on Thursday :thumleft:
Hmmmm, I think I may pay you a visit Aura and help you eat all that yummy food before it has a chance to go off!

Good luck with the job and appointments mate...

Dusty. xxx
Chocolate and zucchini??? Who the hell dreamed up that combo?? Actually, I love zucchini bread and I suppose chocolate frosting wouldn't hurt it any:)

My continued well wishes K:)
Hi there

I saw the surgeon today, and I am booked in for a nissen fundolications, repair oesophageal hiatus and possible insertion of sofradim mesh.

The surgery takes place on Wednesday next week!!!!!!:lol2:

Can you believe it - so fast. They had a cancellation so I am filling the gap.
I have been busy today getting all the approvals, blood tests etc that I need.

OMG I don't believe it, after two years, I may be able to sleep lying down soon.
Woohoo! Fab news Aura...:panda::panda::panda:...who said socialised healthcare is slow...:lol:


Dusty. :heart:
Hi ya

I did get the job offer, yahoo!! I go and sign the contract tomorrow and then resign. I have to give two months notice.

I am so happy, it was hard at work today as my boss sounded rather grumpy on the phone and not that happy to approve my sick leave for surgery, maybe cause she has recently lost two managers in her area and is about to lose another one. By the end of today it was approved, phew.

A nurse phoned me from the hospital today to tell me what meds I can and cant take on Wednesday. I need to be at the hospital at 8.30 am. To be honest I am so full of a range of emotions with the job, my boss and colleagues and the surgery. I am so happy for the surgery but I get a couple of anxious moments every now and then too.
YEEHAW!!! Mega congratulations to you Aura!!! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

Good luck with your surgery hun. I know it is an emotional time but rest assured we are with you every step of the way!...:goodluck:

So happy for you...:)
Dusty. xxx
I have no personal experience K, but I can't imagine facing surgery, of any kind, w/o some anxiety. Eyes on the prize K!!

Congrats on the job!!!
HI ya

I am back home after a couple of eventful days. Overall the surgery went well. My reflux is fixed, along with hiatus hernia and its all wrapped in mesh. I had big gaps between my stomach and espohagus that meds would never have sorted. I had a bad reaction from the anesthetic and I got hypoxia and then tachacardyia. I came right about 12 hours after the operation but I was worring the anethestist and the doc. In the end they removed my feeding tube and I started to feel better. I was on quite high oxygen therapy with stuff all results for hours - but I bounced back in the end which is good.

I am now managing my pain, eating small portions of sloppy food and sleeping alot. So far no coughing and gagging like I used to :lol2: - this will make me a new woman!!!
Woohoo, fab update Aura! So relieved to know that all sorted itself in the end! :panda::panda::panda:


Dusty. :)
Wowza, what an eventful time indeed. So very thankful that you are ok and recovering. I can't wait to hear about the new Aura, sans debilitating reflux. And the job!!!! Congratulations to you. New woman in a new career...we should all pitch in to buy you a new briefcase for the first day. :congratualtions:
Mum and dad arrive today at lunch time. They are coming to make sure I dont do too much. Apparently I was not supposed to drag the washing basket back in the house. I knew I couldnt lift it but I dragged it by hoooking a walking stick through it, it worked well and the washing did not get wet.

Work will phone to discuss my resignation today - oh what joy that will be.

I think I will look for a nice basket or trug to take to work instead of a briefcase. I'll always find a range of things to take to work that I will need to pop in the basket, as well as lunch etc. I'll go for the snow white or little red riding hood look :ylol2:

Being a centre manager I will be spending time with the infants, toddlers and preschool children - it will be fun with some good challenges for me.
A basket sounds like such a lovely idea!

I replaced briefcase with my "teachery bag" last year -- handmade (not by me), it fits lots, is lighter, and gets compliments to boot! (And, I got it on sale, win!)

Have a good visit with The Parents. If you've got the energy, go for it! If not, sit back and let them do some spoiling. Or maybe let them spoil, anyway. :eek:
Those bags look stunning, I like them :)

Mum and dad are flying up from Wellington and they are here for 2.5 weeks. The most they normally stay is 4-5 nights - so this will be fun
Awww that will be so lovely to have your Mum and Dad there with you. Make the most of it hun, you sure deserve it. :heart:

Good luck with the phone call! I hope it's not too stressful...:eek2:

I love Etsy, it's just my plastic friend that doesn't. :lol:

Dusty. xxx
:thumleft:I'm doing well on the eating sloppy food. Mum is cooking fish and I can have mashed potato & kumara and some mashed carrots. Mum and I made some speculaas today - we made 70 of them so I have put lots in the freezer. I need to eat biscuits for morning, afternoon tea and supper.

I did take my mthx injection last week as well, I am taking most of my pills again and they are staying down.

I talked to the HR person at work as well as our union rep. Today I missed a call from my manager but I am not that worried about that as I am on sick leave, and she did not leave a message. Today I emailed my colleagues and told them about my resignation. I also said to them FYI: and gave them an update on my surgery since only one of them has text me. They have not send a card, or flowers or wished me well. I did not tell them about my next job, I could not be stuffed.
I'm so glad you're getting away from those people K!! Good to hear things are going well for you. It's about time!!
Sounds like you enjoying your time your Mum...:)...and it's so fab to hear that things are continuing go well post op, YAY!

I'm with Dex mate...I'm so glad you are getting away from them...:eek2:

Dusty. xxx
Isn't getting over surgery a bit slow???!!! I want it to be like this :ywow: and all done.

Oh well, got the mthx injection as well to look forward to tomorrow. Still having lots of naps especially after going out to a cafe for a coffee and a scone :D

My belly with it six stab wounds, 2 heprim injection marks, last weeks mthx marks is not a pretty picture. I am such a pincushion at the moment. I look like a police stab vest after a hard night!
Are you able to take those naps prone?? I just hope you get your life back K! You're such a lively gal:)!
Yea Dex I am so lying down - this morning I slept for two hours on two pillows like a normal person. It looks like my Princess and the Pea act will be going out the window soon - YAHOO! :queen:
Thanks Dex, yea I am. I lost another 2 kilos yesterday when everything that was in my system decided to have an explosive exit!!! :poo: :yfrown: that is to be expected I guess, but still it's not pleasant. I went the colour of the walls.

Mum thinks that I need to have another week off and go back to work on about the 17th oct not the 10th.

I'll talk to the union rep on Monday and see what we can arrange, in light of the fact that my work colleagues have been creating a whirlwind out of nothing in my absence.
Listen to your Mother! :lol:

I hope you can get something sorted mate and in the meantime take it easy and let Mummy keep spoiling you! :)

Dusty. xxx
Ooops, nearly forgot to jab myself today. Gosh its funny how even just picking up the purple packet that holds my syringe can make me feel queasy :ybatty: - I do reward myself with a small glass of fruit juice at the end to make me feel better.

I saw the surgeon and he is very happy with my healing. He is also very happy that I have lost 10 kilos. Told me to keep at it and lose some more, in a nice way. I start back at work on 17th Oct so I have another week to continue to keep getting stronger which is good.

I am still eating fish, mash veg etc in small portions. My bp was very good 124/82 which is great for me. It might not stay that way as we have the quarter finals to the rugby world cup this weekend. If I watch them I normally end up looking like this
Great update Aura! :thumleft:

It's so great to hear that things are moving into more positive territory. :)

I won't comment on the ra ra, not my cup of tea...:lol:

Dusty. :heart:
It might not stay that way as we have the quarter finals to the rugby world cup this weekend. If I watch them I normally end up looking like this

As long as it goes in that order, you should be OK:)

Glad things are going well for you K!!
Hi ya, I'm back at work now, only 4 weeks to go until I start my new job. :ylol2: Lost 10kgs and looking good! Have mtg with HR consultant as work will do an investigation, which is good news for our students.

Still doing sloppy diet, not a touch of reflux :rof:and I sleep like this :rof: cause I am sooooo happy.

Mthx is going ok, just the nausea re the injection and the tiredness. Getting ready for the rugby world cup final - checking my blood pressure :lol:

Take care all
Is that rugby thing still going on??? It seems like you guys have been talking about that for months now!

Good to hear things are going well for you K!!
Yep good things take time Dexky, it's the same with rugby tournis as well. The MLB season takes a wee while too - when is the world series due to start?

3 days back at work and one day teaching for 6 hrs and I am soooo tired at the moment.

Anyone remember Kevin Bloody Wilsons song - Mick the Master Farter? :stinks: that operation has an interesting side effect, I now fart twice as much as I burp!:ylol2:
Haha, last night!! Cardinals +1!!!! Go Cards!!!!!!

Hmmmm, farting vs burping!! Would I rather taste it or smell it? At least this way you get to share:)!
Sorry, on the run and can't comment but wanted to say...

Hurray for PROGRESS!

Hi ya, I'm back at work now, only 4 weeks to go until I start my new job. :ylol2: Lost 10kgs and looking good! Have mtg with HR consultant as work will do an investigation, which is good news for our students.

Still doing sloppy diet, not a touch of reflux :rof:and I sleep like this :rof: cause I am sooooo happy.

Mthx is going ok, just the nausea re the injection and the tiredness. Getting ready for the rugby world cup final - checking my blood pressure :lol:

Take care all

I am glad metho is working for ya. Have you been taking Folic acid? If you are, I know that I still got nausea and headaches. Ginger helped a bit too and sipping water. Sorry I havent been active with the general bunch but I have been busy and sick and trying to catch upn with the noobs :lol: Keep us posted! :ghug:
Right Dexky - so I am cheering for the Cardinals then... good to know:ylol2:

I love to share - I am such a sharing and caring gal :stinks: there we go again :rof:

Hey good to hear from you Pen, yea I do the folic acid two days before, and I took your advice earlier and got a box of ginger and apple tea - I just get a bit :ybatty: before the jab - its all in my head and I know it. The sooner I do it the sooner I get over it, eh.

I've lost another kilo :ywow:
NOoooooo your suppost to gain not lose it! Placebo effect is true, it can be all in your mind but it isn't a drug so if it works.. ginger does have anti inflammation stuff too. ;)
Hey K, how ya going?? I expected you to celebrate the All Blacks on here at least a little! Hope all's well!
Sorry Dexky, but I'm still celebrating :cheerss::rof::ytongue:

Go the mighty AB's!!

I just done my jab, another week, another jab down...

Pen, I'm ok losing weight at the moment, I was a bit chubby, I can afford to lose another dress size and then I will be ok. With enough on me to protect in case of a crohns flare. My dietian always said that I should keep some reserves on me.:lol:

I've been watching the Cardinals this avo - that was a bit tense at times eh?

Are you a happy camper, after that game?
Haha! Oh **** K, I'm an old man! I went to bed after the Ranger's back-to-back homers in the 7th. I just knew I heard the fat lady singing!! I guess I'll have to watch the whole game tonight:)

Good to hear from you! Are things still going ok and improving?
Things are going ok. I forgot to take the folic acid this week - now that is a mistake - rather queasy this weekend, and I have not been drinking! I am still doing good after surgery; it's so amazing to be so well after it.

I am counting down the tricky days at work until I leave. On the 18th Nov I will be having a resigning party:dance: I am focussing on starting my new job and the fun and challenges that it will bring.

I'm watching the cardinals at the moment and they are in the lead :) Are you in your lounge waving a white hanky around in the air? Why do people do that?

Why is it called with World Series when there appears to be only two teams from USA in it?

My pumpkins have poked their first leaves from the soil, nothing yet from my beans and sweetcorn. The potatoes have also poked their first leaves out. I need to do more planting this weekend, with tomatos and peppers
Pen, I'm ok losing weight at the moment, I was a bit chubby, I can afford to lose another dress size and then I will be ok. With enough on me to protect in case of a crohns flare. My dietian always said that I should keep some reserves on me.

I know how you feel... I need to lose some too...darn.

Funny our pumpkins here are in full bloom, Halloween on Monday, getting very chilly here. You are only planting sweet corn not eating them ..right? We grow amazing potatoes, the trick is clay soil.. I am a carrot feign , have lots of those and are in the freezer now for the winter...Yum! :banana:
Hah, K! When we were chatting last night, I didn't even think to ask about crohns or surgery or metho! Thanks for watching the game with me! Next time, we'll have to share a drink though:wink:
You are only planting sweet corn not eating them ..right?

Hi Pen, yes we are just at the sowing seeds stage, and seedlings stage of our growing season. My cat, Wolf decided to pee in the pumpkins, he sulked when I lifted him off mid-wee:D Today I planted more spinach, another pumpkin, zuchinni, cucumber and planted yet more beans and some flowers to help everything along.

I love gardening, I get so thrilled about harvesting everything - but soon I will have to empty the freezer...oh joy
Hah, K! When we were chatting last night, I didn't even think to ask about crohns or surgery or metho!

That's not a surprise is it? You were focussed on the game at hand and I joined it half way through. To much was happening in the game to do social conventions like hello, how are you, eh? It was fun, I won't tell anyone you were waving a white hanky around in circles to cheer on the Cardinals....I'm just kidding, I was the one waving an imaginary hanky in the air:ylol:

Bring on another sport and your on:thumleft:, there is always basketball, american football (although I am not sure what I think of that as a sport yet), car racing nascar, f1, I like the V8's.

My nausea left on Sunday morning, thank goodness, so it was a great afternoon to be planting in the garden again.
Hey K...been a while! Hope you're out getting your hands dirty and feeling well:) What were those things you grew last year? Beet something or others.

I'm not much of a racing fan, but any excuse to chat is ok with me:)
Hi ya

Just been busy at work etc, this is my last week. I think you are either talking about beetroot or silverbeet - i grew them both last year.

I saw my GI on Friday and that was good. I don't need to see him for another 12 moths now unless I have something go wrong. Later that day I ended up with a feeling like a muscle strain in my lower right abdo - bugger it. It is still there but not as intense. I must remember and force myself to take the lactulose syrup so I not so constipated all the time. Did my jab - took the folic acid, got my bloods done and went to the hospital and got more mthx and sharpies. For once I remembered to drop of my toxic bins as well :ybatty: I always forget them.

The garden is looking good, the brocolli, cabbage and tomatoes are doing well. So are the potatoes and onions. Pumpkins are starting to grow a bit too. I watered them with a liquid seaweed mix today, so by next weekend they should be even bigger, either that or dead :lol:

Is the baseball guy that got kidnapped made the news in the US - sounded scary.
I think he was rescued. He was kidnapped in him home country. I think Dominican Republic but not sure.

Silverbeet! That was it:)
:ywow: I've finished my job and start my new one on Monday:dance:

My colleagues did not let me down and I walked out of my farewell afternoon tea, as they were argumentative and inappropriate. I had a great farwell lunch with the students.

Bring on new things - The third year students gave me a great pressie - it's a big canvas bag with pukeko's (Swamp hens) all over it. It's a great size and looks great, I am so lucky and their comments in the card and to me were humbling.

Done my jab, I'm very thirsty today, for some strange reason. My arse exploded again during the week, but apart from that we are all good on the health front. This sleepling lying down is soooooo fab - it makes me soooo happy:rof:
I'm sure you're excited to start the new job but a few days off would have been nice! Glad to hear things are still going well K!
:thumleft: I like my new job. I have had good training which feels good. I have had a chest/throat and sinus infection all at once. Only cause someone was sick on the course. Yea for antibiotics - never too sure about them on mthx. I am on amoxicillin trihydrate 1500mg per day.

The garden is going riot :strawberry: are ready to eat -- Ohh I love them with freshly whipped cream :soledance: Broccolli is doing well and so are the onions and potatoes. Beans have popped up finally:ybiggrin: It's the second lot of seeds I put down for them.

Hope you are all ok :biggrin:
Woohoo K! Just a regular old chest cold! You may have to sleep with your head elevated. Think you can manage that?:rolleyes:
Happy new year

Hey there Dex how you going? I have been in Christhurch for a shaky Christmas (due to the aftershocks that they keep having). I'm doing ok. If I overdo it I know it. I have been having a few sharp pains in the lower left side under the rib cage, they knock me for a six, make me go real pale and take me about 4 hrs at least to get over. Apart from that I am great.

The garden is good, today I picked 4 cabbages, 1 zuchinni, 2 cucumbers and 4 lots of spinnach. We have had a lot of rain here in the Bay of Plenty - but it finally stoppped, the garden is happy for it and I think I will have a lot of pumpkins. The red onions are getting bigger as well. Tomorrow we hope to get to the horse races for a day out.

How was Christmas and New Year for you?
Awe K! I'm sorry for the pain! Have you, or do you intend to see someone about it?

We just completed our 5th wettest year on record. I guess the rain is everywhere. What do you do with the pumpkins??

We had a very busy Christmas season and thankfully no snow. We hosted New Year's last night with our little group of friends and their kids over. I managed to stay awake till midnight! That's at least 3 hours past my bedtime:).

Good to hear from you!! How's the job going?
I'll just keep an eye on the pain for the moment and manage it. If it progresses with other symptoms then I will get it checked out.

Pumpkins, I love to make pumpkin and feta pies for lunch. I also love roasted pumpkin, pumpkin soup. I make a yummy pumpkin cake as well.

The job is going really well, I am enjoying it. 2012 will be a busy year for the centre with rennovations and lots of changes. In the last week of work we managed to get a mental health appointment for one of the boys who is unwell. We got 2 appointments in 2 days with a pschyciatrist, and the child started medication straight away. I hope his violence has subsided when he starts back. But we have made good progress.
The pumpkins have to grow a bit bigger first before I can use them :ybiggrin:

I must have my blood tests done, I keep forgetting. Trev, are you getting any containers washed up on the beach in Waihi, I heard that they were heading your way. Pity the ship broke up on the reef, the oil will be a big mess to clean up.

Work is great and my health is great :p yahoo. Off to go and look after mum who has torn her butt muscle, pinched nerves, BP was over 200 and she is not well, she is not mobile and in lala land on pain meds.

Catch you soon:biggrin:
hi, 11 containers and lots of timber and bags of milk powder, sorry to hear about your mother. we are heading to Taupo for a few days. we just lost our apples and tomatoes because of the high winds in NP. catch you later, take care.
Glad things are going well for you K! Sorry about your mum!

It seems NZ has had more than their share of disaster lately!
I'm here M :D

I have just made 9 jars of sweet tomato chilli jam and a honey and rice bubble slice. The tomatos are out of the garden :) . Have been tired and had lots of nausea with the mthx lately. I should get more anti nausea tablets as they did help that side effect. How you going?

Work in fun and busy - although I have a couple of inherited performance management problems to sort out. One of them got dumped on me.

I made 23 jars of plum sauce last weekend!! I'm doing good, just forever tired and nausea on Fri and Sat. I finally got my bloods done last Friday - so I will have a look at the results. I wish the lab would send me the results as well instead of just to the doctors.

Big football game on this weekend??
What's in the chili jam?? We make home-made catsup, with tomatoes, onion, peppers, garlic, sugar, spices etc.. Is it similar? We sometimes do use it as a chili starter.

Good to hear you are still enjoying your job and your garden:). Is the post mthx nausea your only GI symptom lately?? Or does the tiredness persist beyond the weekend?

Hah, it was a good game and the only professional football game I've watched all season. Damn, should have contacted you for a play-by-play analysis! Did you watch it?

The chilli jam has tomatoes, castor sugar, fish sauce, garlic, ginger and dried chillies. It's total yum!!

Yea the nausea is all I got at the moment - has a shocker jab last nite - pains in my gut till bed - and very weak today - so I slept and that is all good. I am sure I will feel better tomorow. Going to see aunty jenny for lunch. I should take some chilli jam.

My cat, Wolf has been helping me type this and licking my fingers at the same time. NOw he has crashed just above the keyboard!! He is so cute and dangerous222020220 that was him typing with his foot!
Eek, out of touch again, many apologies. I hope that your mother is doing well now (or at least trending toward better), and you too! Chilli jam sounds amazing.
Every time you open your proverbial mouth, you raise another question!!! What the hell is fish sauce?? It sounds disgusting!!:)

I think the cat is typing Morse code!! That says get off the damn computer and feed me now!!!!

Hope your feeling better K!!
Hi ya - Fish sauce is like oyster sauce but made with fish extract instead. It's used in Thai cooking generally speaking, Its a fish extract sauce. Had a great day at Cambridge and they cooked us pizza in their gas pizza oven, that was fun. I have had a bit more pain today under my left rib, followed by the a good bout of the shakes - but it all seems to have settled down at the moment.

K great to see you again, how you been?

M, don't knock the sauce - it's the best!!!! I can give you the recipe if you want to make it. It sells for $13.50 a jar here - and it aint a big jar. This is a Ruth Pretty recipe.
Doing well, thanks! It's nice to catch up a bit again with the CF (and you in particular); things have been Hectic. I don't live in chaos -- it's against every one of my priorities -- so I am glad to have managed to get things back to their usual slow and easy pace.

Fish sauce is totally fermented fish, but way to make it sound less appalling. :tongue:
I'm with Ke on this one Ki:) I'm picturing that nasty gifelte fish in a jar. Just pour off the liquid. Voila!!, fish sauce!! Yuk!!!
Hi guys

I just have taken my mthx injection about an hour ago and my neck and face have gone bright red. I am hot - I have not taken my temperature yet but I look like a beetroot!:ymad: But I have a smile not the grumpy face. I have a bit of pain in my gut but nothing to write home about.

Does anyone know why this is happening?

My week was very stressful with the audit and facilitating a performance management meeting- would that have contributed to this reaction?

Cheers - I'd appreciate your thoughts
I saw your other thread K! Have you called the GI? Sounds like an allergic reaction is my first thought but I know nothing about Mthx. Hope it is getting better or gone by now! Good luck!
Hey Aura,

Hmmm, seems a bit too coincidental to think it is just some random event. I can't envisage that what happened at work would affect the outcome of your injection but I'm sure stranger things have happened!

I hope all settles soon...:hug:

Dusty. xxx
I spoke to a nurse - I don't think I would stand a chance trying to get hold of my GI on the weekend:lol2: It started to fade before I went to bed. I slept well and today was just more normal tired self. I did manage to do 5 lots of washing and get them on the line. I also typed up 12 pages of notes from a meeting last week. I have just made carrot salad and put the washing away. But i had a rest before each thing I did, cause I get knackered so quickly on Saturdays. I'm no longer beetroot - instead if I stand for more than 15 minutes and do stuff I go as white as the walls and need to rest.

It was a really hot day here today - pull the curtains to keep the heat out. Open all doors and jam them open in the hope that you get a breeze and have the fan going!!

Bring on Sunday - when I get a smigden more energy. :thumleft:
Me and taking it easy just dont go together. I struggle with resting and then I feel so guiltyif I havent done anything. I just dont know how to rest and be ok with it yet. I want to do so much and yet the weekend is only two days and really only one for me with saturday being stuffed cause of the injection. That's why crohns is such a bugger for me. I will get there - I know I will. When we move back to Wellington and I am closer to my parents and friends - I will only work four days a week, and just do day to day relief teaching. Then I will be able to look after ma and pa, keep the house tidy, make sure I look after hubby and have a great garden, do casual teaching and stay healthy. That's the big plan. Here's hoping I can stop myself from doing more work, or more stressful work.
I think that I need to put a call in to my GI on Monday. For the last three weeks I have gone bright red in the face after the injection. It seems to last for a while, but when I have woken up the next day I am ok again. It seems to take about an hour to build up to being totally red in the face and neck. On the inside I feel quivery - I am guessing that it has to be related to the mthx jab. I had to go to for a wee 4 times during the night as well, and that is not normal for me. I'll let you know how I get on.
Sorry K!! Please do update! I know things have been relatively stable for a while now. I hope you and the GI find a way to keep it going.
I'm beginning to wonder if I am having a flareup. I still have a low grade fever and I have had it for over a week now. I am on antibiotics for chest infection. But I have no energy, and I have persistent pain in my abdomen - focussed to (my left) of my tummy button, and also under my left ribs.

So tomorrow I am phoning GI for an appointment and advice regarding this and my reactions to the mthx jabs. I havent had abdo pain for such a long time - I forgot how much it hurts and is annoying.
I spoke with my doc yesterday and he doesnt want to do anything until he hears from my gastro. I have been on the phone with gastro secretary and sent him and email of my symptoms. He is fully booked until the end of April, but he would see me 23rd March in the pm.

I then came home from work to find that we had been burgled - which is a bugger. I took today off work with hubby to get stuff sorted. The gastro secretary phoned be back and said I have an appointment this Friday - so that is some good news. :rosette1:
Hi y'all I've been to gastro today. We have a plan. First off I am having the tests FBC, LFT, Ferritin, TSH, B12/Folate and CRP in my bloods. Also having fecal Calprotectin test. From this we should be able to see if the mthx is losing effectiveness and then I will move to azathorprine or Humira. Today I have injected with mthx and took paracetamol 1 hour before hand to see if this will reduce my flushing etc. He could see that I was having abdo pain - yes he poked and it hurt - no surprises there - they always know where to poke you.

I've done the jab and now just waiting to see - to flush or not to flush - that is the question.:rof:
I flushed:p So now I am off the methotrexate. I will be starting an Aza journey now. I've also got a throat infection so I am off to doc to get some anitbiotics, pain meds for abdo pain. It was Aza or humira and gastro opted for Aza first. I'll start a new thread in that treatement section of the forum.

Good luck to all of you that are still on mthx, long may it continue to work for you.:rosette1:
Hey K! I hope it works out for you. Good luck!

The boys of summer are warming up! EJ had his first baseball practice yesterday:)!!