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put the phone down before you wipe or anything else messy? you can also wipe it off with antibacterial wipes. I would probably put it down, wipe myself, wash my hands, then pick it back up. I wipe my phone off occasionally with antibacterial wipes anyway.

If you really needed to, you could set it down on the vanity and put it on speaker. :ylol:
My mini-vent today is that I'm up half the night (again) with nausea. Yuck. :( I've got a nasty cold and the mucus is going down the back of my throat in spite my efforts to blow my nose like every 30 seconds. So I'm nauseous because mucus keeps going into my stomach. It's really gross and both the nausea and the constant nose-blowing are keeping me awake. It's 3:45 AM... what are the odds I can sleep for an hour or two before my alarm goes off at 6:30?
I really really didn't need to be punched in the abdomen by a lurcher this morning. It hurt, and still aches a couple of hours later. One of these days I'm going to completely loose it with someone who causes me grief, or their dog, I just hope I don't end up as the one in trouble with the law... Why me, what the **** have I done to deserve everything that's going on. No sooner than I start to feel some resemblance of "good" someone ***** up my day, or longer.
Last night I had a killer headache. Or migraine. Whatever. Tears rolling down the cheeks, neck cramps, eyes burning. Ugh. I can already feel it coming back this morning. Not to mention my neck is still stiff. Boyfriend played with / pulled hair last night (always does the trick). I had been awake in bed for almost two hours. After he started that, it took less than 5 mins to fall asleep. God, I was such an ass to him just to get him to come to bed and help me. Pretty sure I'll hear about it today. Feel so bad, and what would I have done without him? Stupid headache/migraine. Time to think of ways to make it up to him.
This morning I had one of those sinus headaches that lasts for days. The only solution is using a cold compress on my forehead in a dark room in bed. This time I tried doing my daily walk in spite of it and it worked! My headache was completely gone in a half hour. I'm sure it won't work for everyone but it's worth a shot.:rosette1:
I didn't know what a lurcher was, either.

Today's mini vent. I am so !#$(%$# sick of being sick. That is all.
Yesterday evening I was sat on my bed whilst on the laptop when out of nowhere I puked up (mainly smelly liquid sick....mmmm lovely!) but, as I wasn't even half expecting it and cos of how I was sitting I started choking on it -tried calling my fiance for water but couldn't get a sound out, luckily he noticed me making odd noises and came rushing in. He got me a glass of water and a towel and everything was okay.
What was not okay was that I put my glass of water on the bedside ledge, thinking I must move that later or else I'll be bound to spill it...........long story short just as I was going to bed I managed to spill it all over my android phone and my laptop :runaway: :runaway: :runaway:
I dried off my laptop, then took my phone apart and submerged it in a container full of dry rice.
I just turned my laptop on and it kept getting to a certain point in the loading screen and then restarting, luckily Sam just turned it on and it's now loaded up but my touch pad is screwed...fingers crossed when I put my phone back together tomorrow evening it's still okay :eek2:
when its just plain water, things will normal come back after its all dry. just don't turn the phone on too early because you could get a short in the electrical stuff (same with the laptop although it sounds like its recovering ok)
Thanks Carrie, I hope so! the phone was on when the water was spilt on it, but I turned it off and took it apart as soon as I'd dried it off...My fiance has the same phone and one day it just froze...turned out it was rusted inside apparently due to water damage (he's never got water on it and we've only had the phones since february) which voided his warrenty. When he spoke to the repair shop aboot it they said it was a common problem with this phone, something to do with the placement of the headphone and charger sockets - even going from a hot to a cold room can cause rusting :ywow: (what a bad design fault!)
Soybean xx
my android is very cranky, it reboots a lot. now sometimes it doesn't recognize I'm hitting the touchscreen, or the lights don't come on in the dark for the four "buttons" on the bottom. (I have the android with slide out keyboard and touchscreen)
I spilled coffee on my laptop keyboard several months ago, I started crying because I thought I had ruined it! After I dried it, it did come back on and still works now, although I had a few keys that stuck for a few months from the sugar. :ywow:

Hopefully the water will have no lasting effect!
My mini vent for the day: crapped myself 4 TIMES today. Well, this is a new record for me! Guess it really isnt that big a deal, but jeez!
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small vent - the remicade has my rectal pressure under control. yay. but i must be doing too much, because i think i pulled or strained something in my butt muscles. so now my butt hurts, not from the crohn's, but from doing normal things after not doing anything for 6 months. sad.
my mini-vent...although my fingers on my left hand are feeling better (from the ******* burns I got) right wrist has been bugging me - I think because of hte new phone I got from work - a Blackberry.....going from a non-texting/smart phone to this.....

Also, my left hip has been bugging me - I literally LIMP when getting up after sitting for any length of time, I am that stiff.....boy, it SUCKS getting old! :)
My mini-vent for the bowels are still super loose from surgery and when I have to go, it's hurry time. Fast walking to the bathroom this morning and somehow my big toe got caught in the bottom cuff of my pj's on the opposite leg. I didn't fall, thank goodness, but I almost didn't make it in time and I'm pretty sure I sprained my big toe.

Oh, and I have picture on my tv but no volume at all. What a fantastic start to my day.
Blech. Terrible nausea all day from Methotrexate yesterday, and I've been relatively pain free but my tummy is hurting today too for some reason. Now I have to go cook dinner for the kids when all I want to do is lie here and be miserable. Hubby out of town until Friday. My mom is on the other side of the Atlantic or I'd call her for help. Ok, now I've vented, so up an at 'em.
Mini Vent: This cold will not go away! My voice is still gone! Also I have an anthro exam tomorrow, chem & bio exam on the same day next week, **** ton of reading and response writing for my stupid english class, plus a whole bunch of other smaller things that need to be done. It's times like these when I truly hate college. Why do all major stressors happen at the SAME time?!
I am so sore and so tired today. I don't want to do anything, but I leave for my follow up appointment in Birmingham tomorrow. At least my sister is driving me this time, I need a break from my mom's constant complaining. :hallo3:

My husband does CAD, graphic design and web design work and has been doing an amazing side project (Yay, more money!) for a friend. He has to go by his house after work, so I have to go to the grocery store, WITH the kids. I am tired just thinking about it. I really don't feel like cooking dinner either, but the kids requested spaghetti. At least it's easy.

The drive to Birmingham is 5 hours (but worth it for the doctors I have there). However, I have absolutely NO pain meds, and I am concerned about how I'm going to feel after that drive. I hate to complain about it constantly because I know the reasons why docs don't want to prescribe narcotics but SERIOUSLY!!! I was told to make a follow up for 2 weeks, and given about a weeks worth of 7.5 Lortabs. I halved them on most days, but that was barely enough to dull it as I have a high tolerance to pain meds despite my small size and low weight. I don't abuse my pain meds, but I shouldn't have to decide what days to hurt and not hurt right after surgery. I'm not even sure I should ask for a refill, I don't want to get "that look". :thumbdown:

Should I not be this sore right now? My surgery was on 10/12. I really am not doing very much, but I have 2 kids and a husband that works full time and then some. I don't have the luxury of lying in bed all day long, but it's not like I'm scrubbing floors or anything. I'm cooking and doing very light housework, no lifting heavy stuff or bending down. Some days are better than others, today I could barely stand up straight for the first half of the day. Aaarrrgggghhhh!

Sorry, guess that wasn't really a "mini" vent.
My mini-vent is that I've had bronchitis for nearly 3 weeks now and I'm finally getting better (thanks to antibiotics, codeine cough syrup, and an inhaler). I hadn't been to the gym in nearly 2 weeks so I decided today was the day I was going to go back. Well, apparently I'm one of the only people in the building who actually uses the gym (it's in the basement of my workplace). So whenever something breaks, nobody reports it because nobody is there to notice it, except me. So like half the fluorescent lights burned out and/or were flickering like a strobe light in there today. The lights were fine when I last worked out. The strobe effect was so awful, it made me nauseous and it nearly gave me a migraine. I had to clamp my eyes shut hard at times and even then I could still see the strobe effect through my eyelids. Not fun! And not a very good workout because I was more concerned with not barfing/not getting a migraine than I was with getting a good burn.
My vent is that my doctor's office and my insurance company seem to be butting heads with me stuck in the middle. I am supposed to go to the Mayo Clinic next week but I need a prior authorization in order to have it covered. My doctor's office says they can't send the paperwork to the insurance company without a written request from the insurance company and my insurance company won't send a written request because they say it is up to the doctor's office to contact them.

Meanwhile, I'm in a lot of pain but my husband says he's "sick of me whining about not feeling well"
my vents

Mini vents of the day...wafer are still not blocking the poop from coming into the edges of my wafers, my daughter adopted us a 4 week old kitten who needs to be bottle fed and heating padded. Guess who is home with him all day. Good guess. Me. I can't get anything done, I feel like I have a premie again. On top of this the Mr. is playing the silent treatment game and I have no idea why.
Okay, my mini vent is noncrohns related. I have been having computer problems. My work computer that I must have to complete my notes, which is part of my job. I work home health. What does this mean to you? Do you think I should have to cancel my patients (I get paid per visit) so that I can take my computer to the other side of town (about 90 minutes each way) so that they (the IT jerks) can fix it and sneer at me and say well you could have done (insert what the frick ever). Hey, bozo, do I ask you to be able to work with aphasia patients? Do you know how to compensate for a paralyzed vocal fold? Can you correct a laterally articulated s sound? Well why the hell not? Oh, you didn't study that? Well, I didn't study computer crap either so back the frick off! You do your job and I'll do mine. God I miss paper!
My vent is that my doctor's office and my insurance company seem to be butting heads with me stuck in the middle. I am supposed to go to the Mayo Clinic next week but I need a prior authorization in order to have it covered. My doctor's office says they can't send the paperwork to the insurance company without a written request from the insurance company and my insurance company won't send a written request because they say it is up to the doctor's office to contact them.

Meanwhile, I'm in a lot of pain but my husband says he's "sick of me whining about not feeling well"

That is not nice... I have had close to that but that was with an ex, my now hubby would never ever say such a thing. I probably do alot of whining but he never says a word only support... You have us tho. :ghug:
Pen, 95% of the time my husband is super supportive, but he's very stressed out by a ton of different things. I have to give him major props, because while I've been sick, he's taken over quite a bit of the household chores and parenting. He's also worried about if/when I'll go into remission because I've never been this sick for this long since he's known me.
Mini-Vent: I've been so damned gassy and uncomfortable the last few days, I hoped my Remi infusion on Monday would eliminate my stomach troubles but I had to endure a questioning glance from the shop assistant whilst purchasing two massive boxes of Rennie tablets in boots today. Oh and I hate the recession I want a new job now my current one sucks and people ring me all day and are rude and obnoxious and make me want to cry and I just want to tell them to do one but I can't cos I'll get fired ;)
:hug:Sending hugs Hannah! My vent is about people who watch shows like Dateline and What Would You Do, get all fired up about people who abuse Handicapped parking and then take the show on the road.

I've been appoached by three pople in two days about why I'm parked in a Handicapped zone when I look fine, all self-righteous demanding an answer. Like I owe them my medical history in a public place. I'm at the hospital *******, not Disneyland; do you think it could be because I'm sick????
Urgh Jeannette that sucks! Some people are so self-righteous and need to mind their own business.

Besides disabled parking spaces are always empty, ive never ONCE seen a queue of disabled people waiting for an empty bay, there's plenty of room for everyone with a blue badge :)
My mini-vent - Because of medical expenses here in the U.S. my wife and I don't have a lot of money, and have had to fight the debt problem, medical bill problems, etc.. Anyway. Last week, the drivers seat on our Honda Pilot broke off its mount. The replacement part cost $1,250.00. We paid for the part, and today took the car in for the repair. The shop called and told us there was more damage than they thought. There is another $400.00 part that needs to be ordered and another $300.00 of labor! It will be $2,000.00 to repair a broken seat in a car!
My mini vent today is that I have no self control. None! My co-worker brought in some leftover Halloween candy. Included in the mix are some Reeses peanut butter cups. Oh, droooool! Peanut butter makes my reflux act up and chocolate sometimes does too. Peanut butter is also pretty hard on my guts, so it's something I avoid. But when I saw those peanut butter cups, I just couldn't help myself! I ate one, and it was divine. So I said to myself, no more! And then.... I had another one! Eek, what is wrong with me?? I can already feel the acid starting to bubble up. And of course I was planning on going to the gym in a little bit and exercise also makes my reflux act up, plus I just got over a bad attack of reflux, so this is not good. I'm going to have a handful of Tums now and hope that I didn't screw myself too badly. Ugh.
Hey Cat I am right there with you! I love those damn things and I think the combo sends in into a flare..and of course nor I dare take digestive enzymes to break down the fat... we seem to punish ourselves over desires for bad stuff.. I was a good girl and didnt buy them :lol:
mini vents

Pen and Cat ME TOO! I can avoid candy all year round but my grandson Halloween candy is really doing me in. I ate 3 Reeses Cups and all kind of stuff that I don't even look at most of the time.
2nd mini vent-we adopted an abandoned 4 week old kitten and now I found out that they can't poop on their own! So not only do I have to come closer to my own poop than I'dlike to be...I have to stimulate her anus and wipe up the poop. GROSS! Mine still smells worse but why am I invaded by the Caca parade? Luckily she is little and cute...mostly:tongue:
Leslie, your kitten story reminds me of when I got my own cat. My friend found a litter of abandoned kittens and took them temporarily to where she worked (in a barn that had been converted to a sign shop) until she could find homes for them. My friend had two bosses at work, a morning boss and an afternoon boss. The morning boss gave the kittens their de-worming medicine. Then the afternoon boss came in later that day, figured that the morning boss had probably forgotten to give the kittens their medicine and gave the kittens another dose, so the poor little things accidentally got a double dose of de-wormer. Which apparently causes lots of diarrhea! The kitties were old enough to "go" on their own, but the extra meds also made them so lethargic that they usually just went wherever they were sitting and didn't try to make it to the litter box. This apparently lasted a few weeks. Fortunately my cat was mostly recovered by the time I got her, but still, her original name was Poo-Poo Kitty. :p She was rather, um, crusty when I did get her. It was gross! So I feel for you, it's no fun dealing with kitten poo!
I have had my face in the Halloween candy, and I know that I should just stay away from chocolate because it makes my diarrhea worse. But I figured, I already have diarrhea, what's one kit kat? Well, one kit kat would have been okay, but then I saw the ALMOND JOYS. I did not buy Almond Joys for 2 reasons: 1. Most kids don't like coconut or almonds. 2. I LOVE coconut and almonds.

Our neighbors came over on Halloween and the kids went trick or treating together, the mom's sat around and passed out candy. My neighbor brought her candy over and dumped it with ours, I guess she bought a bag that had the AJ's in them. I couldn't resist, I ate two of them. I just kept thinking, it's only one almond in each one....
Sarah, I am with you on the almond joys. They are my absolute favorites. My sister was giving those out and I had 3 of them :blush: I shouldn't have had any because I was not having a good night, but I thought like you did. I'm already sick, so why not just eat something I like. It can't make things worse, could it? Oh, yes it could!
Mini vent for today.
I had a blood transfusion on wednesday and ended up with a transfusion reaction and the poor nurses and I got got grief from the doc who had to come and sort out some emergency iv meds - he was busy in clinic...?? ...its not like I chose to have a reaction! Ended up on the ED and didn't get released until 8pm when I begged them as had to go to work the following morning...or else!

Then yesterday had a ct. I now have rubbish veins and it took 4 people to get a cannula in, one who was obviously annoyed that she had to do another departments job and was really rough...eventually had a really nice nurse ...again from the ED who was successful. MNy arms are so full of bruises now I look like a victim of domestic violence or a junkie!!
But then the radiographer had a go at ME for coming on a saturday when they don't have many staff who can cannulate!! I didn't make that appointment, and how am I supposed to know what staff can do what...and on what day...dipstick. Seems like I am causing everyone trouble. It seems everything that could go wrong is going wrong!....though got out of a trip to see the mother in law....aaagh ,she's actually lovely, lol.

I am sick of people complaining in their Facebook statuses: "I hate my life! Why did it have to rain today!" or "I locked my keys in the car. What a way to start a day!" I don't want to undermine anyone's problems, but when people flip over the littlest thing, it really gets to me.

What gets to me is people who are off work 'sick' for a few days with the 'trotts', perhaps they should get to know what its like to have them on a regular basis, and try and run their life around them !!!
My mini-vent today is that I was in the ER a week and a half ago, and my IV site is still sore! I have had heating pads on it quite a bit, and nothing is helping. I'm sure if I could take a Motrin it would feel better, but that would be a huge mistake.
I have a mini-vent.
I'm so, sooo grateful that my crohns is in remission. I still have diarrhea if i don't take my painkillers (which I always do, for a separate reason.) And I still get cramping every morning, but it's alright. I'm healthier now, and that's good. But I just found out that I have a tumor on my right ovary and it will have to be removed. The whole ovary, not just the tumor. It has been my ultimate life goal to have children. And now I'll only have one ovary.
I also just got told that I may have multiple sclerosis. I see a neurologist sometime in the next couple weeks, and I see the gyn surgeon soon, too. The tumor might be cancerous, but if it is, it's very, very treatable and I should be fine. I'm more worried about the ms. I keep going blind in my right eye, and I shake and go numb very often. It's more embarrassing than anything, but the thought of being in a wheelchair later in life scares me. Everything about this scares me. And my family is really worried too, which I hate. I don't like to concern them, but I had to tell my mom.
I get LRQ pain every day from the tumor, which I thought was from crohns. I'm glad it's not, but my drs told me that the pain won't go away until the tumor is removed. And, in addition to the tumor, I also have this thing called a teratoma ON the tumor. This is basically my unborn, undeveloped twin. It has hair and teeth in it, plus lung tissue and skin. It's absolutely disgusting.
I'm having a really hard time taking all of this in. I'm getting pretty depressed, but sometimes I forget about it and then I'm ok.
I have a cold that won't go away.

I'm pretty sure my eating things freely stage has come and gone. I decided at my last gastro visit I may need to start watching what I eat again because I've been experiencing more bloating and gas lately, but it's because I've allowed myself to eat almost everything I was eating prior to being diagnosed.
That is an awful lot to deal with at once! I hope that you get a surgery date soon and that you get some answers to your other problems soon as well. Keep us updated.

May you soon be feeling well.
:ghug: Samantha. That is a terrible amount to deal with! You shouldn't try to shoulder it all yourself. Share what's going on with someone in your family, make sure you're talking to your support network, it'll eat you up inside if you keep going over and over it again. talking it out always seems to help.
This has been a completely frustrating week. My son is really sick, I had to take him to the doctor yesterday. He has a very bad cough and was wheezing terribly. The doctor put him on prednisone and xopenex (breathing treatments), and he has to stay out of school the rest of the week. She said his lungs were so bad that he was close to being hospitalized. I am so exhausted, and I really need to see my GP this week. I haven't had a B12 shot in ages, I am almost out of my zoloft, and I'm completely out of ativan.

And to top it off....I had an accident in Target today. I have been so bloated and have had terrible gas since my surgery. I was in the store and tried to discreetly pass gas only to realize (too late!) it wasn't just gas. I was already on my way to check out, thankfully it was a tiny accident and not a running down the legs, lock myself in the bathroom for 30 minutes accident. Either way, it totally sucks. I'm 34 and crap myself in public. I flipping hate this disease.
:hug: @SarahAnne-Oh Sweetie, I'm so sorry you're having such a rough week!

I hope your little one responds to the medicine soon. I thought I'd mention that I used to take B12 shots, and for maintenence I took the B12 sublingual liquid under the tongue-2000 mcg a day. I'm not pitching a brand, just saying Nature's Bounty makes a good one that works best for me; that has made a huge difference for my fatigue, as well as Nutritech All One vitamin powder. I think I absorb it better because of it being powder rather than pills.

My gripe is people who know you are sick and gripe at you anyway. My family knows I have an abdominal abcess as well as an anal flare, fistula and all, and they keep bit***** about household stuff that needs getting done. Do it yourself!
My vent today is that I'm a worrywart. I just can't stop worrying about things. Lately I've been worried about going to the gym. Stuff keeps breaking in there (light fixtures, weight machines, etc) and it seems to take the maintenance people forever to fix it. The gym is in the basement of my workplace and I'm one of the very few people who actually uses it, and I seem to be the only person who uses the weight machines. 99.9% of the time, I'm completely alone when I'm in the gym and I'm usually alone in the entire basement (there's storage and stuff but no offices or anything like that in the basement). And while that is nice to have the gym and machines to myself, it's also scary in a way. If the power goes out in the building for any reason, the gym door will lock automatically. It's an electronic lock with no manual override so if the power were to go out while I was in the gym, I'd be stuck there, in the dark, until the power came back on. That's a scary thought! There's no phone in the gym and I don't get cell reception in there either, so no calling for help. Another worry is what if I hurt myself or pass out or something while I'm in the gym - I'd either have to crawl to safety or wait for someone to notice me - again, no ability to phone for help. That's a tremendously frightening thought too. It's almost enough to deter me from exercising, although I know my body needs it and I feel good when exercising. How do I put these fears aside? I'm naturally a worrywart and I just can't get these thoughts out of my head lately.
SarahAnne, I really hope your son improves quickly. I am always afraid to pass gas unless I'm on the toilet for that very reason.

My vent today is I went for a consult and now I have to do ANOTHER colonoscopy and an endoscopy. I just had a colonoscopy in July:ymad:
If the power goes out in the building for any reason, the gym door will lock automatically. It's an electronic lock with no manual override so if the power were to go out while I was in the gym, I'd be stuck there, in the dark, until the power came back on. That's a scary thought! There's no phone in the gym and I don't get cell reception in there either, so no calling for help. Another worry is what if I hurt myself or pass out or something while I'm in the gym - I'd either have to crawl to safety or wait for someone to notice me - again, no ability to phone for help.

Cat - this is something that is most probably against the Wisconson Public Safety Code - which references the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) - Access controlled
Egress Doors. Where permitted in Chapters 11 through 42 (39 addresses Business occupancies, 42 is Storage).....doors in the means of egress shall be permitted to be equipped with an approved entrance and egress access control system, provided that the following criteria are met.

(a) - a sensor shall be provided on the egress side and arranged to detect an occupant approaching the doors, and the doors shall be arranged to unlock in the direction of egress upon detection of an approaching occupant
or loss of power to the sensor.

(b) - loss of power to the part of the acdcess control system that locks the doors shall automatically unlock the doors in the direction of egress.

(c) the doors shall be arranged to unlock in the direction of egress from a manual release device located 40 inches to 48 inches vertically above the floor and within 5 feet of the secured doors. The manual release device shall be readily accessible and clearly identified by a sign.......

(d) activation of the building fire-protective signalling system shall automatically unlock the doors in the direction of egress.......

(e) activation of the building automatic sprinkler or fire detection system....shall automatically unlock the doors in the direction of egress....

So you see - those doors should NOT lock when there is a loss of fact, that is a violation of the law.....

What I would do is make sure that building management is aware of this - and if they are not willing to address it, let me know and I will have a 'friend' look into it...yup...I know people in the Wis. Fire Service.....hehehe :ybatty:

Hope this makes you feel a little better - knowing there is something that can and should be done to fix the problem.....oh - and I have all the reference books right here at my desk - it is what I do for a living~ :eek2:
my mini-vent for the BP was high Monday - although it may have had something to do with getting the solumedrol first then having it taken - 186/100 I think it was...dropped down to about 138/80 or so by the end of my infusion.....BUT - it was about 158/90 wonder I was feeling kind of weird.....

That and I got my B12 shot, in my right arm - which hurts - AND I got a flu shot in my left which is a bit sore too!!!!!
@Cat-This info comes from David my hubby, who is a Senior Electrician and Elevator Inspector for the Los Angeles Unified School District, gotta give credit where credit is due-All public buildings are required to have an emergency backup generator-so even if the main power went out, the emergency generator would kick on in a matter of seconds. This would include the power to the automatic doors.
my mini-vent for the BP was high Monday - although it may have had something to do with getting the solumedrol first then having it taken - 186/100 I think it was...dropped down to about 138/80 or so by the end of my infusion.....BUT - it was about 158/90 wonder I was feeling kind of weird.....

That and I got my B12 shot, in my right arm - which hurts - AND I got a flu shot in my left which is a bit sore too!!!!!

My BP is usually in the normal to low normal range, but when I was in the hospital after my surgery it got crazy high for one point the nurse woke me up to take my vitals at 4:30am and it was 205/110! I made her retake it and it was 195/100. It wasn't quite that high every time, but it got to the point that they were asking me if I was on any blood pressure meds at home, etc. I told them I had never had problems w/high blood pressure before. I wasn't really in any severe pain or anything, I could not figure it out.

The hilarious thing is since I've been home, I've been running a steady 107/80, even after yelling at my kids. I guess it's just being in the hospital that makes my blood pressure rise. :rof:
Thanks Paso! I will mention it to the facility manager the next time I see him. Glad to know I'm not just worrying about nothing and that it's something that should be corrected.

Jeannette, that's also good to know, and I'm pretty sure we do have a generator here. I'll check on that too when I talk to the facility manager.

I have another mini-vent or just a weird thing to mention about the gym. I went there on my lunch break today, and someone apparently has been eating donuts or cake in the gym! I'm not kidding, all over the floor were sprinkles, like the sprinkles you'd get on a donut. Who on earth goes to the gym and eats a donut??? Isn't that the opposite of what you're supposed to do in the gym - I thought you were supposed to work off calories instead of eat lots of calories - and whoever the donut-eater is didn't bother to clean up after themselves. I swear, if the gym gets bugs or mice or something because someone's eating and leaving food scraps in the gym, I am going to bite the bullet and join a real gym outside of my workplace. Ridiculous!!
One time when I was using GTN ointment for my fissures (last Spring this was), I accidentally crapped myself.

I was like 'la la la, do a little fart' and WHOOPS.

It completely takes away your ability to distinguish between gas and solids. Thankfully I was at home but if I was out I think I would've just burst into tears and run away!
My vent today is that I have developed a cold. I have a sore throat and am very congested. This is the 3rd cold since July. I hate being immunosuppressed.

Oh, and I scheduled my colonoscopy and upper endoscopy today. Yay? I get to have tubes stuck in both ends on Nov. 30.
SarahAnn, so sorry hun! Totally sucks!
Mountaingem: hand them a rag and some windex and tell them to get busy!

My mini vent: my darned feet are swollen and I can't even fit into my "fat" shoes. (go ahead, you can snicker. My feet look like Fred Flinstones)
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SarahAnn, so sorry hun! Totally sucks!
Mountaingem: had them a rag and some winded and tell them to get busy!

My mini vent: my darned feet are swollen and I can't even fit into my "fat" shoes. (go ahead, you can snicker. My feet look like Fred Flinstones)

:lol: yabba dabba doo! Well if your brakes fail on your car use your feet! :lol2:

What are they swollen from?
That must hurt like hell. I was a hair dresser for a few years way back, omg my feet! I was glad to sit.

You are putting your feet up at night arent you?
Mini Vent:

I got my hair done last night. The color is too dark and my bangs are way, way too short (I can't even pin them back). And, of course, I have two parties this weekend and a big work function for my husband's job next Friday.

After all that $ spent, you shouldn't go home thinking I can't wait until the color washes out and my hair grows back in. Ugh.
Hey Jill, as a former hairdresser, I am cautious before going to parties. I always go at least 2 weeks prior but I also colour my own hair shhhhhhhhhh, don't tell any one :shifty-t: LOL. But as a real blond they tend to cut too short and I always say dont cut the bangs too short. My hairdresser knows that.

Sorry that happened, we have an xmas party dec 17th so I will be going in a couple of weeks.
Jill, I think the salon should fix the color if it isn't what you asked for. When my color would be too dark I would wash in Head and Shoulders shampoo, it makes the color come out fast. Just have a good moisturizing conditioner too because it's really drying; I like Aussie 3 minute Miracle treatment afterwards. Hope this helps :)
Pen - You are right, I shouldn't have done my hair the same week as these parties. Live and learn, I guess. And as far as the bangs, I have been going to the same girl for over 2 years; she always does my bangs the same. I think the problem was she was so caught up in the story she was telling me, she got carried away. But I don't think she'll make that mistake again; she knows I wasn't happy.

Mountaingem - I get my hair done by a lady (she used to work in my office) in her home, so I feel bad complaining and making her redo it. I was thinking about doing several washes, but my hair dries out very easily. But I do have Aussie 3 minute miracle in stock - I love that stuff!
Jill, I don't know if they still sell it, but about 20 years ago when I worked at CVS, they sold shampoos that had a color wash in them. It would last for about a week. You could see if you can find a shampoo with a lightening color wash.
Aaaarrrrgghhh! I have had a horrible day at work. We've just had a new delivery system start this week which has made everything so stressful, and seeing as it's medication we deal with it's not like we can leave things to be delivered the next day. So because of this I finished an hour late and when I was walking home it was tipping it down. This wasnt so bad cos I was listening to music but aboot 10 mins from my house some ******* thought it would be funny to speed up and drive through a MASSIVE puddle of muddy water, COMPLETELY soaking me. He totally did it on purpose cos he had loads of space to avoid the puddle. I spent the rest of the walk home crying. :( I hope karma comes and bites him in the arse.....hard.
@Linda - I was thinking about putting a temp color on top, but my mom said she tried that once and had horrible results. Granted, when she did this, it was probably 30 years ago! So, I am sure color technology has improved since then.

@Siobhan - What a jerk!!! Oh, Karma will get that sucker!
don't put temp color over freshly done perm color, you'll damage your hair. A lighter colored temp color, wash-in color, or non-peroxide color, won't do anything except deposit more pigment onto your hair. You need a bleaching product in the color solution in order to go lighter whether on natural or dyed hair. You can buy hair color remover which is usually right near the bleach and blonde hair color. There should be instructions in there for using just the powder with water to lighten your color. Don't add the peroxide to it because it will work too strongly. Places like Sally Beauty Supply sell something similar, that should just be the packet of powder. You can basically wash and then rinse and it will lighten at least a little.
I'm so upset with my boyfriend. Him and his family are bringing so much more stress to my life than I need. First off, his 17 year old sister lived here (alberta) for a bit. She left manitoba, and left her boyfriend. About a month or so later, she had to go back for some reason. Apparently while she was here, she had two seizures after doing mushrooms. I can't confirm this, not sure anyone can. But thats what she says. Anyways, she goes back to manitoba and calls saying she had another seizure and her dr says she can't go back to alberta until he knows what it is. She calls my bf sayng her dr thinks its brain cancer. I asked what tests she's had done. None. I knwo for fact that no dr will even mention the word cancer without AT LEAST doing some tests first. His famil is so stupid that they believe her and now theyre all worried. I know that she is just using this as an excuse to stay with her ****** boyfriend out there. No one even saw these alleged seizures. I did some research on brain cancer. She has no other symptoms. I find this really offensive, because I'm dealing with a legitimate tumor and may very well have cancer. But does my boyfriend care? Nope. He spends LITERALLY at least 10 hours a day after work playing video games and ignoring me. Sometimes he will go visit his family, who unfortuantely live very close to us. I don't have enough money to put gas in my car to go visit my family (who just found out that my maternal aunt has a tumor in her lung, and my paternal aunt has an inoperable brain tumor and has a year to live, plus everything thats been going on with my health.) I am SO mad. His family is very rude to me, and I don't like going over there. So I'm stuck at home every single day (besides drs appointments) in pain, nauseous, miserable..
Then, last night, I asked him to get me a glass of water (after being in the er for a few hours cuz of chest pain) And he wouldnt get his fat ass off the computer to get me one. I lost it. I told him I was sick of him playing video games, and jokingly called him lazy. He then says "I'M LAZY?! LOOK AT YOU! YOU DO NOTHING ALL DAY!" I got so upset I instanly started crying and I didn't even have the energy to yell at him. All I could do was go lay on the couch. He left this morning while I was still sleeping as hasn't been home since. I can't even look at him right now. What he said really hurt me as I'm constantly worried that people think I'm just milking this and I like laying on the couch doing nothing all day. He's usually really nice and supportive. And it's not like he's supporting me financially. I get enough money from disability to pay my rent and bills, plus a little extra for food, gas, smokes and stuff. I'm really not changing his life in any way. So I can't believe he said all that to me. Especially when his sister is being a hypochondriac, and a bitch for putting her family through this.
Prep day sucks. I only have to drink a litre this time but I feel horrible. I feel kinda feverish, so nauseous (it's so hard not to throw up from the disgusting taste), bloated and I'm so tired I just want to sleep, but I have another 3-4 hours to sit on the porcelain throne yet. It's also my little cousins birthday so some family might be coming round in a while, but I won't get to see them..
Minivent of the day goes back a few weeks. I'm kicking myself in the ass for not figuring out why my Alk Phos was high when I was in the ER. Getting an Isoenzyme test done finally. Today I realized it was time to stop being afraid and start figuring it out. Tick tock... deductible resets soon. I have this knawing pain/tickle at the bottom of my ribcage, more towards the back than front. Not sure what it is, but I don't think it's related to my lungs/smoking since breathing in/out or style doesn't effect it. Still having acid issues, still having green stools. UGH! Really... is this something I'm going to have to deal with? WTF could it be now?! I had just found my tranquil feeling and decided I had to be in remission. And now? Now I fight the black hole that will engulf me until I get the results.
My mini-vent of the day is that I keep getting bloody noses. I know that it is winter, and with the heat turned on I'm more likely to get them, but I've had 4 bloody noses in the past 3 days. Every time I sneeze, I get a bloody nose, and they are taking longer and longer to stop bleeding.
@Linda-call your doctor. It can be a sign of other illness. If it's not then he can cauterize the inside of your nose so it won't keep bleeding; my Mom has this done every so often.
What the f*ck is it about dogs at the moment. On sunday Jack and Jessie, were attacked by 2 Rottweilers, no injuries to dogs or humans but it was a close thing and Paul (hubby, human) fell over, I notice I've got a nice bruise on my shin.
Then this morning Molly the St Bernard I pass every morning got out. The gate they have is pretty substantial however I, and some other dog walkers are concerned she'll get through or over it as it moves a lot when she bashes into it. Apparently daughter left the gate open. Well duh.
That's the 4th significant dog attack on either me or Jessie in the past 9 months.
Oh and when Paul went round this afternoon to talk to Molly's owner, she was initially apologetic and said she'd shut Molly in an internal compound "like she did today". However when Paul pointed out when he walked by a little later, when the owner had apparently gone to work, Molly and Spot were out in the main yard. She then started to be aggressive and tried to insinuate it was our fault and she's had a crap day, and she's a single mother, and daughter is playing up at school. Like all that is our fault.

One day I'm going to break. My temper is going to break and I'm going to attack back. Either dog or human or both. But then it'll be me in trouble with the law probably. Unless they cant be bothered to investigate properly and prosecute like back in march when the staffordshire bull terrier smashed my foot.
my mini vent is my BP is still running high - broke down and called the doc a little while ago and have an appointment with my GP's office next Wednesday morning.....

I fel somewhat normal - although right now my face is flushed (boss even noticed and commented on it).....and my right shoulder has been aching (AGAIN!).....probably from tossing hay bales around.....
I can't sleep, because I'm in too much pain. I need to be up in 3.5 hours to do a special maintenance action at work. I can only do so much for the pain, otherwise I won't wake up at 4am.
Am sitting the local emergency room with my husband- he is the pt- went to bed and started to have what I can only describe as full body twitches....not really convulsions (or I would have called an ambulance instead of driving him)....

He too a generic Ambien about 1030 and this started a little after 11.
I feel like all I do is complain sometimes. This week is running me ragged. I had an appointment with my GP on Monday morning, had to get my mom to come out and watch my sick kids. The kids went back to school on Tuesday, I had to be at the infusion lab at 8:30 am for my Remicade. The benadryl wiped me out way more than it usually does, so much so that I couldn't do anything when I got home. I felt so fatigued I could barely walk. This morning my son had a follow up appointment at 8:45 am. I was so stressed about being late because I hit every red light on the way there. We didn't get seen until 9:40 am! I was trying not to be impatient and frustrated in front of my son, but it was almost too much. I hate that he has had to miss so much school too. He's going to spend his entire Thanksgiving break doing make-up work. That really sucks.

I am so ready to have an uneventful day.
Im usually not one yo complain about my disease. I have it I accept it time to move on. A couple of weeks though my parents took my son and finance and I to Walt disney world. It was a trip of a lifetime and I took every precaution to not get sick. Well it didn't matter. By mid trip I was stuck yo a bench next to the bathroom while the rest of my family went and has fun. Splash mountain also isn't nearly as fun with gut pain and the sorry your about to crap yourself and meeting woody and jessi sick was just upsetting. Im glad my son and finance(both was their first trip) had fun though and o treasure the memory of them so excited to ride every ride.

The week after we get back and of coarse right before I see my fine no sign of blood and trips to the bathroom are down to once a day if that. REALLY this couldn't have happens while on vacation??? Im sad
My mini vent,
Normally my husband is very patient and considerate but I think he may be having a mid life crisis or something. He came home from work tonight and moaned because his tea wasnt ready, then he moaned because I havent washed a particular shirt(he didnt ask me to) then I havent done the housework.
I have been rollling around the floor in agony with cramps and horrendous backache, cant eat anything casue it hurts too much, when I am not rolling around on the floor in agony I am sat on the bloody loo, I have been looking after our youngest son as he has been off sick with a really bad cold/cough which I will probably get cause of the infixi infusions, our nearly 13 year old son is having hissy fits every 2 mins because of his hormones, I had cooked his sodding tea it was in the grill keeping warm because he was an hour and a half late home from work and didnt tell me.
Vent over, roll on tomorrow!!
My vent today is that I'm feeling good. Actually very good, but I'm terrified. That any moment it will all turn around and I'll be miserable. Why can't I just feel good about feeling good?
Linda, I can SO relate to that! I'm in remission now, but back before remission, I could never fully trust a good day. Like I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop and I figured I'd be feeling extra-bad the next day to make up for having a good day. Oh well, at least we don't take the good days for granted, right? We know full well that a bad day or a full-on flare might be lurking just around the corner so those good days get recognized and appreciated if nothing else!

My mini-vent is, I'm cold! It's getting colder here, we've had snow a few times, and it's really windy to the point of being bitterly cold today. Brrrr! I am so not looking forward to winter! It doesn't help that there's a new person at work, a lady who just moved here from New Mexico, and she'd never even seen snow until it snowed here last week. And she's soooo excited to go sledding, skiing, etc and she's soooo looking forward to more snow. Her enthusiasm is really annoying! I know she'll be sick of winter after like 5 minutes. I'm already sick of it and it's still technically autumn!
Cat, I relate on the cold. It is finally really winter here. We're supposed to get snow/slush this weekend. I don't generally mind winter, but I just hope it isn't like last year, with all the snow.

And of course I shouldn't have trusted feeling good. Now I'm feeling like crap (pun intended).
Tuesday morning Sandy had a seizure. It is her 3rd one in the last year. We are trying to figure out what to do at this point. She had a infection in her foot a few weeks ago, but that infection is gone. I am wondering if it could be meds, or just a result of her old stroke. We both are getting so tired of this!
I'm getting a cold on the weekend I dedicated to filling out job applications grrr I'm on Remicade I hope it's not going to make a difference. If I wake up feeling lousy tomorrow I'm gna be well annoyed :(
Remember how a few days ago I was feeling good and couldn't enjoy it, and about 2 hours after I posted that I was already feeling crappy? Well, my mini-vent is that my butt-pee has returned. I was so glad to be rid of it, but now it is back. And the worst thing is that it is just a mini-vent, because I'm so used to it now!
My mini vent for the day is that I was due to have my 2nd Infliximab infusion today but cant because I now have athe worst cold I have ever had and also the begining of what feels like bronchitis as well.
Well thats just bloody fab!
My mini-vent is complicated. I was feeling great three weeks ago. Found my tranquility and everything... that feeling that everyone looks for in life. Lasted almost a week. Then I lost it.

One thing led to another. Stress affects my health the most. More than being in a room filled with sick kids! I hate it. So, now Thanksgiving is coming up. And my birthday. And our cruise. And then a weekend out of town. UGH!

And my boyfriend is finally picking up on how much it affects me. I mean, I tell him. But I try not to let on how sensitive I am to it. I just don't want him walking on eggshells around me b/c he doesn't want to stress me out. Ya know? Well, he mentioned seeing a therapist to help me learn more ways to deal with stress.

Which caused more stress... lol.
i miss salad, and fresh apples. i had an MRI today and it sucked. i am worried that my current flare and new fistulas will make it too hard for me to do my job as a starbucks store manager. i can't find my annie lennox christmas cd, and my cat won't stop meowing even though he has food, water, a clean box, and has received love and petting. also my husband hasn't taken out the trash he said he would take out on saturday and i kind of want to punch him.
:crabby1:I wish people would just leave me alone sometimes... I find going to the GI stressful, it seems something new and worse is always happening, and then when I come home everyone inundates me with questions. I can't process it all yet, I just need a minute. I don't want to talk, I don't want company, I just need to be by myself for awhile, please!
@hangingon - I thanked your post because of the last sentence. Right there with ya. I'll even put ours by the door, and sometimes he doesn't take it. Thank you for the laugh.
Jeannette, I completely understand where you are coming from. I hope you got a bit of peace and quiet.
My mini vent for today is this.

Due to some stupid, ignorant and bloody useless parent there is now an impetigo outbreak at my youngest sons school.

My little lad has been through so much recently, Asthma dx after being told for years it wasnt, excema that just wont go away no matter what we do, psoriasis that is now infected because the doc wouldnt refer us to the dermatology department to get it looked at. He has now got bloody impetigo in his nose and it is so sore he sobs when I have to put the ointment in. He is also on his 6th lot of penicillin/anti-biotics since August this year. I am afraid that if one day, god hope it doesnt happen, he gets really poorly the medicine they give him wont work.

Or even worse and he follows after me and the meds stop working after a while or become allergic/reactive to them.
Ugh! I hate it when people come to work or send their children to school when they are sick. Stay home!
I hate that too! I don't have kids, but my husband currently has 2 part time jobs, and both involve working with children (he teaches after school art classes and works at a portrait photography place). We both just got over being sick (I had bronchitis, hubby was really sick too but he didn't go to the doctor) and now he's starting to get a cold, again, and I'm starting to feel like I've caught it too. I'm sure he caught it from one of the many kids he sees at his jobs. The bronchitis had started off as a cold so I really hope this one just stays as a cold and doesn't turn into bronchitis, again. Yuck! I have a feeling this is going to be a rough winter.

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